Jade Regent, the Unexpected Journey

Game Master GM Wulfson

Campaign Resources

In Game Date: Toilday, 28 Erastus

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Join the Caravan, see Golarian! Destiny knocks at your door beckoning you to heed the call, but beware sometimes the road less traveled is that way for a reason.

I have recently picked up a Jade Regent campaign that has lost its DM towards the end of book 1. We are looking to round out the party with a fifth member. The current situation they are in is shown in the spoiler.

Contains some spoilers for part of book 1. Read only if your applying or if you are innately curious:
The party has just reached the outskirts of Brinewall, an abandoned castle with an abandoned town far to the north of Varisia. They are there to learn the supposed Kaijitsu Legacy, a secret hidden from Ameiko found in a old wakizashi that belonged to her grandfathers bodyguard. She has however fallen magically Ill upon their arrival to Brinewall and they must figure out what is causing it.

The party consists of a
- Ninja 2/ Samurai 1 (Skills, melee based, does not have rogue trap finding)
- Cleric of Sarerae 3 (divine magic, Healing, some skills)
- Unchained monk 3 (Melee bruiser)
- Arcanist 2 / Sorcerer 1 (int based Arcane caster, knowledge skills)

The build specifics are as follows:
- 3rd level
- 20 point buy
- 3 traits with 1 being campaign specific, no drawbacks.
- Background skills are in effect
- max HP at first, with half or higher roll after first.
- 3k gold with half of it at most spent on crafting.
- Paizo material only, all classes allowed except for chained summoner.
- all races allowed though stranger ones will revive some scrutiny
- No cheese please, this will be a rp heavy game.

Backgrounds are encouraged to have elements from Tian Xia, though are not required to. They must however explain how you know the NPC’s (see players guide), why you joined the trip, and what you have been doing during the course of the trip.

Recruitment will go till the 17th and looking to get things going the same day or 18th. I will be away from the 9th to the 13th, the players will be able to answer some questions. If they are unable when I get back I can answer questions, and if needed extensions can be given or dates pushed back.

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The arcanist does have rogue trapfinding, by the way.

Liberty's Edge

From the mechanics perspective, is there anything in particular the existing players would like the new character to bring along? Any big gaps in the rolls that need filling?

Very rough concepts:

Tian Min Gunslinger who is returning from a journey to Alkenstar, where he learned gun smithing. Stopped at sandpoint on the way and got fairly friendly with Ameiko. Strongly dislikes Samurai and feudal repression.
Could be mysterious stranger (CHA based gunslinger) if party face is needed.

Urban Skald, a certain someone tasked her to keep Ameiko alive for perhaps nefarious reasons? (I think I applied with her to this adventure actually, was reasonable well received). Hand out rage powers and shoots reasonable well, also is a party face.

Exiled Urban (probably Abyssal or Destined) Bloodrager/Fractured mind (CHA based spiritualist archetype) will be extremely persuasive and suave, when he is not losing it that is.
Will think he is the main character and semi comically fail.

Definitely dotting for interest. I've got a druid (wolf shaman) that I'd gotten to level 4 before the game fizzled, so easy to level down.

In terms of NPC connection, Lyraesel's childhood cruch/NPC connection is Shalelu. After the events of the goblin attack on Sandpoint, where she lost her mother (herbalist Hannah Valerin), Lyraesel sort of snapped, going off into the wilderness and almost going feral in her grief.

It took the better part of 2 years of intermittent outreach, for the ranger to bring her back from the brink of insanity, though she's still considered a bit wild and strange by the people in town when she's around, though understandably so.

One or two of the other NPC's (Koya especially) might consider her a tragic figure that needs looking after. Not the most social person, at least not verbally, but very pack oriented and extremely loyal to those that manage to get close.

Rolewise, she can cover melee (especially with summoning/wild shape), utility/support/battlefield control casting.

In terms of me as a player, I definitely prefer RP heavy and solid character interaction, which make for a fun and memorable game for everyone.

I 'll have the sheet adjusted to de-level and the creation specific shortly

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Haha. I was thinking to myself "Arcanist 2/sorcerer 1? That's weird but it looks targeted to pick up some fun little ability." Now I see it's eriktd? That makes sense now, given the cool and funky builds I've known him to make.

I agree with Mightypion that it seems Cha is the main, mental ability score left to be fleshed out, though it appears that Hattori definitely has some solid cha and skill investment there. Why not, with 8 ranks per level?

I'm interested since it's been a long time since I've played a high-Cha character. In fact, normally I'm bumbling around with very low Cha and roleplaying hilarious mishaps/accidental insults. Let me start thinking about who would be a fun character...

@Crisischild Current ideas were possibly a tank, or a ranged striker. Hard to do both, but hey prove See new ideas every day. Magic is always useful as well. It’s very open really to almost any concept with a lot of the “normal” roles filled or adjacently filled.

@Lyraesel sounds good!

@mightypion all very neat ideas, I would say if the nefarious angle is used unwittingly might be for the best just to hopefully keep things civil when/if it is revealed. Also urban stuff will not see much use just a note.

@Caster4life charisma is nominally invested by Aiko, but that’s it. Bit could use some reinforcing. Looking foreword to the ideas!

