GM Mioki Presents: Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Mioki

Pathfinder's Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path

Come add your name to the roster fighting in the 5th Mendevian Crusade.

Language Guide

Loot Sheet


Initiative Rolls:

Benedic: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]

Caliban: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 3[/dice]

Junior: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 1[/dice]

Greta :[dice=Initiative]1d20 + 1[/dice]

Massielo: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 0[/dice]

Selann: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 8[/dice]

Tristan: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]

Anevia: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 7[/dice]

Aravashnial: [dice=Initiative]1d20 + 2[/dice]

Horgus: [dice=Initiative]1d20 - 1[/dice]

Perception Rolls:

Benedic: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 2[/dice]

Caliban: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 3[/dice]

Junior: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 0[/dice]

Greta :[dice=Perception]1d20 + 4[/dice]

Massielo: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 0[/dice]

Selann: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 4[/dice]

Tristan: [dice=Perception]1d20 + 7[/dice]

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Hello, and welcome to the ’GM Mioki Presents: Wrath of the Righteous’ Recruitment Thread.

Another player put out a request for someone to run this AP. I am accepting this request, but I would like potential players to be aware:

I am relatively new to the Pathfinder game. I have been playing on these boards for about six months. There is a lot of Pathfinder content out there that I am unfamiliar with. I own most of it, but have not read through it. I tend to learn the game as I play and will need to do some pre-game research on the Mythic Rules. Due to this, I tend to stick with the Core Rules. This is not to say all non-core is out, but my preference are to keep to the core rules. Since some rules will be new for me, I will be taking it slow for the first few weeks. I still need to fully read Book 1 and make preparations. I will be doing most of this during the Recruitment Process time. As play begins, I am very open to players bringing mistakes to my attention. Believe me, I will make mistakes with rule interpretation or have total ignorance of some rules that I will need to read up on, but I will correct it for the next time.

If you are still with me, then here are the character creation rules:

- This is a non-PFS game played here on Paizo as a PbP.
- 20 Point-Buy; no Ability Scores below ten, before Racial Adjustments
- Characters will start at 1st level with max HP and max gold
- Two traits, one trait being AP specific mentioned in the Player’s Guide for this AP
- Good Aligned Characters only! You will be fighting demons, after all.
- Characters will start with 1 Hero Point. Hero Points are awarded for timely posting and heroic deeds.
- Excellent backstory. Fluff is way more important to me than crunch
- FYI: I like to use the Critical Hit Deck on occasion
- I will be taking 6 players. One spot is designated for the requester of the game; therefore, I will have 5 spots left. Recruitment will be open until Friday, April, 24th 2020 at 8pm EST.

I think this should cover it. If you have further questions, let me know.

Good luck everyone and let the submissions commence.


A common question that arises in recruitment posts is about some rules in the Unchained book. More specifically, the Barbarian, the Monk and the Rogue receive updates to their classes (they become stronger) and the APG's summoner also (it becomes weaker).

There are some popular rules called Background skills which give every player 2 more skill points that to be used on skills which aren't that much used in the adventurer's day-to-day, such as Linguistics or Sleight of Hand. Some people like to use it to build their character's personality.

Here is my submission for a magus, I’ll be checking the stats tomorrow and adjusting back to level one!

I'll be making a void school wizard :).

Can we pick a drawback for a third trait? I'm guessing not...

This adventure path was originally written for 4 people I believe. With 6 people, you might have to do some re-balancing. Though I've heard that mythic might require some re-balancing to make things more of a challenge regardless.

Anthorg wrote:

A common question that arises in recruitment posts is about some rules in the Unchained book. More specifically, the Barbarian, the Monk and the Rogue receive updates to their classes (they become stronger) and the APG's summoner also (it becomes weaker).

There are some popular rules called Background skills which give every player 2 more skill points that to be used on skills which aren't that much used in the adventurer's day-to-day, such as Linguistics or Sleight of Hand. Some people like to use it to build their character's personality.

I have the Unchained Book, but have not read through it. Since I have a lot to go through, if you could tell me what the differences are for your particular character, I'll give you my thoughts.

Thank you for bringing up Background Skills! I knew I was forgetting something. I really like this idea to flesh out a character's story.

Yes! Each character can have 2 skill points for this purpose.

Actually I won't be using any of the unchained classes, but it's just something people ask. So consider it a heads up XD. Will post my character in a bit.

oyzar wrote:

I'll be making a void school wizard :).

Can we pick a drawback for a third trait? I'm guessing not...

This adventure path was originally written for 4 people I believe. With 6 people, you might have to do some re-balancing. Though I've heard that mythic might require some re-balancing to make things more of a challenge regardless.

If it fits a good backstory, I'll allow it. But I do not want to have a character with a drawback become a hindrance to moving the game along. PBP can be slow enough. Also, I will make sure the drawback comes into play somewhere in the game.

Also, I may accept the character into the game and ask for the drawback and third trait to be removed depending on the build.

Will definitely be rebalancing as the games progresses.

I'm interested! I've got a human cleric of Iomedae I'll put together in an alias for you.

