[Module] The Storm Chronicles (Ire of the Storm plus Seers of the Drowned City) by GM Rutseg (Inactive)

Game Master Balacertar


Current map
Hyrantam area map

Treasure sheet

PFS Chronicles:
- Ire of the Storm
- Seers of the Drowned City

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Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

We'll buy Muhdzuzi a present for being a good sport and for helping Jheri. It seems fair.

So my ongoing move distraction aside (it's almost over!!) we have a general item availability here somewhere correct? I have ideas on what to buy but I don't want to meta too much while distracted.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Not much I can really buy to be honest, I usually just restock my healing reserves and get generic 'gold' for scribing scrolls.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;
Ingolf wrote:
Sorry it took so long for me to post my reply. Searching through PbP posts to gather the information can be quite time-consuming.

Indeed, I do agree.

If you put up a google document with a small journal of just a few sentences of the hightlights you find and links to them, I can link the document at the top of the campaign.

Although this takes time, it certainly is more manageable than later having to review the whole thread, and it might be particularly easy if taken care by two or three people.

Also, makes easier for everyone to have a quick refresh of what the adventure is about and what the group is supposed to do :)

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Moving is finally done, everything hurts, I miss being younger.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Congrats for the deed Adriana! :)

I do not envy you, but those are the moments we kind of remember later on. Not the stiffness but the rest.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Apologies for being absent, thought the move would be the big one but there's family stuff to sort out that apparently couldn't wait until thanksgiving. Will hopefully be in to make an IC post proper soon.

And don't forget to take care of yourselves, y'all.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Every time I move, I tell myself "never again". But I'll have to buy a place to make that stick.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Why is it that all the vicious wilderness monsters we fight are all non animals for Wild Empathy? Sad Druid.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;
Splits the Leaves wrote:
Why is it that all the vicious wilderness monsters we fight are all non animals for Wild Empathy? Sad Druid.

Do not know, the only ones in the adventure so far were the dinosaurs in the first fight at the fort yard. The other animals had been added by me in random encounters.

That said...

SRD Druid - Wild Empathy wrote:
A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a -4 penalty on the check.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

They would have to be a Magical Beast sadly. Would he know if it would work in advance?

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none
GM Rutseg wrote:
Splits thinks they are some kind of magical beast and they were definitely Tiny creatures.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Oh I was talking mostly in general. Do people know their features are working? Hm.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

There might be weird cases and edges, but I think most of the times a seasoned adventurer is able to discern between the most basic creature types and thus know when she can use one thing or another.

But there is no preternatural notion of a feature working, like say, a paladin cannot know if someone is evil and has somehow to gamble when deciding to smite or not.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

I will never be free of this move.

An apology to everyone, some weird snafu with my internet provider. It got disconnected for no reason, reconnected with apologies, then disconnected and reconnected again. Life, right?

Adriana will be lingering with Tonny while I read and catch up proper.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Ouch, changes with internet providers are always turbulent, whether you are moving house or living in the same for years. Very much good luck Adriana!

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

It seems I messed up the link to Guughwa's image, here you have the good one.

I am waiting to see the interaction of Splits, or anyone else knowing how to speak Aquan.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Ingolf has the eggs for Guughwa, however he doesn't know for sure if this is Guughwa. He doesn't want to make any sudden movements without knowing what she's saying. A translation would really help!

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Sadly translating back and forth might upset the fickle outsider.

These rolls are not good though.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

There was some weird double up since something got mixed up and the previous tenants still had their names on the apartment internet and then things just got more jumbled. Sorted though, waiting to see what the crab thing does since I have nothing useful to add other than she's being quiet and nonthreatening.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Ok, it seems we are resting in Cashil, then going first to the First Colony (D) then to the Tar Pits (E), is that it?

Besides, has any of you been tracking the XP you have been earning?

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Oh, were we supposed to? XP has always been very much a GM thing, so I didn't realize we should be. XD

Regarding order, maybe the tar pits first since it looks like they're on the water? And then we push inland to get to the first colony.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Sorry my partner is having surgery tomorrow, I'm really not focused right now I'll be back after it's done.