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The character herself would be chaotic neutral to chaotic good, but, due to circumstance beyond her control, have a contract from a non good entity to keep one of the NPCs alive, she will spend much of the game trying to figure out why such an entity would want to keep, lets say Ameiko alive and free.

Urban Skald has nothing to do with actually being Urban.
Its a Skald archetype whose inspired rage does not stop allies from casting spells, using skills etc., but hands out a bit less boni instead, generally speaking, the entire party actually benefits from an Urban skald, which typically isnt the case for a normal skald.

Basically, Skalds hand out scaling +2/+2 to str and con, +2 to will saves and -1 to AC, as well as any rage powers they have, Urban skalds hand out +2 to STR, Dex or con, no will save improvement and no AC malus, as well as any rage powers they have, but those who accept the ferocity do not get any mali.

I kind of like the Skald most:

Hp roll:hp Skald: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 6) = 14 14 nice!

Rolling twice for hp:

Mightypions submission here, overwriting another character, still work in progress. Background is already there.

Undecided between ranged and reach attacks.

Rolling for level 2&3
2d8 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15

Background (Just finishing up purchases and should be good to go. Happy to answer any questions.


Born to herbalist Hannah Velerin, a result of a dalliance with a wandering adventurer passing through Sandpoint, Lyraesel grew up seeing both sides of her home town. Stared at and whispered about by the stodgier of the townsfolk, her mother on the receiving end of knowing looks, yet well liked and befriended by other children and younger residents of Sandpoint.

Though life for her was not unpleasant, she nevertheless grew up feeling an outcast, her human side developing quicker than her mother would have expected, her elven side still developing slower than friends her own age. She found solace in collecting herbs for her mother, spending more and more time in the forests as she grew, learning every tree and plant, finding kinship with the animals she encountered that seemed oddly at ease in her presence. On one of her trips she encountered a man who seemed more a part of the forest than anyone she had ever met. Going simply by the name Riverwalker, the druid roamed the many forests of Varisa, wandering at will, going whenever the spirits of nature led. In her he saw a gift, a soul in harmony with the natural world, eager to learn and commune with all around her. Over the next few years, the trips to gather rare herbs and roots from the forest included lessons in natuaralism. He taught her the names of creatures and plants in the ancient tongue of the primeval world, taught her how to speak to the land, asking it’s gifts, weilding the power of nature itself.

Yet she still had frineds in the town, among them Ameko Kaijutsu and Shalelu Andosana.

The mysterious ranger intrigued her, the older girl’s wild and carefree spirit sparking something in her that made her looks forward to the times when she came into town after a long stretch off in the wilderness. More and more she found herself wishing she had the confidence to explore the wilds longterm herself, though her love for her mother kept her anchored to the town.

This would all change 4 years ago when a band of goblins attacked the town while she was on one of her collection runs. Her mother was an unfortunate victim of the savagery of the little monsters, Lyraesel returning a few days later to find that not only had she not been there to help her, but was unable to even witness her burial or say goodbye.

Something inside her broke. Her grief driving her away from her friends, the town and civilization in general. One night she took off into the wilds, leaving everything behind. For two years she ran in the wilds, living almost ferally, in fact associating with a wolf pack that came to see her as one of them. Abandoning herself to the pure experience of the wilderness, her decent into a feral existence may have been irreversible had it not been for another fateful encounter.

In the foothills of the Kodar mountains near Sanvos forest, Lyraesel would once again encounter Shalelu. Barely recognizing her at first, the ranger soon understood the reason for her friend’s state, having been involved in the aftermath of the goblin attacks and hearing the girl’s story from Ameko. Slowly, over the course of multiple visits over months, Shalelu was able to coax her back from the brink of madness, bringing her to a state where she could deal with the pain and loss, and not feel as if she had to hide herself away from civilization. Along with this came a new blossoming of her childhood crush, a mixture of heartfelt gratitude and something far deeper for the ranger that plucked her from the brink of madness, yet afraid of loss, she kept her feelings to herself.

Though she has returned to Sandpoint, and assists the herbalist who took over her mother’s store, bringing rare ingredients from deep in the wilderness, she also has a deep enjoyment of time outdoors, away from the cramped business of towns and cities. Often alone, but occasionally traveling with Shalelu or the odd adventurer or woodlands guide for a spell.

Hi GM! I am new the forums, but wanting to find a game to start playing PF. Can I apply as well? Still learning the ropes, I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

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@Mightypiin looks good! I’d recommend ranged. The Samurai/ninja is planning for reach though some overlap isn’t the end of things.

@lyraesal awesome stuff, don’t forget the 3 pieces of info needed. Just wanna help try to keep things coherent story wise.

@lapyd Of course! Everyone needs to start somewhere, if you have any questions please ask. I know of a couple guides if you’d also need some guidance on things!

Also an update, the slayer that was with them is still with us. So they will have a melee slayer as so front line should be a bit more sound than it was looking.

Interested, but won't have time until the kid goes to bed to sort out a character.

Front line looks like:


Then midline is the Cleric
Then backline is the Arcanist

If you think parties need tanks you should allow DSP path of war stuff, because the warder is a much better MMO style tank. The usual solution to tanking in PF is throw summon monster hp in the way.

