TOZ's Echoes of the Everwar High Tier (Inactive)

Game Master TriOmegaZero

, Maps, and Handouts

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Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

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Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Six weeks ago, you were roused from your quarters in the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge in Osirion and ordered to travel far to the north into the decidedly unfriendly Hold of Belkzen.

Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir gave you two missions: first, to uncover the whereabouts of a Pathfinder delver named Heralt who was last seen working out of a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill, and second, to investigate claims in a long-ago published volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles that a lost tomb rests beneath the fort’s timber tower—a tomb that holds the body of Akila, a legendary Osirian sorceress and her magic ring that was said to have brought death to Skull Hill the day Akila was laid to rest.

After weeks aboard a smelly Katapeshi galley crossing the Inner Sea, winding up the Sellen River, bravely traversing stormy Lake Encarthan, slipping up The Path, and finally docking in Vigil, you and your companions then crossed the Belkzen frontier into a region the orcs call the Skittering Mounds, carefully avoiding orcish patrols. Now you stand atop a ridge overlooking a low river valley and stare down at the fort called Skull Hill.

A Knowledge History check might recall some useful information and you could certainly ask around about your objectives with Gather Information along the way. You've had weeks to get to know each other as well, so feel free to introduce your characters to each other.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

K. History: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22

Jeez, these rolls are loving me

Harbinger is a tall imposing man who is clad head to toe in what looks like immaculate ancient full plate, from what little of his face you can see you can tell he has pale skin and blue eyes. for what little he speaks his voice is gruff and strangely high pitched for his figure.

On the boat ride over he rarely speaks and when he does its just musings along the lines of wondering why the Decimvarate decided to book a months-long boat ride for a group of agents of whom's caliber may well be able to teleport over. He spends most of his time in his books or polishing his armor and tending to his things.

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

A young Taldon man in blue and white robes bows to the gathered team. He has an impressively large hornbow* not often seen in the hall of the Grand Lodge. "I am Bo. We have the two goals in dangerous lands. This sounds challenging. However, 'The Path' often leads us through difficulty to reveal our strength or temper our weakness."

*=Although the Orc Hornbow is not normally legal for Society play, it was found on a chronicle sheet. It was available to be purchased and the chronicle sheet also came with special rules to gain proficiency with this weapon for 2 PP.

Modified Zen Archer. Point Blank Master allows me to fire without provoking, so I can be mixed up in the melee.

I am also fairly reliant on the Snake Style feat. While using the Snake Style feat, when an opponent targets you with a melee or ranged attack, you can spend an immediate action to make a Sense Motive check. You can use the result as your AC or touch AC against that attack. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Snake style is a choice. I can use it as an immediate action, but I don't have to. In most cases, I would use it in response to being hit the first time in a round. It's not perfect, but more often than not, it gives me a better AC.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

In response to being targeted, rather than hit, right?

Narayan approaches the group with his teeth bared in a grin that's... unsettling, but entirely heartfelt.

His jaw juts out over a very short neck, which with his broad shoulders gives him a somewhat squat appearance even though he stands comfortably over 6' tall. His clothing is simple and roughspun, but he has an small cache of various magical implements hung at his belt.

"Greetingss friends, I am Narayan Ssingh. May our mission be a joyouss one, for a chancce to ssave a fellow agent musst always be ssnatched up where posssible."

Sovereign Court

F CG Kitsune Wizard 7, Rogue 1, Trickster 3 | HP 58/58 | AC *20 T 15 FF *15 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +16, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +27, Low Light Vision, *Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 ft | Spells: 1st 4/6 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4th 3/4 5th 1/3 | Reservoir 5/9 | Active conditions: Darkvision, Overland Flight, Shield

"Oh, you're absolutely right about that!" a young woman answers, pushing up her spectacles absentmindedly as she looks down over the fort. "Though it would certainly help if we knew how to identify this Heralt, or what he was searching for here." She pauses to listen for orc war drums, then relaxes when she hears only silence.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (9) + 26 = 35

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Which objective is Trixie asking about? Edit: There are two separate Gather Information tables, apologies for not making that clear.