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Hugs, and here’s hoping everything goes smoothly.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

No worries Splits! Echoing Tonny's voice, good luck!

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

All the good luck Splits!

No disagreement with Tonny, and I'm not certain anyone is tracking XP. I think we leveled after the storm, so that should be a good starting point to check from

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Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

From the xp record tab on the treasure sheet, it looks like it's time to level up now (next level progress at 102%)!

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Ingolf lvl 4 highlights:

Level in Oracle.

Ability score increase: +1 Charisma

+1 BAB
+1 Will
+8 HP

Mystery spell: Charm Animal
+1 orison known: Read Magic
+1 1st lvl spell/day

Adventuring Skill Ranks:

+1 Diplomacy
+2 Perception
+1 Ride

Background Skill Ranks:
+1 Handle Animal
+1 Knowledge History

FCB: +1 HP

Ingolf's bonded mount (boar) | HP: 35/38 | AC:18 T:10 FF:16 | Saves: F:8 R:4 W:2 | Init: 0 | Perc: 5 | CMB:2 CMD: 14 (18 vs trip) | Speed 40 ft

Ebba lvl 4 highlights:

4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack gore (1d8); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2; Special Attacks ferocity

Ability score increase: +1 Constitution

+1 BAB
+3 Fort (including con increases)
+1 Will
+15 HP (including con increases)

+1 skill rank: Stealth

Iron Gods: Iron maps;
Ingolf wrote:
From the xp record tab on the treasure sheet, it looks like it's time to level up now (next level progress at 102%)!

Indeed, you are level 4! :)

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I am giving you some extra time to discuss about your recent findings and level up your characters.

My guess is you are exploring the Tar Pits next where Banker Baldra Sifreth reported seasonal lizardfolk camps during your meeting with Count Narsus Council.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Okay I'm back and trying to play catch up today.

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Level 4 update:

- Intelligence increase means more skills/extracts/languages! Given our recent experiences, Tonny decided it would be best to have someone in addition to Splits the Leaves who could speak Aquan.
- 2nd level extracts! We've got a decent selection of potions that Tonny's been stockpiling to reverse-engineer with his Formula Alembic (as well as that spellbook), so he can prepare extracts like barkskin, lesser restoration, and see invisibility if folks need. Additionally, Tonny has a brand-new extract (ablative barrier) he "came up with himself" that could greatly expand our in-combat healing capabilities by turning up to 20 points of damage from lethal to non-lethal - and when someone uses a healing spell, they heal equal amounts of both lethal and non-lethal damage!
- New class abilities! The first (Opportune Advice) triggers when Tonny successfully identifies a creature and gives any allies within 30 ft a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws against that creature's attacks and abilities, as well as any creatures of the same type and subtype. This lasts for 4 rounds, or can be ended early to trigger...
- Knowledgeable Strike! Tonny can give everyone benefiting from Opportune Advice a +1d6 bonus to their next successful attack within the round against the target creature by ending the duration of Opportune Advice early. And neither of these abilities are language-dependent, so Ebba can benefit from them too!

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Oh dang we leveld up!

I'll be getting on that ASAP, it weirdly feels like we leveled up not that long ago. This year has been insane.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Okay, from the top -

Inquisitor Sanctified Slayer 4:-

+1 to INT, bringing it to 12 and finally giving me some buffs to INT skills and an extra skill point for leveling. Woo!

HP +7
BAB +1
Fort +1
Will +1
Hero Points +1

Sneak Attack 1d6 - Sanctified Slayer 4th level ability, replaces Judgment

Blessed Infiltration (Ex): At 4th level, when you make a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Stealth check, you may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus.

Level 2 Spells! - Blistering Invective* & See Invisibility*

Skills - Adventuring

Perception +1
Intimidate +1
Heal +1
Know Religion +1
Swim +1
Survival +1
Know Arcana +1

Handle Animal +1
Perform Dance +1

*Will be checking to make sure that both spells are in the allowed books, so there might be changes made.