I think I'll throw together a bard of some sort, it looks like the party could use some inspire and the extera healing might also be useful if you're going up to 6 players.

I've been hauling this character around for a while. Never seem to have any luck with him and games, though. Either not selected or folded.

I will need to rebuild him a bit for the slightly different rules (No stress, just time - that's why there are weekends!)

He is supposed to be a very typical Varisian Rogue, and could easily have faded into the background earlier as a member of the caravan team.

There shouldn't be HUGE changes to the character, but each time I adjust him he morphs a bit.

One of the social points I like to play with when playing Gudada is that within a Varisian caravan, everything belongs to the group, not individuals. Logically, whoever can best use the item should be assigned the item. Realistically, emotions require things get spread around more generously, and sometimes based on political power instead of likely direct benefit.

He will remain a back-up face, as social skills are important to people in a Varisian caravan.

I think the background adjustments are pretty clean for this, actually.

GM-MM wrote:

@Mightypiin looks good! I’d recommend ranged. The Samurai/ninja is planning for reach though some overlap isn’t the end of things.

Strictly mechanically:

The unusual thing here is that ranged combat would be selfish, because urban skalds burn most of their feats on extra rage powers to further boost their allies. Reach just needs 2 feats, which I can both joink at level 1, and then go into mega buffbot mode who occassionally whacks someone for reasonable Bardiche damage.
Ranged combat needs 4ish for basic competence.

Sample turn:
Rage goes off at start of turn because Savage intuition extra rage power. If I go first, free action switch bardiche to one handed, interpose myself between likely targets and melee enemies as move action, draw Pilum as part of move action, standard action throw Pilum (20 feet range increment, AB is +4ish, hits for D8+2ish, debuffs shield users), free action grip Bardiche in both hands to AoO with it.

Urban Skald ultimate AoE buffbot:

Funny party boosting tricks I can do going from there at level 5/6/7/8/9:
Oh boy, Skalds can buff the party to the stratosphere:

--Level 8+ everyone gets to reroll a will save once per rage, note, at this point rage cycling is a thing because Urban skalds dont generate fatigue, and I can restart the performance as a move action.
--everyone gets a scaling morale bonus vs spells, spell like and supernatural, which starts at +2 and scales with levels, it does force you to roll saves vs. friendly spells, but I can stop performing to get around that.
--20% concealment vs everything that is not attacking from melee range (spirit totem tier 2)

--Scaling damage bonus vs things with spells, spell like abilities and supernaturals, starts at +1 and scales with skald levels/4, on any attacks, not limited to mellee
--I can go elemental rage, which starts at spend a swift for +d6 elemental damage to all attacks per round, and scales into +d6 elemental damage (I get to chose when starting combat) at level 8 for the entire rage, limited to mellee
--Free bite attack for everyone, I can stack this with either witch hunter or elemantal rage.
--On top of the negative energy spirit slam, which everyone also gets.

Quick question, GM:
My concept is turning into a very sassy, well-traveled halfling fellow (bard). I want to be very party-facy but the intimidate penalty for being smaller than your target is pretty big (-4). I've wanted to get around this to serve my concept, particularly in social situations. Can you confirm for me that we interpret the taunt trait the same way?

I think it provides two benefits:
1. Can use bluff to demoralize.
2. When using either bluff or intimidate, if you would normally take a skill check penalty for being smaller, you don't take it. To me, the vagueness of the second half of the trait indicates that this broad interpretation is intended.

An alternative reading would be that the size penalty is only removed when using bluff to demoralize. I think that's reading in a restriction that isn't stated but *shrug*. Figured I'd ask!

They must however explain how you know the NPC’s (see players guide), why you joined the trip, and what you have been doing during the course of the trip.:

1) How you know the NPC’s (see players guide)?
Lyraesel was born and raised in Sandpoint. She has had a passing friendsip with Ameko and a childhood crush/admiration for Shalelu. This intensified, when after the events of RotRL and the goblin attack on Sandpoint resulting in her mother’s death while she wasn’t there. The pain and loss pretty much drove her off the deep end for a bit, and she went off into the wilds, essentially becoming feral. Shalelu found her, eventually helping her regain some of her reason, and coming to terms with her loss. In returning to Sandpoint, she is a source of empathy for many, with people like Koya especially thinking of her as a tragic figure to have suffered as much as she has at her age. Most of the NPC’s are aware of her to varying degree. She has a tendency to come and go, much like Shalelu does, sometime off in the wilderness for weeks at a time.

2) Why you joined the trip?
Between her trauma, and her lack of social nuance, there are only a few people she feels connected to. Those that know her and her story, or have helped her in some way, or that she has ties to that connect to her old self, are the few that she considers friends. Coming back from one of her weeks long forays into the wilderness to find pretty much everyone that mattered to her gone…..not only did it trigger abandonment issues from the loss of her mother, but the feeling of having let people who needed her down by not being there.
Having heard the gossip around town of the caravan setting out to explore Ameiko’s family legacy, and realizing there was really nothing left tying her to Sandpoint, she set out after the caravan to see if she could catch up with them.