That would take the fun out of it though! A tiny blue dragon with orange butterfly wings perches lazily on Not-Trixie's shoulder while his voice speaks silently inside the Pathfinders' minds. Just think of this as an opportunity to get to know lots of people as you ask each one if they're a secret Pathfinder scholar in need of rescue. You know, like everyone does!

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Which objective is Trixie asking about?

...uncover the whereabouts of a Pathfinder delver named Heralt who was last seen working out of a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill...

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 Narayan also has a +2 circumstance to Diplomacy checks involving the Burning Sun tribe of Orcs within Belkzen. Not sure if that would apply :-)

The Exchange

Nagaji, Naga Aspirant 10, HP 83, AC:23, FF:21, Th:12, F+13/R+9/W+14(+2mind-affecting&poison), Perc+18, Init+2

Ssseek Heralt. Ssself can do that. Find ring on corpssse in lossst tomb of Akila. Ssself can do that. Ssself goesss now to Ssskull Hill.

Hmm... What does Self remember about that area? ...
knowledge nature: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
knowledge geography: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Anything to know about the area, climate, local wildlife, etc...

During the trip you would easily learn that Selter is quite and watchful. Often he has difficulty understanding the motivations and actions of the mammals he traveling with. He is ridiculously protective of his large stegosaurus named Sithiss. Immediately healing the most minor of bumps and scrapes.
If there were any combats on the way, you would have learned that he tends to cast a lot of buff spells on himself and Sithiss using improved spell sharing. Sithiss' high AC (especially after buffs) make her an excellent 'wall' for spell casters and archers to hide behind. After some buffs, he has no problem wading into melee himself. Either in his own form or that of some seemingly appropriate (in his mind) animal. He particularly enjoys taking the form of a Naga even though it isn't particularly effective in combat. Often he travels in that form if high speed is not required.

Companion Narayan Sssingh, Ssself isss impresssed with Sssingh'ss eassse of working with thessse mammalsss. Ssstill an effort for Ssself. Great name by the way. I was thinking about making an alchemist poisoner with that name, but never got around to it.

Not-Trixie, if opportunity presssentsss when ssscufflesss are ssstarting, pleassse ussse thisss on me if have change form of Ssself. Hands Not-Trixie a wand of mage armor. Anyone else that can use a hit is also welcome.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

You recall that Akila was the mistress of Skull Hill during the Everwar and used the fort to build a mercenary army that she sold to whoever paid the most—she was not loyal to Cheliax and spoke often of her patron in Sothis. One day she dropped dead of seemingly nothing and as she was laid to rest, the magic ring she always wore on her left hand emitted a horrifying necromantic energy that nearly killed everyone in the fort.

You recall that Akila was the mistress of Skull Hill during the Everwar and used the fort to build a mercenary army that she sold to whoever paid the most—she was not loyal to Cheliax and spoke often of her patron in Sothis. One day she dropped dead of seemingly nothing and as she was laid to rest, the magic ring she always wore on her left hand emitted a horrifying necromantic energy that nearly killed everyone in the fort.

Heralt is a Pathfinder delver, known for his many explorations of regions that don’t look favorably on Pathfinders—regions such as the Hold of Belkzen, Druma, and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. He was last seen in Vigil, preparing to travel to the incredibly dangerous region of Belkzen called the Skittering Mounds. He was traveling to the Skittering Mounds to seek out a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill. Hewas said to be posing as an explorer from a minor noble house of Cheliax, and was there seeking a lost tomb for the Pathfinder Society. Heralt’s last report from Skull Hill was that he’d confirmed the existence of the tomb of the famed Osirian sorceress Akila, but that access to it was blocked and it was going to take some time to get inside. He promised to report again in a week and it’s been months since he was last heard from.

