Achaekek, The Mantis God

The Azure Duke, Gelugon's page

17 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The two halves of the slain gelugon begin to crack and crumble into chunks of white-and-azure ice in a spreading pool of foul ichor...

Likewise, cracks form like spiderwebs all over the fiend's giant blue spear... It shatters into a hundred fragments...

A moment later, the shattered remnants of both devil and spear transform into icy mist, and its blue ichor evaporates before the Mighty Ones' eyes...

The evil energy that once took material form as the Azure Duke is transported to Cocytus, the frigid Lake of Ice in which Lucifer himself is half immersed, down in the deepest pit of Hell...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:



Gonna assume that confirms.

Alphonse took the Azure Duke's measure on the first swing, and now ignites the waning Holy might of the blade to its fullest in an attempt to fully bisect the fiendish creature.


Sir Alphonse brings fully ignited Foereaper straight downward, the scythe blade blazing with holy radiance, to cleave the Azure Duke fully in twain! Both halves of the fiend fall apart, and an ice-blue geyser of foul ichor showers the Mighty Ones and the sinister tapestry behind the split fiend!

Nice critical smite, Sir Alphonse!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin reacts to the sudden surge of icy cold


She does quite react fast enough taking the brunt of the cold.

Not hesitating she strikes again
For Ihrin the creatures AC drops by 10

[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6

[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+11
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6

[dice=Ice Tusk]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6

She will make her Debilitating strike remain the AC penalty

Lady Ihrin pushes herself to ignore the freezing pain of the icy blast and strike at the ice devil while it has left an opening to extend its mantis like limbs forward in a posture of evocation! Tiger Fang draws a slash across the devil's abdomin, spilling its ice-blue ichor onto the flagstones... She whips the katana blade back to make a second cut, but the devil quickly sidesteps the second swing... She reacts with lightning quickness and slashes with Ice Tusk, carving into the devil's left thigh! It emits a shrill keening hiss! *HIIIIISSSS!!!*

152 total damage already!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

[dice=Attack 1]d20+20+2

[dice=Attack 2]d20+20+2
[dice=Attack 3]d20+15+2
[dice=Attack 4]d20+10+2

Between Mwikali's AC penalty and Ihrin's AC penalty...all 4 of those might be hits?

[dice=Damage 1]d10+9
[dice=Damage 2]d10+9
[dice=Damage 3]d10+9
[dice=Damage 4]d10+9

[dice=Additional Damage on 2nd Hit]2d6
[dice=Additional Damage on 3rd Hit]4d6
[dice=Additional Damage on 4th Hit]4d6
Damage is silver and cold iron.

The Fox is a blur as he jabs one fist, then another, then again and again!

[dice=DC20 Reflex Save]d20+12
And he leaps out of the blasting cold! evasion

The Azure Duke dodges Fox's first blow, but the last three land hard, breaking cracks in its pale exoskeleton! HIIISSSS!!!

An icy, palpable aura of fear washes over the Mighty Ones as they close to melee distance with the Azure Duke, but Sir Alphonse's nonplussed expression and righteous wrath toward the devil overcomes the dread...

It tries to catch as many of the Mighty Ones as possible in a cone of cold, blasting only Ogon Fox and Lady Ihrin, who quickly flanked the gelugon with Sir Alphonse and Cobra Johann...

Trying to be as fair as possible without screwing the party, assuming that if you could see the battle mat, you'd move into positions that minimize its ability to catch you all in an area of effect while still flanking and surrounding as experienced adventurers would...

Casting defensively to avoid provoking AoOs from Sir Alphonse, Lady Ihrin, Ogon Fox and Cobra Johann...1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30 succeeds...

Cone of cold vs Ogon Fox and Lady Ihrin, Reflex save DC 20 halves or evades if you have evasion...13d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 1) = 38 cold damage!


Johann Kaltgeboren- Cobra! wrote:

Johann gets within 10 feet and bites down with a power attack improved vital strike!

[dice=Bite PA improved vital strike & damage]d20+18; 9d6+21+2d6
Bite is magic, good, silver, & cold iron

*SNAP!!* Cobra Johann's jaws fail to find purchase in the icy white exoskeleton!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse Smites the uppity Fiend, and approaches to slay it.

"If you truly were repentant, I hope that God's light may grant you some peace in your final moments."

[dice=Foereaper Slash]1d20

[Insert failure horn sound here]


Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali will step up to be within 30 feet and calling upon her power flip the strands of hair from her eyes and let the supernatural glow begin. Its sight boring into the very soul of the devil.

Evil Eye Hex, Will DC27, the target will suffer a -4 penalty to AC. If he fails his save it lasts 14 rounds if he succeeds then it is only 1 round. this is after Johanns' attack.

Will save 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 fails! He is hexed by the evil eye!


Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin leaps in and strikes

[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+16

[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+11

[dice=Ice Tusk]1d20+16

If sneak is successful then it is bewildered for one round taking a -2 penalty to is AC for all attacks and -6 AC to my attacks

The Azure Duke deflects Tiger Fang with the frosty spear twice...


