An Old and Broken World

Game Master Simeon

Adventures in the post-apocalyptic wasteland known as the Barrens.

Map of the Barrens

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Apologies again, Covid recovery has taken longer than expected combined with some long days a work.

Hezekh's blow connects, slamming into the shifter!

Unfortunately, Jade Bull's ox form has a powerful nose, and she takes a moment to sniff the air before stepping towards the magus. She bashes him with her horns. While the blow nearly impales the magus, his sheild of magical force protects him from the worst of it's force.

Hezekh is up! Shield was an excellent move, it narrowly protected you from a mighty critical hit.


Miss Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 60
Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Damage: 2d8 + 13 ⇒ (1, 5) + 13 = 19

Male Human Magus (Jistkan Artificer) 6

Hezekh avoids the worst of the blow, but that means he is only felled, and not killed outright. He crumples to the ground, grimacing.

I only had 11 HP left after that first hit. But now we know! (And knowing is half the battle.)

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Jade Bull snorts once before returning back to her half-orc form. She calls out to one of the watching shifters to get some help for Hezekh. A druidic acolyte comes rushing over, murmuring a few words in Druidic as they heal the worst of Hezekh's wounds.

She helps the magus to his feet before taking a good look at him, "You fought well. That said, you did not best me. If you want my word for your good intentions, you can try again, perhaps with more of your companions at your side. But there is no shame in accepting defeat either."

Male Human Magus (Jistkan Artificer) 6

After getting to his feet, Hezekh nods to Jade Bull. "You are surely the toughest opponent I ever fought. I thought it only fair to test you one on one first, but that seems to have been mighty overconfident of me. If my friends are amenable" he says, looking back to them, "I'd be happy to see how you fare against all of us as a group. Say, tomorrow, when we've had time to recover spells and the like?" he asks.

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Jade Bull nods, but says nothing. Words, it seems, are not always necessary with the stoic shifter.

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