3) What you have been doing during the course of the trip?
Following the trail of the group (she set out 3 weeks after they left so it hasn’t been easy), becoming more concerned after coming across signs of battle along the way. Having made up time, (between great Survival mod and Scent ability/Bloodhound spell when needed), she’s pretty sure that she’s about to catch up to the group.

@Ash the main idea being they wanted someone a little meatier to help take some hits, not the video game version. But with the slayer back and rejoined the frontline is once again crowded.

@Gauda interesting, and definitely plausible reasoning for being there. I look foreword to seeing more, rogues are pretty neat with what you can do with them.

@ouichi fair, I’m less familiar with Skald’s only having seen one or two played. I’ve heard their buffs can get pretty strong. I’d say pick what you want and feels right. Mechanically I wouldn’t worry about trying to squeeze every last drop you can.

@Caster4life I would agree with that interpretation, you’d drop that -4 for being small from demoralize and if you wanted to use bluff to demoralize. Let’s see the scary halfling you come up with!

@lyraesal awesome! Love things neat and thematic like that, appreciate the last little bit added.

Hi GM! It's Lapyd here. Thanks for letting me apply, despite still being a little new around here.

This is the character I present - Carter is a young Varisian man, half-brother of Ameiko that had been stranded since the Glassworks episode. He's a kineticist, so hoping he can be of some help on the ranged combat department, though honestly I think that your party of five already covers really well all corners (so hopefully the lack of mechanical optimization is not a big deal!)

I added background and character sheet to the profile, plus a small section on "appearance and behavior" to hopefully give the group some "visual" aid.

I'm thinking of a Half elven Hunter with the Rescued by Shalelu trait.

Orin Ro:

Orin Ro
Half-elf hunter 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 26)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +4 (1d6+2) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . falchion +4 (2d4+3/18-20)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 (1d8+2/×3)
Hunter Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—gravity bow[APG], keen senses[APG] (DC 13), longstrider, magic fang, summon nature's ally I
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, spark[APG] (DC 12)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Coordinated Shot[ACG], Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Perception)
Traits deadeye bowman, elven reflexes, rescued
Skills Acrobatics +9, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +13, Stealth +8, Survival +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ animal companion (lynx named Shi'Ra), animal focus (3 minutes/day), elf blood, hunter tactics, nature training, track +1, wild empathy +3
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear +1 chain shirt, club, dagger, falchion, mwk composite longbow (+2 Str), cloak of resistance +1, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket[APG], flint and steel, mess kit[UE], signal whistle, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Erastil, 7 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion (animal companion (lynx named Shi'Ra)) (Ex) If no current companion, summon nature's ally spells last 1 min/level but only 1 at a time.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Animal Focus (3 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, gain bonuses from emulated animal(s). If no companion, +1 slots.
Bear +2 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed enhancement bonus to Con.
Bull +2 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed enhancement bonus to Str.
Coordinated Shot If ally threatens but doesn't provide cover gain +1 bon on ranged atks vs. opp.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Falcon +4 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed competence bonus to Perception.
Hunter Tactics (Ex) Animal companion also gains the bonus teamwork feats, but doesn't need to meet pre-reqs.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mouse (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain evasion, or improved evasion at higher levels.
Nature Training (Ex) Hunter levels count as druid/ranger levels for feats, traits, and options to improve animal companions.
Owl +4 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed competence bonus to Stealth.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Tiger +2 (Su) When assuming this aspect, gain listed enhancement bonus to Dex.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

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Going more as a ranged striker with a Lynx animal companion.
Hit points: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

Hit point rolls: 2d8 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

So, both are 5. Got it.

No, wait. You said half or higher roll, not half+1. So, do I keep the 4 or did you mean for it to be rounded up to the 5? Just trying to ensure I comply with your intent. 1 HP isn't going to make that much difference, really.

Edit: I think I've finished adjusting 'Dada to your rules and level goal. Currently using the 4 instead of 2 5s.

Since he already had a specified relationship with Sandru, making him Best Friends with the caravan master fit into the existing back story and makes folding him into the caravan background basically effortless.

He can perform many of the entertainments you see at Ren Faires these days, with juggling, sleight-of-hand "magic" tricks, acrobatics, escape artist, and Perform (Strings) all trained (mostly) to the entertainment purpose of a traveling Varisian caravan.

Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive allow him to fill in as a secondary Face role as needed.

And Perception, Disable Device, Stealth, Knowledge (Local), and UMD, because, well, of course.

He's absolutely NOT a combat monster, though. Sneak Dice will help.

I made Rin for a Jade Regent game that also fell apart in book one. Rin is the younger sister of Ameiko and works at her tavern. She is a Vigilante (Teisatsu) and fulfills a similar role to a ninja.

The idea of the 'Red Oni' identity was similar to Peter Parker and his mask. Allowing her to better break free of the mold she was in. However, I didn't lean too much into the "duel identity" aspect, instead mostly staying in the Vigilante identity. As such her "real" identity of a mild mannered tavenkeeper and social talents are more of a card up her sleeve.

The character sheet shows a rough outline of the build plan, going down the possessed hand and two-weapon fighting routes. Rin is good at getting into position and works best with a flanking partner. Her and the party rogue could tear into things.

I didn't have much in the way of plans for the entity, but figured an oni or kami possessing it would be thematic and have good RP beats.

