Volcano's Land - Beyond the City of Light

Game Master Miner Cotren

Darkness surrounds the land where the peoples of Volcano, River, and Forest live under a Fallen Sky.

Current Battle Map

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Chapter Two. To Kill a God?

The fungus elen pops in between two of you, merrily unaware of any effect they have on the current conversation. "We all have to (kill) Moon!" The shift they use for 'kill' is particularly evocative, spiky and poosh!

They caper down streets, beckoning you follow, taking you to the inn that Dove has arrived in. Our inn too. And knight boy. And strange boy.

At one point, your path takes you toward one of the Confessional Arches of the city. The tall bronze arch--which had towered above its two- and three-story neighbors until now-- has begun to melt. The efreeti faces, once sharp and blood-letting, are now sodden images of themselves. Another sign of the broken power of the Lady.

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

Aisling comes out of his "shadow mode" and joins the companions, his attire now that of a devotee of The Sky.

"There will be multiple changes now and quickly." he looks around looking for The Tree Elder.

"What can we expect now? And are there any other 'humans' around?"

Qizz volunteers, "Not human."

Male Neutral Good Human Psychic (rebirth, marauder) 10 | Phrenic pool: 7/8 | HP: 19/56 (19)| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | BAB: 4, CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: 12, SM: 3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/8 3rd: 5/7 4th: 1/6 5th: 4/4

"I can't get us into Light. There was a magical barrier keeping folks out, but I can get us near it. We'll need some creative problem solving on the ground to get through it. As for other humans, there were a few Oreads in the tribe of peace who were impressed by our transformation, but nobody else has committed to the process."

You see a simple inn, wood plank with little in the way of decoration. The sign proclaims it Gritty Jinni Gin. You see the cheerful light of fires from inside.

There are three such fires inside, each cooking a different broth or soup against the cold night. There is virtually no decoration, just clean-scrubbed plank floors and round plank tables.

Captain Dove looks much worse in person than via illusion. There are purple bruises of fatigue under his eyes, and his hair is lank and unwashed. Despite this, he smiles. "You have done this city a great service, all of you. We would have torn ourselves apart in another week or two."

He pauses, using his right thumb to twirl the ring upon his right pinky. His left arm stays curiously still. "You should accompany me to the Council meeting today. I'd like to have your efforts recognized, publicly."

River, you would immediately sense that Gull has somehow made his way here, to this inn. You would likely be distracted into going upstairs and finding him.

Benedetto, you would likewise be able to sense your squire here, keeping vigil at the moment.

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3

Benedetto shifts from one foot to the other uncomfortably. While he knows otherwise, it still feels like he should be avoiding any kind of attention.

"We... should be able to do that," he says aloud, looking to his newest companions for confirmation. "Those we were seperated from are here, yes? They are well?"

"Of course. I thrive on trust, and I daresay I earn it by assiduously pursuing the interests of those I employ."

Male Neutral Good Human Psychic (rebirth, marauder) 10 | Phrenic pool: 7/8 | HP: 19/56 (19)| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | BAB: 4, CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: 12, SM: 3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/8 3rd: 5/7 4th: 1/6 5th: 4/4

"Of course we will join you. It would help, of course, if you told us what part we are to play. You're a shrewd el, never one to waste an opportunity to gain leverage, and if I remember anything about this council, it is fractious at the best of times."

Samen pauses for a moment, giving the impression he hesitates, "It was Ibinu, Dove. I can only imagine you knew this, but purposely chose not to tell us. What really happened here?"

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

As is his want, Aisling keeps a bit aside, observing the establishment and getting the sense of the place. And of the man talking to this weird collection of individuals, not quite a group yet, but with potential.

He was just about to introduce himself when there was mention of the public recognition and he withdraws to consider.

On one hand, being a secret agent of the temple is not improved by being a recognizable face. On the other, he could reach more elen if he got into the public service. He was always better at reading people than influencing them. But he can always work on it, skills never seemed to be something hard to pickup for him.

Deciding on the second course, he considers his words for few seconds, his intellect always ruling over his less than stellar social awareness. He steps forward.

"Good day, sir! I am Aisling Catalys, an acolyte of Sky Temple. It seems I owe you a debt of gratitude for sending these fine gentlemen into the temple. While we were on a similar mission, my group and I fell victim of treachery and magic. I hope I helped in some small way to this success. The heroes are of course Sirs Samen and Benedetto, master Gabriel and mistress River."

