[OUTPOST III] Cartmanbeck's A Night at Bloodthorne Manor [Tier 1, Adventurer's Packs] (Inactive)

Game Master cartmanbeck

A Night at Bloodthorne Manor [Tier 1, Adventurer's Packs] for OutPost III

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all! Please create your characters here using the Adventurer's Packs.

Dark Archive

Deck handler link

Character Estra (MM) with Honaire (MM)
ID 238767-1019
Packs Divine Pack, Support Pack, Occult Pack
Timezone EST

TColMaster Ranzak

CHARACTER Ranzak (Promo)
ID 329026-1006
PACKS Finesse, Ranged, and Divine Packs

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

ID 12789-1013
PACKS (subject to change before starting): Finesse, Occultist, and Alchemy Packs

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Question: Is there channel set up for this game yet? I can set up a channel on my discord channel if desired; just let me know.

Also, will there be a spreadsheet for this game to track loot and the like that can have a players hand sheet added or should I go ahead and make a stand alone player hand google sheet?

Dark Archive

Deck handler link
Estra MM {DiSupNat} MatsuKurisu wrote:


Changing things up a little

Estra MM {DiSupNat} MatsuKurisu
Character Estra (MM) with Honaire (MM)
ID 238767-1019
Packs Divine Pack, Support Pack, Nature Pack
Timezone EST

Dark Archive

Deck handler link
Quinn 12789 wrote:

Question: Is there channel set up for this game yet? I can set up a channel on my discord channel if desired; just let me know.

Also, will there be a spreadsheet for this game to track loot and the like that can have a players hand sheet added or should I go ahead and make a stand alone player hand google sheet?

Is this what you mean?

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16J6hEM6uzGi0dcBOGHMQ_oWnq3P4VVqyCeV Qqj5if-g/edit?usp=sharing


You can add your deck handler link to the top row

I have taken this from another table, so the other sheets are not necessarily correct and will need to be changed as we progress

I am playing Quinn in another table, now AD4.
Started him under the old rules and converted about AD3
He is probably one of the biggest winners from the change to packs and now feels like a real powerhouse once he gets some of the AD3 & 4 Finesse pack weapons into his deck.
You are going to have a lot of fun!

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Pack choices seem pretty decent to me. We had a player playing Quinn at our table and he seemed to think he wasn't strong enough for combat situations.

Matsu Kurisu wrote:

I am playing Quinn in another table, now AD4.

Started him under the old rules and converted about AD3
He is probably one of the biggest winners from the change to packs and now feels like a real powerhouse once he gets some of the AD3 & 4 Finesse pack weapons into his deck.
You are going to have a lot of fun!

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Awesome! thanks so much for setting up and directing me to this.

Estra MM {DiSupNat} MatsuKurisu wrote:
Quinn 12789 wrote:

Question: Is there channel set up for this game yet? I can set up a channel on my discord channel if desired; just let me know.

Also, will there be a spreadsheet for this game to track loot and the like that can have a players hand sheet added or should I go ahead and make a stand alone player hand google sheet?

Is this what you mean?

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16J6hEM6uzGi0dcBOGHMQ_oWnq3P4VVqyCeV Qqj5if-g/edit?usp=sharing


You can add your deck handler link to the top row

I have taken this from another table, so the other sheets are not necessarily correct and will need to be changed as we progress

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hi all! Sorry for the slow responses, it's been a busy week.

A chat thread with be very helpful, and I'm fine with discord or whatever else. If you can link to it, that would be great.

I'll get the locations and everything up right away so that you can choose starting locations and post starting hands.

Looking forward to running this for you guys!

Sorry I need to set up my character.

ID 115717-1045
PACKS Finesse, Arcane, Occult Packs

TColMaster Ranzak
TColMaster Ranzak wrote:

CHARACTER Ranzak (Promo)

ID 329026-1006
PACKS Finesse, Ranged, and Divine Packs


As character:

ID 115717-1045
PACKS Finesse, Arcane, Occult Packs

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)
cartmanbeck wrote:

A chat thread with be very helpful, and I'm fine with discord or whatever else. If you can link to it, that would be great.

Permissions for the players have been granted, aliases created, and a discord PM has been sent to you cartmanbeck

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

"Quinn - Bloodthorne-A: A Ghostly Welcome"


Scenario Reward
For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.

