Foxy Quickpaw |
... I will take 20+8 on craft calligraphy.
You wrote you want to take 20. Take 20 means many failures before you get it perfect. It is statistically questionable to say you get 19 fails before you succeed, but that is what you can have for free.
If you don't like that - who would - you can roll. Every scroll created you don't like (roll bad) and decide to throw away is a parchment wasted. If you like the first craft roll, or simply decide it's good enough for someone who hasn't seen the original, then the creation of one scroll costs you one parchment.
Samuel Jafar |
There is no limit to the number of aliases you can have. As GM, I will create one for just a few dialogs.
Foxy does not do so. The fact that Shiz has an alias is an indication that she has changed her ways (not likely) or that this one has something worth getting.
Omari the Landless |
Wow, Shiz is pretty tough, he's not acting intimidated at all... and Ohrmizd got a 26 on his intimidate.
"You can use Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly toward you for 1d6 × 10 minutes with a successful check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier. If successful, the target gives you the information you desire, takes actions that do not endanger it, or otherwise offers limited assistance. After the Intimidate expires, the target treats you as unfriendly and may report you to local authorities. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the target attempts to deceive you or otherwise hinder your activities."
Foxy Quickpaw |
First Shiz is a b~~@@. As in SHE.
Second: To intimidate someone that one needs to be afraid of your threats. You expect a gnoll who is willing to fight you to the death starts sucking up to you, just because you look grim and shout?
Besides her attitude you've gotten all the information.
Also Ohrmizd didn't state what kind of intimidate he attempts.
Foxy Quickpaw |
Well after giving it some more thought: This intimidating business is annoying as f&!+. Someone has to play that intimidated character, and for NPCs it's me. It sucks all the fun out of coming up with personalities for them, when all they are are answer bots bound by that intimidate rule.
I stirs up a sudden urge to either plan revenge, (how do I get one of you in a room with a baddie, who gets prepped with skill focus(intimidate)) or simply give up on the characters (The gnoll is a mook and knows nothing. Which would be exactly the amount of information the AP gives about what Shiz knows).
I try to make that stuff work and not forget about the conditions that intimidation causes in combat to make Ohrmizd's stuff work. But leave me the fun to be more like James Bond when bound in interrogation instead of a victim no one wants to play.
Ohrmizd |
While I do understand the simulationist desire, I am not interested to get acquainted on actual real means of interrogation and torture, and I guess most people do not want to invest time on that either.
In the end I think this works the best if we do understand this is just another kind of narration and as such there are elements like NPCs that have a purpose on this story and while having the chance to talk with them and find different personalities and a background we do not need to overthink on them past the role they need to accomplish to keep the story moving.
I am fine to go to Katapesh city, and I am not very concerned on the details of what happens to these Shiz and Radi.
Omari the Landless |
Yeah, I'm with Ohrmizd on this one. The intimidate mechanics are meant to draw a neat "this happens offscreen" curtain around actual interrogation...
Ohrmizd |
It seems Jafar really made the forgery in the end. I think we dedicated enough time already to this Radi, if he bites in and takes the scroll during the night, I am fine to let him go. Otherwise, abandon him in the oasis with the gnoll.
Omari the Landless |
Basically Khedron looks like a moose? Which looks a lot like a camel with a short neck and huge antlers. If it weren't for the antlers, I'd say throw a blanket over the back, use him as a pack camel and with a few uses of a disguise kit for the fur color you're good. But I have no idea what to do with the antlers.
Agreed, the antlers are the problem, but they ain't coming off...
Ohrmizd |
Actually Omari will get beast shape III at level 9 through his domain spells :P
Katapesh is a large city where one can find plenty of stuff. Perhaps the easiest solution is if Jafar goes inside the city to get a cart for us as he suggested, he might be able to learn the Carry companion spell there, or get a couple scrolls. Then, when he comes back to us, he can prepare and use the spell on Khedron.
Samuel Jafar |
I don't know what, if anything Samuel, has?
