
DM Kibeth's page

64 posts. Alias of Kibeth.


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Is recruitment for this still open?

I just want to say thanks to everyone who applied. Decisions weren't easy by any means.

The adventure for now will follow:

Duderlybob as Lineera Kinafin

Glorfinmad as Captain P. Harlock

Domovarion as Tondrick, the Dog of War

Chukie as Cedric Dullahan

Xian as Karsus Leminkainen

TheMystic as Calder

SolarDragon as Athesto Primus

Dbaque as Brother Louis of Eralan, Knight-Commander of the Heavenly Brethren of the Sword

Expect Pms from me with details. We will hash out characters and begin within the week. Thanks again.

*ahem* <_<

Daynen wrote:
DM, maybe you should give thought to finding a like-minded DM (harder than it sounds) who likes your idea and wants to run a similar game, and then just go "OK, you got the backdrop, now here's 30-something applicants who still want in! I've picked some I like, now you pick some. Have fun!"

I've thought about this. It would be really cool. The fundamental issue is finding someone who can DM and has the desire to do so in a world that is neither official material nor their own. Easier said than done; my normal go-to guy for co-dming turned me down. You know who you are, and I am disappoint. As are 30 other people, apparently.

@Vamptastic - Haha that would be the case. Well, that and actually reading through all 30 was just tedious.

@dunebugg - Well, I can tell you right now that since you steal MP, it's really quite fine. We've playtested the archetype. It's effective.

I want to go ahead and apologize in advance; I really didn't expect this much of a turnout, and if I had the time, I'd run two games.

@dunebugg - Yep, 3/4s caster. Inherently makes these classes a little weaker in terms of overcoming SR, but I think I made a new feat for the magus to deal with that a little, and bards and inqs don't really mess with SR enough for me to bother.

@Vamptastic - I just sifted through most of the applications. It was unpleasant.

@Roto - You're good. I almost liked it better that way, honestly.

@lantzkev - If you're going to play a construct, we need to talk, but that'll be after decisions. Constructs just don't exist yet. Or they do but... Well, I'm not at liberty to talk about it.

Also, there are 32 applicants including Gobo when that goes up. I forgot O-Quest (My apologies, You're counted now), I listed Stratos twice, and Domovarian is Towershield. For the record Tower, I thought your brother was also apping. You should really stick to your own pilfered handle :P.

Applicant Update:


:Valza "The White" - Incomp
:dunebugg - Incomp

My apologies Valza, I remember now that you had mentioned that earlier.

Yes, it still applies, generally. I find that a lot of the skills as they are mechanically are pretty straightforward but not necessarily the most realistic. If you know something, generally speaking, you know it. You may have to take time or focus (making the check) to conjure up more details and such, but for the most part, you know what you know off the top of your head to a certain degree in a subject or field you have been trained in. It's similar logic to why passive perception checks are in my games as well. When you walk into a room or in a given situation, you're always perceiving. How much time you put into detecting the details or hard you're trying to catch things you normally wouldn't have seen if you were just walking by is variable (making the check), but it's not as if your senses are dead until you turn them on. And the more you're trained in picking up the details, the easier it is for you to do passively.


@Peanuts - That is correct. Well, they do scale in caster level to a certain degree in that if you're lower caster level you won't be able to increase your duration appropriately. That being said, they make up for this by having the default duration be 1 minute on most action types. AoE and spell sniping are slightly more costly, but that's probably fine.
We will be using the skills as in the book. I think they're cooler that way. Iirc, and I'll confirm this if relevant to a particular character or encounter, undead in EoM are simply immune to Evoke Death and cannot be healed by Heal Life. They take 1.5x damage from Evoke Life (and if that's not actually the case, that's how it'll work). Dhampir will work the same way in that regard.

Now then, are there any PMs I haven't answered besides Davachido and Duderlybob? @Davachido - I'm not ignoring you, I just remember your pms being largely mechanics related. We'll sort that out later if/when it's necessary. @Duderlybob - I'm about to look at what you've sent me.

So, I can't update the OP. So far, this is what I have for applicants, including applications sent in a PM. If I have forgotten or missed you in some way, let me know.





:Stratos - Incomp








:Awakeinfinity - Incomp



:Domovarion - Incomp

:Jubal Breakbottle



:Solar Dragon


:Glorfinmad - Incomp

:Chukie - Incomp


:Zee White King



:Green Bean


:TowerShield - Incomp

Wow. There sure are a lot of you. Thanks a lot - seriously, this means a lot. It's nice to actually have interest drummed up for your game. I'm expanding the selection to 8 players. Decisions will be made next week after applications close and my dad's surgery. Thanks again.

@Gobo - A normal called shot is a full round action in it of itself. Improved Called shot simply allows you to substitute any melee attack during a full-round action or standard action that gives you multiple attacks with a called shot. You may still only do one per round. Greater simply allows you to substitute any attack ever with a called shot. So if you have Greater, you can vital strike called shot. Without greater, you cannot.

@Stratos - Actually, I have. I like it. I wouldn't bother fleshing out the mechanical side of your character before apps have closed and decisions have been made, though. I'm not saying either way yet, obviously. There are just way more than 5-6 applicants -_-. Normally I would just run two games in the same universe and have them play off of each other, but I really don't have time for that. At any rate, I don't want you potentially waste time doing mechanics before they're necessary. I like your background, though.

Some of these questions were answered in the OP. There is no mechanical difference. It's purely cosmetic. Caster level increases will not increase your mp limit; only increases for the purposes of overcoming SR, using magic items, and casting spells from spellbooks. As far as bonus spells, that's pretty easy. Replicate the spell with EoM within the MP limit that you have and you get it as an extra signature spell. You don't have "restricted schools" anymore as a wizard if you're choosing the EoM option. Just forget it completely. Your assumption about the arcane bond is correct. One signature spell without expending MP/day.

I haven't created any tradition feats. I consider that the kind of feat that I'll be awarding after the whole application process is over. Also, a horde focused, nomadic gobo would more likely be from The Vax, or Somaria (which I hadn't mentioned - it's on the other side of Roanuk - Lot of nomadic orc, goblin, ogre type shamanistic races over there).

Whew. This thread really blew up. Well, despite what's going on IRL, I'm pumped. Thanks guys. I've responded to some PMs. If I haven't gotten to yours yet, don't worry! I'll get there. The Neurobiology of Addictions senior thesis is done - got an A. Suck it, Trebek - for the amount of sleep I lost on that, I may have regulated my boss/professor if it had gone any other way (I really hope he doesn't read paizo forums, otherwise this would be awkward).

Commencement is in 5 hours, so that'll be over after today. Dad's surgery is next weekend. Aside from the impending surgery, and the family time that's going to come with it, the only thing I have left is the MCAT and med school apps. I think we're going to make it.

@Valza - You'll get money for ECL 8. I wouldn't gimp you that hard. Also, called shots can be found in the variant rules section of UC and d20pfsrd.com.

To everyone getting carried away because of the admittedly sweet combat oriented rules: I like mechanics. This is why I play the game. RP is what makes me stay. This is a game about both, and one without the other makes the game a lot less valuable to me. Make sure that you're putting as much time into the "Ten Minute Background" (Ten Minutes is a minimum imo - one of my good friends did an EPIC rp sample for every single subsection of each section of his background for a particular ten minute background game. I literally had chills. To be fair, he's a creative writing major, but the point stands). Additionally, remember that for every crazy thing you're capable of doing to add fun mechanics to your character or boost the numbers game, I will be balancing the combat encounters that occur to adjust for that.

