[ACG] [Gameday VIII] The Hao Jin Cataclysm - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Tier 2 table (for characters tier 1-3)

  • Talitha/MauveAvengr
  • Sajan/Yewstance
  • Angban/ScorchedOne
  • Estra/Mhuirich

Reward powers:
Ships gain the additional power: "When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to succeed at your check to acquire an ally."

Each character on a ship may reduce structural damage by discarding cards from the top of their deck or recharging cards from their hand.

Ships gain the additional power “When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a barrier.”

Muckmouth Secured: Each character may either shuffle a card from his discard pile into his deck or draw a card. (during 10-00C)

Eternal Lake Secured: When another character at your location attempts a non-combat check, you may recharge any number of cards to add 1 for each card recharged.

Temple Secured: Each character draws a blessing from the box. If that blessing has the Basic trait, that character may recharge a random blessing from her discard pile. (during 10-00D)

Round Mountain Secured: Each character may examine the top card of any location deck, then may move. (during 10-00D)

Slave Mountain Secured: Each character draws an ally from the box. If that ally has the Basic trait, that character may recharge a random ally from his discard pile. (during 10-00D)

Patchwork Allies Secured: Each character draws a random weapon or spell that does not have the Basic trait from the box. (during 10-00D)

Undead Contained: Each character adds 1d6 and the Magic trait to her checks against banes that have the Undead trait.

Guardian’s Last Stand: Shuffle 5 Conflagration henchmen into the blessings deck, then discard 5 cards from the blessings deck. Also do this when setting up any subsequent scenarios in this adventure.

    1) Weapon
    2) Spell
    3) Armor
    4) Item
    5) Ally
    6) Player's choice

    1) Merchantman
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 5
    Perception 7
    If defeated, when you stash a plunder card, roll on the Plunder Table twice and choose 1 of the results.

    When Commanding
    When you would roll for plunder, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to choose the type of plunder card instead.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    If you fail to defeat a bane that has the Pirate trait, bury a card.

    2) Shackles Pirate Ship
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Disable 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    If your check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, add 1 to it.

    When Commanding
    If your check to defeat a ship has the Swashbuckling trait, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to that check.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    When your ship is dealt damage, add 1 to the amount of damage dealt.

    3) Man's Promise
    Ship 1
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    If any check to defeat the Man's Promise has the Swashbuckling trait, add 2 to it.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to explore your location.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    Other characters may not move or be moved from your location.

    4) Truewind
    Ship B
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Intelligence/Knowledge 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    You may discard an ally that has the Pirate trait to add 2 to your check to defeat.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge a random card from your discard pile.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    The difficulty of your check to acquire an ally that has the Pirate trait is increased by 2.

    5) Devil’s Pallor
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    Constitution/Fortitude 9
    If defeated, discard a card. Do not roll for the plunder card type; stash a random weapon instead.

    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon, or 2d12 if the boon is a spell that has the Attack trail or a weapon.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or bury 1 card.

    6) Thresher
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Intelligence/Knowledge 9
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    Before you act, bury a random card from your discard pile.

    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    At the start of your turn, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge any number of cards and draw that number of cards.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    At the start of your turn, summon and encounter the henchman Hammerhead Shark.

    7) Sea Chanty
    Ship B
    Class 3

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    You may reveal any number of allies; for each ally revealed, add 3 to your check to defeat the Sea Chanty.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    The difficulty of your check to acquire a boon is increased by 1.

    8) Wormwood
    Ship B
    Class 5

    When Encountered
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Acrobatics 9
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    The difficulty of your check to defeat the Wormwood is increased by twice the adventure deck number, if any.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a bane or a ship.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 8
    At the start of your turn, banish this card and exchange it for the ship Merchantman.

    9) Dominator
    Ship B
    Class 6

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 8
    Dexterity/Ranged 11
    If the Dominator was summoned by a card that has the Captain trait, the difficulty of your check to defeat the Dominator is increased by 2.
    This ship cannot be seized.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to automatically succeed at your check to defeat a barrier that has the Task trait.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    Remove the Swashbuckling trait from all of your checks.