Male LN Human Unchained Monk (Enlightened Monk) 5/ Unchained Rogue (Dark Lurker) 4/ Psychic Fist 1 | HP: 90/90| AC: 23 (23 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 29| F: +8, R: +16, W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +21, SM: +16 | Speed 50ft | Psionic Focus (x)| Active conditions: ---

Now out of the tunnels under the temple, Gabriel assumes his previous outlook and remains a bit withdrawn until the idea of the council comes up. "Parading us in front of the other powers of the city? Fine, you haven't had ill intentions for us before. Though as Samen says, Ibinu was a bit of a surprise."

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3

Benedetto doesn't have more to add at present. Instead he notes what the others say, and Captain Dove's responses. How much had they worked together?

Dove smiles. "I was painfully aware of the spell's biasing effect, and I did not want to give you any preconceived notions. I was not absolutely sure, and thus I wanted you going in with clear eyes."

He waits a moment, fiddling once again in that odd manner with his rings. The matron of the establishment, a full-figured sylph a little older than Dove, bustles over and claps him on the shoulder. "Come on now, Dovie! 'Nough of that magick stuff while your at my place!"

With a flinch, Captain Dove's illusion drops, and you see a stump where his left hand should be. A pale hand made from carved ivory dangle from a fine chain around his neck; this amulet holds the many rings that Dove is so fond of.

"That's more like it, little brother. I'll bring ye all something to eatndrink n'itllberightout." Her words slip together as she walks quickly back toward the kitchen.

Another moment's pause. "So, truth be told, I have even more reason to dislike, dare I say hate, the drake-becoming-dragon who did this to me. Karoff. It sits upon the Council. Once a drake lays eggs, it is considered a dragon, and ancient dragon law compels it to spend a century back in Ignoscoeli."

"Did you find evidence of red newborn drakes in the halls below?"

Aisling Catalys wrote:

"Good day, sir! I am Aisling Catalys, an acolyte of Sky Temple. It seems I owe you a debt of gratitude for sending these fine gentlemen into the temple. While we were on a similar mission, my group and I fell victim of treachery and magic. I hope I helped in some small way to this success. The heroes are of course Sirs Samen and Benedetto, master Gabriel and mistress River."

"I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. The sheer amount of atrocities made by first the inquisitors and then these latest fanatics, only serves to convince me that newer ideals are needed." His sharp eyes linger on this 'Sky' priest and the elen with the subtly glowing phoenix symbol.

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5
The Declarative wrote:

Once a drake lays eggs, it is considered a dragon, and ancient dragon law compels it to spend a century back in Ignoscoeli."[/b]

"Did you find evidence of red newborn drakes in the halls below?"

"We were on our way our when we spotted a room full of red drakes. We kept quiet and moved past them. But we should be able to find them again. They are confined at the moment, but whoever is keeping them might let them out in a moment."

Dove nods sharply, like a pleased predatory bird. "No need to worry, then. The Council will send a multi-faction coalition down there, and find it themselves, and that little piece of the Cauldron puzzle will be gone, too."

He arches an eyebrow. "For the most part, my...lack of specificity has been due to not trusting myself under the influence of that awful spell. Aside from that, an old whispermaster like me is always a little paranoid. Or perhaps I'll use the word cautious."

roughly a messenger in this world, but also sometimes a spy/intercepter

"That's all my cards, laid out. I think we'll be rid of a malicious dragon, gained back Hearth, and, with any luck, rally some support to take back Light. Does all that seem reasonable?"

Male Neutral Good Human Psychic (rebirth, marauder) 10 | Phrenic pool: 7/8 | HP: 19/56 (19)| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | BAB: 4, CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: 12, SM: 3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/8 3rd: 5/7 4th: 1/6 5th: 4/4

Samen nods, satisfied. "Very well. I accept your explanation and your approach, while leaving us slightly ill prepared, was prudent."

"Before acting against Light, you really should coordinate with the Tribe of Peace. Your interests in defeating Moon are aligned."

"On a more personal matter, Sun offers a physical transformation that will unshackle your body and mind from elemental influence. This is why Gabriel and I appear differently than when you last saw us. While I cannot guarantee that it would fix your ... truncated limb, it is an extraordinarily regenerative process that very well might. Regardless, the extra mental prowess might well be worth it to you."