I'll work to get the stats and back story updated but mostly should be good.

First idea for where Rin has been is she stayed in her social identity until she felt she was ready instead of leaping at the chance to prove herself against the goblins. Ameiko's curse or whatever during the journey pushing Rin to join the frey.


Interesting variety so far. I'm prejudiced, though, of course. <grin>

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hustonj wrote:



Interesting variety so far. I'm prejudiced, though, of course. <grin>

You missed the druid!

Hattori Aiko wrote:
hustonj wrote:



Interesting variety so far. I'm prejudiced, though, of course. <grin>

You missed the druid!


I even spent some time thinking about the feral druid being described, and how that might go. Really don't know how I forgot to include her!

Don't mind me, just making some things to put in my utility belt.

Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Alchemy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2

GM what is the status of this game need any more players or is the roster full?

Done completely. Added gear (appropriately thematic)

Ameiko's younger sister is basically done. I didn't include the PCs in my backstory, but if selected Aiko and Rin feel like they would be close. Maybe Aiko helped with Rin's training and Rin is aware of Aiko's crush on Ameiko?

Character Sheet

Vigilante Reference

Social Reference

Pinterest Board


Rin Kaijitsu
Female Human Vigilante 3 Archetype: Teisatsu
NG/CG Medium Human
Init +3, Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, )
hp 23 ((1d8)+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Cold Iron Wakizashi +5 (S:1d6+1/18-20)
Melee Dual Wield Wakizashi +3 (S:1d6+1/18-20) / +4 (S:1d6+1/18-20)
Melee Hanbo +5 (B:1d6+1/x2)
Melee Reach Kusarigama +3 (S:1d6+1/20) / +2 (B:1d3+1/20)
Range Shortbow +5 (P: 1d6/20x3)
Range Shuriken +5 (P: 1d2+1/20x2) Ammunition
Special Attacks: Hidden Strike 2d8(2d4)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14,
Base Atk +2; CMB 3; CMD 16
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Extra Ninja Trick(Vanishing Trick)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +5, Bluff +8, Climb +5, Craft (Alchemy) +11, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +7, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +5, Knowledge(Nobility) +5, Profession(Tavernkeep) +4, Perception +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +5, Slight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Survival +4, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +2,
Traits Younger Sibling(Ameiko), Blade of Society, Alchemical Adept
Languages Common, Tian, Varisian
SQ Owl’s Sight(LL vision), Bonus Feat, Skilled, Languages, Dual identity, seamless guise, social talent, vigilante specialization, Hidden Strike 2d8(2d4)
Two Weapon Fighting: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6.
Weapon Finesse: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Extra ninja trick You gain one additional ninja trick. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this ninja trick.

Dual identity: A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large.

Social: Rin Kaijitsu

Vigilante: Akaoni(The Red Oni)
Seamless guise: A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for his current identity. Should anyone suspect him of being anything other than what he appears to be while either in his social or vigilante identity, he can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as his current identity, and not as his other identity.

Social talent: Starting at 1st level, and every 2 levels thereafter, a vigilante gains a social talent. Unless otherwise noted, a talent can be selected only once. Some talents require the vigilante to meet other prerequisites before they can be chosen, such as having another social talent or attaining a minimum vigilante level. Once a talent has been chosen, it cannot be changed.

Vigilante specialization(Stalker): A stalker gains an ability called hidden strike, which allows him to deal an extra 1d8 points of precision damage on melee attacks (or ranged attacks from within 30 feet) against foes who are unaware of his presence, who consider him an ally, or who are made flat-footed by startling appearance (see page 17). This extra damage increases by 1d8 at 3rd level and every 2 vigilante levels thereafter. A stalker vigilante can also deal hidden strike damage to a target that he is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, but in these cases, the damage dice are reduced to d4s. A stalker can deal hidden strike damage against targets with concealment (but not total concealment).
Hidden Strike 1d8(1d4)

Ki Pool(Su):At 2nd level, a ninja gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy she can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the ninja's ki pool is equal to 1/2 her ninja level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows).

By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. A ninja can gain additional powers that consume points from her ki pool by selecting certain ninja tricks.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool.

Social Talent: Gossip Collector
The vigilante sits at the center of a web of gossip, granting him access to the latest scuttlebutt with baffling speed. Whenever the vigilante is presented with a topic about which he would normally need to spend 1d4 hours to gather information, he must spend only 1d2 hours instead. If he has the renown social talent and gathers the information in his area of renown, he must instead spend only 1d4 × 10 minutes, and if he beats the DC to gather a piece of information by 20 or more, he knows that piece of information without spending any time at all; he has simply already heard that gossip. This ability doesn’t allow him to gather information that isn’t available in the locale he is canvassing, even if that locale is his area of renown.

Unshakable (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a vigilante adds his class level to the DC of any attempts to Intimidate him.

Feat: Extra Ninja Trick: Vanishing Trick
As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point.


Rin Kaijitsu is a comely young woman of obvious Tian ancestry. Though she dresses mostly in Varisian style, she often has a Tian accessory or three to add some flourish. Rin carries herself with a lack of confidence, having long lived in the shadow of her even more beautiful and talented siblings. There is a tattoo on her upper left arm and shoulder, which she got in a drunken bout of rebellion.

