GM Sphen Rise of the Runelords: (Clever Subtitle)

Game Master Sphen86


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Kobold LN SOR 7, Small humanoid (reptilian) | 37/37 hp | AC 18 (T 14, FF 16) | CMB +1 | CMD 14 | F4/R5/W7, +4 vs sleep or paralysis | Init +6 | Perc +5 | Defenses Trap Sense +2, Resist Acid 5 | Breath 1/1 | Trap Rune 7/7 | Spells 1st 5/8, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 2/3 | 3/3 Lesser Piercing | Conditions: Mage Armor

On his turn, Tarphrex will cast haste on everyone in the party.

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