Orfamay Quest |
@Qrfamay: You really don't have to be snarky about it, considering a simple search on d20pfsrd could have gotten you the answers.
There are literally dozens of third party sources out there; if you're suggesting that I should be able to intuit which of the identically named versions you have in mind, then mere sarcasm cannot adequately express my response.
The soulknife mimics magical items not magical effects not only that but has special maneuvers based upon martial actions not magical ones.
That is... simply wrong.
A magical item is a magical effect. Similarly, the ability to do a particular martial action can be duplicated by a magical effect. If you need to move faster, that's a Move effect. If you need to hit harder, that's an Infuse or Evoke effect, and so forth. Basically, we're in Clarke's Third Law territory here.
This is a basic principle of any "flexible" system that goes back to at least the Champions system. You don't buy the special effect, you buy the effect. Green Arrow's ability to fire arrows,at someone are treated exactly the same as Storm's lightning bolts or Thor's thrown hammer; they're all simply ranged blasts.
If your magical shapeshifting armor lets you fly, build it as a Fly effect (which I think is Move Air).
Browman |
One thing I have noticed looking through the EoM is that you seem to get acess to alot of spell lists, too many in my opinion by about 1/3. 21 spell lists at level 8 gives you a terrifing selection of spell lists to create and find combinations of. 14 would still give you a decent selection of spell lists while somewhat reducing power level and giving characters more focus.
Orfamay Quest |
One thing I have noticed looking through the EoM is that you seem to get acess to alot of spell lists, too many in my opinion by about 1/3. 21 spell lists at level 8 gives you a terrifing selection of spell lists to create and find combinations of. 14 would still give you a decent selection of spell lists while somewhat reducing power level and giving characters more focus.
Well, remember that each "spell list" is a verb+noun combination. So Charm [Humanoid] is a different spell list than Charm [Undead], and there are game-mechanic reasons to focus.
Browman |
I realize that but 21 gives every caster the spell selection of a wizard with a good spellbook, probably better granted only your signature spells can be casted with speed but the combination allows any caster to be prepared for many situations, granting bonuses that normally only a sorceror or wizard would have.
Orfamay Quest |
I realize that but 21 gives every caster the spell selection of a wizard with a good spellbook, probably better granted only your signature spells can be casted with speed but the combination allows any caster to be prepared for many situations, granting bonuses that normally only a sorceror or wizard would have.
Well, 21 is caster level 8, e.g. a full spell caster; in EoM rules, that's the mage. I'd expect a full caster to be, er, a full caster. The 3/4 caster (like the mageknight, and by extension the bard, et cetera) would have a caster level of 6 and 17 spell lists, the 1/2 caster would have 13. I agree that seems powerful, but the whole point of this system is to be flexible at the expense of combat casting capacity.
D.E.M. |
Name - D.E.M
Race - Android
Class - Wizard 5/arcane Savant3
step 1
1) D.E.M. is a relic of a by gone age.
2) D.E.M. is a scholar
3) D.E.M. is the name he gave himself
Step 2 Goals
1)Obtain more knowledge
2) start an academy.
3) Find the great books of knowledge such as Codex of the Infinite Planes, Anathema Archive, Book of Infinite Spells , Book Of the Damned, Revelation Quill, Sihedron Tome, Book of Eternal Necromancy.
step 3 secrets
1) D.E.M. once found a page of the book of infinite planes and has been obsessed with finding the rest of the book evert sense.
2) D.E.M. has the worlds largest repository of porn in the world in his head. He try to keep this secret not because he cares, but because everyone else seems to.
Step 4
I currently have a class of students. The most promising on is an alchemist named Carl Sagan.
Step 5
1.D.E.M. never looks people in the eye when he is talking to them.
2.D.E.M. does not tell what is name means, but he nods at all guesses.
3.D.E.M. does not care about any unproductive form of maners at all.
D.E.M. was created by a ancient high technology civilization. He's job was managing the archives -in his head. The civilization fell barbarians at the gate, economic collapse and corrupt leaders that sort of thing. However D.E.M. still preforms his function. However he as expanded his role. Now he does not just seek store knowledge and give it out to those who ask for it. Now he actively seeks it out and finds students to teach it to. He goal is to make and run his own academy. I am also questing for books of great knowledge such as Codex of the Infinite Planes, Anathema Archive, Book of Infinite Spells , Book Of the Damned, Revelation Quill, Sihedron Tome, Book of Eternal Necromancy.
[spoiler=RP Sample]
- D.E.M. was reading at the library just as he had been doing for the past 20 days non-stop. He closed the last book. He stands up. He returns the books to the rather cheeped out Liberian.
(sorry it's hard to R.P. in a vacuum)
Browman |
I understand that a full caster should function like one, but a full caster with much of the flexibility of a wizard combined with most of the spontanious casting of a sorceror is more powerful overall than either of them. A wizard with 16 int would have the same number of signature spells able to be cast as a sorceror of level 8 has spells known while having a whole laundry list of combinations of spell lists that could be called upon for more exotic situations.
DM Jelani |
This looks like a rich an complex world, with a set of houserules that changes the flavor of the game. Definitely something I'm down to try. It'll take me several days to read through and thoroughly process the world and rules then I'll come up with a character concept. Initial impluse is a Zen Archer monk, but that's before reading anything.
Bigger Club |
This certainly grasped my attention. Looks like a really great world, with rules to back up the theme. I do have some questions so i can know if my first character concept will work and if I have to change it.