Adventure Reward

Con Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 6 Not Today
Tier/XP 1.0>1.1
"Will spend hero point for Power Feat (At the end (☑ or start) of your turn, you may
examine the top card of your location.)"
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
0 +1 - 1 = 0

Loot rolls
1st choice Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 788 Leech

Will amend if necessary based on rolls/need
Deck Upgrades
Leech (Ally 1)
Banished Cards: Acid Flask
Holes Filled: Acid Flask (Item 0)
Removed: Mouse

Bloodthorne-A: A Ghostly Welcome (Tier 1)

Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Tier/XP 1.0>1.1

HP: Power Feat (1d4 + 1 for recharge power)

Loot Rolls (in order of priority):
Spell 1, but only if Estra doesn't want it.: 1d1000 ⇒ 107 (False Life -> Mirror Image)
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 576 (Rapier -> Keen Rapier)

Dark Archive

Deck handler link

- A: A Ghostly Welcome

Scenario Reward
- For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.

Adventure Reward

Tier 1.1
- Hero point = Power Feat (+1 Hand size).

Card Upgrade
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 462
= Holy Light in, Frozen Touch out

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 115
The Big Sky in, Prayer out

Banished Cards


Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Scenario A Recap:

Estra - Power feat (+1 hand size), Spell 1 upgrade, no con boon
Varian - Power feat (1d4+1 recharge power), Weapon 1 upgrade, no con boon
Quinn - Power feat (at the end ([x] or start) of your turn...), Ally 1 upgrade, no con boon
Ranzak - Card feat (Ally), Ally 1 upgrade, no con boon

GM con boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 17 Nope.

TColMaster Ranzak

CON Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 1

RNG Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 218
Compass ->Gem of Physical Prowess

RNG Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 122
Chain Shirt -> Magic Chain Mail

Hero Point: Dex +1

Dark Archive

Deck handler link

- B: Death by Dinnerware

Scenario Reward
- For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.

Adventure Reward

Tier 1.1
- Hero point = Card Feat (Spell).

Card Upgrade
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 813
= Sonic Blast in, New Slot

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 458
Sacred Candle in, Holy Water out

Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 949
Priest of Pharasma in, Troubadour out

Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 468
Magic Leather Armor in, Leather Armor out

Banished Cards


Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Scenario B: Death by Dinnerware[/ooc]

[b]Reward: For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.

Feat: Skill (INT +1)

(There should be 2 Spell 1s and an extra Armor 1 we got from the scenario on the last turn.)
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 230 (False Life => Charm Person)
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 831 (backup)

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - Bloodthorne-B: Death by Dinnerware


Scenario Reward
For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.

Adventure Reward

Con Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Not Today
Tier/XP 1.0>1.1
Will spend hero point for Card Feat (Ally - Mouse)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
0 +1 - 1 = 0

Loot rolls
1st choice Item 11: 1d1000 ⇒ 316 Gem of Mental Acuity

Will amend if necessary based on rolls/need
Deck Upgrades
Gem of Mental Acuity (Item 1) , Mouse (Ally 0 from card feat)
Banished Cards: Antiplague
Holes Filled: None
Removed: None

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

convention boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 2 Nope.

I'll try to get the next scenario posted today. Warning that this week is pretty insane for me as far as work goes, so I might be a bit less responsive than normal.

Dark Archive

Deck handler link

- C: Society of the Veil

Scenario Reward
- Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
- Each character draws a new blessing or spell. BLESSING

Adventure Reward

Tier 1.3
- Hero point = Skill Feat (Wisdom).

Card Upgrade
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 583
Pharasma's Knowing in, Incitation (2) out

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 611
The Big Sky in, Orison out

Spell 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1
= Elemental Treaty in, Frostbite out

Banished Cards


Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

convention boon: 1d20 ⇒ 10

TColMaster Ranzak


Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 411
Shortbow out -> Deathbane Light X-Bow

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 945
Benefaction -> The Vision

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 66
Prayer ->Erastil's Eye

Con Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Hero Point: Power Upgrade
Add 1d4 ([X]+1) to your check to acquire a boon.

C: Society of the Veil

Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Each character draws a new blessing or spell. BLESSING

Convention Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Choice for first pick:
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 178 (Foreign Trade over Orison)

Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 436 (probably Frost Ray over some spell)

Choice for second pick:
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 515

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 216

HP: Card/Spell

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The Owl:

CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Stars Veteran
When this is the hour: Your Survival check is blessed. To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 4+#
On your check, freely discard to use your Wisdom die instead of the normal die. Discard to explore. This exploration, if you are at a Wild location, local checks are blessed.

Gozreh's Growth:

Core Blessing 1
Traits: Deity: Gozreh Divine
When this is the hour: On your check against an Animal or Elemental card, add 1d4. To Acquire: Wisdom Divine Survival 4+#
On any check to close or to guard, recharge to add 1d12; the check counts as blessed. Discard to explore. This exploration, on your checks against Animal or Elemental cards, add 1d4.


