Patrick Curtin |

That’s cool. There’s an Asia-analog culture on an island continent known as Seng. The Senginese are great seafarers and the Imperial Treasure Fleet makes a stop in Opal every season to trade. There are plenty of Senginese in Opal, if you wish to have your Kobold come from that region.

Patrick Curtin |

Some unique languages:
Sliss’Pok- the native lizard folk tongue
Ancient Xoltec- A ‘dead’ tongue, but often used in necromantic spells. Also rougher dialects spoken still among the tribes folk of the Jungle of Skulls.
Zapatec- the tongue of the Zapatec Confederation. Although Opal usually does business in Dragoran (common) , Zapatec is the tongue of all other Zapatec city states along the coast.
Theranan The Theranan Republic is a powerful maritime nation.
Senginese- The Heavenly Empire is another maritime power
Fimbul - a patois of Giantish spoken by the natives of the Great Khanate and the Sea Wolves.
Parakeet - a dialect of Dragoran, spoken among the Halfling/Hadorzee community on Patakeet Island. Has a lot of different loan words, and if you don’t know it it is hard to understand (think some of the thicker Carribean dialects)
Avveroe - the native tongue of the Eastern Islanders.

Ragadolf |

Cool, so many to choose from!
I presume that the 'usual' otherworldly/unusual languages still exist?
Aguan, Celestial, Infernal, etc?
I presume that things found written in ancient tombs are more likely to use one of the languages you mentioned above?
ALmost done with PC sheet (Finally)
and a little planning ahead.
Giving up on making him the 'usual, combat ready' investigator. Going to pick the more fun stuff up as quickly as as leveling will allow.
IF he dies young, he dies as a PC who did the most outrageous things he could!
Also working on his background, (which gives the reason why his 'Knowledge' skills will all come online his next level up) :)
I should have it all up and posted today.

Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

Will finish putting together character and get a post up tonight. Been in kind of a rage fog for a few days and coordinating for friends who are in the thick of it connecting people with resources and contacts. And posting a lot
Plus I work in Social media so kind of hard to unplug. Sorry for holding things up.

Patrick Curtin |

Will finish putting together character and get a post up tonight. Been in kind of a rage fog for a few days and coordinating for friends who are in the thick of it connecting people with resources and contacts. And posting a lot
Plus I work in Social media so kind of hard to unplug. Sorry for holding things up.
Perfectly understandable
I’ve been having a hard time focusing as well. I hope to get some things finished today.
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Some unique languages:
Sliss’Pok- the native lizard folk tongue
Ancient Xoltec- A ‘dead’ tongue, but often used in necromantic spells. Also rougher dialects spoken still among the tribes folk of the Jungle of Skulls.
Zapatec- the tongue of the Zapatec Confederation. Although Opal usually does business in Dragoran (common) , Zapatec is the tongue of all other Zapatec city states along the coast.
Theranan The Theranan Republic is a powerful maritime nation.
Senginese- The Heavenly Empire is another maritime power
Fimbul - a patois of Giantish spoken by the natives of the Great Khanate and the Sea Wolves.
Parakeet - a dialect of Dragoran, spoken among the Halfling/Hadorzee community on Patakeet Island. Has a lot of different loan words, and if you don’t know it it is hard to understand (think some of the thicker Carribean dialects)
Avveroe - the native tongue of the Eastern Islanders.
So which of these languages would be Narl's home language since I am guessing common is not the same common spoken here. I was thinking Theranan. Also is there an old ones tongue or is that Ancient Xoltec?

Patrick Curtin |

Aklo is the Old Ones tongue.
Dragoran is the typical ‘common’. It is the speech of the Age of Concord, when all the sapients on Dragora had a loose confederation.
Therana is a maritime republic loosely modeled after Venice, with an Indian flair. Although Therana itself is small , it has seeded quite a few colonies on various continents, so if that works for you, you can be Theranan.

Ragadolf |

Celestial Healer wrote:I thought it but didn't say it. :)Treppa wrote:I’m waiting to see who will be first to make a joke about rats loving cheese.I just made the post about cheese plates, went to Twitter, and the paid post at the top was about gourmet cheese.
I wanna say it! SOOO bad!
But I'm trying to play a nice, polite character.
(Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts) ;P

Nahuatl ti |

Reading through now. What would be the best entry point Patrick? I know I'm late to the party.
Still some details on route but enough to be functional right now

Treppa |

I am completely PC/player/metagaming conflicted over scene.
IC, it seems insane for a whole bunch of people to go down to the docks to gawk at a ship. Seems better to do it separately and to have someone watching all through the night to note any activity.
Playerwise, I know it's best not to split the party. That's asking for trouble. So having one person watch at a time counts - bad idea in general.
Metagaming, I'm afraid if we do split the party, people will be left out of an encounter, and that sucks rocks. Sometimes you just have to board the choo-choo.
My brain is going like a hamster on a wheel on this one.

Patrick Curtin |

Remember that these docks aren’t really ‘private’. There’ll be other ships and lots of pedestrians on the docks. Now, if you are creeping along at darkest night, that might bring attention to yourselves. But even then if you can come up with a good cover you should be OK.

Storyteller Shadow |

Super busy. Will post again likely Monday night. Jakun would NOT go scouting, he sticks out too much for it.

Ragadolf |

Meeting up at a tavern, or just heading out in pairs from Lavinia's house, we just need to take a look at the ship from a couple of different points of view, and see how many guards or what ever is on it at night. :)
Sorry if my bad accent typing and draconic lisp made Taishe unclear. ;P
He was following Narl's suggestion that a couple go as we are 'dressed nice' as if out for an evening stroll.
Others can 'gear up' and walk by at different times too.
LOL, sometimes acting it out is actually more difficult than just planning! ;)
Hmm,... does anyone know if kobolds swim? or sink?,... O_o

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Opal’s harbor has several taverns. The one closest to the dock with the Blue Nixie is called the Safe Harbor. There’s an alternate named the Stolen Crown a few blocks down
Does the “Safe Harbor” attract an eclectic mix of sailors and legal professionals?
One must ask the question when a paralegal comes up with that name.

Storyteller Shadow |

Catching up now. Seems as if I am not the only one with a busy week.
Crazy, started my new business, had my daughter this week, still working my main job, and still doing things around the new house. Turned the Master bedroom into a library/game room with 11 8' high bookshelves, priming those monsters has killed a lot of my time this week.
Hoping I have the energy to update tonight...