With that:
1. You say 3rd party is cool as long as run it by yourself. Would WotC stuff updated to PF count? I have been wanting to run Dread necromancer for a good while now.(Since at PbP pet classes don't slow the game down much compared to at table) Link, now there is few things that would need to be changed, some missed by the creator and others for convinience sake. First would be changing fortification since undead are no longer immune to critical hits, I would suggest resist cold and lighting 5. Then there are some spells from 3.5 that would need to go, though some of them have been made by 3rd party. Lasty there is the 19th level getting craft wonderous item, and since no crafting feats it's a no go, so my suggestion would be to just say that it allows you to make the phylactery and nothing more.(In case the campaing reaches that far.)
That being said while it would be my favored class to use as mechanics for the character I can look for others if it is not acceptable.
2. What are the general attitudes towards necromancy in the setting? I understand that this will vary from place to place, but some general views would help. Stuff like suspicion, hatred, acceptable but disliked, outright violence or good as long as you don't use humanoid corpses, just examples.
3. Mechanics questions(Altough naturally they will affect the theme), assuming I go forth with the necromancer idea, what kind of bodies can I assume the character had access to or undead for control undead if any? Are monster/pet HD handled the same as player characters?(Meaning max*1.5) Does raising a corpse affect the creatures afterlife apart from not being able to raise? Any corpsecrafter feats allowed from libris mortis?Link Would knowledge about the plane of death be covered under the knowledge: Planes?
4. Since the concept has things to do with Death some questions on it. What happens if you travel there via spell like planeshift instead of dying? Is it more something like law of nature or does it have actual goals without actually being a personification? Is it worshipped/revered/made offerings to?
Naturally the answer can be your character does not know.
DM Kibeth |
The game isn't full! I haven't even begun to think about accepting anyone yet. Still doing finals stuff. And I just found out my father has prostate cancer. I'm just going to apologize in advance for the slow responses, as with my Dad's condition I can anticipate some down time. I still have a strong desire to run this game.
@DarkLightHitomi - There should be a link to the OP that has the EoM stuff. Once you read EoM, WoP will seem worthless.
@Jelani - I can answer some of your questions in a PM later this week. I've responded to a few PMs so far. If I haven't responded to yours yet, it's probably because it requires me to do something a bit more involved and I haven't been able to yet.
@Bigger Club - I can answer your questions about Death in a PM as well. I think you'll like where this is going. I can tell you right now, though, that I'd prefer if you took an undead focused archetype from pathfinder and used EoM with the summon/create/transform lists to replicate necromancy. I say this only because 3.5, especially libris mortis stuff, has quite the power level. Ain't nobody got time to balance that.
If I've missed anything or anyone so far, let me know. Later this week I'll be posting an application myself using the format just for fun.
DarkLightHitomi |
Problem with the EoM is that I don't have a computer, only a nook and file doesn't work, it only shows squares and no text except the occassional header.
As for worthless, when making games one looks for the bad and the good in all systems. Always some useful tidbit to learn from. Playing those systems are a must anyways to truly grasp the strong and weak points. So I just see as an opportunity for research :)
Also I cannot C&P with a nook which is a pain.
I'll be playing a reapling major which I've started a thread for the race in the homebrew forums. When I get done adding the history I'll link it. I also will be going mystic theurge eventually. Cleric and sorcerer. I might go oracle instead if I like it. I haven't looked in depth at it yet but I prefer spontaneous casting to the prepatory casting.
Daynen |
Yikes. And I thought a kidney stone was bad...best of luck with the whole experience, man.
As for balance? Quite often I feel that balance is secondary (and I mean a VERY close second) to flavor and unique mechanics. 3.0 dragon disciple. Most memorable prestige class description ever for me, power level be damned. The power of a class should rarely be a balance issue unless A: the player picks it just for that purpose and abuses it, and B: the GM is not skilled at creating content that mitigates said abuse. Now the B thing, only comes with time and experience and may necessitate putting up with A for awhile, but the whole thing is otherwise circumventable (spellcheck says that's apparently not a word, lol) with a little know-how.
Of course, all that falls by the wayside before the agreement between GM and players. Your game, your call. I'm keeping my foot forward either way.
ikickyouindanuts |
This campaign sounds amazing. I would love to take part in it. Here's my application.
Name: Dez - AKA “Exile”
Race: Human
Class: Ninja 6/Sorcerer 2
Alignment / Personality: I would say NE. He does kill people for money. Although he is not an indiscriminate killer. He punishes evil with evil, you might say. He does stand up for the weak and helpless sometimes. He is not mean-spirited, he just has a fatalistic view of the world.
The 10 minute background
1. Dez never knew his father, and his mother died when he was still a child. After his mother’s death, he was caught up in a street gang where hunger, pain, and depravity were a way of life.
2. He is now a professional assassin, belonging to an order called the Morningstars (or just Stars to those who deal with them frequently) that specializes in eliminating magic users, although they employ their own arcane skills in order to do so.
3. He was recruited to the Morningstars after his arcane gifts started to manifest as a teenager. The apprenticeship is extremely difficult, often brutal, and not all recruits survive to reach journeyman status.
4. Far from a mindless murderer for hire, he is known to not accept a contract before scouting the target and determining whether or not he believes they deserve death (although, more often than not, he judges them guilty).
5. A vehement pragmatist, he has no delusions that he is anything other than what most society would call “evil”, and neither seeks nor cares for any chance of redemption.
1. To rise in the ranks of his order, by achieving further mastery of both martial and arcane arts.
2. To eventually engineer the downfall of his greatest childhood tormentor - a man known to most as “The Bull” - who has become the leader of one of the largest gangs in the city. He does not seek his death; instead, he seeks to undermine his organization at every level and see his empire crumble in despair, leaving him with nothing.
