
Game Master Jovich

A small group sets out to tame the wilds. With summer ahead of them they have all the time in the world...

Kingmaker Campaign and City Maps

Kingmaker - Calendar, Loot Sheet, Notable Persons, Quests Take 2.0

Combat Map - Narthropple Expedition

Sword Marches Stats

Kingmaker Campaign Rules

Rillka's Map


[dice=Ser Andreas Perception]d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Rillka Perception]d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Albert Perception]d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Saoirse Perception]d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Duzz Perception]d20+11[/dice]


[dice=Albert Init]d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Ser Andreas Init]d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Duzz Init]d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Jackob Init]d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Rillka Init]d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Saoirse Init]d20+3[/dice]

[dice=Monster Init]d20+[/dice]

4,351 to 4,400 of 4,654 << first < prev | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | next > last >>

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

It is ok Duzz. Out in the wilds like this, most people do not know what to expect from strangers.

He seems to be one used to being in control and the loss of such control within sight of his subordinates has him on edge.

Lord Jubilost, our apologies for stepping on your toes. We did not mean to offend or to overstep. It is hard to stand by and watch good people suffer. We acted before assessing the situation properly and for that, I beg your forgiveness. What may we do to remedy the situation?

I hope I placated him enough for him to calm down.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

LN Human Magus (Soul Forger) |HP 45/45 | AC 16 T12 F14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +6 | Speed 30 | mw scimitar +8 1d6+4/18-20 | CMB +7 CMD 19/F17 | shortbow +5 1d6/x3 | Init +6 | Percep +1 | SM +1 | Conditions: | EA: Detect Magic

Albert rests on the shore, panting as he scans the gnomes and his companions.

"Someone should teach that arrogant gnome some appreciation," he angrily thinks to himself. "Better to stay here and calm down, rather than stepping on mine or Andreas's toes."

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Jubilost calms down at Sir Andreas' kind words and he says, "I am sorry, I appreciate your help. We were attacked but moments ago and I was concerned our entire expedition would be destroyed by some bad luck from dealing with those foul kobolds. Bilyur and Yosnan are right, let us thank you with some food before we part ways."

Several of the gnomes are swarming over the wagon to see if anything was washed away in the river. Jubilost joins them and pulls out a leather map case that he opens and begins thumbing through. It appears the case was waterproof.

I think I gave you the wrong about of ponies. They actually have a team of 6 ponies to pull their wagon.

You find out that the gnomes names are Jubilost Narthropple, Sinfiz Swiftmask, Oruxif Starkdiggles, Powor Wildfern, Warfan Twistreach, Bilyur Togglewander, Yosnan Oplosir, Iangim Dumborodas, Yoslin Tilbatinon, Vorjin Dabblaben.

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

Saoirse watches the flare-up of overinflated ego, and both Duzz' bristly response, and Sir Andreas' elegant deflection with an apology that while completely unnecessary, was rather effective. Albert's dark glare doesn't go unnoticed either.

"We are most delighted that we were able to help!" she adds with a charming smile. "Your group must have explored quite a bit of these lands."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 (22 if they could be attracted to her)

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Jubilost looks up and nods, "We have been searching the southern part of the Greenbelt, and making maps of what we find as we go."

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

Maps you say? I am a cartographer by trade, perhaps we can compare?

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Jubilost cocks his head to the side and looks at you and asks, "What are you out here looking for?"

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Andreas watches as the two cartographers' eyes twinkle with excitement.
We are not looking for anything exactly, but we are searching all the region. Clearing out the dangers that lurk around here, so that our civilization can thrive.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

"Hmm...we think there are some dwarven ruins around here that we are searching for. We haven't found them yet, but I have some ideas. We have located some other items that might be of interest if you are just trying to make the area nicer for the occasional trapper or farmer. I could possibly share some of my maps if you were to assist in the business expenses it took to make them." Jubilost says.

So this is the place where Jubilost asks for what I think is an outrageous amount of money for information. So I am going to reduce it considerably and for every 100 gp or an equal exchange of information he will add something to your maps until he has expended all of his information. You have two places (Lizardfolk village and the Mad Hermit's tree) that you know of that he does not. He has seven locations marked that you do not know, although two of them you kind of have an idea about but he can provide more information on the area. You could of course turn him down and just have the fun of exploring all on your own if you wish! :D

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Well now that is interesting.
He tilts his head in Rillka's direction.
What do you think ?