Heralt is a Pathfinder delver, known for his many explorations of regions that don’t look favorably on Pathfinders—regions such as the Hold of Belkzen, Druma, and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. He was last seen in Vigil, preparing to travel to the incredibly dangerous region of Belkzen called the Skittering Mounds. He was traveling to the Skittering Mounds to seek out a hidden Chelish fort called Skull Hill. Hewas said to be posing as an explorer from a minor noble house of Cheliax, and was there seeking a lost tomb for the Pathfinder Society. Heralt’s last report from Skull Hill was that he’d confirmed the existence of the tomb of the famed Osirian sorceress Akila, but that access to it was blocked and it was going to take some time to get inside. He promised to report again in a week and it’s been months since he was last heard from.

Skull Hill was a strategic Chelish fort in modern day Belkzen that the nation of Cheliax used for mercenary recruitment and weapons trading during the Everwar. It was reported destroyed when Cheliax ceded those lands to Belkzen, but Skull Hill still exists. The Chelish government has kept it secret for centuries and they use the hidden fort to keep tabs on the Belkzen orc tribes.

Trixie looks over the fort from the party's vantage on the ridge and notices a number of concerning things. Nothing moves within the palisade surrounding the fields and buildings within. Both the outer gate and the inner gate to the motte appear to have been smashed in, scorch marks plain to see on the outer walls. Several craters mar the grounds, one directly at the base of the motte's wooden tower. The only sign of life is a thin wisp of smoke rising from the tower's chimney.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

Back in the Captain's office Harbinger would have said"If I remember correctly Akila was the controller of this fort during the Everwar, she employed a private army that worked for the highest bidder without much loyalty, one day she died with no seaming cause and when she was being laid to rest her ring rang out a necrotic screech that killed everyone in the fort. So be sure to prepare for necrotic magics." then quieter to himself "What I wouldn't give to examine that ring"

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Map slides have been updated.

The Exchange

Nagaji, Naga Aspirant 10, HP 83, AC:23, FF:21, Th:12, F+13/R+9/W+14(+2mind-affecting&poison), Perc+18, Init+2

Ssshould not a mammal'sss nessst have more mammalsss visssible? Ssself thinksss all mussst prepare for sssorrowful sssituationsss.

Will cast greater magic fang on Sithiss' tail. Also Longstrider and Shield Other with the duration split between us. Currently in my natural form.

perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

Doesss any othersss sssee anything of interessst? Ssself suggessst all go around and approach from the riverssside.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Tossing up Mage Armor from wand and Barkskin from ki

"Jusst who Helter was invesstigating... I ssusspect we facce the living dead, but orcss are always posssible..."

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

Bo will Mage Armor (Wand) and Barkskin (Ki Point) before moving/approaching. He will also use a Meditation Crystal to recover the Ki Point.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

I suppose I’ll do my buff routine, all from spells per day I’ll cast heightened awareness, see invisible, perceive cues, and air walk. I’ll update the sheet for the new stats.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Oh, sorry, Heightened Awareness too

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F CG Kitsune Wizard 7, Rogue 1, Trickster 3 | HP 58/58 | AC *20 T 15 FF *15 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +16, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +27, Low Light Vision, *Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 ft | Spells: 1st 4/6 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4th 3/4 5th 1/3 | Reservoir 5/9 | Active conditions: Darkvision, Overland Flight, Shield

Not-Trixie nods and draws a few arcane symbols around herself. "...see the unseen, not scared of the dark, floor is lava, don't get hit..." she whispers under her breath as she works. "There, all set! Selter, just let me know when you need me to activate this wand for you."

Casting see invisibility, darkvision, and overland flight from spell slots, then mage armor from Not-Trixie's own wand. Stat bar has been updated.

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1
Not-Trixie wrote:
"...not scared of the dark, floor is lava..."

I love this!

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

"If we are all ready then should we began to go around the moat as Selter suggested?" Harbinger Asks as he gestures south down the western fence.

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

The quite monk merely nods in agreement.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Circling the fort, you can see that the moat stretches from 10-15 feet across, before the palisade wall rises up 10 feet as well. The wall and moat encircle the entirety of the fort, with the motte tower isolated by its own wall.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Narayan leaps the moat and tries to scale the palisade as well.