The Red Oni wears a long white wig and red mask in the visage of an Oni, her namesake. Her armor and numerous weapons are of Tian make. Her equipment is adorned to help create a frightening presence while maintaining her stealth ability.


Homeland: Varisia(Of Tian descent)
Parents: Both parents are dead
Ameiko Kaijitsu: Older Siser
Circumstances of Birth: Nobel Birth
The Kaijitsu’s were one of the founding families of Sandpoint.
Major Childhood Events:
Deaths of parents and siblings
A string of unfortunate tragedies left Ameiko, Rin, and Tenchi as the only surviving members of the Kaijitsu family. The deaths were hard on the grieving siblings, but brought them closer together.
Ameiko leaving for her own adventure.
The year that Ameiko was gone on her adventures was a hard one for Rin. She prayed to Desna every night for her sister’s safe return. It was this year that first gave Rin her taste for adventuring. Likewise for Tenchi's leaving. But it was her brother's departure that gave Rin the determination to begin her training.
Point to prove: Having lived in her sister’s shadow her entire life, Rin’s has set out to train to find herself and prepare for the adventure she has long dreamed of.
Influential Associates:
Ameiko Kaijitsu
Though there is currently a rift between the sisters, they have always been close and love each other dearly.
Shalelu Andosana
Shalelu and Rin have never been that close, but after Shalelu stumbled upon Rin training, the elf agreed to keep the young woman’s secret and even assisted with training from time to time.
Residents of Sandpoint
Having been born and raised in Sandpoint, Rin is familiar with most of the town’s residents. Generally well liked, she has numerous friends and close bonds among the residents and no real enemies.
Desna: Though Rin says prayers to numerous Inner Sea and Tian gods, she has felt a special connection to Desna ever since Ameiko left on her adventures. Rin initially prayed for Ameiko’s safe journeys, but today also prays for her own travels.
Romantic Relationships:
Experience but no Substantial Relationships: Rin has some had a handful of flings, but so far has shied away from any real romantic ties or commitments. Many of the boys she likes have eyes for her sister or only became interested in Rin once Ameiko thoroughly rejected them.


Ameiko and Rin Kaijitsu are the last remaining members of the Kaijitsu family, their parents and older siblings each having met unfortunate ends over the years. The two sisters have always been close, with Amiko being a caring and doting sister, and Rin having spent her entire life looking up to Amiko. Unfortunately a rift has recently begun to form between the sisters. Though Rin had spent many years admiring her sister, of late she has begun to realize how much she exists in Ameiko’s shadow. Ameiko had also been more talented, beautiful, popular, and had even been a successful adventurer for a year. Meanwhile Rin had barely left the areas surrounding Sandpoint.

Admiration turned to jealousy as more and more Rin unfavorably compares herself to her sister. For years Rin has wanted to be an adventurer herself, a desire that Ameiko had done her best to shut down. “Adventuring can cause a lot of pain just as easily as it can bring success and riches.” Ameiko was fond of repeating to Rin.

However Rin was neither deterred nor fooled. She knew her sister better than anyone in the world. Rin could tell that Ameiko was growing increasingly bored and impatient in Sandpoint. That Ameiko would leave for adventures again if the opportunity presented itself. And this time Rin was determined not to be left behind.

The Kaijitsu family had come to Sandpoint after a long journey through the Crown of the World. They brought with them numerous objects and supplies from home, including weapons and armor. One day while cleaning out an old storage space, Rin found a box containing equipment and texts for the ninjutsu fighting style. Running her hands along the equipment, especially the wooden oni mask, Rin’s heart began to beat harder with excitement. In a rush she put the equipment on and found a mirror to look in. Though the equipment would need adjustment to fit properly, Rin couldn’t help but stare in wonder at the figure looking back at her in the mirror. In the oni mask and white wig, she was unrecognizable. She looked fierce, dangerous. Rin wasn’t sure how long she stared, but the sound of Ameiko arriving home snapped her out of her trance. Barely able to throw the equipment under her bed before Ameiko came into Rin’s room.

With that close call, Rin was addicted. She took every chance she could to run off to train, to study, to become that girl in the mirror again. Though her initial efforts were clumsy beyond belief, Rin remained determined. She fought through the aches of pain and embarrassment of failure, hid or came up with excuses for injuries, and pretended to have a new boyfriend. Whatever it took to keep pushing forward.

Through time and effort her hard work began to pay off. She could run for a mile before her legs began to ache, she hadn’t dropped her swords while backflipping in weeks, and she couldn’t help but stare at her muscles in the mirror. She had also successfully kept her training a secret. Only the Elf Shalelu Andosana knew of Rin’s training, the elf having stumbled upon Rin in the wood’s one day. Though Rin had been initially terrorfied, Shalelu had agreed to keep Rin’s secret, and had even assisted with the young woman’s training from time to time.

Soon it wasn’t enough to sneak off to train, she began to train right in front of everyone: Carrying huge trays of drinks, standing in a group and not being noticed until she spoke up, and dozens of other little open actions of rebellious training.