Thanks for the interest and support for my IRL stuff. It means a lot, honestly.

EDIT: Going to do mother's day stuff now and then commencement tonight. I'll respond to any PMs I haven't responded to yet tomorrow. I'll also actually update the applicant pool on the OP and post the second half of EoM that has the rules on certain revised versions of some classes and some additional feats.

The game isn't full! I haven't even begun to think about accepting anyone yet. Still doing finals stuff. And I just found out my father has prostate cancer. I'm just going to apologize in advance for the slow responses, as with my Dad's condition I can anticipate some down time. I still have a strong desire to run this game.

@DarkLightHitomi - There should be a link to the OP that has the EoM stuff. Once you read EoM, WoP will seem worthless.

@Jelani - I can answer some of your questions in a PM later this week. I've responded to a few PMs so far. If I haven't responded to yours yet, it's probably because it requires me to do something a bit more involved and I haven't been able to yet.

@Bigger Club - I can answer your questions about Death in a PM as well. I think you'll like where this is going. I can tell you right now, though, that I'd prefer if you took an undead focused archetype from pathfinder and used EoM with the summon/create/transform lists to replicate necromancy. I say this only because 3.5, especially libris mortis stuff, has quite the power level. Ain't nobody got time to balance that.

If I've missed anything or anyone so far, let me know. Later this week I'll be posting an application myself using the format just for fun.

@Stratos - I have not; applications close in two weeks. I'll get to it, I swear.

@Davachido - I honestly only skimmed your PM. Last undergrad finals week ever, a 20 page thesis on my research, and I'm picking up MCAT studying after that. I have the application deadline two weeks out so I can get all of my stuff sorted out and actually devote time to looking at the apps.

I really appreciate all the interest shown so far!

@Berenzen - you can use words of power if you want. You might want to take a look at EoM instead. Words of Power is like EoM's fat, b##&@y and slightly smelly second cousin. I won't stop you from using it though; I'm just a big fan of the more versatile magic system, and WoP disappointed me greatly. Then I found EoM, and hope was restored.

@lantzkev - It's not the same thing. There's a link to a version that doesn't violate the OGC in the OP. Under house rules.

@Daynen - I like your style. I'm a big fan of the sandbox/freeform style of play for d20 gaming. If you do a half-dragon template, you'll be two levels behind, assuming your race doesn't warrant LA as well. Playing a half dragon in this setting though... bold move, sir. Bold move.

@dunebugg - Give me today and tomorrow; it's my finals week - the last undergrad one ever for me actually. I'll PM you with the archetype soon.

@Davachido - Sweet, I'll get to them asap.

@Reknarok - It would work exactly as the rules would suggest. The DR you get would stack with DR granted from armor as it says in the Armor as DR variant rule entry. This makes DR oriented archetypes stronger, obviously, but in some ways I like that. I want combat to be less about dealing huge numbers and more about finding clever ways to solve problems. If you're playing something like an invuln. rager simply to abuse armor as DR, I'm sure it'll reflect in the quality of your RP in your application, and I'm not here to accept people who want to only min-max for combat. Otherwise I'd do an arena/gladiator style game for that. Min-maxing is cool; It's not cool at the cost of the roleplay aspect.

@Stratos - The variation is just so enormous depending on where you are in the world. The City-States listed are simply the furthest progressed of all of the societies in the world. They are the superpowers; the "first world." There are plenty of smaller societies with varying levels of advancement, cultures and beliefs strewn across Vaylen. For example, there the Wildlands, a region of forest that separates Drakomaar from Valan and Rayne is home to a variety of druidic, fey, and barbarian cultures that aren't mentioned in the campaign info. Even the opinion of how much magical/technological advancement should be made varies greatly from region to region as well - obviously many of the mage-ruled superpowers see magic as a tool that can be held in check, while regions such as Erasmus view magic and its associated technologies as the very cause for prior cataclysmic events in history. I hope this rambling wall of text answers your question; I'm at a meeting doing this from my phone. The tldr is there is no "general feeling." Just depends completely on where you are. Nomadic druids and barbarians in the Wildlands are going to feel very differently than prominent professors in Academy City, Valan.

@Viluki - SGG classes are not allowed. Most of the classes I've seen from them are too strong comparatively, and can be done well simply with an archetype or prestige class from paizo's stuff.

EoM is exclusively a caster document. There's literally no reason they would support any martial weapon style choice. Regardless, I'm willing to work with you on thrown weapon rules as I agree that the RAW in pathfinder are horrifyingly terribad for being a weapon thrower generally speaking. At least not without ludicrous feat taxes and even still it seems sub-par. I'm pretty flexible; I'm a lot more concerned with your RP than whether or not I have to make adjustments for the mechanics/combat aspect of what you're doing. This is, after all, a *roleplaying* game. I don't even want you to think about your character's stat block, aside from maybe skills, until after applications have closed.

Sorry, the OP was a little premature. The question about psionics is answered in the Q&A section.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Game Name: Vaylen-The Precipice of War
Theme: Open World in a unique and diverse homebrew setting.
Flavour: High fantasy player-driven adventure, action and intrigue.

I am looking to run a campaign in my homebrew setting found in the campaign info tab. I plan to have the story driven entirely by the whims and decisions of the players rather than any intricate premeditated railroad. “Roll play” and combat will happen as often as the players make it happen; I have not listed a percentage breakdown because I expect that the player’s roleplay skills and decisions will be the deciding factor. The world will continue to go on, and the decisions of the players can and will affect the direction and order of events they are involved in greatly. Even where we begin will be based on the backgrounds of characters that will be playing. I’m aiming to get 5-6 players to play, posting 4 times per week at minimum. Take a look at the world under campaign info. Looking forward to receiving apps!

Character Background:
I would like players to use the “Ten Minute Background” system. It includes examples. As I’m expecting this game to be driven mostly by the RP of the players, I will be using this background as a judge of your RP ability, both for content and style. Be thorough and creative.
As far as the content of the background, the information in the world is presented, as mentioned previously, within the campaign info. I want to strongly encourage players to feel free to make up their own story elements within the world including but not limited to deities, locations, races, organizations and histories. If you have any questions that cannot be found within the campaign info, just ask!

Character Creation:

  • Power: Level 8
  • Abilities: 20 pt buy
  • Bling/Cash Money: Standard Wealth
  • Race: All pathfinder races are permitted. You may create your own race not exceeding 15 RP with the advanced race guide, just make sure there’s very good roleplay associated with it. If you choose to play something half-construct, feel free, but expect adjustments to your back ground – that race is extraordinarily rare, experimental, and secret. You may exceed the 15 RP limit to create cooler races, but you will be subject to LA. The same applies for characters hell bent on using templates (because werewolves are cool). Pathfinder has some rules on the matter. Check out the SRD under monsters as pcs. It also contains the info from the ARG
  • Class: All pathfinder classes and prestige classes.
  • Alignment: I don't give a damn, just make it work RP wise. It's more of a guideline anyway in terms of your character's personality and behavior. Know this: if you can't feasibly get along in a party, it obviously won't work out unless you can convince me to let you in as a campaign villain or opponent because your RP is that good. Heath Ledger RP'd hard in The Dark Knight.
  • I ain't even mad about third party or homebrew, but run it by me first. For the record, I'm allowing Gramarists.. You can find the Gramarie disciplines and prestige classes here.