But Ice Tusk gores the devil in the loins! HIIIIISSSSS!!!

Concentration check to summon defensively 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19 fails! It fails to summon a pair of bone devils to back it up because it is distracted and threatened by the wily Ogon Fox!

HIIIIISSSS!!!... Curse thee, Ogon Fox!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

The Fox dashes forward to a position on the left side of the Duke and tries to land the first blow!

[dice=Attack Action, Stunning Fist attempt]d20+20
9/10 uses Stunning Fist remaining
4/6 ki points remaining

[dice=if 33 hits, bludgeoning damage (magic/cold iron/silver)]1d10+9

If the attack hit, then Stunning Fist is a Fort save DC 18, or he is stunned for 1 round.

AC 32, so Fox hits!

HIIIIISSSS!!! The ice devil lurches to the right as Ogon Fox dashes in, leaps into the air, and lands a flying side kick on its mantis-like head!

The Ogon Fox wrote:

[dice=Sense Motive]d20+8

"You offer us friendship?" the Fox asks in surprise. "I never thought I'd see such a day. But no, I don't think friendship is possible between us, Duke. Your kind is so wholly opposed to the work of our LORD, that we can be nothing but enemies. Though if Sir Alphonse has a differing opinion, I will defer to his judgement in a matter such as this."

Hearing Fox's words, the gelugon continues gesturing in a sinister manner suggesting summoning, but Ogon Fox is quicker...

Go ahead and take your actions, if any, before the ice devil summons in some infernal allies, Ogon Fox...

My truename shall ever remain a mystery unto thee, witch...

The ice devil seems to consider Lord Perpireen's words for the blink of an eye, which seems somehow more like a moment, rapidly replying in telepathic message to all the Mighty Ones: Ah. So. Thou hast defeated the Antichrist, then? Well... why didn't thou sayest so to begin with? In that case, by the Infernal Law, I am bound to either slay thee, or offer allegiance to thee... As a noble Duke of Hell, I shall grant thee the choice! Friend, or foe?

Bluff 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26 vs PCs' Sense Motive checks, please...

Mwikali wrote:
"I'm a lover, not a fighter My dear Azure, My skills and powers will come when needed until then I leave the heavy lifting to my faithful friends and companions" She says with a strong yet humble voice to the Gelugon, giving it a slight curtsy of respect.

As wise as thou art beautiful, Witch of Africa... Well do we know the prowess of your "heavy lifters" in the Pits of Hell...

Pointing its giant, frosty, barbed spear at Sir Alphonse, its mandibles clack repeatedly! *CLICK!-CLICK!-CLICK!-CLICK!-CLICK!-CLICK!*...There stands the Oath Keeper, hated Paladin of the Christ, Sir Alphonse du Veritas, who wields the fearsome scythe FOEREAPER!! Many are the fiends this Holy Reaper shall cut down like the grass... It hath been foretold...

Then to Cobra Johann points the frosty spear: And there coils the Black Forester, Johann Coldborne, Werebeast of the Schwartzwald! Skinwalker who can take form of ancient Cave Bear, giant mo-bat, or great cobra, as he now rears his fanged head!

Then marking Lady Ihrin with frozen spearhead: And yonder stands Contessa Dracula, Lady Ihrin Ardlean, master thief and honorable samurai in one lethal feminine form... The blood of her clan shall infect Wallachia with vampirism before the century turns...

Finally, the icy spearpoint aims at Ogon Fox: And there, the clever Fox, ever slipping through the snares and nooses of his enemies... Ogon Fox, who once masqueraded as human organist and composer from the Isles of the Rising Sun... Ogon Fox, who slipped through the web of the woman-spider, and mastered the Five Animal Stances of Shao Lin Temple under the training of masters Centipede and Scorpion, originally his bounty hunters turned instructors...

It looks like all the melee types (Lady Ihrin, Cobra Johann, Sir Alphonse and Ogon Fox) are within a single move of the ice devil...

*HIIISSSSS!!* Thou speakest with a brave tongue from behind yon ruffians of thine, Witch of Africa... Kneel before me, and I shall kill thee swiftly!

The ice devil hisses and assumes a posture of summoning...

So, thou shalt defy me!? It seems thine familiar hath greater wit than the rest of thee! So mote it be then... Come and meet thy doom!!

As the Mighty Ones peer into the gloom of the great chamber ahead, a fearsome entity suddenly materializes in front of the black tapestry with the sinister scarlet sigil!

A mantis-like fiend, towering twice the height of a grown man, with bone-white exoskeleton graven with azure-glowing glyphs and sigils of diabolical significance, a gleam of alien malice and genius in its bulbous, multifaceted eyes, clutches a giant barbed spear of icy blue steel, coated with frost! It hisses at the Mighty Ones with hatred, and projects a telepathic message into their minds:

Woe unto thee, Ye Mighty Ones... For how the mighty are fallen! Bow down before the Azure Duke, and thy deaths shalt be swift!