Soon the Rusty Dragon Inn had two women ready to set out in a heartbeat. Though Rin’s training had helped to heal the rift between the sisters, it had yet to fully mend. The sisters’ both too distracted with the thoughts of an epic voyage, of a grand adventure. It was as if both of them had been holding their breath, waiting for something to make them breathe again.

Rin would have never thought that thing would be a goblin attack. After all, Sandpoint had seen goblin attacks before. Certainly worse than the handful that had been bothering the outskirts of town. And so she didn’t pay much mind when a group of adventurers gathered to deal with the issue. Spending a day or three stomping across the swamp to deal with goblins was hardly the start to the adventure Rin had imagined.

But a group of adventurers uncovering a long lost letter revealing her family had once ruled over a settlement long since abandoned? Promises of powerful treasure and dangerous secrets? Now that was an adventure. Leaving as quickly as she could, she began packing before the adventurers and her sister had even decided on a journey.

Predictably, Ameiko insisted that Rin stay at home. Someone has to watch over the tavern, it was too dangerous, mother would haunt her if anything happened, it’s not like it will be fun, and all the other usual excuses. Rin played along, doing her best to argue enough to not draw suspicion. However, moments after the caravan went out of sight, Rin followed on her own. The majority of her equipment was already hidden aboard the caravan, allowing her to travel light.
She spent several days tailing them, wanting to let the caravan get far enough away from town that Ameiko wouldn’t be able to Rin back or turn the caravan around. It was only after she was certain that enough distance had been passed did Rin reveal herself.

Entering the caravan camp one morning, Rin began to help prepare breakfast, knowing that coffee and a full stomach always made Ameiko more agreeable. While it might have helped, it certainly did not prevent a fight for the ages. The entire camp was awake and awkwardly shuffling about as the sisters yelled at each other. But in the end, Ameiko had no choice but to relent. As Rin had planned, they were simply too far to turn around now.
Despite the trip being relatively eventless, Rin brimmed with excitement. This was the furthest she had ever traveled from home. Everything seemed so new and different, though in truth things weren’t much different than in Sandpoint. But to Rin, everything seemed to glow. Like any rock, bird, or puddle of mud would lead to the next part of the adventure.

Ameiko did not share in her sister’s enjoyment. In fact the elder Kaijitsu had been rather listless. At first Rin didn’t pay much mind, figuring it was some sort of guilt tactic to get back at her coming along. But as the journey continued, Ameiko grew ill. Soon whatever, animosity that was left between the sisters was dropped. Despite Ameiko insisting she was fine, her condition only continued to deteriorate. In spite of Rin’s best efforts to care for her sister, and the healing skills and magic of the caravan members. By the time the caravan reached the shadow of Brinewall, Ameiko was running a high fever and barely conscious.

Despite having little in the way of proof, the group agreed that Ameiko’s condition most likely had to do with the Kaijitsu secrets hidden in Brinewall. As the others prepared to investigate the abandoned village, Rin readied her equipment. The process had become methodical, almost spiritual to Rin. As she donned her armor, tightened and fitted her equipment, she could feel herself becoming that girl in the mirror again. After triple checking all of her straps, she donned her mask and wig. The Red Oni was ready to put an end to whatever was hurting her sister.

why you joined the trip, and what you have been doing during the course of the trip:

How do you know the NPCs
Having been born and raised in Sandpoint, and having long worked in her family’s tavern, Rin is familiar with most of the town’s residents. Generally well liked, she has numerous friends and close bonds among the residents and no real enemies.

In the previous game, Shalelu(and the rogue that had her trait) was aware of Rin’s training and had assisted from time to time. This could remain or could easily be Aiko instead.

Why did you join the trip
Rin has long dreamed of going on her own adventure. Tired of living in her sister’s shadow, Rin has been secretly training in preparation.

What have you been doing for the course of the trip?
Having been expectantly forbad from joining the trip by her sister, Rin was prepared and followed behind the caravan for some time. Only revealing herself when she thought they had come to far to send her back or turn around.

Rin has spent the trip helping with the various chores and tasks and having an extended sisterly fight with Ameiko. Ameiko’s illness however finally springs her into action, and she readies herself to stop whatever is harming her sister.

It is worth noting that this recruitment if for exactly one replacement character.

Now, the group may be so enthused about more than one of our submissions that they might willingly take more than one, but that's exceptionally rare in this sort of recruitment.

Caster here. Still working on my submission but have been quiet bc visiting family.

HP for levels 2 and 3: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

Half or higher roll means that my level 3 HD nets me 4 hp instead of the 3 I rolled, yes?

Character ready I think. Has some item money available, but pretty basic. MwK Cold Iron Bardiche, +1 armor, CLW wand.
Fairly typical bard skill list, can certainly adjust a bit if chosen.

Jeremiah Hemmings wrote:

Caster here. Still working on my submission but have been quiet bc visiting family.

[dice=HP for levels 2 and 3]2d8

Half or higher roll means that my level 3 HD nets me 4 hp instead of the 3 I rolled, yes?

Five, actually.

Still waiting to hear from the GM are they still here?

The DM is away until tomorrow.

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Got back very late last night, and looking at being very busy with work the next few days till this coming weekend. I like everything I’m seeing and it looks like it’ll be an hard choice to make. I’ll get around to answering questions as I can.