All I can think of atm is disguise other. Looks like it would handle the antlers. Duration 70 minutes. I can look into other things when I have the time tomorrow.
Foxy Quickpaw |
Why look into other things, when that works. It's for creatures, not persons. Position yourself around Khedron, to block people from running into the antlers and you should be fine. Maybe make sure you have a spare casting, in case walking through a metropolis takes over an hour.
Ohrmizd |
If you can already cast that spell, then it is better than having to go into the city for a new spell certainly.
I am fine with the plan.
Samuel Jafar |
Omari the Landless |
Ok, yeah disguise other seems our best bet.
As mentioned, I can't cast Carry Companion (it's not on the cleric list and I don't have UMD to use a non-cleric scroll like that...a potion would be 150 gp = 2*3 *25 though).
A suggestion for the plan - if we can do normal disguises. Send Samuel and Ohrmizd ahead to scout how to get to Rayhan's place. Presumably we can get there in 1 casting, and then hide Khedron inside. Then we can get out of Katapesh with another casting...
In the morning, assuming someone has disguise as a skill, we can pull skill boosting shennanigans like I did with Knowledge checks and get it to a reasonable level, and they can work on all of us. (Presumably Foxy will want to do the rolls behind his screen though).
So for a plan - camp for the evening and prepare what's neccesary for disguises. In the morning get spells (Samuel takes 2X disguise other, Omari figures out what boosters he can use on whomever has disguise). Prepare the disguises. Ohrmizd and Samuel scout the route and come back (maybe leave a letter with Rayhan warning we will come later that afternoon?). Samuel uses Disguise Other on Khedron and we go visit Rayhan and hear what he has to say...
Omari the Landless |
I can cast that (carry companion) for you, Omari. Your call. Let's do this.
OK, that works... Lets then lets get cracking on disguises for the rest of us and we are good.
Omari the Landless |
I think Ohrmizd made that decision with his initial aid another roll, we are to look like a group of scholars... "all researcher assistants interested on ancient books and scrolls."
Samuel Jafar |
I have really enjoyed this Humble Bundle . It really fleshes out the environment we are in as well as the ethnicities. A few more days left. Cheers.
Ohrmizd |
Got it! Thanks! PDFs are handy. I have ordered Iron Gods physical books on December and I am still waiting for them to cross the Atlantic. Fortunately I got the PDF version in a previous Humble Bundle some years ago. We are going to finish book 1 before the books arrive I am seeing, and then there is the taxes and customs dealing, argh.
Ohrmizd |
Level 8, yay! :D
Flying carpets are definitely an interestingly thematic proposal :)
Samuel Jafar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Flying carpets are definitely an interestingly thematic proposal :)
Flying carpets are on sale now. Just 20,000 gold each. Regular price 25,000 gold. Text JAFAR to 999876 to get your savings today. Do it now, this offer will not last forever. Supplies are limited.
No representation has been made that these flying carpets are better than any other flying carpets. Jafar is not responsible for any damages you may incur or deal out while using this product. Member of The Flying Rugs, LLC, Katapesh, Katapesh.
Ohrmizd |
Level 8
HP +10
New spells
knock, keen edge, instrument of agony -> 8th level swap -> cure moderate wounds
K. planes
K. religion
Sense Motive
Background skills
K. history
Linguistics (Aquan)
Samuel Jafar |
He draws his +2 Evil Outsider(Telemarketer)-Bane Smith&Wesson Model 29 cal .44
I earned and deserve that .
This level up for me was inept. One extra spell slot and 7 hps. Pretty sure 2 feats on the next one.
Foxy Quickpaw |
Flying carpets really offer themselves for this telemarketing gag. With the small size and the weight limit it is a really useless item for a huge lump of money. You'd need the 60k carpet to bring Khedron alone and then you start calculating current weights to decide on the second carpet.
The fine print is hilarious.
Samuel Jafar |
Could I interest you in a flying carpet?
