BAB: +12/+7/+2
Atk Options Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack, Favoured Enemy: Humanoid (Human) +2, Bloodfire (Channel Smite), Two-Weapon Fighting (-2/-2), Shield Slam, Shield Master (no TWP on bash).
SPELLS Cleric Caster Level: 9; Concentration: +12
Cleric Spells: (4 | 4+1+D/4+1+D/3+1+D/2+D/1+D)
Level 5 - (DC 18): [D:righteous might], true seeing.
Level 4 - (DC 17): [D:prayer] -- freedom of movement, wrathful weapon.
Level 3 - (DC 16): [D:prayer] -- delay poison (communal), magic circle against evil, remove blindness/deafness, searing light, <empty>.
Level 2 - (DC 15): [D:barkskin] -- resist energy, silence (x2), weapon of awe.
Level 1 - (DC 14): [D:enlarge person] -- bless, shield of faith (x2), divine favour (x2).
Orisons - (DC 13): detect magic, guidance, light, mending.
Str 18 [20], Dex 15 [17], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14 [16], Cha 13 [15]
Base Atk +12/+7/+2; CMB +16 [+17]; CMD 28 [30]
Feats [Channel Smite], [Endurance], Favoured Prestige Class (Holy Vindicator/Heal), Shield Focus, Power Attack, Prestigious Spellcaster (x2), Shield Slam, [Two-Weapon Fighting].
Skills Acrobatics +3, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Craft (Weapons) +4, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +18(+20), Disguise +2, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Heal +9, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4; Knowledge (Religion) +8; Linguistics +1, Perception +19(+22), Perform (Untrained) +2, Ride +3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +19, Survival +9, Survival (Follow or identify tracks) +11, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +14.
Traits Armour Expert (Combat); Scion of Legend (Campaign)
Special Qualities Adaptation, Bonus Feat, Skilled, Track +2.
Languages Common, Varisian, Hallit.
Possessions +1 flaming longsword; phylactery of positive channeling (+2 charisma and wisdom); masterwork cold iron longsword; +3 bashing light steel shield ; +2 mithral breastplate; outfit (traveler's); arrows (x20); durable arrows (x10); masterwork lucerne hammer; dagger; axe, throwing (x2); +1 composite longbow [Str +5]; belt of physical might +2 (dex/str); cloak of resistance (+2); winged boots.
Pouch (Belt) [ Masterwork Thieves' Tools; Whetstone; Flint and Steel; ];
Pouch (Belt) [Holy Water (x2); Alchemist's Fire (x2); Acid (x2)]
Backpack, Masterwork [ Bedroll; Rations (Trail/Per Day) (x5); Wandermeal (x10); Holy Water (x1); Waterskin (Filled); Torch (x2); Rope (Silk/50 ft.); ];
Adaptation (Ex) At 3rd level, an infiltrator learns how to copy the unusual abilities of his prey. He chooses one type of creature he has selected as a favored enemy, such as “aberrations.” The ranger selects one ability or feat from the adaptation list for that type (see below). A ranger can use adaptations for 10 minutes per day per ranger level he possesses. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. If the adaptation requires the ranger to make a more specific choice (such as what skill to use with Skill Focus), this choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
--Humanoid (Human): Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception)
This class ability replaces favored terrain.
Armor Expert You have worn armor as long as you can remember, either as part of your training to become a knight's squire or simply because you were seeking to emulate a hero. When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit's armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.
Aura (Ex) You have a particularly powerful aura (lawful, good).
Blessings (Plant, Good) (ooooo)
At 4th level, a divine tracker forms a close bong with his deity's ethos. He selects two warpriest domains from those granted by his deity and gains the minor blessings of those domains. A divine tracker uses his ranger level as his warpriest level to determine the effect of the blessing. This ability replaces hunter's bond. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (5). The DC for blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest's level + his wisdom modifier (DC 15). If a warpriest also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class.
- Creeping Vines (Plant): Upon hitting with a melee attack, as a swift action, you cause the creature you hit to sprout entangling vines that attempt to hold it in place, entangling it for 1 round (Reflex negates).
- Holy Strike (Good): You can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For 1 minute, the weapon glows green, white or yellow-gold and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against evil creatures. During that time, it's treated as good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the holy weapon special ability.
Bloodfire (Su)
At 5th level, while a vindicator's stigmata are bleeding, his blood runs down his weapons like sacred or profane liquid energy; when he uses Channel Smite, the damage increases by 1d6, and if the target fails its save, it is sickened and takes 1d6 points of bleed damage each round on its turn. The target can attempt a new save every round to end the sickened and bleed effects.
Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Channel Energy (Su) Positive Energy (5d6 [7d6] DC 15 [16], 4 [5]/day oooo[o]) Effective Cleric Level: 9 [30' burst, 30' cone or 120' line]
You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 level + Charisma) to halve the damage. You can use this ability 4 [5] (3 + charisma) times per day. Note: Levels in vindicator stack with levels in Cleric for Channel Energy.
Combat Style: Two-Weapon Combat
At 2nd level, a ranger must select a combat style to pursue. The ranger's expertise manifests in the form of bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites. The benefits of the ranger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium, or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style feats when wearing heavy armor. Once a ranger selects a combat style, it cannot be changed.
Divine Judgment (Sp)
At 7th level, when a vindicator's melee attack reduces a creature to –1 or fewer hit points, he may sacrifice a prepared 2nd-level spell or available 2nd-level spell slot to invoke death knell upon the target as an immediate action (using the vindicator's caster level). As vindicators mete out divine judgment, this is not an evil act. The save DC increases by +2 if his weapon has a ×3 critical multiplier, or by +4 if it is ×4.
Divine Wrath (Sp)
At 4th level, when a vindicator confirms a critical hit, he may sacrifice a prepared 1st-level spell or available 1st-level spell slot to invoke doom upon the target as an immediate action (using the vindicator's caster level). The save DC is increased by +2 if his weapon has a ×3 damage multiplier, or by +4 if it is ×4. The vindicator can also use this ability in response to being critically hit, even if the attack incapacitates or kills the vindicator.
Domains (Growth [Plant], Archon [Good])
- Archon Subdomain:
-- Domain Spells: 1: Divine Favour, 2: Align Weapon (Good), 3: Prayer, 4: Holy Smite, 5: Dispel Evil, 6: Planar Ally
-- Touch of Good (Sp): (ooooo o) You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws equal to half your cleric level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your wisdom modifier.
- Growth Subdomain:
-- Domain Spells: 1: Enlarge Person, 2: Barkskin, 3: Plant Growth, 4: Command Plants, 5: Righteous Might, 6: Repel Wood
-- Enlarge (Su): (ooooo o) As a swift action you can enlarge yourself for 1 round, as if you were the target of the enlarge person spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your wisdom modifier.
Faith Healing (Su) At 3rd level, any cure wounds spells a vindicator casts on himself are automatically empowered as if by the Empower Spell feat, except they do not use higher spell level slots or an increased casting time. If the vindicator targets himself with a cure spell that affects multiple creatures, this ability only applies to himself. At 8th level, these healing spells are maximized rather than empowered.
Favoured Enemy: Humanoid (Human) (Ex) You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks when using these skills against humans. Likewise, you get a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against such creatures. You may make Knowledge Skill checks untrained to identify such creatures.
Orisons Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells each day. These spells are cast like any other spell but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Scion of Legend (Disable Device, Use Magic Device) Your character has a personal link or association with one of Varisia’s established heroes. This hero should be a PC you played in a previous campaign (and could be, but need not be, one of the Sihedron Heroes). Your character could be a younger sibling, younger cousin, or even an apprentice of the hero. If enough time has passed, you might be the hero’s child, or your character could have reincarnated from the soul of a hero that died before your character was born. Choose two skills for which your associated hero has skill ranks. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with both of those skills, and those two skills are class skills for you. Twice per adventure as a free action, you can call upon a previously forgotten bit of advice or lore imparted to you by the hero to gain an insight bonus equal to your class level (+12) to a skill check. You may choose to apply this bonus after you roll the skill check, but must do so before the result of the roll is known.
Spontaneous Casting (Ex) You can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that you did not prepare ahead of time. You can "lose" any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with "Cure" in its name).
Stigmata (Su) (3 bleed, 3 sacred bonus) [Move Action]
A vindicator willingly gives his blood in service to his faith, and is marked by scarified wounds appropriate to his deity. He may stop or start the flow of blood by force of will as a standard action; at 6th level it becomes a move action, and at 10th level it becomes a swift action. Activating stigmata causes bleed damage equal to half the vindicator's class level, and this bleed damage is not halted by curative magic. While the stigmata are bleeding, the vindicator gains a sacred bonus (if he channels positive energy) or profane bonus (if he channels negative energy) equal to half his class level. Each time he activates his stigmata, the vindicator decides if the bonus applies to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Armor Class, caster level checks, or saving throws; to change what the bonus applies to, the vindicator must deactivate and reactivate his stigmata.
While his stigmata are bleeding, the vindicator ignores blood drain and bleed damage from any other source and can use bleed or stabilize at will as a standard action.
Track (Ex) You gain +2 to Survival checks made to follow tracks.
Versatile Channel (Su) At 6th level, a vindicator's channel energy can instead affect a 30-foot cone or a 120-foot line.
