Ruins of Azlant

Game Master pauljathome

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Ruins of Azlant

Set sail and join the expedition to colonize the lost continent of Azlant.


Character Perception Checks:

[dice=Brannart]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Fenna]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Sho]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Vexas]1d20 + 13[/dice]

Character Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Brannart]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Fenna]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Sho]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Vexas]1d20 + 8[/dice]

Character SpellCraft Checks:

[dice=Fenna]1d20 + 7[/dice]
[dice=Vexas]1d20 + 8[/dice]

Hero Points:
Brannart: 1
Fenna: 3
Malakar: 1
Sho: 2
Vexas: 3

Hello Paizo People:

Looking for two more players for my Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path Game. I have 4 players now carried over from a previous pbp that never really started.

In the discussion thread are some guidelines on character build. If you are interested, stop by, read through the 'Discussion' thread, and let me know what you would like to play.

Discussion Thread

I'm interested, but have a few questions before I'd commit.

First, this is not PFS, correct? So would we register a character online and just not use it for PFS?

Second, can I ask about the length of (real life) time this is expected to take, and what the commitment is? First book? All six? Is it expected people jump in and/or jump out at various time points?

@Watery Soup

This pbp is not affiliated with PFS. It is just a regular game to have fun when you are not TT gaming.

As for the length in time, I am not sure that even the Shyka The Many could answer that. What I can tell you is that I plan to start with the first book and see how it goes. By the end of the first book, if we are having fun then we will keep going.

It is a pbp where players come and go as they please. This happens all the time as life just gets in the way.

All that I ask is that if you want to play, you make your best attempt to post at least once each week day and let me know when you will be away on vacation, business trip, running from the law ... that sort of thing.

Hope this answers your questions.

A question: any restriction on classes - eg no occult classes (which comes up a fair bit I find...) ?

pad300 wrote:
A question: any restriction on classes - eg no occult classes (which comes up a fair bit I find...) ?

I literally just order Occult Adventures 5 minutes ago, so I do not know much about the Occult classes.

What I can say is if you can make a goodly aligned character with a backstory that will get the character accepted as a colonist by the Bountiful Adventure Company, then go for it. For more information on this, read the Ruins of Azlant Player's Guide.


I'll comb through the classes and see what appeals me. From what I see, you have 2 druids, an alchemist and an undecided player. I could either go Team Drood or see for another thing :P

Jereru wrote:


I'll comb through the classes and see what appeals me. From what I see, you have 2 druids, an alchemist and an undecided player. I could either go Team Drood or see for another thing :P

Hello Jereru,

I recommend checking out the AP's Player's Guide. This could assist with character decisions.

Let me know what you come up with.

Dark Archive

My gut says a weasily undine or aquatic elf would horn in on this mission to make sure he got a cut of the azlanti treasure procured. The specific class for this shouldn't matter, but I suppose tidal trickster rogue is a decent choice. An archaeologist bard would also be good here. Trait: expert explorer

Separately, I would think the mission would accept a wizard hungry to process and identify the newfound artifacts. A very stodgy, academic type who can't be bothered to care about any causes that flare up, and is generally low on empathy seems reasonable. He is quite frail and spends a lot of time in a bubble to protect from the water. Doesn't *really* want to meet the sea-life up-close. Trait: Azlanti Scholar.

Finally, since I thought I saw mention of needing of a tank; an Adaro warrior of some type (deepwater rager, sea reaver, abendego diver, oceanrider cavalier) who has such pride that he must join the mission and ensure these "dainties" do this mission right and respect the watery Azlant grave. I suppose this character could also join "team druid" as a shark shaman :) Or perhaps instead of an Adaro, an Undine Wave Warden with the same motivations. Trait: set mind.

Those are three ideas off the top of my head. This sounds like a lot of fun.

I'd be keen to play--I'd love to try a cleric (cough!) of Razmir. Proselytizing in foreign lands about the glories of the Living God could be a lot of fun!

Liberty's Edge

I’ll dot in here, not sure yet for build, should have it figured out by end of tomorrow

I am very interested and will have a submission soon. Definitely a human fighter who will get good at protecting adjacent allies.

A question, would you be ok with a Locathah, or would that be too much?

I will close this 'Recruitment' thread for now. Seems like there is plenty of interest. Please move any more questions / submissions to the 'Discussion' thread. I will answer your questions in that thread, as well.

I will consider the first 4 submissions that cover the basic roles. Fighter type, Rogue type, cleric type, and magic-user type. This will put us at 8 pc's which is more than enough.

Please remember that your backstory should reflect acceptance into the colony from the Bountiful Venture Company.

