[Module] The Storm Chronicles (Ire of the Storm plus Seers of the Drowned City) by GM Rutseg (Inactive)

Game Master Balacertar


Current map
Hyrantam area map

Treasure sheet

PFS Chronicles:
- Ire of the Storm
- Seers of the Drowned City

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M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

I'm trying to avoid that pesky dinosaur that everyone takes :)

Thanks for the swap, I'll take a look at the list and see what could fit without seeming too out of the ordinary.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Oh dang level 3!

Is there a healer in the town hall to help Jonah and the sheriff? And the storm's finally hitting now that we're all inside right? Adriana can't take another trip outside ;)

I think she'll be finished leveling tonight, I want to double check a couple of things are in the allowed books.

Human Ranger 8| HP 47/53 | AC 19/14/15| CMB +10| CMD 24| F +8| R +11| W +6| Init +4 Per +12| Longbow +15 (1d8) arrow count: 17 regular, 16 +1

Level up!

HP + 7 (average of d10 + Favored Class Bonus)
1 hero point
Will Save +1, BAB +1
Skill increases (6 + 2 background):
perception, survival, stealth, K. Nature, acrobatics, heal, handle animal, craft (taxidermy)

Weapon Focus: Longbow
bonus: Endurance

Favored Terrain: jungle is this area jungle, forest or swamp? obviously i want to go with what this area is, which i'm assuming is jungle but I'm not 100% sure

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

It is mainly swamps. There are many rivers and ponds (aquatic).

Jungles are only some patches of the terrain, but certainly no forests.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Ingolf Level 3 highlights:

One more level of Unchained Barbarian

+9 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+2 rounds rage/day

Jotungrip (Ex): At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed melee weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Feat: Boon Companion

Rage Power:
Lesser Spirit Totem

Adventuring skill rank increases:
+2 Diplomacy
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft

Background skill rank increases:
+1 Linguistics (Draconic)
+1 Handle Animal

Ingolf's bonded mount (boar) | HP: 35/38 | AC:18 T:10 FF:16 | Saves: F:8 R:4 W:2 | Init: 0 | Perc: 5 | CMB:2 CMD: 14 (18 vs trip) | Speed 40 ft

Ebba level 3 highlights:

(Note that Ingolf took the Boon Companion feat.)

+7 HP
+1 Str
+1 Dex
+1 BAB
+1 Will
+2 Natural Armor


Feat: Power Attack (will be always on)

Skill rank increase:
+1 Swim

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Leveling up!

Inquisitor Sanctified Slayer 3:-

HP+7 (dice/2+1 + Favored Class Bonus + CON)
BAB +1
Ref Save +1
Hero Point +1 (2/3)

Solo Tactics: At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Teamwork Feat: At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

Feat: Dervish Dance (Inner Sea World Guide pg. 286)

Spells Known - Cantrips 6, 1st 4
Spells Per Day - 3

Skills points - 6 + 2 Background
Adventuring Skill Increases -
Perception +1
Intimidate +1
Bluff +1
Diplomacy +1
Knowledge Local +1
Survival +1

Background Skill Increases -
Knowledge History +1
Linguistics (Learning Polyglot) +1

That should be everything, the only one that feels a bit odd is the linguistics point, but Adriana figures that since she lives in Pridon's Hearth now, one way or another she needs to learn, either from Tonny or an equally suitable source (I remember Tonny speaking it, but haven't double checked.)

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Pretty sure you don't learn Polyglot so much as you get really good at coming up with words that sound close enough. XD And he can teach Ingolf Draconic as well should he like.

Cryptid Scholar Investigator 3

HP: +6
BAB: +1
Fortitude: +1

Special Abilities:
- Investigator Talent: At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, an investigator gains an investigator talent. Except where otherwise noted, each investigator talent can only be selected once.
- Keen Recollection: At 3rd level, an investigator can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
- Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, an investigator gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, granting him a +1 bonus on Ref lex saving throws to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).

Feat: Combat Reflexes (CRB)

Talent: Alchemist Discovery: The investigator can select one of the following alchemist discoveries as an investigator talent: combine extracts, concentrate poison, dilution, elixir of life, enhance potion, eternal potion, extend potion, infusion, mutagen, and poison conversion. When selecting an alchemist discovery, he must be high enough level to qualify for that discovery, using his investigator level as his alchemist level to determine if he qualifies. This talent can be selected multiple times; each time grants a new alchemist discovery.
- Infusion: When the alchemist creates an extract, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The extract created now persists even after the alchemist sets it down. As long as the extract exists, it continues to occupy one of the alchemist's daily extract slots. An infused extract can be imbibed by a non-alchemist to gain its effects.