Here is the submission of my Life Oracle. Let me know any comments or doubts.

Inspiring image of the character.

About Massielo Cirus:

Massielo is a kind looking man. Tall and beautiful, he has mysterious golden eyes which match the golden rings that pierce his ears and shine bright against dark brown skin. Having a deep soothing voice makes him naturally agreeable. Someone who looks at him more attently notices he has sad eyes. He wears simple clothes, which shows he doesn't want to appear pompous, and gives the impression of honesty. His pants are usually beige in color and usually new. His shirt is white, which he usually keeps under a simple vest when he is unarmored, or just under his armor, in order to keep it clean. When in his combat gear, a morningstar hangs from his belt and a light crossbow is tied to his back next to his backpack. He also carries a heavy steel shield on his left hand.

Massielo was born in Kenabres. Son of Zarate, an Iomedaen priestess and Titus, a retired soldier of the Third Crusade. Titus had terrible memories of the crusade and the corruption of many of its members and implanted the notion of duty in young Massielo. Zarate was the first to notice the divine heritage in the boy and set out to teach him as much about Iomedae as she could. Since his mother's teachings matched his father's strong will, Massielo found no difficulty in following this path. The connection he felt with Iomedae was so strong, he believed his differently colored skin were her doing.

His training as a cleric, however, did not go as well as his mother wished. He was not enough disciplined and strange powers began manifesting in the boy, such as learning the Celestial language without ever trying to study it. To avoid further distressing his mother, Massielo stopped his study as a cleric and joined the military forces of the Iomedaen armada. His father Titus was particularly pleased with what appeared to be a natural magnetism about Massielo which made the soldiers respect him intrinsically.

At first, it seemed that he could cut out to be a paladin, but Zarate said that he was too undisciplined to. She was right, it turned out, as Massielo was not particularly fond of following every one of his superior's orders and often brought some other soldiers along in his unruliness. As Zarate prayed to Iomedae for wisdom, Massielo was impressing others with his healing powers that came so natural to him.

It was only later that he discovered why it came so naturally to him. He suffered much from seeing injustice, and the first time he witnessed a bribe in the military forces, he immediately thought of the many who lived in hunger and looking up to the military. He could not keep quiet and immediately spoke up, which yielded him some time in the brig. After he got out, he continued speaking against the corrupt and was dishonorably expelled from the militia. Now he hopes to find some other way he can prove his worth and help those who cannot fend for themselves.

Massielo cannot see injustice, but he is not without planning and patience, so he doens't run in mindlessly to attack a bully at every opportunity. He prefers words and talks calmly. Undoubtfully his large size and impressive presence help him have things his way, yet he doesn't try to get advantage of this. He tries to make the best for the less fortunate and calls out to his mother when he succeeds. He calls out to his father when violence is about to burst. It is easy to see he has strong ties to his family and tries to do right by them, and that includes whoever he considers family.


STR 14, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 18
Medium Size
NG Oracle lvl 1 (Life mistery)
BaB 0
Init +0; Senses: Perception +4
CMB +2 (0BaB +2strength)
CMD 12 (0BaB +2strength +10)
Favored Class Oracle (+1 HP)

AC 17, touch 10 flat-footed 17 (+5 Armor +2 Shield)
HP 11 (8 (lvl 1) + 2 (1*2Con) + 1 (1*1FavClass))
Fort +2 (+0 base +2 Con)
Ref +0 (+0 base)
Will +4 (+2 base +2 Feat)

Speed 30 ft (20 ft with armor)
Melee Long sword +2 (1d8+2/19-20x2)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20x2), Range 80ft
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft

Life mystery
1 - Channel: You can channel positive energy like a cleric, using your oracle level as your effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage healed (or caused to undead) and the DC. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.

Oracle's curse: Tongues (Celestial) - Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent. You gain the selected language as a bonus language.

Trait ability:
Touch of Good (Sp): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your clericoracle level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

CL 1
Concentration (Oracle level + Cha + trait): +7

DC: 14+spell level

Spell level: Known+bonus (Slots)
Cantrips: 4 (n/a)
1: 2+1 (3+1)

Spells known
Cantrips: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1: Bless, Protection from evil + Cure Light wounds

Focused Mind: Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (whether musical, academic, or other) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate task at hand. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Touched by Divinity: You begin play with a silver holy symbol of your chosen deity for free. In addition, choose one domain associated with your chosen deity. You gain the use of that domain’s 1st-level domain spell as a spell-like ability usable once per day (CL equals your character level). - Iomedae (Good)

Lvl 1 - Selective channelling
Human - Iron Will

Skills (4 class + 1 int = 5 ranks/level):
Diplomacy +8 (1 Rank, +4 Cha, +3 Class skill)
Heal +6 (1 Rank, +3 Class skill +2 racial)
Knowledge (planes) +4 (1 Rank, +3 Class skill)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (1 Rank, +3 Class skill)
Spellcraft +4 (1 Rank, +3 Class skill)

Background skills:
Handle animal + 8 (1 Rank, +4 Cha, +3 Class skill)
Profession (soldier) +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class skill)

Languages: Common, Celestial

Silver holy symbol of Iomedae
Will buy if selected

I've been waiting to play this for forever! Will be working on a Paladin of Iomedae, unless you think that that'd be too many divine characters, at which point I'd be more than willing to play as a fighter or ranger. Whichever would be more beneficial to the group make-up.