Acrobatics Take 10: 10 + 20 = 30
Climb Take 10: 10 + 10 = 20

And I forgot to roll for Day Job earlier
Intimidate (Caravan): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (8) + 21 = 29

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Narayan easily clears the moat, but finds the palisade wall a little trickier than expected. Skull Hill’s double gate lies open, one half broken off its hinges. A small watchtower sits above the gate, forming a short ten foot tunnel as one enters the bailey—scorch marks mar the gate and the tower. The drawbridge is down and appears to be in good condition.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

Harbinger having already cast the spell and not wanting to risk will use airwalk to walk a few feet off the ground across the bridge and through the gate. Keeping the fallen door as cover to half of the courtyard. He will look around the half that he can see.

perception: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Reaching the end, the bailey appears as desolate from the entry as it did from the ridge above. The dirt is scuffed by numerous footprints, many days old if not into weeks, the signs of battle clear on the grounds.

To either side are long low buildings with single doors facing the main road that runs north-south through the bailey while windows set in intervals along the southern wall. Both entrances are smashed in, allowing a small glimpse of smashed furniture and bloodsmears within. A small, two-story inn sits further along. All of the windows on the second floor are broken, their tattered curtains blowing through the openings. The windows on the first floor are intact, but it appears that someone nailed boards over the inside of those windows. The front door appears to have once been smashed off its hinges and then shoddily replaced. There are scorch marks and blood smears on the front porch of the inn. A sign swings on one broken chain in the wind—on it is an enormous human smile full of cartoonish teeth. Beneath the teeth it reads, “The Grinning Inn.”

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

Bo stalks down the main avenue, arrow knocked. He observes the destruction, silently wondering how many innocent lives were lost in the attack.

Perception: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44

Sovereign Court

F CG Kitsune Wizard 7, Rogue 1, Trickster 3 | HP 58/58 | AC *20 T 15 FF *15 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +16, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +27, Low Light Vision, *Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 ft | Spells: 1st 4/6 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4th 3/4 5th 1/3 | Reservoir 5/9 | Active conditions: Darkvision, Overland Flight, Shield

Not-Trixie and Vendalfek stay close to Selter as the Pathfinders make their way inside the ruined fort. "There could be survivors," she says softly. "Or stragglers."

Perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

As Bo Goh steps into the gatehouse tunnel, there is an audible crack beneath his feet. The entire structure collapses inward, coming down on he and Harbinger with an avalanche of broken beams!

Collapsing Wood on Bo: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
Collapsing Wood on Harbinger: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39 Well, that is the most inappropriate of rolls.
Damage on Harbinger: 10d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3) = 28

As the thunderous collapse subsides, Bo appears unscathed while Harbinger has a few bumps and bruises. More importantly, both can hear the scrape of wood on wood further inside the bailey!

Everyone please update the initiative macro in the slides and place your tokens on the map outside the collapsed gatehouse. I will then get initiative started. The red square is now difficult terrain.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

Look, I'll take it.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Character init:

Bo init: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Harbinger init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Selter init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Sithiss init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Not-Trixie init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Vendalfek init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Narayan init: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 4 = 27
Red init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Blue init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The door to the inn bursts open, revealing a pair of hulking figures, prominent tusks in brutish faces. "YOU! YOU DO THIS!" the lead figure roars, raising a wickedly sharp falchion as he steps into the light.

Initiative Round 1 wrote:

27 Not-Trixie

27 Narayan
21 Harbinger (Damage: 28)
19 Bo Goh
18 Selter
16 Sithiss
10 Vendalfek

10 Red
4 Blue

My poor NPCs. Party is up!

Sovereign Court

F CG Kitsune Wizard 7, Rogue 1, Trickster 3 | HP 58/58 | AC *20 T 15 FF *15 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +16, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +27, Low Light Vision, *Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 ft | Spells: 1st 4/6 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4th 3/4 5th 1/3 | Reservoir 5/9 | Active conditions: Darkvision, Overland Flight, Shield

"Wait!" Not-Trixie yells as she flies over the gatehouse. "We're not the ones who did this - we just got here! Don't fight! We can talk about this!"

