[Outpost II] Scars of the Third Crusade by Curaigh (Inactive)

Game Master Curaigh


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Dark Archive

NN female Ancient-Born Dhampir Spiritualist 3
|AC 15, T 11, FF 14|HP: 21/21|F +2, R +2, W +7 (+2 vs disease/MA, -1 vs attribute loss, +4 vs reading/writing)|Init +1, Perc +4|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/3 dooms 1/1 Guiding Spirit, 3/3 Sense Bond, 6/6 Manifestation, 1/1 ES

Profession (Librarian), Faction Pin: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Let's talk Season 8 Dark Archive Faction Objectives:

- Did we recover a named text?

- is there "a named NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure" around who could be solicited for recruitment by the Dark Archive?

- Did we recover a spellbook containing at least 9 spell levels' worth of spells?

- Did I manage to identify a potion or magic item with a caster level of 3rd+?

Sovereign Court

Male LG Nagaji Cavalier (First Mother's Fang) 3 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +1 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armour) | Active conditions: None.

Thank you GM, Thank you fellow players. My snake and I will go now.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Lydia Stillbourne wrote:

[dice=Profession (Librarian), Faction Pin]1d20+12

Let's talk Season 8 Dark Archive Faction Objectives:

- Did we recover a named text?

Negative, sorry.

Lydia Stillbourne wrote:

- is there "a named NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure" around who could be solicited for recruitment by the Dark Archive?

Maybe...? "Orug Foram and Tessa Greenagh are the proprietors of the only general store in town. They are also incorrigible gossipmongers,..." Gossip mongering is not quite the same as Dark Archives, but it might work. Orug is a commoner 3, Tessa is an expert 2. Seems a stretch to me, but I can be convinced.

Lydia Stillbourne wrote:

- Did we recover a spellbook containing at least 9 spell levels' worth of spells?

Negative, sorry.

Lydia Stillbourne wrote:

- Did I manage to identify a potion or magic item with a caster level of 3rd+?

Dalton had a feather token (bird) which is technically a CL12. Also, he possessed a potion of CMW.

Recruitment Link: Still interested in recruitment for the next game?

Dark Archive

NN female Ancient-Born Dhampir Spiritualist 3
|AC 15, T 11, FF 14|HP: 21/21|F +2, R +2, W +7 (+2 vs disease/MA, -1 vs attribute loss, +4 vs reading/writing)|Init +1, Perc +4|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/3 dooms 1/1 Guiding Spirit, 3/3 Sense Bond, 6/6 Manifestation, 1/1 ES
Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:

Lydia Stillbourne wrote:

- Did I manage to identify a potion or magic item with a caster level of 3rd+?

Dalton had a feather token (bird) which is technically a CL12. Also, he possessed a potion of CMW.

Works for me.

Sovereign Court

N Dwarf Druid 4

You still have to successfully ID it.
DC 27 isn't a given =)

Sovereign Court

N Dwarf Druid 4

Can you deactivate the thread, Curaigh?

Assuming we're all sorted, of couse.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Indeed I can. :) I like to give a week after posting Chronicles just in case there are any corrections needed or someone was unable to check in. I will leave the folder and link active for a couple more weeks (or until I add the next batch :)

I will keep an electronic copy if anyone needs theirs again, just look me up. :)

Thanks all!

Dark Archive

NN female Ancient-Born Dhampir Spiritualist 3
|AC 15, T 11, FF 14|HP: 21/21|F +2, R +2, W +7 (+2 vs disease/MA, -1 vs attribute loss, +4 vs reading/writing)|Init +1, Perc +4|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/3 dooms 1/1 Guiding Spirit, 3/3 Sense Bond, 6/6 Manifestation, 1/1 ES
Dumpy. wrote:

You still have to successfully ID it.

DC 27 isn't a given =)

Given the nature of many other Objectives on that list (like "retrieve a spellbook", "retrieve an artifact", etc), I would argue that, while the CL requirements are specific to me, it is otherwise enough that SOMEBODY in the party managed it.

Besides, with that particular Objective, I could envision, were that NOT the case, parties with multiple high-Spellcraft Dark Archivists getting into some ugly "South Park roshambo" scenarios, if you know what I mean.

Sovereign Court

N Dwarf Druid 4

But nobody in he party managed it (The GM just mentioned it)
So you're not making the goal either way at the moment.

Dark Archive

NN female Ancient-Born Dhampir Spiritualist 3
|AC 15, T 11, FF 14|HP: 21/21|F +2, R +2, W +7 (+2 vs disease/MA, -1 vs attribute loss, +4 vs reading/writing)|Init +1, Perc +4|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/3 dooms 1/1 Guiding Spirit, 3/3 Sense Bond, 6/6 Manifestation, 1/1 ES

Okay then, let's give 'er a whirl...

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Shoot. Anyone else?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Monk (Unchained) 1/Investigator (Lepidstadt Inspector) 1
Extracts and Consumables:
[Prepared: Heightened Awareness 1/1 | Longarm 1/1] [Wand of Cure Light Wounds 48/50][Inspiration Pool 2/3]
Combat Statistics:
[HP: 16/16] [AC 16 | T 16 | FF 13] [BAB +1 | CMB +1 | CMD 17] [F +2 | R +4 | W +3] [Init +2 | Per +7 | Spd 30ft]

The potion of CMW has a CL of 3rd. I can try to identify that for you.

Craft (alchemy), DC 18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27


Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

EDIT: ninjavestigated!

I think Dumpy just meant the roll had to succeed.
Your roll does succeed on the potion.

Kronis can also attempt and can use inspiration.
1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (8) + (5) + 7 = 20

Failure to identify prevents trying again until the next day. With indeterminate times between scenarios it is doable.

K 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (12) + (3) + 7 = 22
L 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

K 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + (2) + 7 = 11
L 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

K 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + (2) + 7 = 12
L 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

K 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (12) + (6) + 7 = 25
L 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

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