LN Human Magus (Soul Forger) |HP 45/45 | AC 16 T12 F14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +6 | Speed 30 | mw scimitar +8 1d6+4/18-20 | CMB +7 CMD 19/F17 | shortbow +5 1d6/x3 | Init +6 | Percep +1 | SM +1 | Conditions: | EA: Detect Magic

Albert has stripped down to his undershirt, hanging his other clothing on branches to dry.

Overhearing the discussion, he shouts to the group: "We should at least sell or exchange the information we have."

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

This is our work, our blood and our lost friends, Rillka says to Andreas as she pats her map case. But, Tall Folk, I am going to do something, I don't think I have ever done before.... I will listen to your council. Is what we know worth what they know? She looks at Andreas and awaits his decision.

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

"An exchange of information would be wonderful! I definitely understand the costs of exploring and's a good thing your other expenses didn't end up lost to the hazards of travel like the river." Saoirse says with a smile.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Diplomacy check to remind him, he kind of would be 'up a creek' without our help, seeing if he'll toss in a free location

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Jubilost nods and says, "This information was gained by taking great risks and we have a great deal of expenses tied into them with limited current returns."

Sense Motive DC 15:
He feels he is being quite generous in thanks of your help already.

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Rillka, you are correct. Those maps have a story all of their own. One filled with blood sweat and tears. However, a story is not a story unless it is heard by others.
He looks to her with a hope that she understands what he is saying.

He turns to the others and watches the exchange as he tends to his mount.
Master Jubilost, how does this sound. we exchange information on a one-to-one basis. We will divulge which area each of us has investigated. Each party will share with the other what they know of a region of the others choosing and vice versus.

He stops tending to his horse and walks towards Jubilost.
If we do not have enough regions explored to satisfy you then we will come up with a possible alternative for of payment.

He looks to the gnomish party.
Something that I hope will satisfy all your needs and those that follow your lead.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

"Hmm...we can start and see how many sites you know of. Do you wish to start with those that might pose the biggest threat to the area or are you looking for a specific section of the Greenbelt?" Jubilost asks.

Which site do you offer up first?

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

Rillka unfurls her map, and jestures to a few places for Andreas’s approval.

Tell me what you are looking for… perhaps we could also offer a letter of introduction for our city and settlements for information?

Rillka would offer the Lizard folk and Wisp hydra, then settlements, roads, River crossings, I forget what else..

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Most of what you know they already are aware of. I will add a third option for the Hydra as that is something of note that they would be interested in.

He will start providing information, but the question is what type of information are you looking for? Are you looking for what is probably most dangerous to the settlers? Are you looking for hints on how to get to the special missions you have for this book (IE. Snapjaw stopping fishers), or do you have specific regions (The island on Candlemere lake, or some other specific zone(s)), or new information on river crossings or similar useful infrastructure that you want me to provide information on? I can also just pick three and say that is what he provides if you want.

Male N tiefling druid (wild whisperer) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +11, SM +3 | Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none. | EA: Search

I think we should prioritize information we might miss even when we explore, so monster lairs and hidden features.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Sounds good. Do we have a second for that?

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

I like being pre-warned about monsters.

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

Sounds good

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

The gnomes get the camp together and soon you find yourself around a fire so that those of you who took a swim can warm up as the food is handed out.

As you eat, Jubilost shares the locations with you.

The first one he points out after you tell him what you looking for is in the southeast side of the Tuskwater (H20). There he discusses a hard to find path that leads through some weeds down into a secluded area of the lake. His group did not spend much time down there as there were no signs of dwarfs but plenty of signs of destruction. Several shattered boats jutted out from the lake. Jubilost says, "Whatever did that must have been giant...or really strong." But he is a gnome so...