    10) Deathknell
    Ship 2
    Class 7

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Divine 7
    Wisdom/Survival 9
    You may discard a card that has the Divine trait to add 3 to your check to defeat the Deathknell.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a monster.
    If your character would die, draw a number of cards from your discard pile equal to your hand size and bury all your other cards.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Divine 6
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 7 check or bury 1 card.

Curse of Poisoning
Scourge B


While displayed, after you reset your hand, recharge a random card.

Summoned Henchmen:
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 8

The difficulty to defeat is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any. If the check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, the difficulty is increased by twice the adventure deck number instead. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Hammerhead Shark
Monster Henchman B


To Defeat:
Combat 9

The Hammerhead Shark may not be evaded. The difficulty to defeat is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Party Tracker

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Welcome! This is a discussion thread for my Gameday VIII Hao Jin Cataclysm table, to begin Monday, August 26.

I'm still getting set up, but feel free to post here in the meantime.
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions at any time.
Hoping for a fun game for everyone!

Some pregame instructions:
Character Selection
Please finalize your character choice as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, include a link to your deck handler in your profile.

Have you used this character before?
Yes, online: Provide a link to your current table. (Note that you’ll have to pause that other game once the Gameday VIII event starts next week.)
Yes, offline: Provide a copy of your chronicle sheet. (I'll provide an email address via private message you can send to if necessary.)
No: If you haven't already, verify your deck ownership. Take a photo of something that indicates ownership (the box, the character card, a receipt, etc) which includes with your Paizo username. Send the photo to morkXII@orgplayonline.com and he'll add you to the verified users, so you'll be set for any future PbP games!

Tier Advancement
Decide whether or not you will be playing for tier advancement.
Tier advancement: Earn scenario and adventure rewards, upgrades, hero points, experience.
No tier advancement: Earn scenario and adventure rewards, upgrades. (No hero points, no experience.)

Party Communication
Some parties like to strategize via google hangouts or discord; some parties just use it to alert when someone’s turn is up. Others parties prefer to communicate entirely via the discussion tab. It’s up to you!
Using offsite chat is completely optional. If that is something you would be interested in, send me a Private Message with your e-mail address. This is entirely voluntary, and the decision is anonymous. If anyone, for any reason, would rather not communicate offsite, it will not be set up.

Posting Expectations
What time zone are you in?
Please try to take your turn within 24 hours. Obviously, let real-life take priority, but out of courtesy to the other players, try to let us know if something does come up.
Use a posting style that works best for you, with as much or as little flavor as you feel comfortable with. It’s your game! The one thing that I would request is that you label your dice rolls with at least the difficulty and type of check.

Hey, still deciding on a character to play; I have a Tier 3 (Zarlova) that's currently in the middle of Tapestry's Tides that I could use, otherwise probably starting a new character, so happy to fill party holes.

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Hey all!

I'll be playing Talitha, the Staff Magus. I played her in the Fangwood Thieves game (with you EmpTyger). Here is the Link in case you need it. Her deck handler should be up to date (going to make sure it is though). She tiered up at the end of Fangwood Thieves and is now tier 2. I would like to continue to tier her up.

I'm interested Google Chat or Discord. I've used both for PbP.

And I live in PDT (West Coast). Usually fairly regular with posting too

Correction: the starting date is still TBD.

Uncorrection: the starting date is indeed Monday, August 26. Sorry for the back-and-forth.

No worries. I'm working on a solo playthrough of 1-1 so I can not be completely overwhelmed by this adventure.

I am playing Angban, gunslinger. I will need to get all my stuff updated for this, let me know where I can send my chronicle. I was just planning to upload to my google drive and post.

Play PACG Play-by-Post? Feel free to use my custom Deck Handler. An index of my other Deck Handlers can be found here.

Hey all! Pleasure to be playing with you all - there's a few names that I haven't otherwise had the chance to play PACG with over these forums.

I haven't finalised my character choice yet, but it'll be a brand new character (which I'll probably later run through Sanctioned Curse of the Crimson Throne). I have no shortage of possible characters to play, but I'm primarily looking at playing Sajan (Monk CD) or Hakon, and I'm tending towards the former.

