GM MattMorris Doom of Cassomir (Inactive)

Game Master ChesterCopperpot

Slides and Maps

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Feel free to ask questions here.

When you get a chance, please fill in your character's information on the Slides and copy a token in to use on our maps.

Verdant Wheel


Grand Archive

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M Human (reflection) thaumaturge

Access is denied for the slides.

"This will not stand! Do you think to deny the dragon?!"

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Pyrexius, The Golden Dragon wrote:
Access is denied for the slides.

Someday I'll set up a table and get the access on everything right. Someday!

Grand Archive

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge

Heh. Typing in my info and had a typo on my name: Pysexius.

"Yes, that is correct! That is The Golden Dragon's new name!"

Verdant Wheel

Matt, so's you know I've got the That's Odd investigator feat.

Archives of Nethys said wrote:

GMs should provide a character with the That’s Odd investigator feat a hint whenever the character enters a room with hidden aspects, specifically with regard to hidden passageways (such as scuff marks near a bookcase that’s actually a swinging door), creatures or hazards (such as drippage on the floor from an unseen fungus growing on the rafters), or valuables (such as bunched carpet over a secret compartment in the floor that contains a bag of coins). The GM does not need to provide clues for rooms that have no significant secret or hidden features. These clues should indicate only that the character should investigate a given section of the room, not let them automatically uncover the hidden element or provide any additional information beyond signaling its presence.

Verdant Wheel

male gnome investigator 1

Now with more actually registered PFS character action!

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Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Got it. Hints will be forthcoming!

Is everyone okay if we start on Wednesday?

Verdant Wheel

male gnome investigator 1

Works for me!

And oh yeah, how do you want to handle Recall Knowledge, Stealth, and other secret checks? Do we roll them in a spoiler or what?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

I've tried a couple different ways.

When there's a point that all (or many) of you would be rolling a check, like the beginning of the scenario, or if you all decided to stealth or gather information, I'll roll those behind a spoiler.

If you want to individually attempt a secret check, just roll it behind a spoiler. I'll give you the info from it. This moves things along.

Does anyone have Dubious Knowledge or something similar?


Nothing like that on my character.

How strictly will this pbp adhere to posting order? Only post in order/initiative? Post out of order for combat Reaction actions? For out of combat non-action descriptive reactions? If replying to a post directly addressed to your character?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

We will be fairly loose with posting order.

In combat, I'll use a block initiative, so you can go any time your block is up. If someone later in your block casts a buff, I'll apply it to your attack retroactively.

For reactions, it's helpful to me if you put them up in the spoiler during your turn, in case they come up, but if you miss one you can jump in with it when you get a chance. You can also tell me if you want to use the reaction the first time it comes up or if you'd rather only use it in some circumstances.

In non-combat situations, you can post when you are available. If you are directly responding to something that was said earlier, just indicate that.

Does that make sense? Any tips or things that have worked well for you folks in PBP?


Got it!

If I post too much and anyone wants me to slow down, just let me know; whether you want me to hold up in general, or in a specific instance where you want to reserve making the next post.

I've done forum RP before, but never play by post for a D&D/Pathfinder game, so I don't have any tips or preferences and I'm very open to being told if I'm not doing something quite right :)

Male Newspaper editor, freelance game designer

A couple of useful links:
DH's Guide to Play By Post gaming has some of the real basics, including how to denote speech, thoughts, etc. Obviously we don't have to use these conventions, but I'd say they're pretty standard on PBPs here.

And the super useful Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post Play, some of which won't apply, but which I always recommend anyway!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Jenny's going to sit this one out, so we will start in earnest tomorrow. (8/12).

Great character interactions so far. This is going to be fun!

Silver Crusade Contributor

That should probably work for me... hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the action. >_>

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

When y'all get a chance, could you either list your trained skills and modifiers in your profiles, or just copy them into this discussion thread? Either is fine for me! (It will help some things go a bit more quickly.)

Grand Archive

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge

They're all in my profile (with macros!) under the Skills spoiler, but also including JUST the trained ones here.

[ dice=Acrobatics (trained)]1d20+7[/dice]
[ dice=Athletics (trained)]1d20+4[/dice]
[ dice=Deception (untrained)]1d20+6[/dice]
[ dice=Diplomacy (trained)]1d20+6[/dice]
[ dice=Intimidation (untrained)]1d20+6[/dice]
[ dice=Lore (Apsu) (trained)]1d20+3[/dice]
[ dice=Lore (Scouting) (trained)]1d20+3[/dice]
[ dice=Society (untrained)]1d20+0[/dice]
[ dice=Survival (trained)]1d20+3[/dice]

Silver Crusade Contributor

Sure sure! ^_^

Perception +5 (expert)
Deception +7 (plus Charming Liar)
Occultism +4
Performance +7
Acrobatics +6
Diplomacy +7
Intimidation +7
Stealth +6
Thievery +6
Undead Lore +4
Library Lore +4


Mirza's skills

Athletics +6 (t)
Deception +4 (t) (Experienced Smuggler)
Lore: Underworld +3 (t)
Religion +5 (t)
Society +3 (t)
Stealth +5 (t)

I'll get my character sheet added into my profile.

Verdant Wheel

male gnome investigator 1


Dang autocorrect!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Doryg Luciavaragapal wrote:



Dang autocorrect!

I feel this post gains so much in the absence of context.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Isabelle Is Constitutionally Incapable Of Playing A Nongood Character, exhibit 535631.

quietly adds a "good" to Ink's alignment

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Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Hey y'all! Hope you are enjoying the investigation so far.

If I put something behind a spoiler with a listed Skill DC, you should roll your own check and look at the spoiler if you exceed the DC.

If you preview your post, you can even include the information in your response.

Silver Crusade Contributor


Ink doesn't know anything about Groetus besides the basic imagery and the barest general idea of the faith. But she apparently knows how to lie to people.

Grand Archive

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge

FYI, I'll be out of town, and probably not posting Tuesday-Saturday (I will have my cellphone, so I might check occasionally, but I find it far too cumbersome to do a full post on mobile).

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Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Happy Labor Day, y'all!

Very busy getting ready for the start of school tomorrow. I'll move into the infiltration of the temple tomorrow.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Okay, sounds like a plan. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Swamped at work! Tomorrow! (Sorry, sorry! Darn youths!)

Silver Crusade Contributor

No worries! I know how the first week of the autumn semester is. (My mother works IT at a local university. Most stressful week of the year.)

Verdant Wheel

male gnome investigator 1

Do I have any conditions from what I'm assuming was a failed Will save in the church?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Nope. That save applied a condition that only mattered in the church--and only if you didn't talk your way through.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male gnome investigator 1

I love Ink's poetry!

Silver Crusade Contributor


Grand Archive

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge

Thanks for running, Matt, and everyone else for playing! It was fun to see what Pyrexius ended up like.

Horizon Hunters
Lore (Apsu) (trained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Yeah, I don't know how that earns money; I don't think I picked my school though, so we'll assume I actually used a lore that that gives me.


Thanks Matt!

# 40514-2004
Horizon Hunters
Lore (Underworld): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Silver Crusade Contributor

Thank you, everyone, for the awesome game! ^_^

# 105748 - 2001
Envoy's Alliance
Day Job - Performance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Verdant Wheel

male gnome investigator 1

Thanks folks! Hopefully I can play with y'all again when I'm not so scatterbrained

Verdant Wheel
Lore (Warfare): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Thanks again for a fun game, everyone!

Here are your chronicle sheets. The game has been reported!

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