[ACG] [Gameday VIII] The Hao Jin Cataclysm - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Tier 2 table (for characters tier 1-3)

  • Talitha/MauveAvengr
  • Sajan/Yewstance
  • Angban/ScorchedOne
  • Estra/Mhuirich

Reward powers:
Ships gain the additional power: "When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to succeed at your check to acquire an ally."

Each character on a ship may reduce structural damage by discarding cards from the top of their deck or recharging cards from their hand.

Ships gain the additional power “When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a barrier.”

Muckmouth Secured: Each character may either shuffle a card from his discard pile into his deck or draw a card. (during 10-00C)

Eternal Lake Secured: When another character at your location attempts a non-combat check, you may recharge any number of cards to add 1 for each card recharged.

Temple Secured: Each character draws a blessing from the box. If that blessing has the Basic trait, that character may recharge a random blessing from her discard pile. (during 10-00D)

Round Mountain Secured: Each character may examine the top card of any location deck, then may move. (during 10-00D)

Slave Mountain Secured: Each character draws an ally from the box. If that ally has the Basic trait, that character may recharge a random ally from his discard pile. (during 10-00D)

Patchwork Allies Secured: Each character draws a random weapon or spell that does not have the Basic trait from the box. (during 10-00D)

Undead Contained: Each character adds 1d6 and the Magic trait to her checks against banes that have the Undead trait.

Guardian’s Last Stand: Shuffle 5 Conflagration henchmen into the blessings deck, then discard 5 cards from the blessings deck. Also do this when setting up any subsequent scenarios in this adventure.

    1) Weapon
    2) Spell
    3) Armor
    4) Item
    5) Ally
    6) Player's choice

    1) Merchantman
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 5
    Perception 7
    If defeated, when you stash a plunder card, roll on the Plunder Table twice and choose 1 of the results.

    When Commanding
    When you would roll for plunder, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to choose the type of plunder card instead.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    If you fail to defeat a bane that has the Pirate trait, bury a card.

    2) Shackles Pirate Ship
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Disable 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    If your check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, add 1 to it.

    When Commanding
    If your check to defeat a ship has the Swashbuckling trait, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to that check.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    When your ship is dealt damage, add 1 to the amount of damage dealt.

    3) Man's Promise
    Ship 1
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    If any check to defeat the Man's Promise has the Swashbuckling trait, add 2 to it.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to explore your location.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    Other characters may not move or be moved from your location.

    4) Truewind
    Ship B
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Intelligence/Knowledge 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    You may discard an ally that has the Pirate trait to add 2 to your check to defeat.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge a random card from your discard pile.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    The difficulty of your check to acquire an ally that has the Pirate trait is increased by 2.

    5) Devil’s Pallor
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    Constitution/Fortitude 9
    If defeated, discard a card. Do not roll for the plunder card type; stash a random weapon instead.

    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon, or 2d12 if the boon is a spell that has the Attack trail or a weapon.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or bury 1 card.

    6) Thresher
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Intelligence/Knowledge 9
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    Before you act, bury a random card from your discard pile.

    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    At the start of your turn, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge any number of cards and draw that number of cards.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    At the start of your turn, summon and encounter the henchman Hammerhead Shark.

    7) Sea Chanty
    Ship B
    Class 3

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    You may reveal any number of allies; for each ally revealed, add 3 to your check to defeat the Sea Chanty.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    The difficulty of your check to acquire a boon is increased by 1.

    8) Wormwood
    Ship B
    Class 5

    When Encountered
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Acrobatics 9
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    The difficulty of your check to defeat the Wormwood is increased by twice the adventure deck number, if any.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a bane or a ship.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 8
    At the start of your turn, banish this card and exchange it for the ship Merchantman.

    9) Dominator
    Ship B
    Class 6

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 8
    Dexterity/Ranged 11
    If the Dominator was summoned by a card that has the Captain trait, the difficulty of your check to defeat the Dominator is increased by 2.
    This ship cannot be seized.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to automatically succeed at your check to defeat a barrier that has the Task trait.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    Remove the Swashbuckling trait from all of your checks.

    10) Deathknell
    Ship 2
    Class 7

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Divine 7
    Wisdom/Survival 9
    You may discard a card that has the Divine trait to add 3 to your check to defeat the Deathknell.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a monster.
    If your character would die, draw a number of cards from your discard pile equal to your hand size and bury all your other cards.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Divine 6
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 7 check or bury 1 card.

Curse of Poisoning
Scourge B


While displayed, after you reset your hand, recharge a random card.

Summoned Henchmen:
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 8

The difficulty to defeat is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any. If the check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, the difficulty is increased by twice the adventure deck number instead. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Hammerhead Shark
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 9

The Hammerhead Shark may not be evaded. The difficulty to defeat is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Party Tracker

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Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

Prefer Goods for replay.

STR d4 | DEX d4 | CON d6 | INT d8 (Knowledge +2) | WIS d10 (Divine +2, Perception + 2) | CHA d10 Deck Handler

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Estra will add a non-basic Weapon, and take Ally 1 (Vexing Daredevil) and Weapon 1 (Javelin of Lightning) as upgrades.

Estra will take a Card Feat: Spell, adding Frigid Blast.

I lean Culture for next scenario but fine with anything.