I'm also sort of considering Rooboo (Monk CD). Both Sajan/Rooboo I want to pilot through CotCT with the Blackjack role, and the idea of playing a Tengu Monk/Vigilante interests me more than Sajan... but she's just not nearly as good with the Blackjack role or cards, alas.

Anyway, happy to take suggestions, opinions or even requests, but Class Deck Sajan is likely going to be my default pick.

Time Zone is AEST (UTC +10), Australian east coast; but my posting hours will vary over the week. You should find me to be a pretty regular poster all in all, though, just my daily posting windows are a bit all over the place.

Missed a couple things. CDT (UTC-5 or -6, I can never recall), and I'm whatever on off-site chat. I have discord on my phone, so that'd be easier. I suppose I also have google, but Discord would be better for me personally.

After finalizing your characters, the party has a choice to make before we start the first scenario.

And looks like the preference is for Discord, which I'll get set up later in the week.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

Sajan it is!

I'm happy for A or B; let's say my vote goes to start with B.

Sajan will be playing for Tier Progression.

If anyone wants me to set up a spreadsheet to automatically track the entire party's Hands, such as an example here, then let me know. I'll need everyone's deck handlers first so I can import the relevant cells.

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

I've used that spreadsheet in a few other games before and it's super helpful! My deck handler is in my headline. I'll make sure it's accessible.

STR d4 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10 +3 (Craft +2; Know +2; Arcane +2) | WIS d10 +2 (Divine +3) | CHA d6 Deck Handler

Joining with Zarlova, a tier 3 character in the middle of Tapestry’s Tides. We’re taking a break for the special. I’m UTC-7 (PDT), usually posting in the evenings. My deck handler is in my profile and should be readable.

STR d4 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10 +3 (Craft +2; Know +2; Arcane +2) | WIS d10 +2 (Divine +3) | CHA d6 Deck Handler

Per above instructions:

Current table: https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivk6s/gameplay&page=last
Advancement: yes
Scenario: I lean A but B is fine too.

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Talitha leans A as well, but B also sounds like it could be interesting.

I prefer A, dwarves aren't generally ones for boats and water, especially in all this armor and such.

Though waterlogged also sounds bad. A sentient storm just sounds like magic, which is not my cuppa.

Oh, and yes tier advancement.

Looks like there's consensus on A. However...

Recorrection: Gameday VIII has been postponed, and will begin Monday, September 9. Sorry again for all the confusion.

I came here to say that. No worries! Any opinion on whether I should try to get to tier 3, or is a strong T2 strong enough?

Play PACG Play-by-Post? Feel free to use my custom Deck Handler. An index of my other Deck Handlers can be found here.
ScorchedOne wrote:
I came here to say that. No worries! Any opinion on whether I should try to get to tier 3, or is a strong T2 strong enough?

For what it's worth, I'm sticking with Tier 1. I personally find these Specials to not be particularly hard.

Also, under the new Card Guild Guide you get your Role Card in Tier 3 (like Zarlova has), but you do not play with a Role Card if the Adventure Deck Number is lower than 3.

(In other words, any power feat you earn after having claimed a Role Card will be nonfunctional during this special.)

I found the one I played at several years ago challenging, but Damiel is OP anyway.

Hi all,

Part 1 begins 9/9. The BR can post the first scenario but no turns can be taken. I'd encourage everyone to use this day to get starting locations/hands posted.

Part 2 begins 9/10. This is when the first turn can be taken.

Let me know if there are any questions. Thanks!

STR d4 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10 +3 (Craft +2; Know +2; Arcane +2) | WIS d10 +2 (Divine +3) | CHA d6 Deck Handler

Mentioning here because you said you don't check Discord often; BR post says it's turn 4? Probably doesn't matter but wanted to call it out.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

As a BR myself, I'm quite certain that was just him rolling through the turn order in order to fix an issue or get the correct player to start. The Turn Count displayed doesn't actually have any back-end significance anyway.

Shoutout to Redeux for fixing the turn counter. Thanks!

Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

I screwed up. I went to cards 3-4 (since I Did 1-2 last time), not realizing you'd removed those cards from the stack. I can retcon my turn and re-take it if you'd like, or we can accept that this was my honest mistake for first time playing online and I'll be more careful next time.

Rewards are up! Everyone gets a d20 roll for completing a scenario, winning a bonus on a 20.
Decide on what upgrade from the available cards each of you will get, either via discussion or random roll. Also decide whether you'd like to do the B or C mission next.

10-00A reward: 1d20 ⇒ 12

STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

Talitha likes boons.

10-00A reward: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Talitha will spend a Hero Point on a card feat: Blessing and fill it with Blessing of the Gods.

Upgrade preferences:

Blessing B: 1d1000 ⇒ 194 Replace Blessing of the Gods with Blessing of Kols

Let's do the B mission next. Duergar sailors sounds scary but doable!

Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

10-00A - Sajan Rewards

Sajan banished Potion of Glibness (Item) during the scenario, and has an empty item slot.

Tier Progression: (1.#) Sajan gains a Hero Point.
Sajan expends the Hero Point on a Power Feat, and checks off...
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6

Sahan has 0 remaining Hero Points.

10-00A Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 1 -> Nothing earned. This is, incidentally, my 4th '1' since they changed it from winning with 1s and 20s to just winning with 20s. I have not rolled a 20 since that change. XD

Sajan's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Weapon 0: Replace Rapier (Core) with Kusarigama (Ultimate Equipment). Weapon 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 645
  • Item 0: Replace Empty Item Slot with Emerald of Dexterity (Monk CD). Item 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 373

    Sajan replaces the following Empty Card Slots, if needed.

  • Empty Item Slot with Potion of Glibness (Monk CD).

  • Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Angban will use his hero point for Card Feat: Item, adding "Thieves' Tools" (Item B, Tool Basic)

    10-00A Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11

    For deck upgrade I'll take Weapon B (Hand Cannon), replacing Matchlock Hackbut.

    STR d4 | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d10 +3 (Craft +2; Know +2; Arcane +2) | WIS d10 +2 (Divine +3) | CHA d6 Deck Handler

    10-00A reward: 1d20 ⇒ 2

    I'll take Blessing B to upgrade a Spellbound to Pharasma.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0


    I can't easily access Discord much at the moment, so sharing my considerations here.

  • First; a couple of things have been overlooked. Estra should be adding +2 to most of her checks at the Merchant Marina from the location power (which would have affected one of her encounters beforehand). Additionally, Talitha and the BR both missed that Estra discarded a card from the Blessings Deck during her start-of-turn.

  • I encourage Angban to give his Wheellock Pistol to Estra if he wishes to get it out of his hand. She can always bury it for a strictly-better exploration, after all. He can then move wherever he wants for his own exploration, of course.
  • Plus, the Wheellock Pistol is actually a fine method of combat for Estra (especially if she buries it) - Honaire's bonus +1d6+2 means that she's perfectly capable of throwing a weapon at a combat check, despite her low Strength/Dexterity.

  • Sajan will move with Estra no matter what, and give her my Ring of Wave Walking so she can bury it to her bonus 'exploration' (unless she really doesn't want it). Before my give-a-card step, though, I can use it to make my check against my Curse autopass (if I'm still at the open Merchant Marina) or almost certainly pass (if I'm not).

  • 10-00B reward: 1d20 ⇒ 15

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    10-00B Reward: 1d20 ⇒ 7
    Also nope.

    I would like the Weapon 2, but if Talitha can't use anything else I'll accede to her.

    In that event I'll take an Item 1. Going to do Power Upgrade for hand size.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    10-00B - Sajan Rewards

    Sajan banished Potion of Glibness (Item) during the scenario, and has an empty item slot.

    Tier Progression: (1.2) Sajan gains a Hero Point.
    Sajan expends the Hero Point on a Card Feat, and checks off...
    Blessing 5 [X] 6 [ ] 7 [ ] 8
    Sajan fills it with Blessing of the Gods (3) (Monk CD).

    Sahan has 0 remaining Hero Points.

    10-00B Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 19 -> Nothing earned.

    Scenario Reward: None.

