
mindlessjoker's page

8 posts (29 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


Hello all, I saw the space style campaign and was interested in joining. You have room for one more?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, so your last campaign filled up rather quickly and I'm hoping to jump in on this one. I'll form a character and post later.

what mages do we not have

Does anyone have a winter mage pdf?

i was unable to open that file Greas, but i found and alternative playbook that i can use for Mage. I think i'll go with a mage class then and i'll stick to kobold as the race. I also sent a message to Mooshy and I'm waiting for the official ok before i post anything with my character.

Thanks Greas, I've been researching wizards and might go with that. Mooshy, let me know if that is ok with you, and how that will be introduced in the story, and i'll run with it.

Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole thing. After reading the story it sounds fun. Hoping to have a good time with everyone.

Hey everyone I'm new. I have an idea for a character. hoping to have a good time