The second place he points out is a section of the Greenbelt where the Little Sellen River and the Godrin river are relatively close to each other (I21). In that area, he describes another hard to find path that led back to a lair. Orufix talks about seeing stag prints in the ground, but says that they were too big and far apart to be any normal stag. Sinfiz snuck forward and saw a lair of some monster but no sign of the creature, but there were signs of what was left of it's prey. As he was sneaking away, he thought he heard the cries of a woman of some sort, but the group did not opt to investigate further.

The last place is a ruined tower on Candlemere (I18). The gnomes mark it on the map for you and warn you that the island is covered by thick brambles and stinging nettles that can poison you if you are not careful. They went to the tower hoping to find dwarven runes, but found other markings they were unfamiliar with. The whole place was apparently spooky and both Yosnan and Powor shudder at the thought of the tower. The group did not stay long, but as they were trying to get back through the nettles, they saw a light dancing through the castle that seemed to be like what you tell them about the Lizardfolk "god". Iangim and Jubilost both claim to have seen the lights at other times when their small caravan was camped near the lake and they had a view of the island. Whether it's the same light or there are multiple, they do not know.

All three areas are shown on the map.

One other thing. Before you left Old Beldane she showed you a mushroom and called it Black Rattlecap. She offered you 100 gp for each batch of Black Rattlecap you could bring her. They put this mission on a different page then her whole encounter for some reason I do not understand, so we will just retcon it and say you were asked for it before you left in case it comes up at some point.

LN Human Magus (Soul Forger) |HP 45/45 | AC 16 T12 F14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +6 | Speed 30 | mw scimitar +8 1d6+4/18-20 | CMB +7 CMD 19/F17 | shortbow +5 1d6/x3 | Init +6 | Percep +1 | SM +1 | Conditions: | EA: Detect Magic

"I am most concerned about the destruction on the Tuskwater," Albert says.

"Is that something that could attack on the north shore, near the capitol? We can't risk trade over the river until we've investigated."

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

The boats lost on the Tuskwater sounds like a mission that was given to you by a fisherman.

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Hmm. Your maps are very extensive. You have been out her for some time I take it?
Master Jubilost, you are interested in locating this dwarven ruins that you say are around these parts somewhere. I have an offer that may help you.

He looks to the others and gives them a knowing nod.
I hope I know what I am doing here. I should have talked to the others, but I do not think it would be appropriate to walk off to talk about them.

About a half a day travel to the east is our home. While not a metropolis of any sorts. It does provide supplies that you will need on your travels.
The roads we have had constructed will help in speeding up your search for these ruins. There are enough travelers that come through town that you may find information that will help narrow down the location. All this you can find on your own within town. I however am wondering if you would like a patron. We foot the bill for your supplies, within reason of course, and you get to use our town as staging point. You stay out here in the wilds searching for those ruins and return to town for supplies and a few days of R&R. All that I ask in return is a report of all you find. Lady Rillka will update her maps and of course you will get the credit for the finds.

Andreas' voice, while still cordial but his presence speaks of the seriousness they face.

The lands are vast, and I need to know what is going on around my town. The population needs to remain safe, and I hope that by having two groups exploring the region we can make that happen faster. You keep your maps, the credit you deserve, and we foot the bill. We get the details of what lies out there and we get to write it down so to speak.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

"We may stop by at some point, but I haven't come this far to sleep in a bed now. As for a potential business venture. We are not looking for partners now. If we find something that we think you need to know to protect your townsfolk, we can try and get word to you for cost." Jubilost says in reply.

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Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Partners...hmm. Umm ok.

I thank you for your time in this and I am sorry that we could not come to an arrangement. I wish you luck in your journeys.
It appears that Andreas is done talking about working together with the Gnome.
Cost. F%%~ you buddy. I am not going to have information held over my head in order for you to run my bank dry. You are f$*!ing nuts.
It was a pleasure meeting you and your companions.
The next time we meet I will make sure to bill you for saving your ass from the water you ungrateful asshat.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Male N tiefling druid (wild whisperer) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +11, SM +3 | Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none. | EA: Search

"Hum, I think this concludes our business her, yes?" Duzz asks the others, eager to leave the ungrateful gnome to his own business.

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

I do think that will conclude it yes.

Andreas looks to the group of gnomes as a whole.
If any of you should find yourself in need of anything, you only need to ask. We are here to make friends and allies.