    Sajan's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Item 1: Replace empty item slot with Cockroach Coat (Ultimate Equipment). Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 208

  • STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will spend a Hero Point on a Skill Feat: STR+1

    Card upgrade preferences:

    Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 861
    Weapon 2: 1d100 ⇒ 95


    Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 15

    STR d4 | DEX d4 | CON d6 | INT d8 (Knowledge +2) | WIS d10 (Divine +2, Perception + 2) | CHA d10 Deck Handler

    Estra will take a Power Feat: You may bury (☑ or discard) a card to encounter the card;

    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 17

    Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 937

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Talitha is the only one who can take the Spell 2 to my knowledge, so I'll take Weapon 2 in the form of Toxic Blunderbuss +1.

    For the record, the Muckmouth were the lizardfolk in scenario A. There was an additional bonus if you were playing that scenario at the time.

    You've completed all the scenarios in Part 2, but Part 3 isn't yet ready to begin. We can optionally replay any of scenarios A-C, or we can take a break for a few days until Part 3 is ready to begin. Let me know which you prefer?

    10-00C reward: 1d20 ⇒ 7

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    1) Talitha will spend a Hero Point on a Power Feat: Hand Size ☑6

    2) Upgrade preferences:

    Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 538
    Weapon 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 982 If Angban doesn't take the Weapon 2, Talitha will take it.

    3) Boons!

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 14

    4) We could replay the scenario Estra missed if everyone wants.

    STR d4 | DEX d4 | CON d6 | INT d8 (Knowledge +2) | WIS d10 (Divine +2, Perception + 2) | CHA d10 Deck Handler

    1) Estra will take a skill feat: Wisdom

    2) Upgrade: Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 536 I can only use Spell 1, but if Talitha can't use it then Estra might as well.

    3) Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 14

    4) Would be nice to give Estra the chance to catch up, but also fine with a break.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    I'm up for anything, as far as continuing or not goes.

    10-00C - Sajan Rewards

    Tier Progression: (1.3) Sajan gains a Hero Point.
    Sajan expends the Hero Point on a Skill Feat, and checks off...
    Dexterity d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4

    Sahan has 0 remaining Hero Points.

    10-00C Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20 -> Oh neat!

    Scenario Reward: None.

    Sajan's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Ally 0: Replace Frog (Core) with Mastiff (Monk CD).

  • Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Angban will take a skill feat (Con)
    As for item, nothing's particularly screaming out at me. I'll consider my Item (B) choices.

    Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 16

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Talitha can have the weapon 2, I decided to take a blessing b (calistria).

    Let me know whether you’d like a random weapon or spell for the Patchwork Allies reward.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Blessing 0

    I'll take Spell.

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will take a spell

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4


    STR d4 | DEX d4 | CON d6 | INT d8 (Knowledge +2) | WIS d10 (Divine +2, Perception + 2) | CHA d10 Deck Handler

    @EmpTyger, your update landed just as i was finishing my turn using the previous update; your update likely has the shuffled location in a different order than my random rolls, which would have changed the turn. Should I redo it?

    You're good :)

    Rewards are up. Let me know ASAP which of Weapon/Armor you'd like, so I can add the extra cards into the acquired cards list.
    Also, decide know whether you'd like culture or goods for the replay.

    10-00D reward: 1d20 ⇒ 12

    Deck Handler // STR d8 | DEX d8+2 (Ranged +3) | CON d10 (Fort +3) | INT d6 (Craft +3) | WIS d6 | CHA d4

    Reward: 1d20 ⇒ 19

    Nope. I'll take armor 2 unless anyone wants it.

    STR d8 +2 (melee+2) | DEX d6 | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d6 | CHA d10+1 (arcane+2; diplomacy +2) Deck Handler

    Talitha will keep the Hero Point

    Talitha will add a non-basic Weapon to the acquired cards.

    Upgrade Preferences:

    Item 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 857 Potion of Healing for Compass.

    I'm going to one of my LGS today to see if they have a copy of Ultimate Magic. May end up buying it on Paizo. If I can get a copy before the start of the next scenario, Talitha will take a Blessing B and the Spell 2 as upgrades.

    Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 13

    Talitha is all about Culture next.

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