We have a few house rules. My apologies, there are more than a few of them, and therefore I've used a spoiler.

House Rules

House Rules:

  • We will also be using the Elements of Magic magic system; you may still use traditional if you prefer or do not have access to EoM. If you want to play a warlock, let me know. As a point of information, I have a homebrew spellthief magus archetype that I will allow as well. If you want to use EoM, let me know; there are a few changes I am making to that ruleset simply to have it be coherent with pathfinder. EoM versions of certain classes will still retain their pathfinder class features. If you haven't heard of EoM, check it out when you can. - Elements of Magic
  • Bonus RP Feat (you must present a good reason for this feat within your background)
  • I do not believe in feat taxes. To that end, if you have a dex of at least 16 and it is 4 greater than your strength, you gain Agile Maneuvers and Weapon Finesse for free. If you have a strength of at least 16 and it is 4 greater than your dexterity, you gain Power Attack for free. All classes with greater than half base attack bonus gain combat reflexes for free as well. If you have greater than half bab and you cast spells as part of your class, you may gain a feat called Spell Combat Training which grants +2 to concentration checks made when casting spells. Dervish Dance applies to all one handed weapons, not just the scimitar. Extra traits and the leadership feats are banned, but you may take the same trait twice, if you so desire.
  • Item creation feats are banned; let the NPCs handle the crafting. Based on the quality and content of your background, I will grant 1 related item bonus item related to your backstory that does not exceed 10,000 gold or a second RP feat.
  • For any of you brave souls who want to sword and board specialize, the Madu and Buckler are the same item in this world.
  • Those with ranks in knowledge skills will be receiving additional information from be based on those ranks.
  • (HP is max at every Level) * 1.5
  • Armor as DR and Called Shots variants, The CD DC is the threatening attack roll + (total attack bonus + Attack bonuses to confirm)/2 + 1 for each critical feat + 1 for each size category larger. CD bonus is unchanged. You gain a bonus to saves against called shots equal to 1/2 DR.
  • Slashing weapons of equivalent hardness to the armor they are striking bypass 10% of DR. Piercing weapons that meet the same requirement bypass 20% of DR. Keen weapons add 5% to this. All weapons bypass an amount of DR equivalent to the amount by which they exceed an objects hardness. For example, my +1 Adamantine mace has a hardness of 22. When I hit the mundane Adamantine Full plate with a base DR 9 and hardness of 20, and deal 12 damage, 5 of it will get through.
  • Firearms are early in most of Aeonar, in some places they are advanced. Everywhere else, you'd be hard pressed to find any; they're pretty rare. I only mention this for anyone wanting to be a gunslinger. I don't care where you are, but your backstory should include something involving Aeonar or a gift from a friend/family/bandit from Aeonar. Firearms bypass 25% of DR.
  • - Every character with greater than 1/2 bab can parry. To do so, a character may hold any number of available attacks when taking a standard action or full round action involving attacks. At some point prior to the character's next turn, he may deflect a number of melee attacks directed at him equal to the number of attacks held by making an attack roll opposing that of the attacker. This attack roll is made with full bab at a -4 penalty when using a light weapon, finesse weapon, or one handed weapon with the dervish dance feat, a -6 with a one handed weapon, and a -8 for two handed weapons. If the attack roll equals or exceeds that of the attacker, the attack is deflected. These penalties are reduced to 0, -2 and -4, respectively, for a character fighting defensively. A mithril weapon lessens the penalty to parry by 2 as well, but does not confer any bonuses to parry. Thus, a character fighting defensively with a light weapon still takes 0 penalty to parry attacks. Each successive parry attempt made prior to the defender's next turn incurs a cumulative -5 penalty (like iteratives.)
  • Homebrew Feat: Improved Parry (Prereq: Int 13, Combat Expertise) --> +2 bonus to attack rolls made when parrying. You may now parry melee attacks directed at other targets within your reach at an additional -4 penalty.
  • Homebrew Feat: Greater Parry (Prereq: Improved Parry, BAB +6) --> +2 bonus to attack rolls made when parrying. This stacks with Improved Parry. You may now attempt to parry ranged attacks directed at you at an additional -4 penalty.
  • Homebrew Feat: Riposte (Prereq: Improved Parry, BAB +6) --> Whenever you successfully parry an attack, the you may take an attack of opportunity against the attacker.
  • Homebrew Feat: Ricochet Riposte (Prereq: Greater Parry) --> Whenever you successfully parry a ranged attack, you may choose a new target, including the attacker, for the attack using your attack roll.
  • Those playing the magus class may take a bonus feat with their magus arcana if they desire. Barbarians may take a bonus feat with their rage power. You still have to meet the prereqs.
  • Passive checks: "For Sense Motive and Perception checks, unless you state you wish to make such a check, I will take a 10 and add your check to it. That means that any time you walk into a room, your Passive Perception check will be made. Now, if you want to roll a check to see what remains unseen, you can make it yourself. I also do Passive checks for Knowledge as well. As long as you have the Knowledge check appropriate for a situation, I'll give you the nitty-gritty. If you want to make the check yourself, the same applies as above."
  • "The following Knowledge checks can be used Untrained: Geography, History, Local, Noble, Nature, and Religion. These can be justified in that everyone knows a little about each topic, but that doesn't mean they're particularly proficient at it. Other Knowledge checks may not be made Untrained."

Applications will be closed on May 17th at 12:00 AM.

Application Format:
Name - Duh. What do they call you. Even if it's "Nothing." Hell, they could call you tater salad for all I care.
Race - If you're going to do something crazy, but still within the guidelines I mentioned above, please RP well. I'm talking a concise history.
Class - Well it wouldn't be fun without the ability to, y'know, do stuff.
Alignment - As I said, this is more of a guideline, and I expect slightly more than "LN." I mean, definitely mention that too. It's a requirement. But I'd like to see a short sentence or two on your character's philosophy on morality. You can even answer it as if your character was asked directly what his alignment is.
Appearance - Ah, yes, the first impression. What do you look like, what do you wear, and are you rockin' a phat grill. Pictures are nice.
Personality - Well, I wouldn't want you to completely eliminate content from your background, but I'd like to see a short description of what your character is like. What drives your character's decisions, what are his/her fears.
Ten Minute Background - This is it. The Real McCoy. The Big Dawg. This is what it all hinges on. This is your background, an often under-appreciated portion of character development. Given that I just asked for your character's personality, I'd like to see the first section filled with some creative concepts that aren't redundant with the previous requirement. At the end of this, I should know your character pretty well; I should know where he came from, why he's level 8, how he got to level 8, what his accomplishments are, who his friends, enemies and frenemies are, what his short/long term goals are, and a secret or two. You don't have to be verbose; just be thorough and creative (I know, I've said this a million times).
RP Sample - Short narrative to get a feel for your writing style. The world is an open sandbox. To play in a campaign is to be a character in a larger movie, but I am letting you drive your own plot. Tell me what you're doing when the "camera starts rolling," why, and how you got there. Alternatively, you could write an rp sample of a portion of your background. Up to you.
Have Fun - Enjoy this. I know I will! :saros :D

I will post applicants (with a completed application) here:


The Pool:

I'll answer questions here:

  • Q: When deciding where to place ourselves in this world, how high up the different hierarchies could an 8th level end up? A general? Master of an order? Head of a college? One of the monarchs of Erasmus?
    A: I don't really have a concrete answer for you. Much of that is more dependent on gear and feats, which I've been known to grant independent of actual level. Also, it's something I want you to decide; I'm trying to keep things very open-ended. As a loose guideline, I'll give you some facts:
    The most powerful mage in known Vaylen is The Archmage, Wizard-King Aeomon, and he is level 18.
    On average the rulers of the world are roughly 15.
    Domri Rade and Tirin Vaxfell, the Tempest - responsible for (almost) single-handedly liberating and uniting major tribes within the Vax region from Rayne, and marking the official start of the current Vax Wars - are level 13.
    The Headmaster of Academy City is level 12.
    The Archon of the Nethan, the specialized arcane guard that serves as enforcement and crisis/risk prevention for Academy City since it is a high population of mages-in-training, is level 10.
    In Academy City, one is not permitted to become a full time professor of the arcane arts on staff and direct magical research until they have obtained a Magister's degree. That is typically caster level 9 at the earliest, coupled with a significant contribution to magical knowledge/study and a display of mastery.