1. Dez was physically & sexually abused several times during his childhood by older boys, though he has never confided this in anybody. Since learning his skills, he has tracked down and killed every one of those who participated. To his knowledge, nobody alive knows of his past shame.
2. Due to his inhumane childhood, he has a soft spot for children, and will always take time out of his task at hand to aid a child in distress, or punish the abuser of a child that comes to his awareness.
1. His master and now immediate superior in the Morningstars, whom he knows simply by her moniker of “Sever”. The structure of their order is such that members only know the true names of those who are below them in rank. As such, the only person who knows all members names is the current Grandmaster. Although his training under her watch was at times brutal and unforgiving, he now regards her as a close and respected friend.
2. One of his only friends outside of the order, Felix Gorsky runs an herb and flower shop that Dez frequents for the various substances he uses in mixing poisons and potions. Unbeknownst to Felix, Dez once stopped an attempted burglary of the shop and made it clear that the place is under his protection.
3. His greatest rival in the Morningstars, whom he knows as “Dervish”. He was recruited around the same time as Dez into the order and trained under a different master. At different points in their training, Dez and Dervish were both sent to sabotage a mission the other was undertaking. Both were successful, and both have resented the other to this day for it.
1. Dez remembers the terror he felt when, as a young child, he and his mother were evicted from their home and beaten by their former landlord. He has vowed to never feel that powerless again.
2. Dez remembers the pain of not eating for days at a time growing up on the streets. He has vowed never to be destitute again.
3. Dez remembers the thrill that went through him the first time his arcane power manifested in his hands, and the looks of fear on the bullies’ faces as they fled from him for the first time. He has vowed to exact vengeance on those who abuse the powerless.
RP Sample:
It was his first night off in some time. He had no contracts pending. He had no chores to complete for the Order. He had even given himself time off from his daily training regimens. Tonight was his.
As he knelt in the shadows at the top of the temple’s bell tower, he could see the city for miles. Dez had nothing in particular in mind tonight. After all, he was no city guard or self-righteous do-gooder. He knew that you couldn’t fix the world. You could only ease part of its passing.
He dropped to the roof below and sprinted along the roofs of the shops and tenements, silent as a shadow. Without really thinking about it, he ended up taking a course that ran by his friend Felix’s herbiary. As he neared the shop, he heard the sound of hushed voices arguing froze. As he peered over the edge of the rooftop, he spied 3 huddled figures struggling to pick the lock on the back door to the store, and botching the job badly.
Dez almost had to stifle a grin. Amateurs.
Normally, he wouldn’t have stopped for something like this. But Felix was one of his only friends in this world anymore. He couldn’t live with himself if he walked away.
The first one didn’t even know he had been hit before he was unconscious. Dez squatted with his knee in the man’s prone back. After a second of shock, the other two men swung for him, hitting nothing but air. The whole thing lasted ten seconds at best.
Dez told them, “Take your friend and leave this place. The only reason you are alive right now is so that you can tell the rest of the scum around here that this place is off limits. If I see you within a block of here again, you will not get another chance to run.”
His cold eyes brooked no argument. His fists had probably helped with that too. As they ran off into the night, he eyed the damage to the lock.
It’s buggered now. Too bad I was never much for fixing things. Only breaking them.
Orfamay Quest |
The game isn't full! I haven't even begun to think about accepting anyone yet. Still doing finals stuff. And I just found out my father has prostate cancer. I'm just going to apologize in advance for the slow responses, as with my Dad's condition I can anticipate some down time. I still have a strong desire to run this game.
Take what time you need; family comes first over anonymous posters on the Internets.
Good luck to your father and to you in helping everyone cope. I've been fortunate in that my family all seem to be too stubborn to get sick....
Etzeekitachca |
1d8 ⇒ 8
1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 2
1d8 ⇒ 4
1d8 ⇒ 7
1d10 ⇒ 5
For health!
Ooooh, nasty...
Oh, wait, no one else has rolled... going to spoiler this part for future reference then and ignore it for now.
I will (hopefully) be submitting the Alchemist I mentioned in the messages. I'll be working a little vaguely with his background (until I get a few answers, and take your time with those since real life definitely comes first) but his personality I can get done now.
Era Scarecrow |
Oh darn I was definitely going to try and join this when it said 3rd party was cool then said Psionics wasnt and instead we had to use EoM which has no martial applications. I wanted to use the Soul knife finally .. tell me when that becomes an option again.
Ditto, I so want to play a soul-knife/Rouge; Part of it the idea of just waving your hand in mid-air and a weapon coming out of no-where, can't be stolen, if it breaks you just re-create it.
I know there was a homebrew remake of the 3.0 SoulKnife that completely removes it from psionics called Dark Templar, sorta makes it more assassin-like (Based more on Soul-Reaver the game), but somehow I don't think it transfers well to PF, and is a little more complicated than the revised Psionics-Unleashed book.
I suppose I could use a Sorcerer instead.... Hmmm....
Awakeninfinity |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Kalgors "Boomslinger" Tesinarr
Male Hobgoblin standing at 6'0" (200 cm) and weighs about 220 lbs. (63.4 kg), he is covered in fire hardened scars.
He is a Hobgoblin renegade on the run from the atrocities of his people.
While running away he was captured by trolls and rescued by a group of adventurers, luckily, a paladin vouched for his continued survival. He then ventured with them for a time.
He was a member of a Hobgoblin Special Forces Group... He ran away when he realized the creulty of his people.
He loves people, especially ones that act with compassion in all they do.