- New: Long Arm

Skill Increases (6 Class + 3 Intelligence + 2 Background = 11 Total):
- Bluff +1
- Climb +1
- Disable Device +1
- Disguise +1
- Heal +1
- Intimidate +1
- Knowledge (arcana) +1
- Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1
- Knowledge (local) +1
- Knowledge (nobility) +1 (B)
- Sleight of Hand +1 (B)

So Tonny will trade lessons in Polyglot for tips on being scary from Adriana. And maybe pick up some ideas from watching Splits the Leaves work his craft. Sound fair?

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Also, question for the GM. This module can be played for PFS credit. Would you be willing to fill out Chronicle sheets after we finish each sanctioned section? I'd be happy to take care of the online reporting aspect if that would make things easier for you.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

It's fine, I am familiar with PFS. Just hand me the ID for the character you want to apply the chronicle to, and whether if you wish to advance in Slow or Normal mode.

Even if you are not interested to play PFS, I recommend to create an PFS character and assign it the chronicles. Just because it is nice to have a track record of your adventures. You can create a PFS character a your organized play account.

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Woo! Thanks!

Player: Hawthwile
Character: Dhovahk
PFS #: 264524-15
Progression: Normal
Faction: Concordance

Iron Gods: Iron maps;
Ingolf wrote:
The wand is a bit of a dud, apparently; 13 charges remaining. If Sherif Adaela isn't conscious yet, Ingolf will spend another charge.

You will be shocked to know I doubled the number of remaining charges :)

I recommend you save it as you will have days enough to rest and recover.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Adriana will do her best to make Tonny scarier ;)

I'm guessing there'll be a few days for healing and stuff like that because the storm hasn't even finished and we have to get to the morning after yet.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

So I'm trying to think what kind of animal best represents him and I don't want the usual dinosaur despite this being the time to get it. Also I don't want to step on Jonah's toes with a bird.

I'm looking and considering a viper as you said the places nearby are fairly marshy and swampy. It kind of just draws my eyes in so I think its the one. It's definitely not the most robust familiar but it has swim speeds, climb speeds and can be a decent bodyguard for my druid.

Before I settle on it though, technically Shield Companion requires them to wear a ring as a focus; would that even be possible?

Thankfully Gozreh's sacred animal is all animals.

Ingolf's bonded mount (boar) | HP: 35/38 | AC:18 T:10 FF:16 | Saves: F:8 R:4 W:2 | Init: 0 | Perc: 5 | CMB:2 CMD: 14 (18 vs trip) | Speed 40 ft
GM Rutseg wrote:

Appropriate familiars could be any domestic animal you can find in the colony:

- dogs
- cats (you recently saved Delour who might get interest in you)
- pigs
- chickens
- goats
- pigs

Pigs are all the rage. You know you want one. :)

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

It might be best if Splits carries the wand. Ingolf's curse makes it awkward for him to use it in an emergency (standard action to retrieve).

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

The Animal Archive (later reproduced in Ultimate Wilderness) holds some rulings for familiar item slots which seem good suggestions to follow.

In that sense a viper would have: belt, eyes and headband.

Anyone else interested in a PFS chronicle? In principle I need at least 3 player ids to report the table.

Human Ranger 8| HP 47/53 | AC 19/14/15| CMB +10| CMD 24| F +8| R +11| W +6| Init +4 Per +12| Longbow +15 (1d8) arrow count: 17 regular, 16 +1

I haven't done any PFS before, but i can sign up, if for no other reason than filling the table!

EDIT: ID is 273241

I am going to switch my favored terrain to swamp if that's alright with you, GM

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

My ID is 6462 (yes, only 4 digits), if you need another ID to report.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50
GM Rutseg wrote:

The Animal Archive (later reproduced in Ultimate Wilderness) holds some rulings for familiar item slots which seem good suggestions to follow.

In that sense a viper would have: belt, eyes and headband.

It seems these are for magic item slots, but if we extend that a focus ring wouldn't even be able to work on a snake. If it's ruled as such then I'm only limited to Bipeds (and Birds). I'll have to reconsider my option then because I would love to have the two linked via Shield Companion.