  • Q: I'm not familiar with Elements of Magic. How is the magic system changed from standard Pathfinder?
    A: Elements of Magic is a more versatile approach to magic that, to me, makes much more sense. Rather than spells/day and spells known/prepared, casters get a mana pool, a number of "spell lists" known and a limit based on caster level on how much mana can be pumped into a single spell. These spell lists are similar to the spell seeds of epic magic in 3.5 but much better balanced. They cover a variety of "action types" and "effect categories." The action types dictate what you are doing, and the effect category indicates what you are trying to do it to or trying to do it with. For example Evoke and Charm are both action types. Fire and Humanoid are both effect categories. Combining an action type with an effect category creates a "spell list," for example, Evoke Fire and Charm Humanoid. Certain action types are limited in which effect categories they can be combined with simply because it wouldn't make sense. So, the charm and compel actions types only allow the "Creature Type" effect category, whereas Evoke allows the "Element" and "Alignment" effect categories. You may use mana to increase the effects of these spell lists, their range, or a variety of other things. In order to prevent the super-long process of building spells every turn during combat and to adjust for the power level increase that comes with just increasing the raw versatility of magic, a spell takes two rounds to cast ( I rule it as triggering at the end of your second turn). However, every mage knows a number of "signature spells" equal to their caster level + relevant stat. These signature spells take a standard action to cast, more akin to traditional spellcasting. This makes sense; a mage may know a variety of spells and ways to manipulate mana, but in combat or high-stress situations will resort to the handful of spells he/she is familiar with. These signature spells can be changed. It's really a cool system. Ever since it was shown to me, I actually find that I can't stand traditional magic anymore. It's like the words of power system paizo attempted to do, but then it doesn't, y'know, suck. I can't link the pdf because certain images, the ToC and cover aren't OGC. Everything else is though as far as I understand. Regardless, I wouldn't encourage anyone to do anything illegal... but if you don't have it, try and get your hands on it whether you are planning on applying or not.

  • Q: Why is your world an entire material plane? Why can't it be a single planet in the same material plane in the rest of the 'verse?
    A: To that, I will respond with a question of my own: what is the difference between a plane and a planet, really? Especially in a non-existent high fantasy world in which space travel has yet to be accomplished. How can one be sure they are two separate and mutually exclusive entities? Perhaps you will be the one to find out.

  • Q: So are all dragons evil then in this world?
    A: Oh, absolutely not. I do think you'd be hard pressed to find mortals throughout the world who would be willing to believe that.

  • Q: Do you want character sheets?
    A: I'm not going to force you to make a character sheet before the "acceptance" portion of this process. I'd just like the background, rp sample, alignment, and what class/classes you'll be playing.

  • Q: Where, if anywhere, do psionics fit in?
    A: Shaping one's surroundings through force of will and fortitude of the mind is the axiom of magic in Vaylen; there is no separation of psionics and magic. Psionic classes and sources are not permitted. The versatility that a lot of psionic systems offer is instead offered in EoM, and the philosophies that come with many psionics classes can be done through flavor/roleplay.

  • Q: What is slavery like in Vaylen? I was thinking of a dwarf bard searching for a slave he once knew. Is it legal? Black market only, like modern human trafficking? Does it vary from place to place?
    A: Slavery definitely varies from place to place, but in most city-states, it is black market only. There are some other cultures in which it is an accepted occurrence interspersed throughout Vaylen.

  • Q:Is it rare to be non-magical in the world?
    A: It is not rare to be non-magical in the world. The world is not as heavy on magic as I'm sure the background makes it seem. This is subject to change, and a very rough estimate... but 25-35% of the world population is capable of manifesting at least a cantrip. Anything higher is obviously more rare. Not everyone is blessed with the arcane gift, and fewer have the time or money to dedicate to the rigorous study that would give them mastery over magic. Divine casters, usually requiring no innate talent, are about as common in more divine nations and more rare everywhere else. All of this is, of course, variable based on location.

  • Q: How would a bard be treated?
    A:The bard will be treated as the pathfinder bard with regard to class features. It will be treated as the EoM bard with regard to spell list limitations and spell list benefits. You will be a 3/4s caster rather than the 1/2 in EoM. If this proves to be horrendously overpowered, we can make some adjustments after the fact. At this stage, I'm much more concerned with the character than I am with the numbers.

  • Q: After we compile a 10 minute background, what do we do? leave it as bullet points?
    A: Well, you can continue to edit it and expand it as you see fit; the template they have is just the minimum. You can write the rp sample based on anything in it or based on what you're doing once the game starts.

  • Q: May we request a bonus feat or will you pick it?
    A: As far as the feat or item that I'm granting, you can hint at stuff or make direct requests; I can't guarantee that I'll oblige them, but you do get one bonus RP feat that you are completely responsible for without my direct input.

  • Q: 1 post in this thread or is there an applicant thread somewhere?
    A: A post here is fine!

  • Q: At what RP would you have an LA?
    A: I am upping the race limitation to 15 RP. If you are from 16 RP - 24RP, "LA = 1." 25 - 34, "LA = 2." 35 - 44, "LA =3." And so on. Sorry for the adjustment. Been trying to figure out the best way to do it.

  • Q:Do you want us to write about the built races?
    A: Yes, I would like you to write a brief background on your race if it's brand new or unique.

  • Q: Just as a question but is there any way to get Elements of Magic for free?
    A: I'm working on hosting a version on google docs that doesn't violate the OGL. Just have to get rid of the table of contents and the images. This would make it a pain in the ass to sift through. Alternatively, you could buy it or "find" it somewhere.

  • Q: You seem to suggest that this game will be played in a party yet you don't ask to make sure that we all wind up in one place. Are we to be part of a party or will we be starting out solo?
    A: You'll be part of a party pretty soon after the game starts. Some people may start off solo but will quickly wind up with the party. Let me worry about making sure you're all in one place; you worry about your own personal background, story, and what you're doing at the start of the adventure. As always, I might adjust that stuff for you once you've finalized it as needed.

  • Q: What changes are you making to the mage to update for pathfinder? You mentioned something about keeping class abilities.
    A: I'm allowing those with caster levels to take "Magical Boon" as a feat if you so desire, and once you reach caster level 9, you may take "Greater magical Boon." The mage will not be a class. Instead, you can play a wizard or sorcerer, keeping your class features. You are, of course, a full caster level progression as the mage is. For wizard bonus feats, since I have banned craft magical arms and armor, craft wondrous item (and the EoM versions), you may take the magical boon feats as part of your bonus. Sorcerers can also take those feats in place of any of their bloodline bonus feats. Also, as a point of clarification, the mageknight and taskmage do not exist either. The Magus class will be renamed to the Magenknight in this world. This is in name only.

