Full Name |
Relgar |
Race |
| HP 50/50| AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -2 CMD 9| F +5 R +3 W +4| INIT +12| PER +14 Darkvision 60' SM+1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5| |
Classes/Levels |
Gender |
Male N Gnome Sorcerer 5 (Tattooed Sorcerer) Buffs: |
Size |
S (3'5", 40#) |
Alignment |
N |
Languages |
Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Giant. |
Strength |
5 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
8 |
Charisma |
21 |
About Relgar
Male N Gnome Sorcerer 5 (Tattooed Sorcerer)
Str 5 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 21
HP 50 Init +12 Speed 20' Senses Darkvision 60' Perception +14
AC 15 T 12 FF 14 BAB +2 CMB -2 CMD 9
F+5 R+3 W+4
Important Boons
Beheading the Serpent (All Aspis agents and hirelings are at -1 to hit, damage, saves and skill checks)
Purchasing a property in Absalom costs 1 PP less than normal
+2 bonus on Charisma checks vs. faithful of Razmir
Apprentices Returned 1)Reduce magical foot slot cost by 50 gold (once)(left at lodge), 2)Begin each adventure with 4 trail rations, 3) Courtier Outfit (left at lodge), 4)10% discount for a potion at Pricknettle, 5)Wand of Cure Light Wounds (3 charges), 6)Reduce the cost of lodging by 50%.
Faction: Dark Archive
Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10,Intimidate +9, K-Arcana +7, K-Nobility +7,Perception +14, Ride +9, Spellcraft +5, UMD +10.
Notable untrained skills: Stealth +5,Handle Animal +6.
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Giant.
Noble Scion - scion of war. K-Nobility is a class skill. +2 bonus on K-Nobility. Use Charisma modifier instead of Dexterity modifier for Initiative checks. Additional Traits (Religion-Affinity for the Elements: Fire Spells +1 DC, Ymeri. Social - Beast Bond - +1 bonus to Ride and Handle Animal, Ride is a class skill). Toughness.
Reactionary,Gifted Adept(+1 CL - Burning Hands)
Bonus Trait: (7-00): Ease of Faith (+1 Diplomacy, Diplomacy is a class skill).
Sorcerer Class Abilities
Bloodline (Draconic - Gold), Skill(Perception).
Arcana - +1 hp/die rolled (Fire)
Dragon Resistances(Ex) Resist Fire 5, +1 NA.
Varisian Tattoo (Evocation +1CL,Dancing Lights 3/day)
Bloodline Tattoo (Mage Armor, Resist Energy) - enhanced by varisian tattoo.
Familiar Tattoo "Gregor" (Rhamphorhynchus,Mauler archetype. Grants alertness and +4 initiative), can transform back and forth from a tattoo as a move action. According to my research he is about the size of a pigeon and has a weight of 1-2 pounds in his tiny form.
FCB (Sorcerer 1-5, +5 hp)
Charisma +1 (4th level)
Hit point retraining: +2 hit points @ 2nd level (6 PP and 120 gold),+1 hit point @ 5th level (3 PP and 150 gold).
Spell Casting
Concentration +10, Evocation +11, Fire +12, Burning Hands +13.
Spells per Day 0-6, 1st-8 2nd-5.
Spells Known
0 - Detect Magic, Read Magic,Daze(W15),Light,Mage Hand 35', Message (5 people).
1 - Grease 35'(R16), Burning Hands(5d4+5 Fire, R17, CL8), Mage Armor (+4 AC, 6 hours, CL6), Magic Missile (3d4+3,160',CL6), Vanish, 5 rounds(PoSK), Ear Piercing Scream (3d6 Sonic, F16 Daze 1 round, 40', CL6).
2 - Create Pit (150',10X10 Pit,20' Deep,R17), Resist Energy (10, 60 minutes, CL6), Scorching Ray (+5* Touch, 2 rays of 4d6+4 damage, 40', CL7).
*1 Circumstance bonus to hit for all rays (Alchemist Fire).
Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60', Pyromaniac (+1CL Fire spells, 1/day Dancing Lights, Flare, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame), Bond to the Land (+2 Dodge AC -Underground), Academician (+2 KS-Arcana), Weapon Familiarity.
Magical Items
Cracked Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (+1 competence bonus to Initiative)
Cracked Turquoise Sphere Ioun Stone (+1 competence bonus to Ride)
Wand of Heightened Awareness (49 charges)
Wand of Summon Monster I (1 charge, CL3) - Chronicle #1.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (3 charges, adventure boon)
Mithral Buckler +1 (0 ACP, 0% Spell Failure, 1.25#)
Cloak of Resistance +1
Eyes of the Eagle
Page of Spell Knowledge: Vanish.
Scrolls:Invisibility,Infernal Healing(3),Comprehend Languages,Disguise Self,Endure Elements, Recharge Innate Magic, Silent Image, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person.
-Scroll Box
-Scroll Case-Leather
Spell Component Pouch
*Focus: Miniature Shovel (Create Pit).
Waterskin (small sized)
Monk's Outfit
Alchemist Fire
MW-Tool Riding (Riding Boots)
Weight:9.75# (Light - Current) (CC 12#)
Loadout :
Scroll Case: Reduce Person, Disguise Self, Silent Image, Obscuring Mist.
Scroll Box 1:Page of Spell Knowledge(Vanish),Invisibility,Infernal Healing(3),Endure Elements, Comprehend Languages, Recharge Innate Magic.
1096 Gold.
12 XP, 19 Fame, 8 Prestige.
| HP 50/50| AC 15 T 12 FF 14 | CMB -2 CMD 9| F +5 R +3 W +4| INIT +12| PER +14 Darkvision 60' SM+1| Speed 20' |Resist Fire 5|