In any event, I'll be working on ideas right away!

What do you mean "too many divine casters"? It's a crusade, isn't it?

I'm thinking of an elven ranger (or slayer if allowed) who has dedicated his life to being a demon-slayer. The worldwound seems like the ideal place for him to practise his art.

His background will be focused around the chance encounter (mythic path of trickster) or the stolen fury campaign trait (champion path), whichever will fit better with the rest of the party.

Point WELL made, Anthorg!
Paly it is. :D

Hi again! This is eriktd's submission. All of the details are in the profile, but I've copied and pasted the highlights here.

A privileged nobleman must learn humility in the wake of a terrible disaster, as everything he has always taken for granted is completely torn asunder.

Physical Description:
Benedic is tall for a human, with dark hair and a commanding gaze. Yet there is something otherworldly about him, a glow in his cheeks or his countenance that suggests that he is more than he seems.

Restless and impatient here in Kenabres, Benedic is prone to bounce between fits of activity and frustrated sighs of boredom. He usually gives people the impression that his time is too important to waste on them. He is thoughtful and insightful but lacks empathy, too distant to understand the needs of others beyond the abstract. When pursuing a Cause he is hyperfocused and tenacious, and his faith is deeply rooted.

Benedic's great-great-grandmother was Queen Galfrey's younger sister, and so as a distant part of the royal family the young man was born with a meaningless title and an oppressive set of expectations. He never knew his mother, and the hateful gossip is that she was an outsider who bewitched his father and fled to the Worldwound immediately after his birth. His father was the former High Priest of Iomedae in Nerosyan, and Benedic grew up idolizing him and the goddess to which they were both devoted. His father died a hero near the end of the Fourth Crusade, defending the heart of the Cruciform Cathedral from a surge of demonic forces bent on defiling the holy monument.

Benedic was not present, as he had been sent away to Kenabres for his safety. He loves and misses his father, but he still hasn't forgiven him for keeping him from the battle, since he wants to fight in the Crusade and has been training for it his whole life. He believes it is his birthright to command. Now, he feels he will never get the chance again. Worse, his father had told him before his departure that he had something important to tell him about his mother, and that they would discuss it when he came back. Benedic is angry and afraid that it was something very bad indeed, and believes that now he will never know the truth. Consequently, he has never returned to Nerosyan.

Queen Galfrey sent him a very formal letter praising his father's service and inviting him to come live with her in the palace now that he was her ward, but he politely declined and asked to remain in his house in Kenabres. For the past seven years he has had a new role model: Prelate Hulrun Shappok, the head of the inquisition in Kenabres. He has often dreamed about tracking down the creature who abandoned him and his father, and of forcing her to repent of her actions. It has been many years since they burned witches in Mendev, but demons and the lost souls who have fallen to their wiles are a terrible plague on the Crusade, and Benedic fervently believes it is his sacred duty to smite them with Iomedae's holy fire. He has studied demons and their servants with a passion bordering on obsession. If he ever finds his mother, he will have more than twenty years of pent-up resentment to take out on her.

Benedic has given both Queen Galfrey and Prelate Hulrun great cause for concern by falling in with some of the most overzealous witch hunters in Mendev. Hulrun has tried to dissuade him, uncomfortable with the increased scrutiny that comes with a prince hanging around his city, and has recommended to the queen that the best way to direct him down a different path would be to assign him to a company and take him out of Kenabres. However, for now she still prefers to keep her ward out of the war for reasons of her own. (Perhaps she knows something about his true origins?)

Benedic has grown up very proud and distant, and though he occasionally wonders why he doesn't have any friends, he is not often given to self-examination. And while he pursues Good morals in the abstract-- in the greater good, good of the community sense-- he tends more toward Lawful in his alignment, as many nobles do. He has not had many opportunities to understand the common people, sheltered as he has been, and his concept of duty is mostly about the duty owed to him rather than the duty he owes to others. (He's due to receive a few major revelations soon that should lead to some impressive character development.)

Benedic tells himself he is attending Armasse to be watchful for suspicious activity among the lay folk, but in truth he has been growing tired of the pious and abstemious conditions among the inquisitors and old nobles at the cathedral and has decided he would like to experience the city alone and unaccompanied for a change. The festival seems like the perfect excuse; he has donned his armor and put on a soldier's uniform in the hopes that he will be taken for a visiting crusader. In this guise he has been exploring the city and eagerly watching the various events.

Grand Lodge

I’m just commenting judgementally here, but I find it humorous that the GM SPECIFICALLY INDICATED that they wanted to keep things to Core rules only and among the first submissions are:

1) a Magus (non-Core), and

2) an Oracle (non-Core)

*cocking his head*

Did you read what the gracious GM posted? Do you want your submission to automatically be thrown in the scrap pile?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I hear your criticism. But we're coming from another thread where they said they liked the Magus and was not particularly dismissive of the Oracle (although they did say it sounded cool and interesting).