Even though he started with one group; he seems to have seperated from them for some reason.
Herela Dersal- A promising student of Alchemy, she has provided many a life saving bullet for Boomslinger.
Drelan Jiersayd- A young prince that Boomslinger's group rescued a few times; he still owes Boomslinger a favor.
Erakur Vulsont- A Half-Orc outcast, jealous of Boomslingers acceptance. He is eager to show Boomslinger how accepting he can be.
Boomslinger's last party met their end in a hobgoblin ambush, he slaughtered the assassins and buried his companions. He doesn't want people to know, or get hurt by his past, but fate keeps throwing him into saving the day.
Unbeknownst to Boomslinger; the people responsible for his exile are actually using him as an unknowing scout, the plan to siphon his memories and use that intel to manipulate the political situation above.
It is Boomslinger's goal to change the way the surface views the lower dwelling races, he travels the realm; righting wrongs wherever he finds them.
Every so often, Boomslinger thinks of his home, he doesn't desire vengence, but he wonders at night if his people are all evil, or if some can be redeemed.
Boomslinger was tortured horribly when he initially rebelled against the practices of his kin, they delved into a ritual that cost him his vision, but it toughened his skin.
The paladin that spared his life started a relationship with him, initially impressed by his resolve and dedication she found herself caring for him more and more.
When his paladin lover died; Boomslinger lost himself in grief, and stopped travelling for a while. Repelling a recent assault by bandits in his quiet village home reminded him of his lost lover, and how she wouldn't want him moping around, he grabbed his gear and walked out of the quiet fiefdom of Kalnerayt and into the wild world beyond.
How does he look?
Davachido |
Finally had the time to write this up, here we go:
Name: Diaz Sebanile
Race: Human (sort of, read on to find out)
Class: Throwing specialist (class undecided)
- Diaz Sebanile is a soldier, the captain of a small outfit for Drakomaar. The outfit is one of many Bloodwood Kin. They serve as scouts and as first response unit to danger that might threaten the Wildwood. Most of the rangers in his unit are also trained as monster hunters to deal with any of the local fauna or if the need arose, dragons.
- Diaz serves both the army of Drakomaar and some of the councilmen. The main councilman he has contact with is an elf by the name of Kelvani Turmakil. Kelvani was his sponsor and vouched for his position to become a captain of his own unit so owes him a lot. Kelvani generally tracks how his fights progress and how his technique develops. Diaz his unsure exactly why.
- Diaz has a sister back home called Theresa, he’ll visit her as often as he can when he is not fighting. Any money he has left over from providing himself basic amenities go to making her life better.
- Theresa is a working woman now but to him she is still his baby sister, their parents died when he was at military age. So he sought the aid of sponsor to take care of his sister while he fought to gain money. Fighting was all he was good at so he thought it was fitting even if it took him away from his sister. He didn’t make the move suddenly, he took other jobs first finding he was terrible at most of them so was only earning enough to scrape by. He eventually caved in and joined the army.
- Diaz is very sick and tries to keep it from everyone he knows except a select few, the main person he confides in is a halfling woman named Nishimi Sayuri. She is a wizard who helps the wounded soldiers. He first came to her when he was coughing up blood. Nishimi has found nothing wrong with him physically but has developed a potion that he must take every so often. She has also given him a list of ingredients in case he was not able to visit her.
- It was a rainy day in somber month. Diaz had been hunting a young dragon, a remnant of the dragon war. Drakomaar wanted not of these things left alive so once one is found they send out the Bloodwood Kin to track and kill them. This particular one had thwarted Diaz many times, his name was Xanroar, a young blue. Diaz had nicknamed him ‘Canny Bolt’, like lightning wouldn’t strike anywhere twice. Diaz had corned Canny once again though during the fight, Diaz fell over hacking blood. Diaz felt like he could cough out a lung, Diaz was never sure why Canny didn’t just finish him off. Instead Canny Bolt just left him to his misery and fled. This is where Diaz dragged himself back to the local outpost where he met Nishimi and asked her to take care of him. Diaz faked what the injury was saying the Dragon had struck him and it was internal bleeding. Over the time it took for Diaz to heal he bonded with Nishimi and eventually confided the truth. Ever since Diaz has been trying to figure out what was wrong with him.
- Diaz has a lover amongst the Bloodwood Kin, another Captain a male elf called Amahel Idroth. Their relation is kept secret as it is not prohibited though frowned upon for Captains in the Bloodwood Kin to be betrothed to other soldiers.
- He has been groomed into a very loyal person due to his servitude to Drakomaar’s Triumvirate and to Kelvani. This has translated to his personality, if you have Diaz on your side he will defend you no matter the cause. The main four he will do this for is Kelvani, Theresa, Nishimi and Amahel.
- The main goal he has in life is to protect his sister and make her life as painless as possible. This includes making sure he stays alive, he doesn’t want to bring her sadness by returning home in a coffin.
- Serve Kelvani as thanks for the sponsorship and for taking care of his sister while he is away.
- (Development) Diaz wishes to find a cure for himself and finding out what is making him sick.
- Diaz risks his rank with his relationship to Amahel thus this is kept secret.
- (Doesn’t know this) Xanroar, Canny Bolt, has nothing against Diaz and would likely befriend him if Diaz stopped hunting him. However Diaz has hatred of Dragons too ingrained into his psyche and likely wouldn’t give Canny a chance. (Through character development I’d like that to change slowly though if neither of them ends up dead that is.)
- (Doesn’t know this) Part of the problem with his body is he was injected with blood of the dragons as an experiment set up by Kelvani and the Triumvirate. Knowing that he has been the subject of experiments without his consent by people he trusts will likely throw him into an emotional crisis.