Maybe I just cave and have a little dinosaur pet. I wonder how that would play with Jonah... Actually the more I think about it the more fun it might be.

Compsognathus Familiar:

Compsognathus (Mauler)
[Stats built for Battle Form and Shield Companion]
HP 12/12; Size M

AC 14 (10 Base + 1 Natural + 2 Familiar + 1 Dex + 1 Deflect)
TAC 12 (10 Base + 1 Dex + 1 Deflect)
FF 14 (10 Base + 1 Natural + 2 Familiar + 1 Deflect)

Ground 40/Swim 20; Low-Light Vision, Scent

Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +7 [Uses master's saves] [Improved Evasion]

Str 17 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 2 Wis 11 Cha 5

Bite +5 (1d6+4+Poison)
Dino's Poison (Ex) Bite — injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

Skills [Use master's ranks but creature's stats]

1 - Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link
3 - Battle form

Spell Sponge

Scaling Abilities
Natural Armor +2 (Familiar)
Strength +1 (Familiar Scaling [Mauler])
Strength +4 (Size)
Strength +2 (Battle Form [Mauler])
Strength +2 (Eye for Talent [Human Racial])

This thing is actually fairly mean. Wow. My little dinosaur bodyguard / spirit protector. Although I suppose when in battle form he looks more like a raptor than a tiny creature.

Just need to find one in the wilderness now, we encountered them already so there is some precedent. I just didn't want to come off as one of those people who take the dinosaur for the initiative boost but I suppose it actually makes sense here.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Just missed the edit window, but if we need more survivability and tools I can prepare scrolls as well. I figured it was very much in the tradition of the Old-Mage.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

I don't think I've used it yet but my organized play number is 2381781

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Mmm... if you really prefer the viper option, I am open to the idea of the ring component required can be used on the headband slot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

I think I'll go with the little dino, we've seen them once already so it could make for a nice little callback. Plus it has some interesting RP opportunity with Jonah and the visual is pretty neat.

Thank you for the offer though!

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

So... the Storm has passed, and it is time to assess how the heroes actions helped to prepare the colony to survive the wicked weather.

Mechanically it works like this. Your actions earned Preparation Points for Pridon's Hearth.

For example, bringing back the construction supplies from Fort Breakthrough helped people to protect their houses as they had the proper tools. Similar for the food, etc...

The results scale is:
<=5 Survival and Little Else: devastation, dozens of deaths, 50% inflation
6-12 Battered but Standing: many cheap buildings lost
13-19 Relatively Intact: broken windows and flooding
>=20 Cosmetic Damage: little damage

Your deeds:
Bringing construction supplies: 2 PP
Bringing food supplies: 1 PP
Bringing medical supplies: 2 PP
Identifying structural weaknesses: 1 PP
Drive the animals to bring wood: 1 PP
Intimidating people to help: 2 PP
Helping to board houses: 1 PP
Talking with animals to help move supplies: 2 PP
Identifying people looking for work: 1 PP
Reinforcing count's men carrying capacity with 3x ant haul: 2 PP
Identifying the most important supplies to secure: 1 PP
Labor hard to give example and board up: 2 PP
Saving Amal Rashid: 1 PP
Saving Maso Pareto: 1 PP
Saving Mirya Oyin: 1 PP
Defeating Graular the troll: Prevented the lose of 3 PP
Defeating the water elementals: Prevented the lose of 2 PP
Defeating the lizardfolk: Prevented the lose of 4 PP

Total Preparation Points: 21 PP

Result: Cosmetic Damage: The storm leaves little damage beyond mud and a few loose shingles. Shops reopen the same day and the citizens of Pridon's Hearth offer the PCs a reward of 250 gp each.

Great teamwork! Congratulations for your success :)

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Oh dang you guys we did it! And we did it pretty dang awesomely!

We saved the town, we all leveled up and we got ourselves a decent treasure haul PLUS a bonus - it feels good with how some of those rolls went.

Does Pridon's Hearth have it's own list of whats available to buy? And how do we all want to work out the treasure haul?

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

There is no list, but I will use the settlement stats and random treasure to produce one.

I think by now you are familiar enough with the settlement that I can present you its stats, for ease of use. If you are not familiar with these statblocks, you can find what each property means at the Gamemastery settlement stats chapter.