  • Q: What casting stats are you using? Is it INT for signiture spells and CHA for DC's (As per the Mage) or will it be based off the class you select.
    A: IDefinitely the class you select. I don't really like what EoM does as far as the stats. You won't get bonus mana based on having a high stat though. Just more sig. spells.

    Either post questions or PM them to me.

  • Maintaining a stoic expression, Lanthromere breathes deeply and deliberately. “Indeed.” After a brief pause, he begins to speak. “You are being asked to acquire a holy symbol that, as far as I understand it, destroys or banishes any creature not native to Sariel; it is known as the Heart of Eralus, and, for obvious reasons, it would be a great boon. The symbol is deep within the Temple of Arannis within Sonrir. From what we have gathered, it seems that it is safely guarded within the only highly secured vault in the temple. We have been informed that it is often removed from the vault for larger religious ceremonies, such as the Rite of the Nine and Coress. That being said, Coress is not for another calendar year, and the Rite of the Nine is about as predictable as the Somarian climate. We have zero information on the layout of the temple due to its exclusiveness, but upon arriving in Sonrir, you should be able to rendezvous with a gentleman by the name of Jonas Adams. A former warrior-priest of the Order of Salizar, Sir Adams was removed from the order for certain ‘heresies’ that will remain undisclosed. Due to his former standing, however, he is well aware of the inner workings of the temple. Since his excommunication, he has made quite a name for himself as a belligerent drunk and beggar along the Cellerus-Sonrir border. He is not a difficult man to track, and he is aware that you will be looking for him.

    The next item on the list is Arannis’ Shield, a pendant that prevents a soul from being taken or consumed. We need to replicate its magic on a larger scale. In a great gesture of loyalty to Valandaer, Arcanamach Lirian has breached his responsibilities to the Librarian’s Guild and confirmed the existence of the Third Library. It is deep within death itself, and it is also incidentally the home of Arannis’ Shield. He has informed me that the library spans the fourth through sixth Precincts of death, but other than that, we also know nothing. I would recommend finding someone adept at navigating through Stygis to assist you with this particular endeavor; Sorcuth would be a good place to find a necromancer of adequate skill. Interestingly, the White Mage still remains imprisoned in Vercuth which may be a viable option to explore. He is likely more trust worthy than a Sorcuthan Necromage.

    Tyrixx, in the last few years of this bloody conflict, has begun a vast soul harvesting campaign, stealing and consuming the souls of Valendaer’s finest soldiers. In line with the constant effort to determine the purpose of this, we are also asking you to retrieve the Tome of Souls. A copy of the first two volumes exists within the Third Library. Magnus cannot guide you directly to the Library, but upon entering it he will be able to rendezvous with you and provide direction. Volumes three and four supposedly exist within some of the infernal archives of Baator. It is almost a guarantee that copies can be found within Dispater’s private library, but an attempt to obtain them would be nothing short of suicide. That being said, in the event that you happen upon copies of volumes three and four, do not hesitate to pick them up. Volume five, the final volume, can be found within Abaddon. Again, obtaining that volume would be no small task, especially due to the lack of order that exists within the abyss. The acquisition of the complete Tome of Souls is last on your priority list.

    The final items we seek can supposedly be found within the same venue. The first is the Grimoire Arcanamacha. The only known remaining copy exists as an archived text within the Nethalium. It has been said that copies the two Abyssal volumes of the Book of the Damned also exist within the Nethalium. These volumes are the second item. You must journey to Axis and gain access to the Nethalium’s archives. Once a year, the Nethalium opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. While obviously the more important archives still remain off-limits, it could be a great opportunity to get a foot in the door. This will be happening over the course of the next 4 months due to an extension at the request of several distinguished alumni.” An amused smirk creeps across his face after his last statement. After a short pause, he continues. “The Book of the Damned is also quite low on the priority list, though copies will certainly exist within what little abyssal libraries exist and certain infernal archives.

    How you choose to obtain these items is of no consequence, as long as Valandaer is not implicated. Within each of these bags, you will find tools and information related to the acquisition of each of the aforementioned items. Some of the information, as already stated, is quite lacking.” He reaches into one of the bags upon the table, pulling out a short rod. “This is Lanthromere’s Vision,” he says with a proud, brief smile. “It will teleport at least four people and their personal effects anywhere on Sariel, through the Astral, through the Ethereal, and to the ‘beginning’ of a variety of planes. After its use, however, it takes a seven day period to recharge. It also cannot bring you back to Sariel. For that, you are on your own. Any questions?”

    DC 25 Knowledge Planes or DC 15 Knowledge Arcana:
    The Nethalium is the most prestigious arcane university in the known world. Creatures of all planar origins strive to gain admittance in an effort to increase their magical prowess. It is particularly well known for its Genie population, though they are certainly not the only students or teachers. For those who are not among the faculty or student body, much of the inner workings of the Nethalium remain a mystery. It is said that upon graduation, those who leave the Nethalium have their experiences at the university erased from memory, but are obviously permitted to retain the magical training they have obtained.

    DC 20 Knowledge Planes:
    The Nethalium, a prestigious magical university, exists in the City of Axis, an enormous, neutral extraplanar city state on the plane of Concord. Concord is due to a strange planar occurrence: it is a temperate and habitable plane formed from the metaphysical intersection of all planes. As such, it represents a certain balance and is a buzzing center for interplanar relations and trade.

    DC 15 Knowledge Planes:
    The Nethalium is a school that exists within Axis

    DC 10 Knowledge History or Knowledge Religion:
    The White Mage is Sollomon Vendris, a positive energy (White) necromancer who, along with several other religious groups, opposed the conversion of Sorcuth to an undead nation. After the official conversion, Sollomon was a prominent figure in the war that ensued between the resistance and the Ecclesiarchy. He is currently serving out a sentence for Sorcuthan War Crimes due to accusations of terrorism and treason.

    Closing the tome in front of him, the figure looks up; his features, no longer shifting, are soft, but his weariness is apparent. He smiles. The Mad Chimera will be rendezvousing with your entourage at another time; I imagine because of another one of his ‘episodes.’ He has asked, however, that at least one of you drinks from this,” with a quick flick of his wrist he conjures a large flask filled with a slightly luminous magenta liquid, “in order to make finding you an easier endeavor.” His voice, smooth and even, projects with a certain comfortable authority.

    His expression becomes slightly more serious as he proceeds to conjure several bags that appear unceremoniously upon the table. “You all know why we have convened here; you are all aware of the situation in which we find ourselves. On this day, you leave your former roles behind and come together as comrades fighting desperately for what you believe in. Know this: Without your assistance, and by obvious implication, your success, Valandaer will fall. The tasks you will be asked to complete are by no means sanctioned officially by the nation. I assume you understand what this implies…” He pauses and looks deeply into the eyes of those across from him in turn, silently requesting confirmation of understanding.

    Book One: Esoteric Elven Emissaries

    The scene is unremarkable. Bright lights, obviously magical in nature, buzz and dance around the smooth, even stone walls of the small rectangular room you have just entered from some dingy, obscure hallway within the Academy of Valandaer.