Take your time, GM! Thanks for the opportunity of applying.

Okay well let me know GM-MM if you need another player and/or if you would like a particular type of character made please let me know.

Note I love roleplaying and I enjoy everything I play especially if it serves some purpose that helps facilitate the game or makes it more fun for everyone. I have played nearly everything so I am perfectly fine with playing anything.

So just an update to the questions from what I saw; hp is half or rolled. Half for most die is 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 etc and rounding up gets you 4, 5, 6, 7, for d6, d8, d10 d12 hit dice.

@Dejoker, thanks I’m at 5 and figure an even 6 is good. I’ll be taking 1 from the recruitment, and with so many things covered already with the current cast. Ninja/samurai, Cleric, Arcanist/sorcerer, monk, Slayer the board is open for really anything. A character you think would be fun to play and fun to play with is the most important. I’d recommend taking a look at the players guide for ideas since I’m not particularly partial to anything or any concept.

Sorry! I had assumed half+1.

2d8 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16

GM, if you want me to keep 10 instead of 16, it’s only fair (since I should have rolled before). My apologies, still getting acquainted with the forums thing :$

Looking forward to seeing the decision process, and yes, thanks for the opportunity.

Meanwhile in the lobby between planes.

Interesting cast of characters is interested in this bizzarre adventure. Thinks Setsuna as she looks around.

A vigiliante not-Ninja, a dryadruid, some accustic competition, a temperature-wise-anti-adjusted-personage, a animal hugger and a me of course, now, on whom would I bet? she wonders.

Now, if this was the group, what would be its name? Aggressively suber buffed tree friends? Hmm, wouldnt gel with the fire kineticist. I am half betting the animal companion, improved by a skald and a bard and a druid, would probably wreck some serious face.

Now why do I break the 4th wall? Oh right, lobby between the planes rules.

How about some Karaoke? Setsuna challenges her accoustic competition to a little contest, and grabs a conveniently places wand of clarion call.

Teenage Magical Ninja Wolves: The Action Musical Experience

Just thought I'd add some additional information in terms of how I’d see Lyraesel interacting with the party:

In combat: Highly mobile melee support (between the ability to boost her speed 20ft, and improved trip as a regular tactic). She can also summon Nature’s Ally (extra hp if they’re canines of any kind) to provide flaking support, deal with the party being outnumbered, eventually increasing with Augmented Summoning. Numerous druid spells help with battlefield control and support to round things out.

Outside of combat: Lyraesel adds quite a bit of versatility with key skills for a campaign that spends a lot of time traveling or outdoors (Heal/Knowledge Nature/Knowledge Geography/Perception and over especially Survival). The ability to gain Scent is a rare thing for a party to have access to outside of animal companions, making her a great tracker, and the wolf domain spells add some very useful buffs for movement and traveling.

Socially: While not initially the most talkative person, and probably not a great candidate for party face, Lyraesel’s backstory already gives a good link to some of the NPC’S. She would be close to Shalelu, Koya and Ameiko, and very likely be friendly with Aiko given her presence around Ameiko and Shalelu. She’d likely be familiar with Zaraleva. She would likely get along well enough with Adrian…if the two ever spoke, both being awkward or withdrawn, yet dynamic in a fight.
She probably barely knows Winsome if at all, given that the goblin attack that killed her mother, and her subsequent breakdown had already occurred when giants attacked Sandpoint, and would probably recognize Byron, especially from the times she spent around Koya.

GM-MM wrote:
@Dejoker, thanks I’m at 5 and figure an even 6 is good. I’ll be taking 1 from the recruitment, and with so many things covered already with the current cast. Ninja/samurai, Cleric, Arcanist/sorcerer, monk, Slayer the board is open for really anything. A character you think would be fun to play and fun to play with is the most important. I’d recommend taking a look at the players guide for ideas since I’m not particularly partial to anything or any concept.

Dang GM-MM I almost missed seeing that -- okay well I did a quick look at the 4 character's you have but you mentioned I would be the sixth so a bit curious what the 5th player is playing as I would rather not step on their toes.

However, just because it is this setting I am opting to play a Bushido (Warrior Way) Samurai. So any players want to know a Samurai -- friend, relative, etc... I like to create character attachments as it helps mesh things a bit better. However, I can also go it alone if there are no takers.

Look forward to joining in on the road.

I am the 5th player. Byron is a Slayer. There was a bit confusion about my continuing on.

Ah okay Byron Vhiski great so I am assuming you are continuing on?

Oh and you can go ranged if you like or I can as a samurai does both melee and archery usually. Although I have not fully seen what they are doing with the Samurai just started looking at.

Hey I also saw you mention serveral thing about character creation that I have not seen... such as that comment about starting money. Where can that be found?

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DeJoker wrote:

Hey I also saw you mention serveral thing about character creation that I have not seen... such as that comment about starting money. Where can that be found?

Initial post in this recruitment thread, from the GM.

He said 3K starting funds, no more than 50% of which can be used to craft.

Hoping 'Dada here will be recognized as more than a set of lockpicks. He can do those things because people expect a rogue to do those things, but he works to support the family, as any good Varisian does. That can lead to many unexpected things, like traveling over the top of the world.

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