N small town
Corruption +2; Crime –3; Economy +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Society –2
Qualities: insular, racially intolerant (Ekujae elves)
Danger: +0
Government: overlord
Population: 331 (257 humans, 52 halflings, 12 half-elves, 10 other)
Notable NPCs
Advisor Hamsa Gadd (NE female human bard 6)
Banker Baldra Siferth (LN female venerable human cleric of Abadar 7)
Count Lethar Narsus (N male human aristocrat 4/magusUM 1)
Sheriff Adaela Praet (LN female human ex-paladin of Iomedae 3)
Base Value: 1,000 gp; Purchase Limit: 5,000 gp; Spellcasting: 4th
Minor Items: 3d4; Medium Items: 1d6; Major Items —

This means any item up to 1000 gp is available (including any +1 armor or shield). Any item up to 5600 gp is available at Eleder, which you can order the Kaava Cutter ferry to bring to you in a month frame.

Because using the tables at the Corerulebook would make too much stuff unavailable, I will use the Ultimate Equipment tables for random treasure generation, and just reroll items not within our campaign Sources.

Random Item Generation:

I have remade the type of object table to exclude scrolls, potions and wands, because they are boring and are below the base value which means, you can already find them in shops.

Minor items: 3d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 2) = 6
Type of minor object table
01-13 lesser armor and shields
14-20 greater armor and shields
21-36 lesser weapons
37-45 greater weapons
46-51 lesser rings
52-55 greater rings
56-84 lesser wondrous items
85-100 greater wondrous items

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 49
lesser minor ring: 1d100 ⇒ 21 Ring of spell knowledge I, 1500 gp (you chose which spell)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 14
Greater minor armor or shield: 1d100 ⇒ 27 +2 armor or shield (I will let you chose which type of armor or shield exactly)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 75
lesser minor wondrous item: 1d100 ⇒ 39
lesser minor head item: 1d100 ⇒ 30 Cap of light, 900 gp
Not within sources -> reroll

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 33
lesser minor weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 96
Lesser minor specific weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 91 Slaying arrow (or bolt), 2,282 gp (I will let you chose the type of monster between: animal, humanoid reptilian and elf)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 40
greater minor weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 32 +2 magic weapon (you chose type)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 3
lesser minor armor or shield: 1d100 ⇒ 69
Lesser minor specific armor or shield: 1d100 ⇒ 76 non magical mithral or adamantine armor or shield (you chose type)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 51
lesser minor ring: 1d100 ⇒ 20 Ring of spell knowledge I, 1500 gp (with another spell of your choosing)

Medium items: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Type of intermediate object table
01-11 lesser armor or shield
12-17 greater armor or shield
18-28 lesser weapon
29-34 greater weapon
35-45 lesser ring
46-51 greater ring
52-62 lesser rod
63-68 greater rod
69-71 lesser staff
72-73 greater staff
74-90 lesser wondrous item
91-100 greater wondrous item

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 69
lesser intermediate staff: 1d100 ⇒ 69 Staff of understanding
-> Not within sources, reroll

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 11
lesser intermediate armor or shield: 1d100 ⇒ 51
1st +1 quality: 1d100 ⇒ 33 Champion (armor), Blinding (shield)
2nd +1 quality: 1d100 ⇒ 50 Deathless, Defiant
2nd +1 quality: 1d100 ⇒ 6 Poison-Resistant, Poison-Resistant
2nd +1 quality: 1d100 ⇒ 62 Light fortification, Light fortification
+1 Champion, Light fortification armor or +1 Blinding, Light fortification shield

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 63
greater intermediate rod: 1d100 ⇒ 78 Sapling rod

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 90
Wondrous item type: 1d100 ⇒ 85
Lesser slotless intermediate WI: 1d100 ⇒ 76 Horn of Judgement

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 9
lesser intermediate armor or shield: 1d100 ⇒ 18 +2 armor or shield (you chose type)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 41
lesser intermediate ring: 1d100 ⇒ 23 Scholar’s ring

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 35
lesser intermediate ring: 1d100 ⇒ 62 Ring of energy resistance, minor 12000 gp (you chose type of energy)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 27
lesser intermediate weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 80
+1 weapon quality: 1d100 ⇒ 7 +2 Bane melee or ranged weapon (you chose type and bane target)

Type: 1d100 ⇒ 50
greater intermediate ring: 1d100 ⇒ 56 Ring of revelation, superior, 24000 gp (you chose Mystery)

