Playing The Hao Jin Cataclysm
Pathfinder Society Special #10–00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm is an interactive event in which many tables contribute to a shared success. This allows both Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild and Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild players to participate in the same adventure. An Overseer GM coordinates the event, making announcements and tallying reported results over the course of the adventure. It’s important that everyone pause play and listen when the Overseer GM makes announcements. When the table wins a scenario, report a success to the Overseer GM, or to other members of the HQ staff for large events.
The event has three parts. In Part 1, event organizers are mustering tables, and players are being seated, unpacking dice, and introducing themselves. During this time, decide what character you are playing. Read Handout: Introduction on page 10, which presents the adventure background and scenario options, and decide as a group whether you would like to begin the event by playing Scenario 10–00A, Scenario 10-00B, or Scenario 10–00C. (You will likely play each of these three at least once, so where you begin is a matter of group preference.) Whichever you choose, set up the scenario and read the opening text aloud. Don’t begin playing until the Overseer GM cues the start of Part 2 by reading out the opening scene.
If you complete the scenario before the end of Part 2, set up and play another of the three; if you complete that, set up and play the last of the three. If you complete all three, you may play each of them an additional time in whichever order you prefer. When the Overseer GM calls an end to Part 2, immediately end the current scenario. You did not win or lose, and do not earn the scenario reward, but players can upgrade their decks. Then begin setting up Scenario 10-00D. Don’t begin playing until the Overseer GM announces the start of Part 3.
If you win Scenario 10–00D, you may replay it until the Overseer GM announces the Astral Invaders Retreat condition. End the current scenario (you did not win or lose, as above), then set up and play Scenario 10–00E. If you win this scenario, repeat it and continue reporting successes until the end of the adventure.
At the start of this adventure, choose whether you wish to count the adventure for purposes of tier advancement. If you choose not to count this adventure as tier advancement, you do not gain feats as provided in the Guide, but you do gain scenario rewards and deck upgrades as normal.
Do not read any scenario’s villains or henchmen before playing it.
Use the Thresher as your ship.
If you are dead at the end of a scenario, you may play another character for the next scenario.
If you fail a scenario, immediately replay it.
A ship is a support card. It is neither a bane nor a boon.
In some scenarios, a ship may be anchored at a specific location.
If the ship is not anchored: you are commanding the ship on your turn.
If the ship is anchored: you also have to be at the ship’s location.
Any characters at the commander’s location are also on the ship.
If the commander moves or is moved, and the ship is not anchored or wrecked, any characters at the old location may also move to the new location.
Only the commander can encounter another ship. (If a ship would be encountered by someone else, banish it instead.)
If the encountered ship is undefeated, it deals Structural damage instead of Combat damage.
Structural Damage
Structural damage is dealt to the ship, rather than to a character.
Any characters may discard any number of cards to prevent that much Structural damage.
If an intact ship takes any Structural damage, it becomes wrecked.
If a wrecked ship takes Structural damage, discard that many cards from the Blessing deck.
At the start of the move step, the commander may attempt to repair a wrecked ship.
If successful, the ship is no longer wrecked.
Some cards give you the opportunity to seize a ship.
A seized ship replaces your current ship, which is banished. (The new ship keeps any plunder and anchoring of the old ship.)
At the start of the scenario, stash a plunder.
If you defeat another ship, stash a plunder.
Wrecked ships cannot gain plunder.
At the end of the turn, banish 1 random plunder from a wrecked ship.
If you win the scenario, add the plunder to the acquired cards.