He lets his eyes fall on the gnomish leader. Andreas appears that he wants to add more but remains quiet. The knight turns and walks away preparing to leave.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

The group gathers their horses and continues on their way.

Are we still following the planned path?

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

The planned path is the way to go.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Behind the Screen:
Anything: 1d100 ⇒ 30 Nope.

Anything: 1d100 ⇒ 90 Nope.

The group follows the river further into the forest and enters lands that they have not yet explored. You begin by searching west of the river and find little of note before turning and fording the river to search what lies east of Skunk River.

As you continue your exploration, the river makes a sharp bend widening into a deep pool dotted with lily pads and fringed with waving reeds. Several freshly felled trees lie beside their stumps on the shore of the pool, their crowns dangling in the water among fading tendrils of mist.

Standing by the felled trees, seven men stand glaring at two men who stand by the water's edge. All of the men are dressed in the garb common to loggers in the forest. A woman's head with blue tinted skin and bright green hair bobs in the water 20 ft from shore.

As soon as you are visible, the man who was standing in front of the larger group seems to grow more exited and starts waving you over.

You are about 50-60 ft away when you pass through a more dense part of the forest and come upon the scene above. If you have Knowledge- Nature, you can give me a roll and let me know what type of info you want to know about the creature bobbing in the water.

Sense Motive DC 15:
Although the man is waving you over, you feel that both he and the female in the pool are not necessarily happy to see you. You think they are both currently unfriendly to your group.

Sense Motive DC 25:
With your very discerning eye, you can tell that the two men who seem to be between the others and the female in the water are under some form of mental enchantment. The strange look in their eyes and their apparent willingness to fight their fellow loggers is caused by some enchantment.

LN Human Magus (Soul Forger) |HP 45/45 | AC 16 T12 F14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +6 | Speed 30 | mw scimitar +8 1d6+4/18-20 | CMB +7 CMD 19/F17 | shortbow +5 1d6/x3 | Init +6 | Percep +1 | SM +1 | Conditions: | EA: Detect Magic

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
""Take care," Andreas whispers. "This may not be the most enthusiastic welcome party."

"Who will take the lead?"

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

Saoirse nods in agreement, focusing her attention on the submerged woman, as she studies the scenario.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
(Abilities if check is successful)

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Male N tiefling druid (wild whisperer) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +11, SM +3 | Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none. | EA: Search

As the group leaves the unbearable Jubilost and his gnomes behind, a lone eagle circles the caravan. It soon leaves, but not before crapping on the leader's head.



Sense Motive, Inspiration: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 3 + (1) = 13
K. Nature, Inspiration: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 12 + (2) = 21

If Saoirse fails, the abilities, otherwise, weaknesses.

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Kn Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Saoirse knows that the creature in the water is a Nixie, a type of aquatic fey. She has heard tales that they have the spell like ability to charm humanoids if they wish to.

Duzz knows that the creature in the water is a Nixie, a type of aquatic fey. She has heard tales that they have the spell like ability to charm humanoids if they wish to. Duzz also knows that Nixie's have a minor resistance to magical spells and as a Fey they are resistant to weapons that are not made from Cold Iron.

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

"I'm thinkin' that neither side is too thrilled about the interruption, but this might end ugly if we don't get involved." Saoirse says quiet;y to her companions. "The Lady o' the Lake there, seems to be a nixie...I've heard tales they can charm a person if they wish... looks like the offers picked her territory for their lumber."

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Charm...great. Keep an eye on that one. Let us see if we can calm this situation down a bit. I am on point and if she tries to charm me...stop her.

Andreas stops his horse at a distance and takes in the scene, his eyes roam from one person to the next with quick intent.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Let us keep this friendly.

Good day to you all. I pray that we did not interrupt anything. We are simple explorers taking in the sights around the region.
Andreas watches the group and keeps looking from one side to the other waiting for a response.

It would appear that we did interrupt something. Perhaps a fresh perspective will help?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Andreas turns his attention to the nixie.
With all due respect my lady...we cannot help anyone if these two gentlemen are under your spell. I humble ask that you release them of your mental enchantment so that we can talk this out. I ask this of you as a sign of good faith. It is the only way we can resolves this without...
and he turns towards the loggers.
...someone getting desperate and making rash decisions.