    The center of the room houses an elegant Darkwood round table, upon which texts, tomes and parchment are strewn about. With a smooth, flowing wave of his hand, the figure ahead of you, dressed in the mundane robes of a Valandaeran Adept, magically thins the clutter of literature and rearranges what is left in an orderly fashion as he strolls purposefully to the opposite side of the table.

    As he sits to face you, the door closes quietly of its own accord and his facial features begin to rearrange subtly. He motions for you to sit, gesturing to the four empty chairs opposing him. "Talk amongst yourselves, briefly; introductions and the like. I have a few things to review before we begin our agenda," he says in an even, confident voice that sounds as though it too is undergoing subtle rearrangements in its features. One of the arranged texts slides, unprovoked, gently across the table and opens in front of him as he speaks. He begins to read.

    Roll initiatives. You're going to pick your seats in that order and sit down, if you so choose. Describe yourself, and what you say if anything. If you have a picture that's basically your character, that will suffice in place of the description. Feel free to introduce yourself as well, as I'm fairly certain that we don't know each other. Roll the initiative and describe yourself in one post, then save your seating and possible dialogue until after everyone has rolled and you know your order. The 4 chairs are spread evenly along the half of the table opposite from the gentleman who is reading.

    “Haha…HAHAHAHA… Your combat skills are waning, Duke of Amrothe,” chides the rumbling voice of Marcus. “You serve the light, uphold the tenants of justice, order and good….What has that gotten you? Your home has been destroyed; your nation is despondent; its princes, your two closest friends, lay dead before your very eyes, and you are powerless to stop any of it. I, however, am here defending my country, and succeeding. Learn the error of your ways Elros; let me show you what power the chaos of darkness can bring!” A powerful shield bash marks the beginning of Marcus’ third frenzied assault. His movements are significantly clumsier than before, making it easy for Elros to dodge and deflect some of the blows from the dark shield and the sword glowing with sickly green energy. Each slash and bash that connects is resounding and devastating; certainly nothing to shrug off lightly.

    Take 310 damage and make a DC 25 fort save or become stunned.

    “So you think you’ve won,” says Feezu as a volley of arcane bolts bounces harmlessly off of an invisible force in front of her before dissipating. “So assured in your victory that you insult me with your petty magics…I mean really? Magic missile? I would hope that I’ve earned a bit more attention than that. Some people are just rude.” She begins casting a spell; her movements are quick and guarded. Reacting instantly, Shaan strikes out, her blade connecting painfully with the sorceress and interrupting the spell. Immediately after being struck, Feezu disappears and reappears 50 feet forward. “Hahaha,” she cackles madly, “Nice try, dear. But I cannot and WILL NOT be stopped. Now then, I shall teach you a lesson about interrupting me while I work.” She stretches her hand out in Shaan’s direction, releasing a ray of force energy that connects powerfully. “And YOU!” Wheeling around to face Molasbar, she makes a few more quick gestures and grasps an amulet around her neck, obviously casting another spell with him as the intended target. “If you aren’t going to use your power, then why have it?”

    Take 144 force damage.

    [ooc]I need a DC 30 Will Save this time, with a -4 to whatever you roll. Should you fail, you will be affected by Feeblemind.

    DC 21 Spellcraft:
    [ooc]Feezu's Spells: Contingent Teleport, Force Substituted Contagious Flame that is obviously augmented, and a Feeblemind that is also obviously augmented.

    Group 3: Janus, Sheriah, Elros, Magnus

    Camris wrote:
    The "h" denotes the ornate horn that was left after the Nalfneshnees and Rolukk were deported.

    Perfect. New stuff inc. Done with classes for the day.

    Group 1: Shaan and Molasbar

    Amidst the chaos currently surrounding the sorceress, a slender figure, recognizable as Sheriah, appears with weapons drawn and poised to strike – she seems to have obtained a rather menacing looking glowing Kukri since she vanished from the meeting room. Moments after appearing, Sheriah lets loose a barrage of precise stabs and slashes, each attack finding its mark easily.

    “It’s about damn time,” calls Magnus from his aerial position as he weaves yet another intricate set of gestures and claps his hands. A look of realization crosses the face of both of the remaining towering Nalfeshnees and they begin roaring and screaming in unison; simultaneously clawing at the ground in an attempt to grab hold of something. The one standing before Rolukk, in a frenzy of desperation, manages to grab him tightly. A final roar of combined fear, desperation and hate rings out from both creatures as they vanish unceremoniously, leaving no evidence of their departure except an ornate horn that falls to the ground where Rolukk and his Nalfeshnee were seconds ago. “It seems the numbers are in our favor Marcus,” Magnus says in a rather matter-of-fact manner.

    BAM! Mother is fine, I'm fine again, AND it's the weekend. You better believe this is still on. With a VENGEANCE. I have to go pick up the baby brother in about 10 minutes, but when I return - oh when I return - some very anticlimactic turns will be taken by my npcs... <_<.

    In all seriousness though, I'm back in business and ready to go.

    One thing after another... My mother had surgery recently and I've been very sick all week. I really dislike it when these things happen all at once; it puts a serious delay on everything in game and irl. Activity again this weekend most likely, assuming you guys are even still interested :(.

    The Nalfeshnee that Janus has just attacked begins swatting and biting wildly at its assaulter, seemingly enraged. Two huge claws connect with the flying Duke of Namre.
    Letting out yet another roar as Rolukk’s blade misses sharply, the other remaining Nalfeshnee attacks viciously, clawing and biting into Rolukk.

    The sorceress Feezu laughs as she dodges each attack from the newly formed ectoplasmic figure behind her before finally dodging the green ray fired by Molasbar. ”Oh I’m not going anywhere, honey,” she yells, staring at the Molasbars,”but of course you wouldn’t know any better.” She mutters a few words under her breath and gestures quickly at Molasbar. She then turns towards Marcus. “Oh darling, feeling a bit weak are we? Well let me punish the prince.” With another gesture, this time more elaborate and more controlled, Alaris screams in pain, visibly shaken from what has just affected him. A mad smile appears on Feezu’s face; she is obviously pleased by her own work. She then turns abruptly towards Shaan and extends her mechanical hand. A stroke of force energy erupts from her fingertips.

    Taking advantage of Alaris’ pain, Marcus begins a furious assault on the remaining prince of Valandaer, though his attacks appear to be less powerful and less precise. He seems to strain under the weight of his armor, weapon and shield as he attacks. Alaris falls to the ground, unmoving.

    I need a DC 27 Will save and you take a -4 penalty on the save. Should you fail, you will be affected by the spell feeblemind.

    I need a DC 27 Reflex save. If you fail, take 90 Force Damage. If you succeed, 45.

    Take 102 damage.

    Take 112 damage.

    Spellcraft DC 26:
    Feezu cast a finger of death at Alaris. Keeping in line with the double hp, the “death” spells of the game have also doubled in damage as well by the way. Finger of death is 20 damage per caster level. She cast a feeblemind at Molasbar, and a force substituded lightning bolt that was clearly augmented through her arm.

    Group 3 is up.

    Rolukk raises his weapon sluggishly over his head and makes a single attack at the towering creature in front of him. 1d20 + 37 ⇒ (1) + 37 = 38 Damage: 2d4 + 34 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 34 + (1) = 41

    DM-Camris wrote:
    Oftentimes a GM will NPC a character if the player doesn't post in a certain amount of time, (in mine, 2 days). This has the advantage of preserving forward momentum, among others.

    Sir, yes sir. Things will be up by the end of the night. Sorry for the delay.

    Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    This would be the first time you have ever seen or heard of her. Where's Rolukk!?

    Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
    Who's turn is it now?

    Like I said, we're ignoring Nigel's turn, and group one is up. Rolukk and Molasbar.

    Touche Sir. Touche.

    Group 1: Teris, Alaris, Rolukk, Shaan and Molasbar. Take your turns in whatever order you post.

    Group 2: All of the demons are next.

    Group 3: Janus, Sheriah, Elros, Magnus and Nigel.

    In that order. I'm going to post Magnus' move right now, and we can just skip Nigel. Sheriah is still nowhere to be found after disappearing at the beginning of combat.

    Shaan wrote:

    As Janus has attacked one of the demon, we can suppose he is in L30.

    Shaan moves to I26, trying to dodge the demons attacks and, turning round, she delivers two quick blows to the arm articulations.

    acrobatic check to avoid attack, 1d20+25
    first attack 1d20+24+3+1+2, damage 1d6+7+2d6+6d6
    second attack for haste 1d20+24+3+1+2, damage 1d6+7+2d6+6d6

    It's my understanding that you only gain an extra attack from haste with each weapon you're holding if you make a full attack. And you can only move at half speed while using acrobatics to move through threatened squares. I26 is 45 feet away. Half your speed with haste is 30 feet.

    Once Nigel and Magnus take their turns, we will be back at the top of the initiative order. Refer to the discussion thread if you have forgotten what that is.

    Hey guys, I'm finally back home with a tiny bit of freetime. Just sent grid numbers to Elros. I have an 8 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow, but once I arrive at my destination we should be good to go again. Thanks for being patient.


    markofbane wrote:
    Please don't spend too much time on the maps; I would hate to see this become too much of a time sink for you to keep up with and end up with some burn out. If it is easier for you, you could just describe a grid for us. If you look at Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords PbP thread, he did this to great effect early on.

    Haha I've spent absolutely 0 time on the map. I made glorf do it. Also, that's not what I'm waiting on. I've been studying. I just got done with my last final today, and I'm emailing elros the map that is in effect just a giant circle with grids to represent the courtyard. I'll wait for him to turn it into an excel thing and tell him where you guys are and when the creatures are and presto.

    Working on getting the map up sometime in the next few days. Sorry for the delay. Finals.

    Elros of Amrothe' wrote:

    Did she beat my SR 20? (though this caster seems more than ordinarily powerful).

    Also, is there a map or sketch of the tactical situation? I don't know what's in the way of my making the charge.

    Yes she did. Unless she gets a natural 1, she cannot be stopped by an SR of 20. She is pretty nasty. I can see if I can drum up a map or something. Your path to the demon next to Marcus was clear until Rolukk charged. You guys targeted the same demon. He got there first and now he's in your way. As per the previous text, there are now two demons standing ready in front of the group of Alaris, Rolukk, Marcus, and two demons. One of them would be in your path if you tried to straight line charge at the original demon that you targeted.

    Molasbar and Janus:
    The huge boar headed demons are Nalfeshnees and the large reptilian one is a Hezrou. Your check is high enough to know their strengths and weaknesses, so you can go ahead and look them up on d20pfsrd.com or another source if you want.

    A blood curdling scream issues forth from the Somarian as he barrels down the courtyard. As he comes upon his target, using the momentum from a ferocious charge, he raises his massive blade and drives it down, cutting deeply into the beast. It lets out a roar of rage before cutting into its newfound opponent with two huge claws and then a bite. As the creature assaults its prey, nauseating beams of writhing color play about its body.

    Ten feet behind the creature engaging Rolukk, the swirling portal has closed. The sorceress makes a quick gesture as she giggles wildly. "The prince of speed shall lose his throne and will pay with his life as punishment." Immediately, Teris' blurred countenance reverts to normal. His movements seem much slower comparatively as the now 14 foot figure known as Marcus D'Virish begins a barbaric assault on the prince. Teris attempts to defend himself, but to no avail; his opponent seems to be one step ahead. He is overwhelmed by a flurry of slashes, shield bashes and black wisps of energy. "MY TASK IS COMPLETE," the armored giant bellows as Teris crumples under the weight of a devastating final cut from a longsword now wreathed in fire and dark energy. Marcus then turns his attention to Alaris, raising his longsword high above his head. As Teris falls, the sorceress speaks again. "Oh look at the little orc, so cute with his horns. I bet his head would make a nice trophy Marcy." With that, she steps to the side to line up with Rolukk, the demon he is fighting, and the large window that is spitting out people. An enormous stroke of electricity issues forth from her outstretched mechanical arm in the direction of Rolukk causing yet another large crack to reverberate through the courtyard. The demon that the bolt passes through seems altogether unphased.

    The other two boar headed demons lumber around in a wide circle to the other side of Rolukk and Alaris and face the window. They bare their teeth menacingly and square themselves, as if to prepare for another assault.

    The demon engaging Alaris hisses, then attempts to grip him with its gaping maw; it finds nothing but air as Alaris dodges deftly. The reptilian creature, aggravated, attempts to claw him, but misses again due to Alaris' shifting position.

    Take 67 damage. I also need you to make a DC 23 Will Save. Should you fail, you will become staggered, take -1 to ac and reflex saves and move at half speed.

    DC 18 Spellcraft Check:
    The sorceress that Sheriah called Feezu cast slow and lightning bolt. It is obvious that the lightning bolt was augmented somehow.

    Everyone that is currently in front of the window or around the window, as well as Rolukk, needs to make a DC 25 reflex save as the huge bolt of lightning passes through the window and explodes into the meeting room. If you fail, you will take 90 points of electricity damage. For Rolukk, the DC is 27. Molasbar is exempt, as he is flying twenty feet above the window. Also, it is now the third group's turn.

    You may want to re-do your target now since your turn technically hasn’t happened yet. There is quite a bit of stuff in your way.

    Clarification on Haste:
    As a point of clarification, haste allows casters to cast an extra spell 3 levels lower than the maximum level they can cast provided that they take a full round action to do so and sacrifice the extra attack from haste. This spell cannot have a casting time longer than one standard action. Spontaneous casters under the effects of haste do not increase the casting time of their spells when using metamagic. For example, Molasbar can take a full round action to cast an 8th level spell, and then a 5th level spell. If he wants to take a move action, then he does not gain the extra spell at 3 levels lower than his max. Spontaneous casters work the same way, with the added benefit of not increasing casting time of spells, even if they move, when they use metamagic. This is subject to change.

    If you're delaying your action until Molasbar acts, then Rolukk will not be there to receive your blessing. Just letting you know. Remember(from the discussion thread), we are going in groups, but the actual order of each group is only dependent on who goes first.

    The demon you are charging is, like I said, roughly 80 feet away. The gate that marks the end of the manor's official territory would be another 80 or 90 feet in the same direction. The courtyard is circular, and is about 190 feet in diameter. With haste and fast movement, I'm sure you have enough speed to make the 80 ft in your turn. Go ahead and make your attack roll and describe your charge attack, preferably with an open ended description since you won't know if you've hit or not until I post.

    I assume that you're summoning your horse once you've stepped outside, and not inside the room. When it comes to your group's turn, go ahead and make your attack roll and describe your actions and what not.

    Janus Arellian wrote:
    Spellcraft to identify what magnus just cast 1d20+25

    DC 21 Spellcraft Check:
    It's a Globe of Invulnerability

    Alright, Initiatives:

    Teris, Alaris, Rolukk, Shaan and Molasbar go first. Take your turns in whatever order you post.