- Theresa Sebanile, his sister, the person he cares for above all else. She is the one person he had left when all seemed lost. She always urged him to keep trying to provide for them both. The small little speeches she gave even as a little girl touched his heart and he would never give up. Now both adults they enjoy each other’s company and try to help each other where they can. Diaz however has not told her about his sickness as he doesn’t want her to worry about him potentially dying.
- Amahel Idroth, his boyfriend, an elven male. An elegant yet harsh captain. Following the motto ‘toil and then the grave’ he drives many of his Bloodwood Kin to the absolute limit. Amahel might not be as good fighter as Diaz however he is a far better captain. The Bloodwood Kin under his command despite being inferior individual as a unit they function as some of the best. This is what drew Diaz to Amahel in the first place. Diaz through favours with Kelvani set up common meetings and missions between him and his soon to be betrothed. This eventually gave way so that Diaz slip into Amahel’s life. Amahel was impressed with Diaz’s physical prowess just as Diaz was impressed with Amahal’s Leadership. The relationship blossomed finally on a battlefield when the pair of them were back to back fighting for their life against at two Behirs. The kind of camaraderie developed from surviving such a fight only elevated the emotion the pair had for each other. Amahel and Diaz have been an item ever since though of course in secret.
- Nishimi Sayuri, his best friend, a Halfling woman. She is a battlefront wizard who serves as a medic to heal wounded soldiers. She is soft spoken though has shared a good friendship with Diaz. She has told him that the reason she got into studying magic was the wonders that she saw the Triumvirate accomplish. She is rather embarrassed about her dream to become one of the Triumvirates one day but Diaz likes to playfully egg her on. Diaz really enjoyed spending time with Nishimi as she reminded him of his sister.
- (Enemy) Xanroar, The Canny Bolt, a young blue dragon that has thwarted Diaz every time Diaz has attempted to hunt him. Diaz has been out for his blood for a long time and wishes nothing else but to take the dragon’s horn as a trophy.
- Every so often Diaz will have a nightmare about him being strapped to a table, unable to free himself. Diaz is pretty sure it is from his past but he does not know when as every time he thinks about he draws blanks about anything around the incident.
- Around the same time as the memories about the table he is pretty sure his parents died. All he can however remember is a burglar killed them as they were home at the time of the burglar’s entrance. His mind presumably blocked out most of the rest of the memory as it’s too painful for him.
- Diaz will rub the back of his leg when nervous, or when something scares him. It is a tell his friends have teased him for.
- Diaz is loyal to his country and his council though in conversation he is a lovable goof. At first when trying to woe Amahel he came off as slightly bumbling.
- Diaz will often throw his Chakram into the distance and catch it continuously while deep in thought, especially if something is bothering him.
I want this to be a major part of his backstory and what he reacts to. Every few weeks he needs to take a concoction Nishimi prepares for him. He can go 10 days without taking this potion. 1d4+1 days after that point the blood coughing returns and he needs to take the potion. If he does not he loses 1/5 of his CON temporarily. Repeat this every 1d4+1 days until he dies. If he drinks the potion his timer resets. Nishimi has given him a recipe which he has copied multiple time and committed to memory if he ever loses the original. Most alchemists can create the potion so when he isn’t near Nishimi he can get some to make it for him (for a cost of course).
For all intents he is human but I am building him slightly different using RP points, he will have the fast healing 1 ability. This was granted to him due to the experiments but is having a huge detrimental effect on his body.
Diaz is sitting up in bed, sweat trickling down his face. His visage white as the satin sheets and eyes fixated to the floor. Again, always the same. It’s always the same… Diaz says mentally as he recalls the nightmare;
My eyes flare open, I feel a pair of needles perforate my eyelids. The needles keep my eyes exposed to the flood of light surrounding the room. All I see is the roof of a small room, it is grey with one floor board giving way. It is warped to form a small curl just above my head. I hear pacing of what I’m never sure. I try to move but I immediately feel the resistance of the abrasive straps pinning me to my prison. Not even my head can shift, and even if I tried the needles would retreat even further into my skull. The intrusion of needles replaces my worry with sharp pain that I can do naught about. I then always hear a toll, a reverberation that scares me. The sound is crystal clear despite the pacing constantly being muffled. This toll, rings in the confines of my mind, a bell, a clangor that will not leave. I force my eyes to shut.
Then I wake up, so here I am again, torrid with agony. A shiver runs down Diaz’s spine as his naked body recognizes the bitter night.
A pair of arms reaches around and clasps Diaz around the waist, a gruff yet soothing voice asks him. ”Same as always?” Diaz sighs, his muscles relax as he slumps back into bed. Diaz nods slowly, the scruffs of his hair making an audible scouring sound on the pillow. At least tonight I need not face my fears alone.
Amahel his lover pulls Diaz closer then rubs his clenched fist against Diaz’s skull. ”It isn’t real, leave that behind. You hear me you softie? We don’t need softies amongst our kin.” Diaz snorts as he breathes a laugh through a smile. ”Good, see you can still smile, now sleep.” Amahel says as he drifts back off to sleep.
Other samples of my favourite RP I’ve done on this board can be found here I play Sienna Vhiski, all the interesting things are in the spoiler boxes between me and Hijiro on this page and page 20.
Grixus |
This took ALOT longer than I thought it would, but it was worth it, pretty fun to build.