Move and start diplomatic overtures.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

Harbinger will shift up and take a total defense action following Not-Trixies lead

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

Bo steps out of the rubble. "It is true, as she says. We would like to talk, not fight."

The Exchange

Nagaji, Naga Aspirant 10, HP 83, AC:23, FF:21, Th:12, F+13/R+9/W+14(+2mind-affecting&poison), Perc+18, Init+2

Shield Other - dur 4 hours
Longstrider - dur 4 hours

Sorry it isn't coming up in my active threads and I didn't check to see that we were getting going.

Selter and Sithiss move forward to protect Not-Trixie.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Apologies, should have updated the discussion as well. Does Narayan have any action to take?

Initiative Round 1 wrote:

27 Not-Trixie

27 Narayan
21 Harbinger (Damage: 28)
19 Bo Goh
18 Selter
16 Sithiss
10 Vendalfek
10 Red
4 Blue

Vendalfek follows Not-Trixie to the top of the guardhouse, lazily flapping his butterfly-like wings. Yeah, what she said! he chimes in with far more cheerfulness than is strictly required for hostile negotiations.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Narayan gently ambles forward with deceptive speed, tapping himself with a want to wrap himself in a shield of force. He sets himself between Boh and the orcs in a solid, broad stance.

"Thiss does not need to end in blood and death.
Follow Firehair's path, and sstay your blades."

Move, Wand, Dragon Style. AC's up to 35

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Ignoring the Pathfinder's words completely, both orcs rush forward, raising falchions at Narayan with blood-curling creams of rage.

Falchion on Narayan: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Falchion on Narayan: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Dodging easily aside, Narayan remains unscathed!

Initiative Round 2 wrote:

27 Not-Trixie

27 Narayan
21 Harbinger (Damage: 28)
19 Bo Goh
18 Selter
16 Sithiss
10 Vendalfek

10 Red
4 Blue

Thanks for letting me act guys! They don't appear willing to listen to reason.

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

gotta give em a change right!

Harbinger charges the blue orc as he changes his grip on his Falcata with a twirl holding it in both hands before bringing it down in a swing

attack (power attack): 1d20 + 17 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 17 + 2 - 2 = 30

damage: 1d8 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

Grand Lodge

HP: 82/82 | AC 30 (t: 23/ff: 26) |F:+16, R:+13, W:+20 | Init: +17 | Perception: +37| Sense Motive: +36 Ki Pool: 10/10 | Bane: 8/8 Rounds | Perfect Strike 7/7 CMB +10; CMD 32 (29 FF) | Speed: 60' | Reroll: 1/1

A shame. They did not realize The Path is more than just fighting. "You have made your choice." The monk fires three arrows in rapid succession.

Hornbow vs RED {PBS/DA/CS}: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 3) + 10 = 16

Hornbow vs RED {PBS/DA/CS}: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2) + 10 = 14

Hornbow vs RED {PBS/DA/CS}: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 6) + 10 = 20

CONFIRM: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Damage: 4d6 + 20 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 6) + 20 = 37

CONFIRM: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Damage: 4d6 + 20 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 5) + 20 = 34

If RED falls, transfer to BLUE

The Exchange

Nagaji, Naga Aspirant 10, HP 83, AC:23, FF:21, Th:12, F+13/R+9/W+14(+2mind-affecting&poison), Perc+18, Init+2

Shield Other (with Sithiss) - dur 4 hours
Long Strider - dur 4 hours
Barkskin - dur 40 min
AC: 27

Srizrethissmum! Sithiss stike them from behind! Cast barkskin split between me and Sithiss then move forward a bit.

female Animal Companion, stegosaurus, Default Command is to 'Guard Selter', AC:36, FF:31, Th:14, HP 58, F8/R11/W4(+4vsEnch), Perc +9, Init +4 (evasion)

Greater Magic Fang (tail slap) - dur 9 hours
Shield Other - dur 5 hours
Long Strider - dur 5 hours
Barkskin - dur 50 min
AC: 41

Hsss! moves to flank,and strike at red. Will generate an AoO from both.

tail slap attack: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 2 = 25, if hits, tail slap damage: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 2, 6) + 9 = 20 and trip trip CMB: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (6) + 34 = 40

I honestly don't know, do I get the flanking bonus on the trip attempt?