    All of the demons are next.

    Janus, Sheriah, Elros, Magnus and Nigel are last.

    Generally speaking, we'll try to let you guys post before our npcs take their turns. Generally speaking.

    Remember that orcs in Sariel are known as Somarians. The term “orc” is derogatory.

    You seem to be prevented from making full contact with any servants by some unknown force.

    Anyone that is close to the window at this point can see what I described to Rolukk earlier, except the demons have already come out and the portal looks to be slowly getting smaller. The entourage of demons is about 80 feet to the north east of the window. The window itself is very large; large enough for people to walk through, roughly two at a time. After this post, we will officially begin using the initiatives.

    Aside from the foliage and statues that decorate the edges of the courtyard and the immediate area in front of the manor, the stone courtyard is completely bare.

    You can hide as you come out the window, but unless you have hide in plain sight, there is nothing to hide in or behind beyond 15 from the manor.

    A rumbling voice rolls across the courtyard seconds after Teris bolts through the window with breakneck speed. Its origin is the figure fully clad in black armor. “AH, THE CROWN PRINCE, HERALD OF VALANDAER. YOU RUSH TO FALL BY MY BLADE AGAIN!?” he bellows. “SO BE IT. BUT IT SHALL BE WITH HONOR! STAY BACK; I WILL DO BATTLE WITH THE PRINCE. REMAIN READY, FOR HIS ALLIES WILL SOON BE UPON US.” As he speaks, his height doubles; his body adjusts proportionally, and he is surrounded by a mass of swirling black energy wisps. Immediately following is the clash and clang of swords and armor as Teris arrives and engages this opponent in a fierce melee.

    Another mad cackle rings out, and two more cracks of thunder resonate throughout the courtyard. “Bahahaha. The prince of a nation has come to die, and to the sweet symphony of lightning no less,” calls the cracking, excited voice of the woman over the sound of battle. “You should count yourself lucky that Marcy is an honorable man amongst demons; our friends here are quite famished. You have fun Marcy, and we shall deal with any interruptions...with pleasure!”

    Alaris looks meaningfully at Elros, all traces of humor gone from his features. “An old friend has come to visit.” With that, Alaris’ outline begins to blur and shift until it is difficult to make out his exact position. Without hesitation, he turns and moves fluidly through the open window and into the cobblestone courtyard; speeding off in the direction of conflict. Though he does not move as fast as his brother, Alaris’ motions are far quicker than the average person. In a matter of seconds, he is upon the reptilian creature to the left of fully plated towering figure engulfed in negative energy.

    Inside the meeting room, Sheriah begins to speak. “Well then… it seems Marcus D’Virish has come to crash our little party,” she says casually. “And if I had to guess, I would say that the woman’s voice belongs to the sorceress Feezu. Things are going to get very interesting.” She stands up rather unceremoniously and simply vanishes.

    Magnus hovers by the window waiting calmly for the rest of the guests to go through. “Things certainly have become interesting, haven’t they?” He says rather jovially. “Now Janus, none of us would have achieved status if we did not know how to react under pressure. Besides, we have some of the most powerful individuals that Valandaer has to offer here, as well as the help of the esteemed Thieves’ Guild. I do not think that Tyrixx was aware that we would be sending this many to Ulvin. They are in for quite the surprise. Though I am surprised myself that they would try something in Cellerus’ territory. I suppose that is what the time stop is for.” As he is waiting, the Grand Librarian makes a few quick gestures. A sphere, ten feet in diameter, flashes around him briefly, and then disappears. After his spell, Magnus nods knowingly at Rolukk and smiles.

    I'll go ahead and use the initiatives that have already been rolled this time around. I'll roll initiatives for you guys using your modifiers in the future, and then post them. Based on the initiatives, I will create groups that are to go in intervals, taking their turns whenever they post. For example, if I roll initiative for Elros ans Shaan and they have 15 and 16, then I roll for Molasbar and Rolukk and they have 25 and 26, then I roll for my creatures and they have 19 and 20, Molasbar and Rolukk will go first and take their turns in whatever order they get to the computer to post. I will then post, and Shaan and Elros will take their turns after I post for my monsters. If I happen to roll for Janus and he also gets a 20, then I will round up and put him in the same group with Molasbar and Rolukk. Does this sound ok?

    Seeing as I've never actually done play by post before, I wanted to get some input from the players as to how you guys want combat to be handled. You guys seem to be posting pretty quickly, so we could go with the traditional let's all roll initiative and I'll post the order, and you guys post in order on the actually PbP forum. I was also looking at some group initiative stuff that has been suggested for PbPs. Just let me know what you guys prefer, and if you have any other ideas for combat and initiative.

    Alaris looks as if he is about to speak, but then stops. His eyes narrow as he looks sharply at the right corner of the large room, reacting to the thunder and mad laughter. “There seems to be an enormous aura of conjuration magic coming from the center of your courtyard Mr. Mare,” he says nonchalantly as he snaps a finger at the large window. The latches that hold the window in place click, and the two halves open wide. “There are two smaller auras as well, but they are dwarfed by the conjuration.” Alaris walks casually towards the window he has just opened and begins to step through. He pauses mid step, and looks back with a smirk on his face. “Oh and Elros… Judging by the servants, I would say that we have all of the time in the world.”

    Before Magnus can finish speaking, Teris begins to move. In an instant, his weapons are drawn and he becomes a blur as he strides from his spot and through the window that has just been opened; much faster than what seems to be possible for any mortal. Magnus simply shakes his head and chuckles. “Never patient, those two,” he says, and he begins to levitate slowly towards the window. “Oh well, better to investigate immediately, I suppose. Whatever is out there, I think the lightning and shrill laughter are the least of our troubles.”

    Sheriah continues to scarf down her food. Were it not for the rapier firmly held in her hand, and her earlier gesture of recognition, one would swear that she was completely oblivious to her surroundings.

    I'd like you to do it. Also, the events above take place first, as you're taking in what you see outside an then strolling back in. When you come back in, the room and the people in it will be oriented as they are at the end of this post.

    DC 29 Knowledge Arcana Check:
    Those well versed in the arcane recognize immediately that the feeling of déjà vu is the only indicator that a time stop spell has been cast. Being fully aware of how time stop works, it is easy to recognize that something is off. The servants seem to be affected as if everyone else in the room had cast the same time stop.

    Striding through the wall and into the courtyard, you immediately notice a huge purple and blue circular portal of swirling energies about 70 feet to the north east of the wall and window you have just passed through. Through the murky haze of the spirit world, you make out a tall, slender and curvaceous red skinned robed woman patting a huge, twenty foot corpulent creature with the head of a boar that has just crossed the portal’s threshold. You also notice that her right arm seems to be different from than her left. Arcs of lightning spew forth from varying points on the arm, and it looks to be slightly larger. As she lifts it to pet yet another demon, identical to the other, you notice that it is made of a sort of metal that you do not recognize. Roughly 10 feet in front of her is a towering figure clad in slender, light-looking black full plate with red trim. He carries a runed longsword with an eerie shine and a shield that looks to be made of darkness. A fiery red glow emanates from the eye slots in his helmet and he radiates a palpable aura of evil that seems to permeate the spirit world. On both sides of this figure are two more demons; one is of the same type as the other monstrosities. The other, however, is a scaly and moist-looking reptilian creature with a snarling, gaping maw.