GM Ietsuna's Master of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master Ietsuna


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Liberty's Edge

CN female Half-Elf Bloodrager 1
|AC 16, T 10, FF 16|HP: 13/13|F +5, R 0, W 0 (+3 vs MA)|Init 0, Perc -1|CMB +3 CMD 14|11/11 Bloodrage, 1/1 Rousing Oratory

Player Name - I'm Hiding In Your Closet
Character Name - Jezebel Gemblade
Character Number - #40025-26
Chronicle #1
Starting Gold 16 gp
Day Job - Perform (Sing), Faction Pin: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
folio reroll: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 comme ci, comme ça
Pace - Standard
Faction - Liberty's Edge

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Magus(Eldrich-Draconic)-Lv 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB 2 CMD 15 | F +2 R +3 W +2| INIT +3| PER +2 Low-Light Vision 30' | Speed 30' | Conditions

Idk that this was official psf

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So is Heroki not legal?

Dark Archive

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 5 (Tattooed Sorcerer) Buffs: | HP 50/50| AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -2 CMD 9| F +5 R +3 W +4| INIT +12| PER +14 Darkvision 60' SM+1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5|
Shirt Reroll 1/1, Dancing Lights 4/4, Flare 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Produce Flame 1/1| Spells 1st 8/8 2nd 5/5

@GM letsuna - Do you have everything you need for our chronicle sheets?

PFS Tracker Have Feedback? GM Ietsuna's Gm Feedback Form

Yeah I do, but I have run into a small hiccup with reporting and such. Working to resolve.

Basically we started with 5, dropped to 3. Which is not an issue. Minimum legal table size is 3. But if Heroki isn't legal I am not quite sure how to handle it. I am talking to the powers that be about how to tackle the issue because it isn't your fault that people bailed.

People dropping is not an issue. You need 3 people minimum to start the table but if they die or drop out during the game it is not an issue in terms of legality of the table.

PFS Tracker Have Feedback? GM Ietsuna's Gm Feedback Form

So do I report them with 0PP or what? It wont let me report a game with just 2 players filled in.

Technically Agni did at least 4-5 encounters (combats) before dropping so he qualifies for 1 XP and some gold. I would not bother with the others that dropped out earlier.

If you complete 3 encounters than you qualify for the experience point as per the guide. You can see if he qualifies for the prestige in the description and determine what gold to give him.

PFS Tracker Have Feedback? GM Ietsuna's Gm Feedback Form

Chronicles are up HERE

The game has been reported. If there are any errors or issues with chronicles sheets please let me know.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the help with getting this closed out.

Thanks GM letsuna for being the GM. Hopefully I will see you in some of the other online games here.

Liberty's Edge

CN female Half-Elf Bloodrager 1
|AC 16, T 10, FF 16|HP: 13/13|F +5, R 0, W 0 (+3 vs MA)|Init 0, Perc -1|CMB +3 CMD 14|11/11 Bloodrage, 1/1 Rousing Oratory

Could you set this to Inactive, please?

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