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Just bought the Ultimate Magic deck. Talitha will take the Spell 2 (I don't think anyone else can or wants it ) and a Blessing B. She'll replace Lighting Touch with Ghost Whip and replace Blessing of the Gods with Blessing of Abraxas.

With the UM deck, there are some good items in here. Talitha could be convinced to do Goods next, but is generally leaning towards Culture first.

Looks like upgrades are:
Talitha: Spell 2, Blessing B
Estra: Weapon 1, Ally 1
Sajan: Ally 2 (using for Ally 1), Item B
Angban: Armor 2, none*

*There's still Weapon 2, Armor 1, Spell 1, Ally B, Blessing B available if Angban would like a 2nd upgrade.

Intro is posted. Note that you should ignore Astral Rifts when attempting to close the Theater of Corruption.

Choose starting locations and draw opening hands!

Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

Back from my trip - thank you for automating my deck upgrades, BR!

10-00D - Sajan Rewards

Tier Progression: (1.4) Sajan gains a Hero Point.
Sajan stores the Hero Point.
Sahan has 1 remaining Hero Point.

10-00D Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 4 -> Nothing earned.

Scenario Reward: None.

Sajan took the following Deck Upgrades...

  • Ally 1: Replace Athlete with Social Climber (Ultimate Equipment).
  • Item 0: Replace Magnifying Glass (Core)t with Emerald of Dexterity (Monk CD).

  • To keep things moving, I've started Estra with everyone else at Theater of Corruption.
    Talitha can begin!

    For the unfinished replay scenario, you earn 1 upgrade and a d20 roll. Since we didn't acquire at least 4, the upgrade pool becomes:
    Extra upgrades: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3) = 10

    • Ally 1
    • Armor B
    • Blessing B
    • Weapon B

    If anyone is interested, please say so know ASAP.
    Otherwise, choose starting location, draw your opening hand, and decide on what you want for your starting plunder.

    10-00D replay: 1d20 ⇒ 18

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    10-00D - Sajan Rewards

    Tier Progression: N/A, no change.

    10-00D Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 1 -> Nothing earned.

    Scenario Reward: N/A.

    Sajan's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Blessing 0: Replace Blessing of the Gods 3 with Blessing of Milani (Monk CD).

    I assume that's not contested, but let me know if it is.

  • STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will not take any upgrades.


    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 6

    I can use the Armor B to get my armor to a slightly better armor from ultimate combat, or I can use the Ally 1, I'm pretty open. Let me know if Estra wants anything, otherwise I'm working on my writeup for game.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    Hey everyone!

    I'm letting everyone know that I'll be travelling to the States on my Friday, October the 18th, a journey which - between the series of long flights and the absolute necessity to pass out asleep as soon as I reach my destination, and the associated settling in - will likely take me out of action for about 36-48.

    For the timezones of most of you, this effectively means I likely won't be posting around Thursday or Friday (and possibly Saturday). Once I'm settled in, standard posting frequency should resume, albeit at different time slots.

    If we finish this scenario before then, then there won't be any issues. If not, then I'll almost certainly need to be botted given my travel is right before the conclusion to the Special.

    Note that the "acquired cards" list is unnecessary. The reward lets everyone choose any 2 cards (B/1/2) for upgrades.

    10-00E reward: 1d20 ⇒ 2

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will chose the upgrades:

    Item 2: Pick up Anathemic Volume. An item basically tailor made for Talitha. Compass is out
    Blessing 1 Blessing of Sivanah in, Blessing of the Gods out.

    Bonus Card Feat: Spell Pick up Bit of Luck for even more reroll shenanigans.

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 5

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    10-00E - Sajan Rewards

    Tier Progression: (1.5) Sajan gains a Hero Point.
    Sajan stores the Hero Point.

    Sahan has 2 remaining Hero Points.

    10-00E Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 9 -> Nothing earned.

    Adventure Reward: Sajan earns a Card Feat (increasing his Card Feat cap to Tier+1), and checks off...
    BLESSING 5 [X] 6 [X] 7 [ ] 8
    Sajan fills his new deck slot with Blessing of the Gods (3), which will be replaced below.

    Scenario Reward: Sajan will take the Deck Upgrades listed below from his Class Deck.

    Sajan's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Blessing 1: Replace Blessing of the Gods (3) with Blessing of Bastet (Ultimate Intrigue).
  • Ally 0: Replace Masque with Fencer (Ultimate Intrigue).

  • STR d4 | DEX d4 | CON d6 | INT d8 (Knowledge +2) | WIS d10 (Divine +2, Perception + 2) | CHA d10 Deck Handler

    Hero Point: banked.
    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 6
    Card feat: Blessing 3 [X] 4: add Sign of the Thrush.
    Deck Upgrades:

  • Blessing 1: Replace Blessing of the Gods (2) with Blessing of Pharasma
  • Item 1: Replace Dowsing Rod with Hypnotist's Locket

  • Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Okay, so I never got one of my upgrades from D, I took Ally 1 (Surgeon) to replace my Quartermaster.

    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 13

    For this scenario, Card Feat will be Item, and I'll take an Item 2 and Item 1, taking Masterwork Tools (2) instead of my Thieves' Tools, and just plain adding Emerald of Dexterity (1).

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