Warhammer Fantasy 4e

Game Master Nethru

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Grand Lodge

Been sick these last two days... catching up

Thilo Wald

Species: Human (+95XP starting total)
Career2: Grave Robber (After 2nd Rolls)
WeaponSkill: 25
BallisticSkill: 29
Strength: 34
Toughness: 27
Initiative: 30
Agility: 27
Dexterity: 33
Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 27
Fellowship: 34
Talents: Strong Legs, Sixth Sense, Acute Sense, Doomed, Suave, Alley Cat
Age: 25
Height: 5'8"

Wounds = 9
Fate = 2
Resilience = 4

Climb 5
Cool 5
Dodge 5
Endurance 5
Gossip 5
Intuition 5
Perception 5
Stealth (Urban) 5
Melee (Basic) 5
Charm 5
Leadership 5
Haggle 3
Lore (Reikland) 3
Cool 3

Trappings: Crowbar, Handcart, Hooded Cloak, Tarpaulin, : Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing 2 Candles, 5 Matches, and a Hood

Thilo grew up an orphaned boy on the streets of Talabheim. Desperate to find food in the impoverished city, and a run in with the City Watch where he distracted them long enough for other street urchins to escape,
Thilo found himself part of a street crew run by an older, more experienced Bawd known as "The Cobbler". Thilo proved himself resourceful, particularly in having a knack for either pretending to be a child of the recently deceased
or just being in the right place to rob a recently perished soul, Thilo grew accustomed to the idea that death is merely opportunity for others to acquire recently liberated property. Thilo started to refer to those whose items he acquired
as personal friends, indeed felt that he came to know them intimately as life-long companions as he wore their clothes, carried their affects and spent their small wealth. Thilo came to know many friends and earned the favor of "The Cobbler"

Eventually, he started growing too big to run his former cons, he feared losing "The Cobbler's" favor and wanting to make his own name and fortune, Thilo started targeting the more wealthy and not so recently deceased. He recruited some of his friends
and they began looting graves, first of the poor and working their way to the merchant and lower noble classes.

In time, Thilo was caught trying to fence something that was recognized as a personal affect of a former town magistrate.
On the escort to prison, there was an accident, Thilo managed to escape, warn his friends and leave town.

Finding new associates in a nearby town, he joined them for a job on a much larger, richer vault. During the raid he...


Thilo has an unflinchingly cheery disposition and tries to help his friends to see the best in themselves. Thilo avoids locations dedicated to Sigmar. Now looking for a new line of work, Thilo is open to new, less morbid employment opportunities and seems to be searching for something greater than his former trappings.

Ten Questions
Where are you from?
Thilo Wald is from Talabheim, he grew up a street urchin there.

What is your family like?
The closest thing Thilo ever had was his thieving crew, he doesn't know where they are.

What was your childhood like?
Hungry and cold for most of it, but still found happiness in his friends and fellow thieves.

Why did you leave home?
To escape local authorities

Who are your best friends?
To be determined.

What is your greatest desire?

What are your best and worst memories?
Best memory, stealing the local wine merchant shipment of his best wines. They drank well that night, and laughed till they couldn't keep the wine down.
Worst memory, [REDACTED]

What are your religious beliefs?
Fervent believer in the Cult of Sigmar, but won't enter any Sigmarite building without extreme duress.

To whom, or what, are you loyal?
His friends and the job.

Why are you adventuring?
Looking for a new line of work? And redemption.

Rorek still interested? If so roll up we just getting started.

Silver Crusade

I'll have something in about a day or two.

Silver Crusade

where can I get access to the 4th E book?

Silver Crusade

WS2d10 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11
BS:2d10 ⇒ (10, 1) = 11
S: 2d10 ⇒ (1, 7) = 8
T:2d10 ⇒ (5, 8) = 13
I:2d10 ⇒ (8, 9) = 17
A:2d10 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
Dex:2d10 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
Int:2d10 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
WP:2d10 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Fell:2d10 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

17, 13, 11, 11, 10, 8,8,8,5,2

hm. 93 total...have to have a think. Might roll other aspects, just to see.

Silver Crusade

Just wanted to let you know I am still interested, I had some medical things to take care of past 2 days, and will likely need to go back in to make sure things are ok

all good feel better.

Silver Crusade

race: 1d100 ⇒ 71 keep for 10

class: 1d100 ⇒ 53
class: 1d100 ⇒ 23
class: 1d100 ⇒ 62

Will not keep, choosing wizard.

Stats- rough outline atm.

WS: 30
BS: 30
S: 30
T: 30
I: 30
A: 30
Int: 38
WP: 38
Fell: 24

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