Vindicator's Shield (Su) A vindicator can channel energy into his shield as a standard action; when worn, the shield gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator's channel energy. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the vindicator is struck in combat, whichever comes first. The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder, but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power.
Borgol stands a hair under six feet tall, though his lean, well-muscled build gives the illusion of being taller. His skin is the light tan common to those of Kellid ancestry, but with the hint of an olive undertone marking his mixed blood and Varisian heritage. His thick hair is the shiny black of obsidian, spilling down over his shoulders in a cascade of waves that ends just past his shoulder-blades. The dark hair frames his face, covering his ears and shading his jade-coloured eyes, but highlighting his strong jawline. The bridge of his nose is slightly crooked and flat, showing the signs of having been broken in the past, and a number of old, faded scars mar what would otherwise be a relatively handsome face.
Borgol was born in Kaer Maga, the son of a Kellid arena-fighter who'd come west after being exiled from her clan, and a Sczarni "merchant" who arranged her fights.
When he was eleven, his mother won a fight she shouldn't have, one that the wrong people had bet heavily on. She was killed for her mistake... and his father, not wanting to lose his livelihood, began to 'manage' his son's career -- which is to say, he essentially sold the boy into indentured servitude as a fighter to pay his debts. Borgol's lack of reputation kept him from the main arena, instead sticking to smaller fights, ones that went until blood was drawn or one side yielded, rather than a deathmatch. Still, despite this, the boy was untrained and lost more often than he won... and magical healing was saved for the victors (who could afford it). Still, Borgol began to learn from his opponents and fellow fighters -- not only how to use weapons and armour, but especially how to fight other humans, and how to sneak out after curfew when the guards were drunk. Borgol's increasing skill, and increasing muscle and reach, began to shift battles in his favour... enough that it seemed he might win his way out of servitude, not realizing that his father had continued to drink, gamble and, worse, started to take Shiver, increasing his debt and destroying his judgement...
Borgol was shocked when he was taken deep into the Undercity for his next fight, and terrified when he saw that his opponents were not the living, but the twice-born. He was prepared to die, cursing his father's name, when fate intervened... or, rather, adventurers did. They'd come seeking a rune, or some such thing, and happened upon the battle as it began - saving Borgol from what would have been certain death -- pretty much by accident. They made quick work of the undead, but even more importantly, they were dealing with a few powerful individuals -- the same powerful individuals that his father owed so much to -- and when those tried to doublecross the group for their own petty profit and power, well, double-crossing well-armed, magic-wielding groups tends can go badly... especially when the group would later be hailed as Sihedron heroes. Borgol, free of the pits and free of his father (as the truth of the situation came out during the whole affair), decided he would follow the group when they left, out of a mix of hero worship and gratitude. He followed them to their camp... and promptly yelped rapier suddenly appeared against his throat and a female voice demanded to know why he was there. Desna smiled on Borgol, because it was the rogue's watch, and not only did she recognize the boy, but she saw something of herself in him too... maybe just how he pushed back against the fear and shock of being found out, and instead was able to make a plea to come with them.
The half-elf agreed that Borgol could head back to Magnimar with them... and by the time they'd arrived, she agreed he could stay with them until they headed back to Sandpoint, while the wizard studied whatever it was they'd just got from the Kaer, and the Cleric took some time to enchant some armour. Borgol was an eager student, learning all he could in those months... and beyond, as he'd impressed his mentor enough that she continued to teach him whenever her group had downtime... until, a decade after they met, Borgol was ready to strike out on his own. With only the gear he could carry and a vague sense of being pulled by fate -- the same feeling that led him to follow the adventuring group 10 years earlier. He headed north, pulled in that direction by the stars, arriving in Roderic's Cove just as his coin ran out... and the strange dream-fuelled sense of wanderlust faded.
That was four months ago, and Borgol has been working as a hunter -- and more importantly, waiting for something that he could somehow sense was coming -- ever since.
Note: being a little vague about the heroes in question, to avoid conflict with other applicants -- however, the idea is that when the heroes of Sandpoint when to Kaer Maga, they "saved" Borgol, and ultimately agreed to train him.