Dotting! I'll probably submit a Paladin of Iomedae. I do realize I might have competition, but I had been dying to play something really vanilla in a WotR game (and hopefully this time I'll be in one that goes beyond the first book!).

Grand Lodge

Anthorg wrote:


I hear your criticism. But we're coming from another thread where they said they liked the Magus and was not particularly dismissive of the Oracle (although they did say it sounded cool and interesting).

Fair, then. I had not read the preceding thread. Criticism mostly retracted. *gryn*

The Archlich wrote:
Dotting! I'll probably submit a Paladin of Iomedae. I do realize I might have competition, but I had been dying to play something really vanilla in a WotR game (and hopefully this time I'll be in one that goes beyond the first book!).

If you're THAT set on a paladin, then I'll shift to a Ranger with Evil Outsiders as his chosen enemy. (That counts for demons, yes?) I've got an idea for one that matches the "Child of the Crusade" campaign trait.

Interested...will adjust soon.

I'm reserving to play a boisterous Kellid human male Bloodrager who loves Kurgess.

Orodhen here, from the other thread, to present my characters for submission. I've always been quicker with the crunch than the fluff (thanks HeroLab), so I will update my post once the fluff has been fleshed out.

Cormac, Warbird of Shelyn - Paladin (Virtuoso Bravo/Oath of the Mendevian Crusade):

Dex based Paladin who fights with a glaive, and enjoys bounding through the battlefield, attacking foes from above. Might take a few levels to get up to speed damage wise.

Shelyn has called to him, leading him on a pilgrimage to Mendev, in order for him to help bolster the crusaders in their never-ending quest to secure the Worldwound.

Human paladin (oath of the mendevian crusade, virtuous bravo) 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +4; Senses: Perception +0
AC: 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp: 13 (1d10+3)
Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: dagger +5 (1d4/19-20) or
glaive +6 (1d10/×3)
Space: 5 ft.; Reach: 5 ft. (10 ft. with glaive)
Special Attacks: smite evil 1/day (+2 attack, +0 AC, +1 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
At will—detect evil
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats: Bladed Brush, Weapon Focus (glaive)
Traits: reckless, touched by divinity
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Craft (sculpture) +6, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6, Knowledge (planes) +1
Languages: Common
SQ: bravo's finesse
Other Gear: leather armor, dagger, glaive, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork sculpting tools, silver holy symbol of Shelyn, 175 gp
Special Abilities
Bladed Brush: Glaives become finess and swashbuckler weapons. As a move action, can change from reach to non-reach.
Bravo's Finesse (Ex): Use Dex for att with light/1-hand pierce wep. Use Cha instead of Int for combat feat pre-reqs.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp): You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su): +2 to hit, +1 to damage, +0 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Dengmar Hornflayer - Slayer (Spawn Slayer):

Dwarf on a mission to reclaim the lost Sky Hold lost to the Worldwound. Building around Cleave, mostly.

Dwarf slayer (spawn slayer) 1
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init: +0; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception: +4 (+6 vs. flying creatures)
AC: 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor)
hp: 13 (1d10+3)
Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities, +1 trait bonus vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison
Speed: 20 ft.
Melee: dwarven boulder helmet +4 (1d4+6) or
dwarven double waraxe +4 (1d10+9/×3) or
dwarven longaxe +4 (1d12+9/×3) or
dwarven ram hammer +4 (1d8+6/×3) or
dwarven war-shield +4 (1d6+6)
Space: 5 ft.; Reach: 5 ft. (10 ft. with dwarven longaxe)
Special Attacks: studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Str 18, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15 (19 vs. bull rush, 19 vs. trip)
Feats: Power Attack
Traits: glory of old, stolen fury
Skills: Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Climb +4, Craft (weapons) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +4 (+6 vs. flying creatures), Survival +4, Swim +4; Racial Modifiers: lorekeeper[APG]
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran
SQ: studied spawn, track +1
Other Gear: scale mail, dwarven boulder helmet[ARG], dwarven double waraxe[ARG], dwarven longaxe[ARG], dwarven ram hammer, dwarven war-shield, masterwork weaponsmithing tools, 40 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet): You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Lorekeeper: +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Power Attack: -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sky Sentinel: +1 to attack/+2 to AC Gain bonus to att/AC vs. flying foes. Foes gain no bonus for high ground, +2 Perception vs. flying.
Studied Spawn (Ex): Gain increased studied target bonuses against Large and larger targets.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex): Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

purely optional, but another thing I forgot

If you have a plan of where you want to take your character as you advance, you can include in your profile magic items you would like your character to have.

This gives me ideas of treasures to replace from the items found in the AP.

Good idea, GM Mioki! Thanks for the opportunity. I've added a "Desired Magic Items" section to my profile. :)

Hi, Mioki, can I promise to do that if I get selected?

Anthorg wrote:
Hi, Mioki, can I promise to do that if I get selected?

sure, no worries. Like I mentioned, purely optional.