Name - Grixus Urodela
Race – Oread with the Crystal Creature Template. Template is explained in the background. While I kept the core oread template fairly intact, I modified it to make it more than a 6 pt race. Here is the breakdown:
1. Type: Outsider (Native) 3 pts
2. Speed: Slow -1 pts
3. Size: Medium 0 pts
4. Ability Modifier: Advanced (+2 physical stats, +4 Wis, -2 Cha) 4 pts
5. Energy Resistance: Acid/5 1 pts
6. Crystalline Form (Replaces Earth Affinity) 2 pts
7. Advanced Intelligence: +2 Int 4 pts
Total Points: 13
Class – Two Handed Fighter/7
Ten Minute Background
1. Grixus was a childhood prodigy in the field of alchemy and as such was taken on by a master alchemist as a pupil. During a trip to harvest alchemical regents with the other students, Grixus was stung, and consequently infected, by what appeared to be a crystal like scorpion (Young Crysmal also known as a Shardling). The initial shallowness of the wound caused few to realize how serious his infection was. On the return trip to his master’s workshop however, Grixus was overcome by his disease and became petrified. This would have been the end of him, however due to his Oread blood, Grixus regained consciousness a few days later. His transformation complete, he had become a true, living rock. A crystal of living tissue. Gifted though he was, Grixus found it difficult to work with such delicate instruments considering his new brawn. With his dreams shattered, he abandoned his schooling and began trying to master his body and find his place in the world.
2. Grixus is a silent brooding type. This is partially due to the strange looks he has received for his ‘unique’ appearance. Although not prone to much conversation with strangers, he is open with those that he trusts. For a time, Grixus was accepted by a group of elves who he confided in. after earning their trust, they trained him to in the art of martial weapons. During this time he became particularly gifted in the use of large swords and using precision based brute force. But he was later sent away after it became apparent he was unable to control his unnaturally hefty arms. In more social settings. Since leaving his temporary home with the elves, Grixus has had a few different occupations. For a time, he worked with some of the mercenary ‘witch’ hunters of Erasmus but found their use of unnecessary force distasteful. After parting ways with them he, Grixus has worked hard to make a living as a bodyguard for hire. Most common among his many charges, were envoys between Aeonar and Valan or mages that needed to pass through Erasmus unscathed. Despite his lack of physical control, he has done his best to not kill any civilized humanoid during his time in this occupation, Dragons and there worshipers on the other hand, are another story.
3. Grixus was raised in Drakomaar and frequently makes trips to visit, but spends most of his time traveling as a hired guard between Aeonar and Valan. Recognizing that each city state has something different to offer in his fight against the dragons, he has made an effort to visit as many of them as possible and collect what knowledge or skills he can from them.
1. Grixus is a bodyguard for hire but uses his travels to find out about the dragons. As much as possible Grixus works to keep the dragons from rising to the power they once had. Usually by destroying their artifacts or giving them to the few people that he trusts.
2. It would be fun to have a run in with the elves that abandoned Grixus. Although elves are typically not evil, I think it would be interesting to find out that they were actually a group of assassins or dragon cultists that abandoned him because of his moral code against the dragons, not his brute strength as they would have him believe.
1. {Grixus Doesn’t Know) During his travels, Grixus has come along many strange trinkets and talismans, one such talisman that he gave to Mia as a gift was actually cursed with the soul of an evil dragons. Since giving it to her, the Dragon has been imposing its will upon her and attempting to contact his worshipers to restore him to his true form.
2. (Grixus Knows) While it is true that Grixus was stung by a Shardling, this was not the cause of his crystalline form. He was in fact, drugged and poisoned during his trip by one of his fellow students who was jealous of his natural aptitude in alchemy. Despite knowing what happened, he does not know who did it.
1. Mia Tamberline – A young street Urchin from Rayne; she is unphased by Grixus’ crystalized exterior and thus, to the annoyance of his employers, has followed Grixus on a few of his jobs. Though Mia is a little innocent and trusts most people, she is in no way empty headed and in fact it quite bright for her age. Grixus took a liking to her and has made several visits to Rayne to make sure that she is alive and well. As she is the closest thing to family that Grixus has.
2. Variel Nox – An Old sage of a wood elf. He is old even by their standards. Variel was the leader among the elves that trained Grixus with a sword. Although Grixus thinks of Variel as someone he can trust. They have not spoken to each other since Grixus left his elven companions.
3. Shivkah Moreau – This is the student that poisoned Grixus with ‘brilliant pestilence’ the disease that transformed him into his current crystalized self. Grixus does not know much about here, but for some reason she seems fixated on destroying his life in some way or another.
1. As a child, Grixus recalls tinkering with various compounds to produce different alchemical compounds and poisons. Although he lacks the finesse that he had as a child, he still fiddles from time to time.
2. Grixus once worked with a group of adventures who were bent on clearing out a goblin den. Though vivid, Grixus is not fond of this memory as the group had a camaraderie that he feels he may never accomplish.
3. Grixus’ fondest memory is of his first encounter with Mia Tamberline. While she may have been annoying at the time, her company is what saved Grixus from ending his own existence.
Raising his massive bow, Grixus planted his feet and notched an arrow, ready to fire as soon as a discernable foe came in to view. He did not have to wait long as the first of his foes came slinking into the pale moon light. Letting loose his first shot of the ordeal, Grixus cursed himself as the shot flew wide. Nevertheless, he quickly notched another arrow and fired.
Grixus grinned at the sudden shriek, his arrow had hit its mark. However his victory was short lived as 2 more foes broke from the shadows in a mad dash to get to their crystal-like foe. As they approached one of them hissed to one another in a strange tongue then turned to him and managed a few words in common, You are fools to try and escape usssss. Sssurrender nowss and we killss you quick and painlesssss. As the beasts drew near, Grixus dropped his bow and, with speed unheard of for someone his size, drew his massive sword, ready to swing at anything that stepped into arms reach. Fools you are to think that I would yield to ones such as yourselves. Before the night is through you lie at my feet, dead and forgotten.