Not the 44, boss. I give. Wait, you fired 6 times...
A wizard always counts his spells. An archer counts his arrows and a gunslinger counts his rounds. I am willing to bet my head you are not out of ammo because you are GM. Cuff me, please. Damn those 7 round chambers.Omari the Landless |
Omari Lvl 8
Omari the Landless
Cleric 8 (Erastil)
Alignment: LG
Diety: Erastil
Init + 4 = +4 Dex (+2 if I can act in a surprise round)
Speed 30 ft
Spells Prepared
L0 (4) : Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Light
L1 (4+1+1) Bless(domain), Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Protection From Evil, ???
L2 (3+1+1) Featherfall (domain), Burst of Radiance, Lesser Restoration, Silence,???
L3 (3+1+1) Fly (domain), Invisibility Purge, Sand Whirlwind, ???
L4 (2+1+1) Summon Monster IV (domain), ???
AC : 17 =10+ 4 Armor +3 Dex
HP: 73 = 8+ (7d8 => 35) + 8*2 (con)+8 FCB +8 *1 trait
Fort + 9 = +6 Cleric + 2 con +1 resistance
Ref +7 = +2 Cleric + 4 dex +1 resistance
Will +11 = +6 Cleric + 4 wis +1 resistance (+2 vs Illusions)
CMD : 22 = 10 + 6 (bab)+ 4 (dex) +2 (str)
Melee: Longspear +8/+3, 1d8+3, Cestus +8/+3, 1d4+2
Ranged: +1 Adaptive Composite Longbow +11/+6, 1d8+3
BAB : +6
CMB : + 8 = +6 (BAB)+2 Str
Race = Human – M’wangi (favored class: Cleric)
Str: 14 = 14 (5 pts)
Dex : 18 = 14 (5 pts) +2 racial +1 lvl 4+1 lvl 8
Con : 14 =14 (5 pts)
Int : 10 =10 (0 pts)
Wis; 14 =14 (5 pts)+4 enhancement
Cha: 10 = 10 (0 pts)
Skills : (2+1 Trait /level) Not including ACP
Sense Motive (from imposter wary) (+14=8 rank +3 Trained+4 Wis)
Perception (+16 = 8 rank +4 wis+4 racial),
Spellcraft (+11 = 8 rank +3 trained),
K Religion (+4 = 1 rank +3 trained )
K Planes (+4 = 1 rank +3 trained)
Diplomacy (+4 = 1 rank +3 trained)
Heal (+10 = 3 rank+3 trained +4 wis)
Background Skills (2/level)
Linguistics (+5=5 rank)
Handle Animal (+8 = 8 rank)
Craft (Bows) (+6 =3 ranks +3 trained)
Languages : M’wangi, Common, Kelish (linguistics), Gnoll (linguistics), Osiriani (linguistics), Aquan (linguistics), Ignan (linguistics)
Traits : Finding Haleen (Campaign, cleric), Deadeye Bowman (religion, Erastil)
Point Blank Shot (1st)
Rapid Shot (human Bonus feat)
Precise Shot (3ed)
Boon Companion (5th)
Scribe Scroll (7th)
Aura (Ex): A cleric of a Lawful Good deity has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity's alignment.
Channel Energy (Su) (4d6, 3/day): Regardless of alignment, any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted.
A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures.
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.
Domains: Animal (Feather), Community
Calming Touch (Sp): You can touch a creature as a standard action to heal it of 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point per cleric level. This touch also removes the fatigued, shaken, and sickened conditions (but has no effect on more severe conditions). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Unity (Su): At 8th level, whenever a spell or effect targets you and one or more allies within 30 feet, you can use this ability to allow your allies to use your saving throw against the effect in place of their own. Each ally must decide individually before the rolls are made. Using this ability is an immediate action. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every four cleric levels beyond 8th.