Returning his attention to the nixie.
My name is Andreas and I hope that we can resolve this peacefully.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

The man shakes his head at you talking to the nixie first and says, "There is no talking to that bloody fae. My name is Corax, perhaps you could help us stop her. We are just here to do the work needed by the people in the bloody Greenbelt and this fae attacked us. It's bloody hard for a decent man to make a living with these bloody fairies in the woods."

The Nixie calmly tells the man, "I asked you politely to leave and you threatened to hang me from a tree to drip dry. So no, you brought this on yourself and I am not going to just free these men."

The two look like they will continue to escalate their bickering and one of the charmed men moves slightly to keep himself between your group and the fae.

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

Fey… Rillka says with obvious disgust. She turns to Andreas, Rather than allowing this one to rob us under the guise of “friendship”; may I suggest that our course of action be violence.

Male HP:49/49 AC:21 T:13 FF:18 F:+6 R:+3 W:+2 Perc:+6 Init:2 Bastard Sword +9, 1d10+3 CMB:+8 CMD:+20 EA: Defend Human Cavalier 5

Andreas' eyebrows perk up as the Halfling suggests violence.
hmm. While I am not fond of Fae, I in good conscience cannot choose violence.

He looks to the nixie and the Loggers.
Not yet at least.

He dismounts as he glances at the companions.
Cover me. Time to be nice and all that. I do not see a reason to be aggressive to either side as they have done nothing to us directly. However, if this goes wrong...remember those loggers over there are under her spell.

Andreas starts to walk towards the two enchanted loggers and glances back at Rillka.
Time for me to go and do stupid tall folk stuff.

He motions for the loggers to relax by patting that air
Calm down.
Hot head needs to be cooled down first and then we can talk. Just remeber to be nice.
Diplomacy/Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Master Corax, stay your blade and stand down. I am certain we can come to an accord. Please let us talk before it is too late. If you should choose violence and place me and my companions in harm's way, I will personally take offense and make sure this will be that last thing you ever do.

He quickly turns towards the nixie without waiting for a response from the logger.
Humble her and sweet talk her at the same time...I hope.
Diplomacy/Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Lady Nixie, I also would recommend that you stand down. As I stated to Master Corax there, we have a better chance of coming out of this with our limbs intact if we talk. You are holding two men against their will and that is not helping matters at all. Release them now and we can talk. I would rather use my words than see my companions boil your lake dry with you in it. That is not what I want but if you continue to walk this path, violence will be the end result and my companions, and I will not hold back. So please stand down. It also would help matters if I had your name.

LN Human Magus (Soul Forger) |HP 45/45 | AC 16 T12 F14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +6 | Speed 30 | mw scimitar +8 1d6+4/18-20 | CMB +7 CMD 19/F17 | shortbow +5 1d6/x3 | Init +6 | Percep +1 | SM +1 | Conditions: | EA: Detect Magic

Albert follows Andreas's lead. Once Andreas has finished his warning the loggers, Albert adds "And I'll be here to guarantee that he's good to his word."
Aid Intimidation: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Being unfamiliar with fey and a bit afraid of them, he leaves negotiating with the Nixie to Andreas.

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

The Nixie shakes her head haughtily at Corax and tells Sir Andreas, "My name is Melianse, and I am not the one trying to pick a fight. These trees have been here for over two hundred years and deserved a better fate then being some grubby peasant's slop table. These men had no right to just come and chop them down around my home. I will not release these men until my trees are fully replaced and these men are ready to leave."

Corax does not seem to take your statement well, "We are just bloodly hardworking men. This bloody fey is the one causing all the trouble. The bloody Greenbelt needs logs and we aim to bloody well see they get them. Ain't many places with such fine logs as this and an easy way to get them back to the Greenbelt. Stop talking to her, and help us get rid of the bloody Fae!"

Knowledge: Nature DC 20:
Corax is generally correct about the value of these trees and the easy access to the waterway to get them back to where the burgeoning civilization is. But you saw an untouched grove of coachwood about 10 miles north that would be an excellent site for logging away from the Nixie.