Human Ranger 8| HP 47/53 | AC 19/14/15| CMB +10| CMD 24| F +8| R +11| W +6| Init +4 Per +12| Longbow +15 (1d8) arrow count: 17 regular, 16 +1

Ranger (Falconer) 4

+1 Dex

+6 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Fort Save
+1 Reflex Save


Background Skills
Handle animal
craft: taxidermy

4th level - Hunter's Bond (Rosemary becomes a full HP companion)
Spells - can now cast 1 level 1 spell per day

Str +2, Con +2
Fort, reflex saves +1, full HP

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Druid (Restorer 4)

+1 Wisdom (to 20 with the Headband)
+1 BAB
+1 Fortitude
+1 Will

Skills (4 + 2 Int + 1 Skilled)
Survival, Perception, K: Nature, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Heal, K: Arcana

K: Geo, K: History

4th level - Enemy of Blight (Number of rounds per day equal to twice my Wisdom mod I can ignore magical impediments and effects from magical terrain, basically super Woodland Stride). Wild Shape 1/day.

+2 1st level spell (class + bonus spell)
+1 2nd level spell (class spell)

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

I'm assuming that Tonny can't act yet since we're in initiative and thus can't try to diplomacize with the lizardfolk. If that's not the case, please let me know and he'll stick his foot in his mouth try to help.

Also, since we leveled up, does that mean we gain a Hero Point? And if that's the case, would Ingolf want to use it on that Diplomacy roll?

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

For reference:

0th (4 slots) - Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison, Detect Magic
1st (3 slots, 1 domain, 2 bonus, 2 pearls) - Entangle, Faerie Fire, Shield Companion, Obscuring Mist, <> [Whispering Wind], [Pearl], [Pearl]
2nd (2 slots, 1 bonus, 1 domain) - Aggressive Thundercloud, Gust of Wind, <>, [Wind Wall]

That's kind of my default layout. I have a 2nd and a 1st open for utility if we have time to prepare.

I feel like its Gozreh enough that it doesn't seem gamey if I forget to mention I prepared my spells every morning (just due to the nature of how PBP works).

Lightfoot has 16 hours of Shield Companion a day (with a slot + pearl) so assume its always up.

... Also my Bull Rush from Wind Blast is a massive +9 (+4 full BAB Druid Level, +5 Wisdom).

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Yes, you gained a Hero Point on level up.

Waiting for Adriana's turn. If she cannot fix odds with them, then... well, let's see :P

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

No pressure, right? At least I get a re-roll...

EDIT: Aw butts.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

I'm not sure what options we have here other than combat. The dice seem to have shut down any non-violent option. With the language barrier, diplomacy seemed a long-shot anyway. I suppose we could retreat, but how would we advance the plot?

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

We could retreat and come back later (like tomorrow). Give them time to relax and show we’re serious about not being interested in bloodshed.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Both options should be viable module-wise.

Of course, if you decide to retreat, it is not warranted you will have a better reception tomorrow, but you will have an attempt for Diplomacy. If you stay though, it will be combat.

Waiting for Jonah and Tonny actions at Gameplay.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I am around people, just waiting while you sort out the details of your approach.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Given the proximity of the main lizardfolk group to the rope bridge (about 100 ft), I'd say the chances of us all sneaking past them is close to zero — Ingolf's stealth is terrible.

I'm not sure if Ingolf can strike non-lethally when he's raging or not. And I don't know that he can command Ebba to do so either.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3


I can do non-lethal with no penalties (Yay Sarenrae!) but I'm not nearly tanky enough to fight all the lizard folk without serious support, but it is an option if we want to try it.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

As I mentioned previously, Ingolf probably can't do non-lethal damage while raging, and Ebba can't either. So we may not have power to take on the lizardfolk without killing them. And Ingolf's one on Diplomacy may have closed off the non-violent option. It could be that we're stuck, with no way to advance the plot. :(

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Happy holidays everyone!

Won't get a post in until at least after 25th, stay safe y'all.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Spending some time for the holidays away from tech and devices. Will be back on Monday.

Happy holidays.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Similar for me! I hope you all enjoy a great Christmas season! :)

I will wait if someone else wants to react to what is happening in Gameplay before proceeding forward with the lizard vs dinosaur combat.

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