I mention it so instead of getting that +3 longsword of super demon killing machine you always wanted, you get a frying pan of the almighty cajun salmon.

although I do like cajun salmon :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is it a +3 frying pan, at least?

Probably flaming, right? I mean, that cajun spice is HOT.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Mioki wrote: get a frying pan of the almighty cajun salmon


The original requester here. I'd like to thank GM Mioki again for running this, much appreciated.

Below is my submission to give other people an idea of who they will be playing with. I took Stolen Fury but Touched by Divinity, Exposed to Awfulness, or even Child of the Crusade works with some massaging on my backstory.

Crunchy exterior:
Male Half-Ork Skald 1
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (human, ork)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +0
AC 19, 12 touch , 17 flat-footed (+5 armor, +2 Shield, +0 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 12/12 (1d8+4)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +2
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Sling +0 (1d4+3, 20/x2, 50ft)
Ranged Cold Iron Longspear +0 (1d8+3, 20/x3, 20ft)
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)
Melee Cold Iron Longspear +3 (1d8+4, 20x3)
Special AttacksRaging Song: 6 rd/day (Inspire Rage (+2 str and con, +1 will, -1 AC))
Skald Spells(CL 12, Concentration +4):
Level 1 (2/day, DC 14) Cure Light Wounds, Vanish
Level 0 (DC 13) Read Magic, Mending, Message, Detect Magic
Hero Points 1
Str 16, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14 (16)
Base Atk +0; CMB +3,+2 vs Demons CMD 15
Feats Simple, Martial, Light, Medium, Shields, Ork Weapons, Scribe Scroll, Toughness
Traits Artisan, Stolen Fury (Touched by Divinity, Exposed to Awfulness, or even Child of the Crusade works to fit)
Skills 4+2/lvl+1 FCB ACP -4/-6
Acrobatics (1) +5
Craft (weapons, 1) +6
Intimidate (0) +5
Perception (0) +0
Spellcraft (1) +4
Use Magic Device (1) +7

All (0) +1

Oratory (1) +7
Percussion (1) +7
Sing (1) +7

Languages Common, Ork
SQ Intimidating: +2 racial to Intimidate checks, Ork Ferocity: 1/day when brought below 0 HP can fight for 1 round as if disabled.
Gear 4 sp, 10 cp
Scale Mail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Rapier, Sling, Sling Bullets Normal: 20, Sling Bullets Cold Iron: 20, Cold Iron Longspear, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Drums, Flint and Steel, Ink 8oz, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Journal, Mess Kit, Mirror, Rope (50ft), Soap, 5xRations, Waterskin, Energetic Inferno (shattered, 50gp worth of crafting material for a +1 flaming shocking greatsword), “Fred”
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A skald adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge checks, and can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained.
Raging Song (Su): A skald is trained to use music, oration, and similar performances to inspire his allies to feats of strength and ferocity. At 1st level, a skald can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. For each level beyond 1st, he can use raging song for 2 additional rounds per day.

Starting a raging song is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A raging song cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the skald is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain it. A raging song counts as the bard's bardic performance special ability for any effect that affects bardic performances. A skald may learn bard masterpieces.

A raging song has audible components, but not visual components. Allies must be able to hear the skald for the song to have any effect on them. A deaf skald has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a raging song. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.

When the skald begins a raging song and then on each ally's turn, if the ally can hear the raging song, that ally must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects on that ally last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.

At 7th level, a skald can start a raging song as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a skald can start a raging song as a swift action instead.

Inspired Rage (Su): At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the song's bonuses on Will saves increase by 1; the penalty to AC doesn't change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song's bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by 2. (Unlike with the barbarian's rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.)

If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian's rage, bloodrager's bloodrage, or skald's inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). Inspired rage does not allow an ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.

Gooey center:
Junior is a goofball, he’ll frequently (and hopefully humorously) misinterpret things and situations.
Junior hears the voice of a gold coin he carries. The mercantile and mercenary Fred. This is one of two items he inherited from his orkish mother.
Junior thinks of himself as a hero. He tries to play up the tropes.
Junior is the son of a Hellknight and a weaponsmith for an orkish tribe. Both his parents were fairly hostile to Junior but he learned valuable lessons from them both.
Junior is a good guy, he tries (and sometimes fails) to be sensitive to other people’s needs and wants. This is his rebellion against his Hellknight father.

A half-ork in a purple wide brimmed fedora, an ivory shirt under a purple vest with gold trim, and glossy black breeches remains. A rapier is sheathed on his right and a longspear is strapped to his back. A well used set of drums pokes out of his backpack. He bows with a flourish, "Junior, at your service."
After a dramatic moment Junior says while pulling a gold coin out of a small pouch on his belt, "Ah.. just a minute." He holds the coin to his head, "What?!" He pauses, "No, I was in the middle of a thing and you ruined it!" Another pause, "Alright I'll ask!"
Junior clears his throat, "Fred wants to know how much the pay for this job is."

Character Goals:
To reforge Energetic Inferno, the shattered greatsword of his mother. Just to prove he could do it.
To publish a book of his limericks
Player Goals:
To have a good time.
To expose you to some pretty terrible poetry.