Core Blessing 0
Traits: Divine
When this is the hour: No effect. To Acquire: Wisdom Divine 2
On a local check, discard to bless. If the hour's level is 0, you may recharge instead. Discard to explore.

The Foreign Trader:

CotCT Blessing 1
Traits: Harrow Suit: Books Veteran
When this is the hour: On any non-combat check, you may freely recharge an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire to bless. To Acquire: Intelligence Knowledge 4+#
On a local non-combat check, discard to bless and add your Intelligence die. Discard to explore.

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - Bloodthorne-C: Society of the Veil


Scenario Reward
Each character draws a new blessing or spell. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

Adventure Reward

Con Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 5 Not Today
Tier/XP 1.0>1.1
Will spend hero point for Card Feat (Ally - Mouse)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
0 +1 - 1 = 0

Outpost III Con Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Not Today

Loot rolls
None Needed

Will amend if necessary based on rolls/need
Deck Upgrades
The Publican (Blessing 1) , Rapier(Weapon 0)
Banished Cards: Acid Flask (Item 0)
Holes Filled: Acid Flash (Item 0)
Removed: Starknife, Incitation

TColMaster Ranzak
cartmanbeck wrote:


Craftsman (Ally 1)
Gang Enforcer (Ally 1)
Korvosan Dandy (Ally 1)
Chain Shirt (Armor 0)
The Joke (Blessing 1)
Incitation (Blessing 0)
Orison (Blessing 0)
The Idiot (Blessing 1)
Gorum's Iron (Blessing 1)
Gozreh's Growth (Blessing 1)
Magnifying Glass (Item 0)
Smoke Bomb (Item 1)
Starknife (Weapon 0)
Quarterstaff (Weapon 0)

Each character draws a new ally or item.
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

Adventure reward
Choose one of your characters. That character gains the power "When you encounter a monster, you may recharge 2 random cards to evade it, then move to a random other location."[/b]

I will go for a new ITEM draw.

As far a deck upgrade #1, I am going Blessing 1.
There are 4 here so I won't even roll for it as everyone can get one for their first upgrade. As this is our final group scenario I don't know (yet) what I am going to replace with, yet.

Upgrade #2.

RNG Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 780
RNG Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 432
RNG Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 963

Dark Archive

Deck handler link

- D: Unfinished Business

Scenario Reward
- Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
- Each character draws a new Ally or Item. Item

Adventure Reward
Estra 238767-1019 gains "When you encounter a monster, you may recharge 2 random cards to evade it, then move to a random other location."

Tier 1.4
- Hero point = Kept.

Card Upgrade
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 520
Sacred Candle in, Holy Water out

Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 238
Priest of Pharasma in, Troubadour out

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 534
The Paladin in, Incitation out

Item 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 130
Balmberry in, Holy Water out

Banished Cards


Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - Bloodthorne-D: Unfinished Business


Scenario Reward
"Each character draws a new ally or item.
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade."

Adventure Reward
Choose one of your characters. That character gains the power "When you encounter a monster, you may recharge 2 random cards to evade it, then move to a random other location."[/b]

Will briefly hold off choosing Ally/Item until need is determined
Tier/XP 1.3>1.4
Will bank Hero point
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
0 +1 - 0 = 1

Loot rolls
1st choice Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 364 The Marriage
2nd choice Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 428 Gang Enforcer

Will amend if necessary based on rolls/need
Deck Upgrades
The Marriage (Blessing 1) , Gang Enforcer (Ally 1)
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: Orison, Mouse

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

This reward is being assigned to Pizazz 12789-1014 from Bloodthorne Adventure from 12789-1013

Choose one of your characters. That character gains the power "When you encounter a monster, you may recharge 2 random cards to evade it, then move to a random other location."

Um, I also got a Toxic Cloud at some point. (Spell 1)

- D: Unfinished Business

Scenario Reward
- Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
- Each character draws a new Ally or Item. Item

I'd like a non-Blessing 1, but I think I'm going to need to take a Blessing 1; Foreign Trader and SotH are really rough together.

First Upgrade: Blessing 1 (SotH -> The Tyrant)
Second Upgrade: Spell 1 (Lightning Touch -> Harrowstrike)
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 31
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 542
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 373

(Item 1 was an alternative for GoMA or one of the Wands, but I can get by with Radovan for now, and I can just take a Spell for the Wand alternative. Ally 1 is less useful than a Spell or Item here.)

TColMaster Ranzak

This campaign has been completed for well over a month. Can you please close it out so it no longer appears as an active campaign? Thanks!

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