At his words the creatures slowed there pace, measuring him watching for a time to strike. For close to a minute they circled him. Waiting, watching for a time to strike. Finally tired of the standoff, Grixus charged the nearer of the two. Raising his massive sword high overhead, He let loose all the strength he could muster. Fast as it was, the kobold never saw it coming, the sword fell true through the foolish creatures head. As Grixus drew his sword from the destroyed head of his foe, he turned, ready to meet his final foe. However all he was met with was the faint noise of a coward scampering away for its life. Grixus grunted as he wiped the blade clean and sheathed it, Stupid kobolds.
We got lucky this time. Only the scouting party saw us, if it had been a tribe I’d be dead. Stupid mages always think they have the answer ‘cuz they can do magic. Remembering his charge and the child Mia, Grixus hurried along after the mage plunging into the darkness before him. Stupid brat better not have abandoned her, I’ll wring his neck if he did
Vamptastic |
Oh man. I just had a cool idea for a game that could be played here. Take FreeCell, but make the player sit in a circle of cards. And I mean, a huge room's worth of cards, just a giant circle. And the player basically is blindfolded, but gets blindsight and telekinesis just for these cards, and the idea is to try and arrange them all in a coherent order. So that it's equal parts Chess, Tetris, Solitaire and everything else.
Could be cool, huh?
Grixus |
A race with +2 in 3 stats and a +4 in another plus acid resistance looks pretty broken to me.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Considering that what you are complaining about is only a net total of 5 points on the race creation... I'm going to disagree with you.
If you'd like consider what else you can do with 5 points on the race creation: 5 spell like abilities, increase your move speed to 50 ft. and have a point left over, have a move speed of 40 a climb speed of 20 and swim speed of 30 both new movements with a +8 to the skill. I could list alot of different things that you might consider are 'broken' but they are just things with 5 points. Also, if it makes you feel any better, while you would be lvl 8, I'm still level 7...
Davachido |
I don't think it's overpowered (the stat boosts), one thing though spell like abilities for 1 RP can only stack 3 times on top of which you may only have 4 traits from one category at 11-15 RP so you can't get 5 (unless you head to monstrous level).
Though I think you only start taking LA after 15 points so you should be level 8 not 7 unless you are imposing LA on yourself. Though I can see why it does look like gaming the system a little with boosts to all your stats except Cha. I still don't think it is that bad though, for 8 RP you can start off with Improved initiative and two bonus feats that's really cheesing it though.
Grixus |
Lolz, yeah the guys that get resistance to ALL element types as well as skill bonuses and a lvl 3 spell like ability AND if you allow for the variants they can also get a +4 stat as well. Just saying....
I'll concede to the fact that compared to some of the lower point races, yes it is broken, but I personally believe that Aasamars can make some of the most over powered characters. You wouldnt expect a lvl 1 character to have an AC of 20+ would you? I've played an Aasamar that was almost impossible to hit without a critical at level 2.
I'll concede to the fact that, yes, you can make a broken race. Shoot if you wanted you could have a rogue that is swinging for 4d6sneak +bleed for 8 rounds because he has greater invisibility as a spell like ability.
dunebugg |
Lolz, yeah the guys that get resistance to ALL element types as well as skill bonuses and a lvl 3 spell like ability AND if you allow for the variants they can also get a +4 stat as well. Just saying....
I'll concede to the fact that compared to some of the lower point races, yes it is broken, but I personally believe that Aasamars can make some of the most over powered characters. You wouldnt expect a lvl 1 character to have an AC of 20+ would you? I've played an Aasamar that was almost impossible to hit without a critical at level 2.
I'll concede to the fact that, yes, you can make a broken race. Shoot if you wanted you could have a rogue that is swinging for 4d6sneak +bleed for 8 rounds because he has greater invisibility as a spell like ability.
Ignoring Blood of Angels, Aasimar are pretty underwhelming. They make wonderful clerics and Native Outsider has its ups and downs, but you can hardly call Daylight (their 3rd level SLA) powerful. Their alternate racial traits are strong, yes, but again - compare everything back to core, not expanded options.
Race creation on these boards tends to get super munchkiny very quickly. Does your modified race have a REASON for such powerful stats? Thats really the only big difference between your race and a normal Oread. Your background talks about "he found it difficult to work with his new instruments considering his new brawn" which to me translates to +2STR or CON and -2 DEX. And then why the int bump? What does crystal have to do with that?
Also, your talk of broken aasimar by level 2 doesn't do well in defending your case of not making a broken race/character... ;P
Still lurking here waiting for GM. Hope your dad is all right.
Grixus |
Dunebugg, the point I was making with the broken lvl 2 aasimar is that, if played in a particular fashion, a prebuilt race, especially an aasimar, can be 'broken' if the character is built a particular way. As I already stated, I can see the case of it being 'broken' when compared to say, a grippli because despite not being an outsider, they are still only a 6 point race. but to say something is broken simply because it has a higher stat boost than you is silly to me because, even a guy with high stats can get brought down low by the right set of skills and a sense of strategy.
And yeah, you are right I really should remove the Intelligence as there isn't a valid reason for it. I didn't want to only end up with 2 skill ranks/lvl and literally only be good at smashing things (being crystal gives you a -4 to int). So yeah, dumb reason to have it. although it is funny to not that it wasn't even one of the original complaints and it seems the most valid of concerns. Although (I just saw this), for the same price, its possible to get 'skilled' which basically covers my concern of skill ranks...