Leandra Nir, Sihedron Hero (Sandpoint):
Female Half-Elf (Varisian) rogue 9 / pathfinder delver 9
CG medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +12; Senses Low-Light Vision (Double Range), Perception +29,
AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 32 [Plus Combat Expertise]
(+8 armor, +3 natural armor, +6 Dex, +5 deflection)
hp 156 (9d8)+(9d8)+63
Fort +14, Ref +22, Will +13; +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects, +6 Reflex to avoid traps
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +6, Uncanny Dodge, Fortunate Soul (1/day), Left for Dead (1/day), Thrilling Escape (3/day), Light Fortification
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +4 holy cold iron ghost touch short sword +23/+18/+13 (1d6+7/17-20)
Melee sun blade (short) +21/+16 (1d10+3/17-20)
Melee +2 light mace (disruption) +20/+15/+10 (1d6+5)
Ranged +3 adaptive corrosive seeking composite +21/+16/+11 (1d6+6/x3)
Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Construct) +6, Favored Enemy (Ooze) +6, Favored Enemy (Undead) +6, Sneak Attack 5d6, Dirty Fighter, Two-Weapon Feint
Possessions amulet of natural armor +3; headband of mental prowess (int/cha) +4 {Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Aklo, Abyssal}; eyes of keen sight; sword, short +4 (cold iron/ghost touch/holy); sun blade (short); ring of protection +5; duelist's vambraces; ring of inner fortitude (minor); glyphbane gloves; belt of physical might (str/dex) +4; mithral shirt +4 (light fortification/shadow/slick/trapwarding); cloak of resistance +5; vest of escape; boots of striding and springing; mace, light +2 (disruption); Handy Haversack ; Efficient Quiver ; Wayfinder [ ioun stone, pink rhomboid ]; Scroll Case [ Scroll (Cure Critical Wounds) (x4); Scroll (Dimension Door) (x2); Scroll (Nondetection) (x2); ]; Composite Shortbow STR +3 (Adaptive/Corrosive/Seeking) ; +27,019gp in assorted gear/consumables
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) You add +4 to all Knowledge checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Dirty Fighter You wouldn't have lived to make it out of childhood without the aid of a sibling, friend, or companion on whom you could always count to distract your enemies long enough to do a little bit more damage than normal. When you hit a foe you are flanking, you deal an additional 1 point of damage (this damage is added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a critical hit). This additional damage is a trait bonus.
Dual Minded The mixed ancestry of some half-elves makes them resistant to mental attacks. Half-elves with this racial trait get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.
Elf Blood (Ex) Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities (Ex) Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Reflexes One of your parents was a member of a wild elven tribe, and you've inherited a portion of your elven parent's quick reflexes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Evasion (Ex) You can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you instead take no damage. Evasion can only be used if you are wearing light armor or no armor. If you are helpless, you do not gain the benefit of evasion.
Fortunate Soul (Su) You may reroll any saving throw you have just made before the results of the roll are revealed. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. You may use this ability 1/day.
Guardbreaker (Ex) Your familiarity with the strange guardians often left in tombs allows you to attack them more effectively. You may treat your trap sense bonus as if it were a favored enemy bonus against constructs, oozes, and undead.
Headband of Intellect Skill Selection (Diplomacy, Sense Motive)
[b] Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) You can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack you by flanking you, unless the attacker is a rogue of at least level 13.
Keen Senses (Ex) Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.
Left for Dead (Su) 1/day, you can cheat death. If you would be killed by a melee attack, ranged attack, or an effect that requires a saving throw, you are instead reduced to -1 hit points and knocked unconscious, but are stable. You appear dead, but become conscious 1 minute later unless awakened sooner.
Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x4 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.
Major Magic (Vanish) (Sp) You can cast Vanish two times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is 9. The save DC for this spell is 15.
Master Explorer (Ex) You add 4 to all Disable Device and Perception checks. You can disable traps in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. You can always take 10 on Disable Device and Stealth checks. You can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.
Minor Magic (Read Magic) (Sp) You can cast Read Magic. This spell can be cast three times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is 9. The save DC for this spell is 14.
Multitalented (Ex) Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Resourceful Disabler (Ex) You are adept at making use of what's at hand. You can use the Disable Device skill without tools at no penalty.
Sneak Attack (Ex) If you can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from your attack, you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Your attack deals 5d6 points of extra damage anytime your target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or when you flank your target. Should you score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage, you can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. You must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. You cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.
Surefooted (Ex) You can move through difficult terrain at your normal speed. Ground that has been magically manipulated to impeded motion still affects you normally.
Thrilling Escape (Ex) You can attempt to delay a trap immediately after triggering it. You make a Disable Device check as an immediate action against the trap's Disable Device DC; if you are successful, the trap's activation is delayed until the end of your next turn. You can attempt this check even if the trap was triggered by a failed Disable Device check, or if it is not your turn. You can do this 3/day.
Trapfinding (Ex) You add +4 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks. You can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magical traps.
Trap Sense (Ex) You gain a +6 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps, and a +6 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Trap Spotter (Ex) Whenever you come within 10 feet of a trap, you receive an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.
True Seeing (Sp) You can use true seeing 1/day (caster level 9).
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) You can react to danger before your senses would normally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flat-footed, nor do you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. You still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. You can still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against you.
Vigilant Combatant (Ex) You add 4 to initiative checks.