Liberty's Edge

I do have a 90% finished submission, just picking up a few more items

Liberty's Edge

joker 27 wrote:
I do have a 90% finished submission, just picking up a few more items

For story I was thinking that he would be a specialist in forward expansion with some skill in magic and crafting. Brought on because they could use him for aid in mapping and keeping enemies at bay. He was born into a poor family and made his own path. This is a way for him to fully set out on his own and also do what he loves.

joker 27 wrote:
joker 27 wrote:
I do have a 90% finished submission, just picking up a few more items
For story I was thinking that he would be a specialist in forward expansion with some skill in magic and crafting. Brought on because they could use him for aid in mapping and keeping enemies at bay. He was born into a poor family and made his own path. This is a way for him to fully set out on his own and also do what he loves.

sounds good. looking forward to see what you come up with.

I'm interested. Is there still room?

Ouachitonian wrote:
I'm interested. Is there still room?

Hello O,

Sorry, actually we are quite overbooked, but I can put you on stand-by if you want to have a character at the ready.

Send me a Post if you ever need another person to jump in an open slot.

I have a Skinwalker (Wereshark Blooded) Bard I would love to play for this particular AP.

He'sDeadJim wrote:

Send me a Post if you ever need another person to jump in an open slot.

I have a Skinwalker (Wereshark Blooded) Bard I would love to play for this particular AP.

Sounds cool. If a spot opens, I'll reach out.

GM Mioki wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
I'm interested. Is there still room?

Hello O,

Sorry, actually we are quite overbooked, but I can put you on stand-by if you want to have a character at the ready.

Sure. Please do. This is an AP I've yet to play.

This awesome group of adventurers is looking for a new GM to run the Ruins of Azlant AP. They are almost half way through the first book and at a good spot for someone else to take over.

I am going to be stepping away to fulfill a life goal and hike the Appalachian Trail.

These players would really like to keep the game going if someone is interested in stepping in and taking the helm.

I would love to see this game continue for these players. I would be more than willing to have my brain picked by anyone interested.

Giving this a 'Bump'.

I know there is an interested GM out there.

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I can vouch for at least one of the players and GM Mioki's taste in them. Sorry I can't pick this up, I thought about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm interested. Haven't run a campaign here yet, but I did run most of Book 1 of Reign of Winter on Roll20 before schedule conflicts killed the group.

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I'm also interested. Let me take a look and confirm.

Also, if Assembler wants it, the world always needs more GMs. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

WooHoo! We might be saved! Thanks to both of you, Assembler and GM Robogeisha for considering picking the game up!

If it helps, Mioki started this campaign as his 1st time out as a GM. We play well with those who are on the learning curve.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I looked through the game and saw that Mioki also had a Giantslayer campaign that was just starting when he decided to step back. Would you guys be up for someone continuing that as well?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Speaking for myself, (Who also happens to be Sigrun in Giantslayer) sure! Maybe the others will speak up on the subject as well, or if they don't soon I can PM them.

[EDIT]: If, on the other hand it's an either/or question, I think everyone including myself would prefer to keep Ruins of Azlant going since we already have a year invested in it while Giantslayer hadn't even really started.

I was thinking more along the lines of each of the two prospective GMs can take one campaign.

Agreed. Azlant was further along, there's material investment there. Giantslayer would be great too, BUT there's less to lose there as it was still amidst introductory RP (and one ambush encounter that I'm unsure is in the book or not).

Assembler wrote:
I was thinking more along the lines of each of the two prospective GMs can take one campaign.

Ninja'd by 1m :) Yes, this sounds awesome too if it's practical!

I'm pretty sure the ambush encounter in Giantslayer was added by Mioki to get us all together in one place. The AP itself hadn't started yet.

It would be incredible to have both games saved.
If only one, I'd choose Azlant.

I would love to see these games have new life. Thank you for considering picking it up. These players and characters are great. Feel free to pick my brain, I do not leave on my trip for a few more weeks.

Regarding GiantSlayer: correct that the AP was not started yet. The Ambush scene, the Gate scene, and the Tavern scene were to bring characters together and aid with character and NPC development.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think I'd rather run Giantslayer over Azlant. I don't love the underwater combat rules.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And I'd prefer running Azlant. There's just so much in there I'd love to be the one telling.

Sweet! Thanks to both of you. See you when you are ready to run.

This is fantastic! Thanks to you both!

GM Mioki, could you reactivate Giantslayer?

GM R0B0GEISHA wrote:
GM Mioki, could you reactivate Giantslayer?

All set.

New GM's Thanks again and have fun.

Let me know when you would like these threads turned inactive to not confuse your games.


Are you still looking for players in either game?

That probably depends on whether all prior players are sticking with it. I'm not sure if we've heard from everyone yet.

It looks to me like we have heard from everyone. Azlant is at five players and Giantslayer is at six.

If we were to fall down to 4 PCs in either game I could see adding a 5th. But as a player it would not be my preference to add more right now.

Well keep me in mind, ai saw there at one point was an advertisement for more players

I'm not looking to add more players at this time. If that changes, you'll be under consideration. :)

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