GM Sparrowhawk's Origin of the Open Road [Gameday VIII] (Inactive)

Game Master Bristor

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Maps and Handouts

Because reporting was due a month ago, I used the info on the slideshow. Once I hear if anyone else wanted it reported differently, Merisiel I will email the VC to get them to change your info.

Thanks for bearing with me through a difficult fall - hope I didn't ruin your feeling towards 2E!

CN Goblin (Charhide) Alchemist 5 HP: 56/56 | AC: 22 | F: 11 R: 13 W: 7 | Per: 7 | Stealth: 13 | Speed: 25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Not at all. I still greatly enjoyed it and plan on making playing it a bit more now that I have other games wrapping up. Thank you for the run!

Female Elf Rogue 5 HP 56/56 | AC 22 | Fort +9, Reflex +13, Will +11 | Perception +11 (E), Deception +9 (E), Stealth +13 (E)

Not at all, thanks very much for running. I have run a fair bit of 2E myself so far and am enjoying it.

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