Valza "The White" of Shiara |
This character is that I will submit. Her sheet isn't complete yet, but I have the race and 10m BG in the profile.
She is LN, cleric and sorcerer.
Would loved to have played a reapling queen but that would have been at least 52 race points.
What are these called shot rules and what is "CD" refering to?
Since untrained knowledge checks cap off at dc 15, why the change in what skills can or can't used untrained? And does that mean the dc cap no longer applies? Or is this only refereing to the extra tidbits you toss our way for knowledge skills?
Since I have a LA, am I getting money for being ECL 8, or actual class level 6?
lantzkev |
I didn't want to only end up with 2 skill ranks/lvl and literally only be good at smashing things (being crystal gives you a -4 to int). So yeah, dumb reason to have it. although it is funny to not that it wasn't even one of the original complaints and it seems the most valid of concerns. Although (I just saw this), for the same price, its possible to get 'skilled' which basically covers my concern of skill ranks...
When you design the race to remove any weakness and provide bonuses above what others get? yeah, OP brah.
Also, why on earth would you apply a template ontop of an already balanced critter?
Gobo Horde |
Alright, first did a quick read-through and these were some of my reactions.
"first post was on sunday, yesterday was sunday. Alright I got here early" :D Completely derped here, TODAY is sunday, this thread started 2 weeks ago....
"thread started 2 weeks ago, I am probably out of luck." Checks application due date. "sweet I still got one more week! Rush is off, time to read EVERYTHING!" As I am wont to do
Quick few things, Good luck on your thesis, hope your dad is doing well (aka no pain, doctor looks hopeful, his strength stays strong). Ill be rooting for him.
Reknarok, I was thinking invuln barbarian as well, the idea of massive hps and physical defences is neat in my mind, Ima think about it :)
Daynen, looks neat so far, I like that one. Ill probably do something other than a barbarian then :) My "first reflex" is a brawler who hates magic (and lives in a magic world, ya hes in for a rough ride ;P) so he tries to shut down mages as much as possible, (disruptive, menacing stance, ect)
Bigger Club, Ive always wanted to run a necromage with its hordes of minions (theres one post that has some 240 hd worth by lvl 20 and another that has 140ish by level 11) but with all the negitave stigma attached, I figured I would never get the chance. I gotta say tho, Libris mortis has a power curve all on its own... And whats with getting craft wondrous item THAT late? What use is it that late in the game??
Grixus. Well that does look powerful :) I guess me playing a grippli is probably out XD It would be sevearly underpowered compared to that guy :) We will have to see...
For concepts, so far I got these, tho only the general idea.
Invuln barbarian. Immune to EVERYTHING!
Brawler, anti spellcaster. hates magic due to a past experience, has to live in the world regardless. "Go on, cast a spell. I dare you!"
A Psycho Internal Mindchemist. He has all the brains.
A goblin Firebomber. His mentality? "Bomb all the THINGS!!"
An enlarged gunslinger wielding a cannon. In this case I just MIGHT be able to make it work, I havent been able to so far :)
An arminger. I have liked the class for quite a while now, Ill have to refresh my mind on it!
Ill have to take a look over on other 3PP and the race creator to see what ideas I can get. I dont usually look there, but in this case it might be worth it :)
Time to do my research!
Read all the things!!!
Edit: I just saw that hps is always 150% 8O And to think I was actually contemplating building a high con character.... I dont want to even think how many hps he would actually have....
DM Kibeth |
Whew. This thread really blew up. Well, despite what's going on IRL, I'm pumped. Thanks guys. I've responded to some PMs. If I haven't gotten to yours yet, don't worry! I'll get there. The Neurobiology of Addictions senior thesis is done - got an A. Suck it, Trebek - for the amount of sleep I lost on that, I may have regulated my boss/professor if it had gone any other way (I really hope he doesn't read paizo forums, otherwise this would be awkward).
Commencement is in 5 hours, so that'll be over after today. Dad's surgery is next weekend. Aside from the impending surgery, and the family time that's going to come with it, the only thing I have left is the MCAT and med school apps. I think we're going to make it.
@Valza - You'll get money for ECL 8. I wouldn't gimp you that hard. Also, called shots can be found in the variant rules section of UC and d20pfsrd.com.
To everyone getting carried away because of the admittedly sweet combat oriented rules: I like mechanics. This is why I play the game. RP is what makes me stay. This is a game about both, and one without the other makes the game a lot less valuable to me. Make sure that you're putting as much time into the "Ten Minute Background" (Ten Minutes is a minimum imo - one of my good friends did an EPIC rp sample for every single subsection of each section of his background for a particular ten minute background game. I literally had chills. To be fair, he's a creative writing major, but the point stands). Additionally, remember that for every crazy thing you're capable of doing to add fun mechanics to your character or boost the numbers game, I will be balancing the combat encounters that occur to adjust for that.
Thanks for the interest and support for my IRL stuff. It means a lot, honestly.
EDIT: Going to do mother's day stuff now and then commencement tonight. I'll respond to any PMs I haven't responded to yet tomorrow. I'll also actually update the applicant pool on the OP and post the second half of EoM that has the rules on certain revised versions of some classes and some additional feats.
Valza "The White" of Shiara |
Thanks, though because I prefer to discover my characters rather then write them ahead of time, I will stick with with minimum on the 10m BG. (The success of this method is seen in all that has become of the reaplings when they started as a spontaneous random encounter and grew to be the center of the campaign)