Dove cocks his head to one side, a blank look on his face as he considers the thought deeply. "I must look at such an offer through many lenses. The political arena is where I derive a great deal of my power, and having my identity transformed at a fundamental level might not be the best way to cultivate a reputation for reliability."

He looks over at Aisling. "Also, I daresay I am proud to be who I am. If Sky ever does return, that would be a sight worth seeing as a sylph."

Gabriel Freemind wrote:
Now out of the tunnels under the temple, Gabriel assumes his previous outlook and remains a bit withdrawn until the idea of the council comes up. "Parading us in front of the other powers of the city?"

Qizz hears word parade and excitement! Qizz makes small green marching people from many green fingers and toes. Makes bubbly marching sounds too, bloomp doomp boomp.

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3

Benedetto nods slightly. He's not quite sure what his new companions' obsession with their... 'human' transformation is really all about. Really, with how much has been thrown at him over the past few hours, he feels the need to have some quiet time to just... come to grips with it all. Try to understand what it really means, what his place in the world is now.

"That seems reasonable to me," he says aloud, in response to Dove's words. "How likely is it we'll be asked to be part of that multi-faction coalition?"

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HP: 94/114 (0NL) | AC:33 FF:23 T:28 | F:+10 R:+11 W+6 | Init +4 | SM +13, Ac/EsAr/Sth +17, Di +20, P(Dance) +19| | Speed 60ft, Swim 30ft | Ki Pool 10/10, Burn 0/6 | KB +15, 5d6+8 | Active conditions:

River slips away from the conversation. Too many people and too much noise makes her head spin and things are moving all too fast at the moment. Besides, Gull is here and spending time with him always makes her feel better.

So away she goes, following the tug from the center of her being and the ghostly sensation of fingers in her hair. When she finds the young elen she folds herself into a sitting posture next to him and wraps him in a hug - as much for her own sake as his.

Silence. Peace.

Benedetto Laguardia wrote:

"That seems reasonable to me," he says aloud, in response to Dove's words. "How likely is it we'll be asked to be part of that multi-faction coalition?"

"Best let others make that decision. If you're seen as my 'agents', whether that moniker is appropriate or not, I believe it would lessen your efficacy. Staying neutral causes less metaphorical doors to close, as it were."

River, you hear Gull mumble in a sleep-fuzzy voice, "I missed you." He hugs you, and his doll, tightly. For the night, you are free from worldly concerns.

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3

Benedetto nods. "Very well, then. If there's nothing further that needs to be said for the moment, then, I'd like to check in on my squire."

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

"If you have a moment, sir? I'd like to discuss what I can do, can offer, what sylphs went through in this city where I'm still new and in general to get to know few of you. I realize you're a busy man and I will not interfere with your duties, I can walk you off to wherever you need to be unless you don't want the association. But I think we need to talk. There are developments, disturbances even among gods."

Aisling waits for the answer as the group goes to their own business.

A reminder: I asked about the general religious status of raising the dead. Is that something acceptable, even if rare, or there is a suspicion or outright stigma attached to it?

The speech above is just a way to get him to become an agent of another organization with high(er) resources than he has personally. He needs to retake the temple, resurrect his companions, and bring back The Sky - not necessarily in that order

Exceedingly rare. Samen's reincarnation is unique ; there have been stories of 1 or 2 powerful paladins of the past raising a fallen comrade fromt eh battlefield; but that's about it. Since ancient Harmony was shattered, no god has claimed that ability, or passed it on to their followers

Dove looks intrigued by your offer. He glances at the orange candle on the mantle, burned halfway down. "Very well, I have half a candle to spare before the next stop on my ever-telescoping series of meetings. What do you wish to share with me?"

The matron of the inn bustles back in, carrying icy lemon-lime drinks. "Ye can add 'r not, makes no difference to me." She sets down a few bottles in the middle of the table- whiskey, vodka, and something smelling like pineapples.

Hashbrowns, eggs made to order, fried strips of pogona meat, and cornbread are all piled up at the table, one at time. She passes plates around, talking about the rumors of a flash of bright light appearing at sixth candle the last two mornings, right where the top of the Temple meets the tail of the Phoenix. She leaves you with a pot of coffee.