Sense Motive DC 15:
You are pretty sure that when Melianse says she wants the five trees replaced, she means full grown trees and not saplings.

Male N tiefling druid (wild whisperer) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +11, SM +3 | Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none. | EA: Search

Knowledge (nature), inspiration: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 12 + (6) = 37
Sense Motive, inspiration: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 3 + (1) = 23

Duzz comes a bit closer to the whole thing, dismounting Marük. "There is a grove of coachwood about 10 miles north that I'm sure would fit your needs and be away from Miss Melianse... of course, I'd expect you not to log the whole place." He gestures towards the Nixie. "Push nature enough, and it pushes back as you've already learned."

"Now, Miss Melianse, you plan on keep these men under your control for as long as it takes for a tree to grow from sapling to full grown?"

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

Watching all those involved rather closely, Saoirse steps up just behind Sir Andreas to offer her insight.

"I'd be willing to wager, that she means for them to be replaced with full grown trees at that." she whispers.

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

KM Handouts Narthropple Expedition

Knowledge Arcane DC 15:
There are magical solutions to the tree issue. A Tree Feather Token would quickly provide full grown trees. It would take five tokens to meet Melianse's request.

There are spells that can cause trees to quickly grow. They are currently beyond your grasp, but Duzz might be able to cast them soon. Alternately, scrolls of spells like Plant Growth could be cast to make the plants grow quickly. For five full grown trees that have been here for over 200 years, it might take multiple castings.

Melianse shrugs in her pool and says, "Unlike these buffoons, I am not going to try and harm anyone. They will be well cared for until my trees are replaced. There is another Fae, a Dryad to the northwest of where we are. She would likely be able to assist in fixing my home if you sought her out."

Corax is turning red, "Replace...full....bloody...grown...trees! That is absurd. She is attacking bloody humans! Stop talking to this bloody crazy Fae and help us remove her for the good of the Greenbelt!"

It is apparent that you have convinced Melianse to negotiate. Corax seems less interested in negotiating still.

Halfling CN Female Halfling Arcanist 5 HP:27/27 AC:14 T:13 FF:11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+7 Perc:+9 Init:+4 CMB:+1 CMD:+132 | Spells 0|~ 1|6|EA=Mapping

Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Please understand, Fey. I despise your kind. Despite how you dress it up, your kind have proven themselves nothing but petty thieves and bullies. While there is magic that could grow trees, the cost is just another form of banditry, and we are oath bound to rid these lands of bandits. So replacing these trees, is not an option. I would like to propose, again, that you agree to release our people that you are holding prisoner. See the tall folk, they don't take it well when their kin are held against their will, and react poorly if they come to harm, so you really can't be allowed to "keep" them... which means violence. He doesn't want that. Rillka nods towards Andreas, How about we will declare this section of forest a "preserve" and decree it untouchable - at which point any other loggers will answer to us. Otherwise, we will have to fight; and even if you drive us off; the survivors will go to the city, come back and dam up the river to force you out or hunt you down and kill you outright, followed by the trees being cut. Logically, your only way to save the remaining trees is our decree, and then you can protect the grove with our support.

Saoirse Female CG Aasimar Bard 5: |HP: 39/39, AC: 15, Touch 13, FF 12, Fort: +3 Reflex:+7 Will:+5|CMB +4, CMD 17 (21 disarm/sunder/trip)| acid res 5, cold res 5, and elec res 5|Perception +4 (Darkvision) |EA: Gather Information| Bardic music 2/22 Conditions:

Saoirse frowns, her expression becoming increasingly unsettled as Rillka expresses open hostility to the nixie, seemingly for the crime of being fey. While she knew some of the fey to be capricious, or even malicious in nature, this conflict seemed to be one between a woman defending her home, and increasingly hostile interlopers.

The Stolen Lands were very much about using whatever power you had to protect what was yours. It seemed pretty clear that was what Melianse was doing. There was a great potential to sour the relationship with all fey in the region, if it became known that they slaughtered a fey simply to let lumberjacks have access to her trees.

Once again leaning in toward Sir Andreas, she points out, "If we take the approach of claiming authority over everything here, do these men even have your permission to harvest timber here? Duzz makes a very good point."

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