Despite being a small temple in comparison with other Banks of Abadar, the Countinghouse of Pridon's Hearth has a Vault to store powerful magic items. The most resounded ones in the city are a set of magical rings left behind by an oracle follower of Gozreh called Magdi Kukoyi. The man deposited the objects to have credit for an expedition to the swamps but never came back. His apprentice, Kanjo Arram still walks around town, but has no money to recover his mentor's rings.
- 2x Ring of spell knowledge I, 1500 gp (with another spell of your choosing)
- Ring of revelation, superior, 24000 gp (you chose Mystery)

Vethorn Valgardson, the half-elf owner of Northwind Smithy has a set of magical armors and weapons available. Most of them were sold to him by a group of adventurers that passed by, but he is particularly proud by a set of arrows he enchanted with the help of Baldra Siferth to slay the most common enemies of the swamp and jungles around. Currently, he is working on a piece of armor made of special metal he ordered from Numeria, it is rumored around town the work is almost finished, but no one has still seen it.
- +2 armor or shield (I will let you chose which type of armor or shield exactly)
- +2 magic weapon (you chose type)
- +2 armor or shield (you chose type)
- +2 Bane melee or ranged weapon (you chose type and bane target)
- Slaying arrow (or bolt), 2,282 gp (I will let you chose the type of monster between: animal, humanoid reptilian and elf)
- non magical mithral or adamantine armor or shield (you chose type)

It is rumored Sheriff Adaela Praet was before a paladin of Iomedae. She still has her old champion armor but she rejects to wear it as she judges herself not worth of it anymore. For that reason, she is open to sell her old piece of armor to someone worth of it.
- +1 Champion, Light fortification armor or +1 Blinding, Light fortification shield

It is told that Cassia gave a magical ring of resistance to Mirya Oyin for their wedding. Mirya often jokes that Cassia wanted to protect her love from her unending energy. Despite the high personal value it is likely Mirya would give the ring for the right sum to someone that might be in more need of it.
- Ring of energy resistance, minor 12000 gp (you chose type of energy)

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Oh heck yeah background information! I can't want to maybe buy stuff once I'm certain how much money I have.

And since it looks like we have a little downtime before the next thing, Adrana will attempt to have a moment with everybody. She's still worried about Jonah's health and want's to double check on her friends, it just seemed right that she took Amil home, since she promised and all.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

Do we have any additional funds available to buy equipment or have it made?

Ingolf would like to get a small lucerne hammer.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

There shall be enough treasure in the treasure sheet for that and more. You can also sell many of the stuff you found if you need extra coin.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

When I have a little time I'm gonna go through the treasure sheet properly and see what catches my eye best - there's a couple of things already but I want to spend a little time on it.

I haven't really used the downtime rules either but how much time do we have for activities? Like is it enough for one or two before things pick up again - assuming that's how it works with the module.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

You can safely assume a couple of days or three of downtime.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

I think every one should hold a Lesser Restoration potion. Its great for removing Fatigue if we march and obviously ability damage.

Also if anyone has any level 1 Druid spells that would be good on scrolls, just let me know. I'm looking to scribe some very basic utility items for us. Right now I have Speak With Animals on the shortlist Any restrictions GM Rutseg? Are you okay with this?

Also how difficult would it be to get Masterwork Lamellar (Leather) Light Armor (Ultimate Combat)? Medium Armor seems really uncomfortable in the wilderness with all the climbing and possible swimming.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

@Splits - Ant Haul might be useful? At least one scroll maybe?

So going through the treasure list, so far I have my eyes on one of the masterwork scimitars and the masterwork studded leather, haven't made any real guesses at what our gold split could be yet and don't want to jump the gun attempting to calculate that.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

@Splits, you can prepare any spell as long as it is within the available sources for this campaign. And sure, lamellar armors are within Ultimate Combat which is part of the sources, so you could find a masterwork quality or +1 version (that hits the 1000 gp cap for the colony).

If you mark as Selling the status of an object (Column J) you will find in the tab Statistics the total for that sold. Divide by 5 and you have how much money is available.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

If you are done with the downtime I will move us to the meeting at the count State.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Trying to get a post in, but the last few days have been a lot, so if we get moved ahead I'll adapt.

I haven't fully sorted out what Adriana is claiming from the treasure sheet apart from a scimitar and the studded leather. I'm hoping with enough downtime today I can maybe calculate what the GP of everything will be once sold but still want to give everyone else the chance to claim something.

Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none

There's nothing unclaimed that Ingolf can use.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Alright, so I've done a quick once over of the treasure sheet and I've only done the math properly on things I'm certain we're going to sell, which has come up to 1161GP - feel free to double check, math isn't my strong point ;)

This DOES NOT include the 250 from the sheriff and does not include the sale of the following items -

5x Potions of Lesser Restoration
1x Brooch of Shielding
1x Wand of Cure Light Wounds (I think Splits has it)
1x Master work Leather Armor
1x Wand of Touch of the Sea (I think Jonah has it)
1x Scroll of Water Breathing (Splits again, I think)
1x Mithral Dagger (Adriana has it, I forgot about it)

I'm pretty sure we're all taking one of the restoration potions, but there's still a few things up for grabs that can be distributed between us or sold off.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

I can confirm I have the two wands and the scroll. Touch of the Sea isn't a Ranger spell, so I'm the only one who can activate it. Jonah could potentially take the Wand of Cure Light if he wants; as I can spontaneously convert spells.

I also have the Pearl of Power. There is nothing else in my possession from the loot drops.

I definitely think everyone should mark down 1 potion of lesser restoration.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Oh definitely, I just wanted to have the current work out in the open so that we all could see what hadn't been claimed or calculated for the GP total - I also haven't divided up the total GP yet so just for clarification we're not all about to get 1000+gp

I've added to my character sheet the masterwork items I wanted, one of the potions and the mithral dagger - Now, since I forgot about it and Adriana isn't aware it's mithral (she thinks it's silver), if my keeping it feels too much like metagaming I'll toss it into the sell pile and we'll all get a little more.

The main items left on the list for grabs are the Masterwork leather armor and the Brooch of Shielding. There are also two more masterwork scimitars, I put them in the sell pile instead of the claim pile but they're there, if anybody takes one let me know and I'll recalculate the GP split.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50

Assuming he is able to get the MWK Lamellar:

AC -1
TAC -1
ACP reduced to -1 instead of -4
Speed to 30

I don't really utilize weapons, and my armor needs to have no metal in it so I invested in a good lamellar for the mobility and the ability to climb and swim.

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

If nobody else wants it, Tonny could use the masterwork leather armor. And the brooch of shielding would be handy on anyone we think is likely to be targeted by magic missile, lol. Dunno who that would be, but my guess would be one of the folks in the front line.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

I have marked all those as "Selling", it is automated to tell you the final amount Adriana. Checking the statistics tab it says you are in 1499.10 gp (~214 gp each). But you still have to receive the count's reward.

Thanks a lot for managing the treasure Adriana.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Not a problem, had a little spare time and there were still things that hadn't been claimed.

Right now I think Tonny and Jonah are the only ones left to pick and once they're definitely certain I'll go over it all again for double checking and then we should have our split and shopping sorted. Woo!

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Ooo, didn't know we had masterwork studded leather! Tonny would take that for the extra AC if nobody else wants it - I've put his name on it in the spreadsheet, but feel free to speak up if your character would want it. Other than that, Tonny's good to go.

Also, @GM, any word on those Chronicle sheets?

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

I want to make a claim for the studded leather as Adriana has regular studded leather, but I also want to give Jonah a chance to say if he wants it or not. If he does I'll let the two of you work out who gets it and I'll see if i can afford to buy some once we know what our treasure split turns out to be.

Also does anybody know if the Traveler's Any-Tool is in our allowed books? Adriana wants to buy one because they're crazy useful.

Grand Lodge

M NG Half-Elf Cryptid Scholar Investigator 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +7 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (+2 vs traps), SM: +2, Low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Extracts: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 |Inspiration 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Sounds good - Tonny shouldn't be in the front line, so he's fine with the masterwork leather armor.

M Human Druid (Restorer) 5 - HP 36/37 - LF HP 27/28 - AC 16 - TAC 12 - FF 14 - CMD 14 - Init +6 - Fort +5 - Ref +3 - Will +8 (+2 storm effects) - Perc +15 - SM +18 - Wind 8/8 - Wild Shape 1/1 - Hero Points 3/3 - CLW 21/50
Adriana the Penitent wrote:

Also does anybody know if the Traveler's Any-Tool is in our allowed books? Adriana wants to buy one because they're crazy useful.

It's from UE so no. It's probably my favourite magic item, right behind Sleeves of Many Garments.

Female Human Inquisitor 7 | HP:52 | AC:20 TAC:13 CMB: +6 CMD: 20 | Fort+7 Ref+7 Will+8 | Init +5 Perception +12 | Hero Points: 3

Aw darn, and it's so good too!

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