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

you do because of the last sentence here "When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects."

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Harbinger slashes into the orc, who grunts in pain. His screams of rage are then cut short by Bo Goh's arrows. The remaining foe swipes at Sithiss but overcorrects his swing. The dino quickly puts him on his frontside with a swipe of her tail!

AoO: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22

Initiative Round 2 wrote:

21 Harbinger (Damage: 28)

19 Bo Goh
18 Selter
16 Sithiss
15 Not-Trixie
14 Narayan
10 Vendalfek

4 Blue (Damage: 19, Prone)

Even remembering to use the high tier stats doesn’t help the poor saps..

Sovereign Court

F CG Kitsune Wizard 7, Rogue 1, Trickster 3 | HP 58/58 | AC *20 T 15 FF *15 | CMB +2, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +16, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +27, Low Light Vision, *Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 ft | Spells: 1st 4/6 2nd 5/6 3rd 3/5 4th 3/4 5th 1/3 | Reservoir 5/9 | Active conditions: Darkvision, Overland Flight, Shield

”...We didn’t have to fight...” Not-Trixie whispers as she keeps watch from the top of the guardhouse.


Silver Crusade

Male LG Nagaji Scaled Fist 12 | HP 90/90 | AC 23(27)(32)(36), T 22 (26), FF 20(24)(29)(33) | CMD 41, FFCMD 38 | F +13, R +14, W +14 Init +3/7 | Perc +2/4 | Stunning Fist Uses 13/13 | Ki Pool 13/13 |

Narayan sighs, disappointed rather than angry, and casually batters the orc into unconsciousness.

Full Attack:
This'll all be nonlethal
Mighty Punch!! : 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29
Magic Lawful Good Cold Iron Silver Bludgeoning* + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 13 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 13 + (5, 6) + (5) = 37
Elbow Smash: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 This attack is only made if the previous one hits
Nonlethal MLGCISB* + Holy: 2d8 + 10 + 2d6 ⇒ (4, 8) + 10 + (5, 1) = 28
Intimidate: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37 Shaken for 28 rounds on success

Scaly Palm Strike: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 28
MLGCISB* + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 10 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 10 + (2, 3) + (3) = 23 Shatters Defenses when he hits a shaken target, rendering them flat-footed

Wrathful Jab: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34 Medusa's Wrath attacks only happen vs. a flat-footed target, but will happen before other attacks
MLGCISB + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 9 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 7) + 9 + (1, 3) + (3) = 29
Wrathful Cross: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23 Medusa's Wrath attacks only happen vs. a flat-footed target, but will happen before other attacks
MLGCISB + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 9 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (7, 6) + 9 + (5, 3) + (2) = 32

Shuffling Hook: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
MLGCISB* + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 9 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 9 + (4, 2) + (2) = 29

Finishing Hammerblow: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
MLGCISB* + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 9 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 3) + 9 + (4, 1) + (5) = 23

Retreating Cuff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
MLGCISB* + Holy + Acid: 2d8 + 9 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 7) + 9 + (1, 5) + (2) = 26

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Narayan proceeds to bludgeon the orc unconscious, even drawing a little further blood with his shuffling hook.

Combat over!

Dark Archive

HP 113/113 | AC 30 | F +14 R +7 W +10 | Perc +24 | Stealth -4 | Battle Host Occultist 11 | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Init +11 |Low Light Vision

Seeing the threat is past harbinger will take out his wand and mention, ”I suppose I should have asked this before but does anyone know how to use this wand innately if not I can usually activate it but not always.”

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