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

Aisling brightens at the food and drink.
"This is fantastic - just what is needed after a long ordeal. Thank you. Truly. It never hurts to be on the good side of tavern keepers

Growing serious once she bustles away, he turns to Dove.
"As I said there are disturbances among gods and these last two and Ibinu just prove that. And Benedetto with his own change, me with The Weeping Storm visions...Moon attacking...there is a lot of this. And I might ask for the broader information and impact on the city in general and sylph in particular here. In return, I have both insider information from the temple, and a set of particular skills that might be of use to you.

As a token of good faith from potential agent to headmaster, full disclosure about my temple experience. When Moon attacked, I was in a cell, but I was looking for exactly this artefact that was key to this darkness. The dark fey maybe just used it as a way in or maybe they provided it in the first place. But this wasn't just a chance, it is just a crack in the surface of something much larger. And you can count on me to help uncover the rest - if you'll have me."

He looks at the spymaster gauging his reactions
Sense motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

"You have eyes and ears everywhere, I bring to the table something different. I am independent, an unknown to your opposition. I also know alchemy and have some direct connection to the divine part of this. I an fill in the gaps that shadows leave behind. Together, we can find out what is going on with sylph and protect them or help them from dark influences. I am not just dabbling in security, I can shadow a shadow. I can open anything and everything. I notice stuff around me. And...I went through the madness and survived."

Looking across the table he shrugs.
"I can look at that flash of light if you want. Might be a good point to prove that I can scout stuff."

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

After the candle burns out and Dove runs off, he engages with the matron.
"That last drink - there is a secret stash of exotic fruit you have hidden about?" with a grin.

"How did you go through 'Moon madness'? These are dark forces we're facing - no one's immune, but the strong resist. If you need help around here, let me know. I'll stay for some days here, it's the least I could do in return for the hospitality."

He motions to his clothes, if you need someone to lighten your soul to...or just talk, I'm here."[/B]
Currently priestly garb
"Or if you want to hear the stories. As long as you don't expect all of them to be whole truth." he winks

"Can you tell me more about the light at the top of the Temple? Did you see it yourself? I've been inside, it does not bode well."

This of course is not just one big stream of thought, he waits for answers and behaves normally. He takes the room if any is available, chats a bit with her and maybe other patrons or other staff. He finds out where he can 'unload' some of the treasure the group collected, but of course he waits for others to join him in the morning to discuss things. In general, just doing some groundwork to become inconspicuous or at least normal here

Samen and Gabe, your human forms are getting strange looks from the other patrons of the Jinni. Not hostile, just curious.

Male LN Human Unchained Monk (Enlightened Monk) 5/ Unchained Rogue (Dark Lurker) 4/ Psychic Fist 1 | HP: 90/90| AC: 23 (23 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 29| F: +8, R: +16, W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +21, SM: +16 | Speed 50ft | Psionic Focus (x)| Active conditions: ---

Gabe snort-laughs as Qizz does their impression of a parade. He makes no reaction to Dove's illusions, simply observing. Nothing is as it seems anyway. Things can change on a whim... or at least one person's whimsy.

He thanks the matron for the food and drink. Then, when she keeps bringing more out, he thanks her again. "Your generosity is astounding! Though I suppose it pays to keep Dove and his guests happy..." He gives her sly grin like he's sharing an inside joke even if it isn't received very well.

At the talk of a bright flash of light, Gabe speaks quietly. "I have a feeling that may be related to our teapot friend. He has a morning routine about the same time. I can't wait to see the reactions."

After eating his fill, Gabe looks up to notice the other patrons showing some curiosity towards the two humans. He pulls up his hood to hide his features better and to hopefully get across the message that their curiosity is not welcome.

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3

Benedetto notes the talk of the flash, thinking he should go up there himself. Since the Phoenix is now his patron, he ought to go get closer to its symbol.

For now, though, he takes some of the food (with profuse thanks to the matron of the inn), and goes in search of Drook.

Male Neutral Good Human Psychic (rebirth, marauder) 10 | Phrenic pool: 7/8 | HP: 19/56 (19)| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | BAB: 4, CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: 12, SM: 3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/8 3rd: 5/7 4th: 1/6 5th: 4/4

Samen looks around the room at the gawking guests.

First, coffee.

He makes his way over to the coffee and pours himself a large mug. He takes a contented whiff of the brew and lets out a contented sigh.

Finally, he addresses the stares. "I have been drained of all elemental influence, and I am a specimen of peak mortality. Take care! If you pay too much attention, it may be contagious. Who knows what could happen in these strange days?" He grins smuggly into his coffee, enjoying the beverage and the half truth.