Eyes of the Hawk (Ex): You gain a racial bonus on Perception checks equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). In addition, if you can act during a surprise round, you receive a +2 racial bonus on your Initiative check.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the service of an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this animal companion is equal to your cleric level – 3. (Druids who take this ability through their nature bond class feature use their druid level – 3 to determine the abilities of their animal companions).
Orisons: Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Cleric under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).
Chaotic, Evil, Spells: A cleric can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity's (if she has one).
Khedron Lvl 8 (partial, I need to pick a pair of feats)
Kheldron the Stag
Megaloceros Animal Companion
Size : Large
Low Light Vision, Scent
Speed : 50 ft
HP : 66 = 7d8 => 31 +7*4 (con)+7 (Toughness)
AC: 21 = 10 +9 NA + (3 Armor) + 3 Dex -1 size
Fort +9 = +5 animal HD+4 Con
Reflex +8 = +5 animal HD +3 Dex
Will +4 = +2 animal HD +2 Wis ; +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Attack : Gore +11 (+5+6str+1enhancement -1 size)/2d6+6 (or 9 if only attack), Hooves X2 +11 (+5+6str+1enhancement -1 size)/1d4+6
Special Attacks powerful charge (2d6)
BAB +5
Str 22=12+2(AC Bonus)+8(size)
Dex 17=17+2 (AC Bonus)-2(size)
Con 18=14+4(size)
Int 3=2+1(4hd ability score increase)
Wis 15
Cha 5
Skills (7 pts)
Acrobatics (+ 8, 2 rank +3 dex +3 trained)
Climb (+10, 1 rank +6 str +3 trained)
Swim (+10, 1 rank +6 str +3 trained)
Perception (+7, 2 rank +3 trained +2 wis)
Stealth (+ 7, 1 rank +3 dex +3 trained)
Special: Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion
Tricks: Attack, attack, flank, defend, down, seek, heel, flank, sneak
Feat: Toughness (1 hd), Power Attack (3hd), 1 smart feat (5 hd), 1 smart feat (7 hd)
Ohrmizd |
@Ohrmizd - why are you critting with a roll of 17; you scimitar is a crit range of 18-20, I think.
Sorry, Omari is right, I took keen edge last level and was somehow set on my mind that I now crit on 15, but the spell is not active at current.
Foxy Quickpaw |
I did not take the feat blind fight. I need to know my relationship to this beast and its reach before taking an action.
I hope you are not related at all to this monster. ;)
As for your position in relation to the hydra you can choose between a distance of toe to toe and up to 10 feet apart. Which is still in reach of the 15ft reach of the hydra.
Samuel Jafar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Samuel reduces the agility of the hydra dramatically
Heshan, that will make your fireballs stick much better. A timing thing but wanted you to be aware of that one-two possibility.
Ohrmizd, I have deadly juggernaut for you. No help with one enemy.
Omari, I am all ears if you have any ideas for you and Khedron. I spent a little time on it and all I came up with is cat's grace to boost Khedron's AC if his armor allows it (I have not checked that). Shield was my wish but the target is "you". Magic weapon on your bow... I'll look into buffs/debuffs again when time allows.
Omari the Landless |
Omari, I am all ears if you have any ideas for you and Khedron. I spent a little time on it and all I came up with is cat's grace to boost Khedron's AC if his armor allows it (I have not checked that). Shield was my wish but the target is "you". Magic weapon on your bow... I'll look into buffs/debuffs again when time allows.
Best current buff for Khedron is actually Mage Armor - he outgrew his barding (size increase at lvl 7) and has a set on commission in Kelmarane, which doesn't help much at all right now...
For this fight though, I wouldn't bother. Between Ohrmizd, Khedron and Omari, (not to mention whatever Rayhan is summoning) with this thing blinded, it's going down hard...
Ohrmizd |
Hydra's are usually CR 4 so not difficult for our group, although this one seemed to have one extra head. But it really sets the theme for this world we landed in. It really sets my mind in the Greek mythology and the Twelve Labours of Hercules! Wow! :D