Character's Secrets
Junior’s a pretty open book. He’s not open about his parents but he doesn’t lie if asked.
Secrets Kept from Character
Both his parents had plans for him, his mother wanted to make a meat pie out of him once he was big enough and his father wanted to sacrifice him to Asmodeus.

Liliana Tuvol: Junior’s twin sister. A psychic who’s as dumb as a rock. Can see the future. They don’t get along, she takes after their mother, but at least they aren’t willing to murder each other. Only an occasional cannibal.

Vrok Tuvol: Junior’s dad. Still upset about that noble enslaving Junior before he could be sacrificed.

That one elf: Junior’s crush, an elf that Junior glimpsed while drinking at the Poor Sod’s tavern. Junior bought him a drink as a way to open a dialog but he left the bar before it could be delivered.

The heat of the forge, the smoke of it, sweat on his brow. Junior’s forged a fine blade but it’s not nearly good enough to hold an enchantment. Maybe the next one.

There once was an ork from Cheliax
Insulting nobles behind their backs
They put him in chains
But he left through a drain
And now hunts nobles with an axe.

Saving a basket full of kittens from a burning orphanage. Liliana thought setting fire to the orphanage was a fun practical joke.

Further Background
Junior is the bastard son of a Chelish Hellknight. His father took him from his orkish mother when he was a young child. The only thing he has to remember his mother by is a single gold coin with a horse head stamped into it. Dubbed Fred, the coin speaks to him and while it is responsible for teaching him kindness and bravery in the face of evil, it also has a mercantile streak. Fred also frequently requests to be bathed in alcohol and takes on a drunken mien for a time after, not that anyone but Junior could tell.

After insulting a Chelish noble he was sold into slavery by his father. Following Fred's advice was to "Just disappear," he found that he could in fact disappear for a very short period of time. He used this trick to make it appear as if he’d escaped, locking his jailer in his cell, and fled north as far as possible. Along the way he found he had a talent for songs and limericks.

After hearing about the Worldwound, he thought that was the best place for him to do some good and make a little gold. Unfortunately while wandering too close to the Worldwound a group of cultists took him captive much to Fred’s dismay, ”Not again!” By some twist of fate or divine intervention the ritual they meant to use him as a sacrifice for didn’t work and he absorbed its power instead. Stolen Fury Ever since then he’s been able to evoke violent feelings in others. Inspire Rage

DM_Delmoth wrote:

The original requester here. I'd like to thank GM Mioki again for running this, much appreciated.

You're welcome! I hope I can make it a fun, rewarding game.

Delmoth wrote:
GM Mioki wrote: get a frying pan of the almighty cajun salmon


When you reach level 10, you're getting a magic frying pan. :)

Hmm, Core Rules you say? I guess allow me to be a pain in the neck, but hopefully not very much?

Given what others are suggesting, I'd like to make an arcane trickster to handle the sneakier skill bits that might come up. We've got melee, arcane and divine roles covered, but could probably use someone to sneak around a bit.

My first ask would be to use the Unchained Rogue instead of the Rogue class to start out with (Anthorg was right, people will ask!) I'd only be taking 3 levels in rogue anyhow, but it powers up the class a bit, giving finesse training which allows weapon finesse at first level and dexterity instead of strength to damage for a single weapon (most likely a rapier) at third. Everything else is pretty much the same; it's just a slight buff to the melee side of the class. It's not a deal breaker if I can't, but it'd make my earlier levels a little more productive.

The second ask is whether a Ratfolk character might be an option. I could certainly make an elf work, but I find ratfolk more interesting to play. Mechanically they're not that complicated; probably their swarming racial trait is the only thing that's out of the ordinary, and that would only kick in if we happened to be working with another ratfolk (which seems unlikely.)

-Zorblag R`Lyeh

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I have read through:

Torilgrey's Elf Magus

Anthorg's Human Life Oracle

Eriktd's Human Cleric of Iomedae

Delmoth's Half-Orc Skald

I know I mentioned Core as a preference, but I have no issues with any of these submissions. I enjoyed reading the backstories and would consider all of these characters very suitable for the game.

@Orodhen: let me know when your submissions have the fluff

I think I mentioned all submissions so far. If I missed yours, let me know of the oversight.

Cheers! and have a great evening.

I've played this a few times and haven't made it out of book 2. This is my character I'm submitting Kevin Hurly. He is a Paladin of Sarenrae going to Marshal for mythic. Current character is at level 8, I can back the crunch up but the backstory is there. I know he is a tiefling which isn't core and hope you'll still consider him.

@Zorblag: So, feel free to submit whatever you like. I think I mentioned before that the closer you are to core, the better chance you have of being selected. That being said, if a character is well-written, makes sense for this AP, and is not overbalanced there is a high chance for consideration.

Also, feel free to submit more than one character. A Ratfolk Arcane Trickster is a bit out there for me, but I would not deny it on the spot.

To play it safe, you can submit a second character a little closer to core.

Hope this comes across as fair.