Upon hearing of the oddity at the temple, he shakes his head. "We really should burn down the whole structure. I have other business up there anyway, so I don't mind tagging along if anyone is planning on investigating. I can't do the divine form trick today, though. I have a different plan."

Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5
Samen The Cleansed wrote:
I can't do the divine form trick today, though. I have a different plan."

"I can. Maybe I should use it before we go to sleep and do a quick reconnaissance? It won't really be subtle, unless one of you can make me invisible. But I can fly around and check it."

Benedetto Laguardia wrote:
Benedetto nods. "Very well, then. If there's nothing further that needs to be said for the moment, then, I'd like to check in on my squire."

As you go upstairs to your room, you see the white door is cracked open. Drook is sitting cross-legged, sharpening his sword, but also keeping an eye and an ear towards the hall. When he sees you enter, he carefully puts his sword away so he can rise and bow to you. "Sire Benedetto! I'm sorry I left, but I thought of what you would do, and it seemed like getting Amatshe out of danger was the best thing I could do." He awaits your agreement or beratement.

Gabriel Freemind wrote:

After eating his fill, Gabe looks up to notice the other patrons showing some curiosity towards the two humans. He pulls up his hood to hide his features better and to hopefully get across the message that their curiosity is not welcome.

Gabe, while the patrons lose some interest in you when you pull up your hood, they listen intently to Samen. Unsure about his joking, they excuse themselves to find another bar for the night.

Aisling Catalys wrote:

He looks at the spymaster gauging his reactions
[dice=Sense motive]1d20+14

"You have eyes and ears everywhere, I bring to the table something different. I am independent, an unknown to your opposition. I also know alchemy and have some direct connection to the divine part of this. I an fill in the gaps that shadows leave behind. Together, we can find out what is going on with sylph and protect them or help them from dark influences. I am not just dabbling in security, I can shadow a shadow. I can open anything and everything. I notice stuff around me. And...I went through the madness and survived."

Looking across the table he shrugs.
"I can look at that flash of light if you want. Might be a good point to prove that I can scout stuff."

Dove seems cautiously pleased by your information. "Investigating that light will be a good start. There may be a task or two in Hearth that could use you, as well. We'll be in touch." He gives a slightly awkward bow, as if unused to giving casual farewells.

Aisling Catalys wrote:

After the candle burns out and Dove runs off, he engages with the matron.

"That last drink - there is a secret stash of exotic fruit you have hidden about?" with a grin.

"How did you go through 'Moon madness'? These are dark forces we're facing - no one's immune, but the strong resist."

He motions to his clothes, if you need someone to lighten your soul to...or just talk, I'm here."[/B]
Currently priestly garb
"Or if you want to hear the stories. As long as you don't expect all of them to be whole truth." he winks

"Can you tell me more about the light at the top of the Temple? Did you see it yourself? I've been inside, it does not bode well."

The matron seems charmed by your politeness. She gives a smile to both you and Gabe. "Well now, th' madness wasn't too bad here, the Temple an' the Phoenix an' whatfor made it less than other places. I know plenty of people outside of the city, 'specially near Light, took th' worst of it."

"As fer th' light at mornin' I jus' heard of it, haven't seen. When y' get that many elens sayin' the same thing tho, makes me think there's somthin' to it."

It is nineteenth candle.
could be a good time to rest - early evening

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Sylph Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

Hearing that the light might 'simply' be a manifestation of this mysterious 'sun companion' Aisling considers if it is worth to investigate it at all...but better safe than sorry.

He tells others he will go scout out the temple.
"I prefer knowing where I'm going, if we're going in the morning. If someone wants to come, I'd prefer you don't wear armor or at least not heavy armor. I will start from the roof, easier not to be seen that way. Might even see some blue sky if this is sun event. Benedetto could go, he might see or feel something near the Phoenix."

Leaving others to talk about it, he climbs to the roof, puts on of his bombs on the roof and stands back.

He waits for several minutes to see if anyone joins him.
"We will have only part of the candle for this, so I'm just going to circle around and return."
10 minutes

Using Maker speech, he calls upon his patron and shimmers in the dusk. After a moment, a giant raven stands in his place.

Ravisling takes the bomb in his beak and takes off, with or without a rider.

Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26 - to see whatever is there to see
Stealth: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (10) + 30 = 40 - to not be seen by whatever is there
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 - to estimate safety of the area and find suitable landing if needed

M Ifrit Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 7/Unchained Rogue 3 | HP 67/92| AC: 23 T: 18 Fl: 17 | CMB: +10 CMD: 28 | F +14 R +14 W +10 | Init +7 | Perc: +5 | Lay on hands 6/6 | Smite Evil 3/3 | Tactitian 1/1 | Panache 3/3
The Declarative wrote:
As you go upstairs to your room, you see the white door is cracked open. Drook is sitting cross-legged, sharpening his sword, but also keeping an eye and an ear towards the hall. When he sees you enter, he carefully puts his sword away so he can rise and bow to you. "Sire Benedetto! I'm sorry I left, but I thought of what you would do, and it seemed like getting Amatshe out of danger was the best thing I could do." He awaits your agreement or beratement.

"Just Benedetto. And good work protecting the innocent, Drook," Benedetto says, nodding at his squire. "Any news I should know of that happened while we apart?"

Aisling Catalys wrote:

Hearing that the light might 'simply' be a manifestation of this mysterious 'sun companion' Aisling considers if it is worth to investigate it at all...but better safe than sorry.

He tells others he will go scout out the temple.
"I prefer knowing where I'm going, if we're going in the morning. If someone wants to come, I'd prefer you don't wear armor or at least not heavy armor. I will start from the roof, easier not to be seen that way. Might even see some blue sky if this is sun event. Benedetto could go, he might see or feel something near the Phoenix."

"I'll come along, just give me a moment with Drook."

Once he's done with his squire, Benedetto comes and joins Aisling on the roof. He's rather surprised when the sylph transforms, but after a moment cautiously approaches to get on for the ride over to the temple.

Aisling, when you leave the Jinni Inn, a crowd of Qizzlvutz are waiting outside for you.

But that's not quite right - they are individual--what word did Samen use?--mycos, just like individual sylphs may share characteristics, but all be different. These many mycos are wiggling and keening in a strange way...

And it hits you - they are asking to speak to your patron. The one who visits in dreams.

Male LN Human Unchained Monk (Enlightened Monk) 5/ Unchained Rogue (Dark Lurker) 4/ Psychic Fist 1 | HP: 90/90| AC: 23 (23 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 29| F: +8, R: +16, W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +21, SM: +16 | Speed 50ft | Psionic Focus (x)| Active conditions: ---

Gabriel offers to tag along as well. He's confident he can keep up with the sylph even if Aisling has his own tricks for sneaking. As they step outside and see the crowd of mycos, Gabe shows another rare grin. He's genuinely amused they made their way here from wherever it was they were hiding. He stands off to the side to see how the spy reacts, ready to assist if it's requested.

He follows Aisling up to the roof, making his own way by simply walking up the wall. Being familiar with the strategy he prepares for rooftop agility. He did not anticipate his new companion transforming into a bird though... "This could be a challenge to keep up with you. Sounds fun!"

Benedetto Laguardia wrote:

"Just Benedetto. And good work protecting the innocent, Drook," Benedetto says, nodding at his squire. "Any news I should know of that happened while we apart?"

He smiles at the compliment. "Of course, Sir- ah, Benedetto."

He pauses in thought, as if weighing whether to burden you with his concerns. "Well, there is one thing." His leather armor is already off, so he simply lifts up his thick woolen undershirt.

On his back is a fresh set of brilliant vermillion scales, in the shape of a phoenix. A handful of the scales seem to be lengthening into feathers.

Gabe, the verdant air around the mycos is ripe Revelry and Mad Truths. It reminds you of your lost friend.

Later: Aisling, Gabe, Benedetto,

All moving in your unique fashion (by air, by shadow, and by fleet fritan gait,)

you find only the Phoenix symbol soaring atop the city. Benedetto finds chest burning as the symbol burns bright for a moment or two, but nothing else seems out of place. We can keep RPing whichever scenes interest you. Once we're done with our "present" scenes, this result happens. It was good prep, so you'll have advantage on your rolls in the morning. We can rest for part of the night before sixth candle.

"River, later in the night, Gull briefly shouts in his sleep. It is a long, unintelligible stream of the Maker language he spouts now and then. You think you hear the word raven at one point. He eventually quiets down, and the rest of the night goes by peacefully.

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