Jade Regent, the Unexpected Journey

Game Master GM Wulfson

Campaign Resources

In Game Date: Toilday, 28 Erastus

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Haven’t heard any word of necessary extensions. So far looking at the below entry’s.

Completed submissions
- Luraesal, the Druid
- Ouchi Setsuna, the Skald
- Gadada Purrun, the Rogue
- Rin Kaijitsu, the Vigalante
- Carter Sand, the Pyrokineticist

Mechanically finished, backstory in work.
- Orin Ro, The hunter

Idea stage, no submission yet.
- DeJoker
- Caster4Life

The last stretch of waiting is either tense with anticipation, or apathy, because you've seen something convincing you that you've already been eliminated.

I don't think I've already been eliminated, so . . ..

Gudada Purrun wrote:

The last stretch of waiting is either tense with anticipation, or apathy, because you've seen something convincing you that you've already been eliminated.

I don't think I've already been eliminated, so . . ..

Don't Stop! Believing!

Just finished traveling myself and was ready to polish off the character before the deadline but then saw that a significant portion of the party has already voted. :'(

Best of luck to whomever is selected!

Feel free to finish up! Deadline is close, but extensions are allowed if needed it is a holiday. Only 2 of the 6 have voted and changes are allowed!

Selected? I thought we were all in?

DeJoker wrote:
Selected? I thought we were all in?

This is a recruitment thread. We put forth our concepts. The existing players and GM will vote on which one of us they want to accept as the new player/character, based on how they feel about what they see/ how well we fit in with the group.

Best of luck to everyone!

Yes indeedDeadpans Setsuna
The Spirits I summon with my spirit totem are the souls of character ideas not taken in recruitment. A near endless supply indeed!

Ah! Well in that case, I could indeed use a small extension to finish up in the next few minutes!

Alright Jeremiah is ready! I involved Tian Xia in my backstory but didn't want to say that I'd already been there. So I took a middle ground approach, literally. Also, I've certainly left some hooks in my backstory and GM is welcome to use those if and how it seems fitting. No pressure to use them as I'm sure there will be many other plot points as well.

Amusingly, Jeremiah's story about inflamed taste buds is exactly what happened to me when I visited Sichuan, one of the spicier parts of China.

RP sample for fun:

As the wagon rolls up to the gates of Kintargo, the horses trotting so the wagon could meet the buyer in time, Jeremiah eyes the Chelish guard with concern. In a low tone, he mutters to the driver "Let me handle her." As the guard is demanding to inspect every single boring inch of their cargo, Jeremiah starts telling a story about a magic frog who could make a man shorter. "Then the frog exclaimed NO, NO, NO, NO! And the man found himself shrunk away to nothing!" The guard doesn't notice as Jeremiah casts a simple spell and soon finds herself smiling and nodding as she waves the wagon through the gates. Jeremiah waves back and winks with his one good eye as the gates close again.

Mechanical party role:

In combat, Jeremiah mainly inspires courage and uses bodyguard to boost frontliners' AC by 4. Plus, there are plenty of useful little bard spells.

Out of combat, Jeremiah is a party face and assistant sneak. Because he can cast spells disguised as a performance pretty easily, he is also good at a variety of intrigue-like situations.

Awesome! Thanks for pushing and finishing it up Caster, votes are being tallied and we’ll select a champion soon. Thank you to everyone that submitted a character, some pretty interesting ideas. If I ever need to re-recruit those not selected will be short listed.

See ya all did not realize this was going to be a contest. Do not believe in that nor do I as a GM do that.

Didn't get a chance to fit taunt on my build yet but maybe level 5. We'll see. :) Will wait with baited breath. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

After some conversations in the PM’s and thought the character joining will be….Lyraesal!

Again appreciate everyone’s applications, the rest of you are short listed if I need more players. Best of luck in future applications and have a good holiday! Lyraesal please hop in the discussion when you get a chance.

Thank you for having me! Good luck in the future to everyone else, it was quite a group of cool entries to be a part of.

Have fun!

DeJoker wrote:
See ya all did not realize this was going to be a contest. Do not believe in that nor do I as a GM do that.

You can absolutely run your own game on the boards the way that you want. You should have no trouble getting 20 or more players if you don’t have a selection process and a fixed number of participants.

Have fun, Lyraesel!

GM, like most people, I'm happy to be PMed if you need a replacement. Right now, I'm looking for another PBP game. That's not usually the case but it might be if/when you need a replacement.

Haha, I got out of Tian Min Jail for nothing! And got 3K Gold! Which I intend to blow on hookers and drugs!

Suddenly a 2 insanely buff personages appear and Yoink her, off to some undoubtedly bizzarre adventure elsewhere.

You can hear Setsuna shouting
NOT RAPPANATHUUK F!%% ME through the portal.

Thanks for the consideration, GM! Have fun you all, and please keep me into consideration if a new spot opens.


Lapyd / Carter Sand the Pyrokineticist

I'm not sure this is the best place to post, but we seem to have lost our GM for the Jade Regent AP. We are at <spoiler> Castle and have cleared 95% of the rooms, we think. The group would like to stay together and complete the AP, but most immediately we'd like to finish the castle.

Still looking for a DM? I've never run a game on Paizo before, but I've got some experience DMing PbP and have all six books of JR.

Yes we are! How can we help you get started?

If you could give me a summary of where you guys are at in terms of castle exploration and any other important developments/things about the party that I should know and I'll get to reading after work this evening

I believe the only fight we have left is with the Pazuzu monster which we're about to start thanks to one of the players.

Currently yeah we are about to fight the big boss under Brinewall castle. I think we are not in a good position for that fight, we will probably take some heavy hits, but I guess we'll see how it goes.

Many of the characters in the group leaned into the romance hooks. There's a love triangle between Ameiko, Aiko, and Adrian, and then a quiet back-burner romance between Shalelu and Lyraesel.

Most of the party is strongly motivated by a desire to help Ameiko to unearth her past and is now invested in finding out what befell Brinewall and how this all ties into the Kaijitsu family.

A boss fight and a love triangle. Very fun, sounds dramatic. How have you all been handling maps and do you all use Discord for OOC or is it all on here?

If you click on the Campaign Resources link at the top (or here), it will take you to a Google drive that has the stuff our prior DMs used.

Okay then. I think that's enough info to get me situated. Peeking in the thread, it looks like you all have already started the boss fight, so if it works for you all, I'll jump in after that (assuming and hoping that you all pull the win!) and continue on from there.

Thanks Chuck8!

Six weeks later and we haven't killed the most annoying monster ever. I hope you are still with us, Chuck8, and that we will be done with the fight soon. (The monster has some bizarre tactics.)

Still here and watching! That thing's been giving you all a real hard time.

Grand Lodge

Ooo, is this the 'end boss' from Brinewall? If it is, I feel you!

The one with the SR, resistances, and freaky personality? Yes!

By my count, we only have the solarium and the basement to search to try to save Ameiko.

Grand Lodge

Best of luck! ^_^

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