The hardest part of this Recruitment will be selecting only 5. I already have a few really excellent submissions, and if it comes down to a similar build ratfolk or core race Arcane Trickster, well I'll stick to my OP.

@GM Mioki, that sounds fair, thanks! I'll probably put together a submission by tomorrow.

trawets71 wrote:
I've played this a few times and haven't made it out of book 2. This is my character I'm submitting Kevin Hurly. He is a Paladin of Sarenrae going to Marshal for mythic. Current character is at level 8, I can back the crunch up but the backstory is there. I know he is a tiefling which isn't core and hope you'll still consider him.

You are on my list of candidates.

Have a great evening!

I've updated for level 1, just need to doublecheck equipment costs! Thanks for the consideration.

@Mioki: would you be open for Bloodrager? Since you mentioned you're okay with using material outside the core source, I thought it'd be worth to ask. I have one with mixed blood (celestial/abyssal) that I think would be very thematic for this AP. I think it would work well with the skald too. Thanks!

The Archlich wrote:
@Mioki: would you be open for Bloodrager? Since you mentioned you're okay with using material outside the core source, I thought it'd be worth to ask. I have one with mixed blood (celestial/abyssal) that I think would be very thematic for this AP. I think it would work well with the skald too. Thanks!

Just did a quick 2 minute research on the Bloodrager. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I just do not know much about it in game play. Sounds like it could be a powerful class. Would you consider it overbalanced? Since this is new to me, I am just asking. What does you experience tell you?

So like I mentioned before, A well-written character that is not overbalanced and appropriate for the AP has a chance of being selected.

That being said, if I have one spot left and it comes down to an excellent Barbarian or an excellent Bloodrager, I will probably go with Barbarian to keep closer to core.

Hope this seems fair and answers your question.

It does sound fair. Bloodragers are not overbalanced - a barbarian can definitely be built to do more damage, if it's the focus. Bloodragers are more flexible; they bring more tools to the table at higher levels (with their spells) and some bloodline powers are fairly good. The arcane bloodline, for instance, gives you quite a boost in defense.

Barbarians get d12 vs. d10, some rage powers are truly great, and some archetypes are definitely overpowered. There's a bloodrager archetype (primalist) that lets you replace some bloodline powers with rage powers which is great, but I don't plan on using it (pure class, no archetypes, is what I'm aiming for).

With that said, I might end up going with a core Barbarian or the Paladin of Iomedae as I mentioned before, built clearly towards Guardian. I'd rather not give you more difficulty to choose, since I imagine this recruitment will have quite some competition.

@The Archlich I have mentioned to others that you can submit more than one character. I have a feeling that I might get several Paladin submissions. You could always submit a Paladin and Bloodrager if you would feel inclined.

*waves at Archlich*

I'm a big fan of Bloodragers, they can be made to be overpowered, but that largely depends on spell and bloodline selection. Taking the crossblood archetype is dangerous because of the -2 to will saves and not gaining a bonus to will saves while raging. If the bloodrager has a low wisdom they are pretty much guaranteed to fail every will save that's thrown at them. Crossblood also disqualifies you from taking primalist archetype because they both alter the bloodline powers.

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Delmoth wrote:
*waves at Archlich*

Hey Delmoth! Glad to see you, pal.

Yes, I was thinking more for flavor than power. Most of my builds are like that, to be honest. It's really right on point for this AP, and the celestial bloodline first power is quite useful too. And since you're bringing a skald, a bloodrager would have a lot of synergy, especially if I make it like a half-orc (thinking on the rage feats).

(You know very well I go more for flavor than build! Just look at the character I play in your game heh)

I've been really hoping to see the Wrath of the Righteous AP posted again, I have always wanted to play it.

I was wondering how you felt about Summoners? Specifically, I wanted to try making a Master Summoner. That being said, I had a second concept to build an Abjurer, a wizard that specializes in protective magic... like a White Mage sans the healing spells.

Orodhen here again. Couldn't edit my first post to add in the fluff, so I'm just gonna do it in a seperate post. Here is the fluff for Dengmar.

I'll probably have my fluff for my other submission up either tomorrow or the day after that.

Dengmar Hornflayer

Character Concepts and Intentions:
Dengmar is a dwarf trying to reclaim his ancestral home of Jormurdun (the Player's Guide made mention of a Sky Citadel lost within the Worldwound, and it's the only one I could find info on), while trying to strike a balance between maintaining the oaths his family made and exploring who he is as a person and what he wants to accomplish with his life.

In Combat
Frontline melee combatant, wielding dwarven weaponry forged by himself.
Focuses on the Cleave line of feats, which many people think are sub-optimal, but I think Mythic is the perfect place to make things like this shine.
Slayer isn't a Core class, but it is essentially a mix of Ranger and Rogue (Sneak Attacks and Talents from the latter, Combat Styles and tracking from the former).

Mythic Path

Magic Item Wishlist
- Dwarven double waraxe with the Culling enchantment
- If Stat bonuses are easy to obtain in Mythic, something fun to do with the belt slot? (Like belt of mighty hurling)
- Boots of Striding and Sprining to help with Speed issues


As the dwarven Quest for Sky finally came to a close for Dengmar's ancestors, the Sky Citadel of Jormurdun was founded. A magnificent metropolis/citadel that stood as a monument to the dwarves success and talent. For centuries, his clan had the honour of serving as blacksmiths to the royal family, with each branch of the clan focusing on different aspects of metalworking. The clan made oaths of honour, that regardless of the circumstances, they would always shape metal for the King and any of his descendants.

The Sky Citadel flourished for many centuries. That is until the treacherous duergar, evil cousins to the mighty dwarves, surfaced from the Darklands to besiege the Citadel. There is little records left of the mighty battle that took place, most of the lorekeepers either slain during the battle or scattered to different corners of northern Avistan as the Citadel fell. The survivors of the attack formed small dwarven enclaves within any human settlements that would agree to shelter them.

Several attempts had been made to recover what was lost, however, since the last King of Jormurdun, King Gutheran, shattered the Sky Key, little hope of reuniting and reclaiming the Citadel remains. Most of the expeditions never returned, and those that did make mention of deadly traps, and of duergar striking form the darkness. Still, the dwarves never gave up. One last expedition was scheduled to commence, but that was put on hold when a rend in reality formed in what was formally known as Sarkoris, and demons spewed out and claimed the land as their own. Since that day, the efforts of the local dwarves has been in helping the crusades in any way they could. They put their talent into smithing weapons for the crusaders, supplying them with anything they could make. For if they succeeded in stemming the flow of demons, they would one day also be able to reclaim their lost home.

Born in Kenabres, Dengmar spent much of his childhood learning the ways of the smith and the lore of his people. Since they no longer have a sanctum in which to keep their knowledge, it's a duty for every dwarf to keep traditions and knowledge alive through oral recountings of the past.

Dengmar is a boy amongst a family of men, his parents never having had a girl. His father taught the boys the ways of the hammer, a tough tutelage by any standards. His mother on the other hand, taught him and his siblings of kindness and compassion. These teachings formed the cornerstones of his early life, and many of which he holds to this day. Even after pestering his father day and night, he would not teach Dengmar the way of the axe beyond a few simple stances and attacks. "It is not our way", his father would proclaim, handing him a smith's hammer instead.

Metalworking came easy to Dengmar, almost too easy, that eventually he lost interest in it. It never proved to be a challenge to him, for every blade he made was the same as the last; of exceptional make and with nary a flaw. What Dengmar truly desired was a challenge. Something to get his blood flowing and his heart racing. He should have been careful for what he wished.

Stolen Fury
One day when a group of local militia volunteered to do some recon near the borders of the Worldwound, Dengmar took this opportunity to stow away in one of their caravans, to maybe have a chance to see what the badlands everyone talked about really looked like. Unfortunately for him, he got that chance, when the militia were set upon by a small group of demons, commanded by none other than a band of duergar. When looting through their spoils, they happened upon the frightened dwarf boy. With glee in their eyes, they dragged him back to some small stronghold. There, they set to work on a demonic ritual, with him set up in the center of a nefarious looking circle of runes carved into the ground. He heard them chanting, but he also heard something else, a voice, but not of a tongue he could recognize. As the ritual climaxed, he went blind, but in his mind he could see something, some large and evil being, talking to him. The only word he could latch onto was "Shivaska". Just as he thought he would go mad, a sudden burst of light broke through his mental fog, and the connection between him and the infernal being was broken. As he recovered his sight, he saw only the corpses of his would be kidnappers, lay strewn about the room, somehow slain. Dengmar felt something in his chest, but it wasn't physical, almost as if the energy from the ritual now lay in him.

Disregarding this strange new feeling, he took this opportunity to escape, picking up a discarded axe and making his escape. With nothing but the axe and his wits, he somehow made it out alive, a little bloodied, but nonetheless whole.

This is how he knew he was meant for more. The adrenaline of combat is what he truly longed for. But he could not abandon the oaths his clan had made to the ancient kings of his race.

As with all dwarves, Dengmar is of stocky build and sports a beautiful and well maintained beard. He has fiery orange hair, shaven but for a stripe running down the middle of his head.
People tend to think him ill-mannered due to his general appearance, but those that get to know him have learned that he can be quite amicable once they get past his gruff exterior.
He can always be found with weapon(s) in hand. His favourite being a wicked-looking, double sided waraxe, whose center piece is that of a angular face of an enraged dwarf.

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Hi GM! Here's Archlich's submission. I added most of the details on the profile and will probably add some more before the end of recruitment. Thanks for the consideration!

@ The KGB: No real opinion on specialists, I typically do not play wizards. My wife plays a summoner in our TT game and she does some pretty cool things. Like I mentioned before, if the backstory is well-written, the character is not overbalanced, and the character is a good fit for the AP, then I'll view the character as a solid candidate. Feel free to submit a Summoner (Conjurer) and an Abjurer.

@Orodhen: Dengmar is solid. Really like the background info.

@ Archlich: Sekter is a solid candidate. Wish he was real.

On his sheet, Sekter has Darkvision. Is this accurate or just a copy/paste error. Just wondering if I am missing a rule somewhere.

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