madeoin |
My name is Eoin, and I've run tabletop versions of Kingmaker several times now and had a great deal of fun in doing so. I figured I'd try my hand at an online version of the game and was surprised to find that Paizo had such a robust online forum for playing in, so I'm going to host it here.
The twist is, I'd like to play through the campaign with an evil party. I know some people may balk at the idea and say it's going to become a PK trainwreck, but personally, I think a group of evil PCs could be just as effective in mapping out and claiming the Stolen Lands as any others, they'd likely take some different tacks in terms of how they do things.
So, here's what I'm looking for as far as people wanting to join:
I'm aiming for a post every weekday on my end as far as keeping things moving. Weekends'll be more lax because that's when I get things done since I'm not working or running games :D I'm looking for people who can keep up with that post rate without overwhelming things (making a dozen posts with one other PC while everyone else hasn't responded). I'm not one for hampering dialogue, but I like for all players to be able to react.
Otherwise, I'm just looking for really creative character backgrounds and histories that don't preclude the character from working in a group with others, no matter how evil.
As far as character submissions, here's the skinny:
1st level, max HP for class + Con
23 point build
Alignments: EVIL. Don't ask about or submit that CN character, because it won't even be considered, and none of us are here to waste each other's time.
Classes from core, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic; the only 3rd party material I will consider (for anything in the game) is Psionics Unleashed by Dreamscarred Press, and even then, no psionic races. As far as archetypes, no more than 1 archetype per character.
Races can be any core, Tiefling, Dhampir, Goblin, Orc
Max starting gold per class
One trait as per normal, one from the Kingmaker Player's Guide, which I would familiarize myself with were I you.
I'll leave recruitment open for, let's say five days from today, so Sunday the 27th. I'll pick five or six PCs that I think would make the best adventuring group and those'll be the players who've been accepted. I wish everybody luck and cannot wait to see what everyone who comes up with characters creates!
If you've any questions, feel free to ask them here, and I'll address them as I can.
madeoin |
I'd prefer if not everybody was toting guns, but I'll allow for the Gunslinger class. It's in Ultimate Combat. I guess a caveat, for any character class, would be to think of how it would work in the setting (Brevoy/River Kingdoms). Ninja and Samurai, for example, would need a really awesome backstory giving them an excellent reason for being in the particular area. As with all things, common sense is more or less the rule with me.
Darkness Rising |
I'm thinking about a tiefling inquisitor of Asmodeus. Deeply offended by the banditry and petty squabbling of the River Kingdoms, she's here to bring Order. And if she has to kill everyone in the process, well, maybe that's where a necromancer would come in handy...
Proper concept - and story - to follow.
Jon 164 |
I'm thinking about a tiefling inquisitor of Asmodeus. Deeply offended by the banditry and petty squabbling of the River Kingdoms, she's here to bring Order. And if she has to kill everyone in the process, well, maybe that's where a necromancer would come in handy...
Proper concept - and story - to follow.
Darkness how would you feel about traveling with a cleric of Asmodeus with similar goals? If you don't want company it might be fun to play a NE cleric of Pharasma.
DoubleGold |
can I make a character so evil he is a psychopath? He won't kill the party or attack them, but he is so evil, he even killed many members of his own race, because they were too weak or because he wanted their treasures, sometimes he even tried to make himself look like a hero for either the good guys or the bad guys and then backstabbed them. Although he is an orc and was involved in raids, and killed people, he killed even members of his own orcish tribe. He is so evil, he will slaughter others regardless of alignment after luring them into a trap, as he only keeps those alive that serve him or work with him.
Perish Song |
Darkness Rising wrote:Darkness how would you feel about traveling with a cleric of Asmodeus with similar goals? If you don't want company it might be fun to play a NE cleric of Pharasma.I'm thinking about a tiefling inquisitor of Asmodeus. Deeply offended by the banditry and petty squabbling of the River Kingdoms, she's here to bring Order. And if she has to kill everyone in the process, well, maybe that's where a necromancer would come in handy...
Proper concept - and story - to follow.
I might also be interested in an Asmodeus ensemble. I'm thinking of making a Hell Knight, Order of the Scourge (enforcing order, no crime unpunished) or Order of the Nail (bringing civilization to wild, unordered places). The main problem with Hell Knights is that they share a bit of the paladin problem; because of that stress on lawful, they don't work well with parties of widely differing views. Working with a CE character would be nigh impossible. EDIT: I also don't know how this would work as far as applications, as I don't really want to make a character that would only be potentially picked if other Asmodeus loyalists were picked.
If this concept would be too difficult to realize, then I'm leaning towards making a Red Mantis Assassin, probably starting as a rogue or ninja. The general concept would be that the RMA was sent by the order to help a prospective ruler stake out an area of land. It never hurts to have a future king that is favorable towards the Order.
If Paths of Prestige is out (both Hell Knights and RMAs are from that book), then I'll probably be making a goblin bladebound magus.
madeoin |
So, let's address those questions...
Darkness Rising's question #2: You can post the fluff up and PM the crunch separately. Personally, I don't mind getting fluff in my crunch (or crunch in my fluff); as a personal aside, I prefer fluff :D
Regarding traits, thanks to Tourach: You can pull them from the various books; if I don't have one, I'll find a way to look it up (my best friend owns a card and gaming shop). Worst comes to worst, if I really hate the trait, I might ask you to take a different one. I can elaborate on this probably tomorrow, once I take stock of everything I have (I have a lot of books and pdfs to comb through for everything).
Irnk, Dead Eye's Prodigal asked about races, and I'm answering. I typically feel about anti-paladins with my hands, but I always ask first. In seriousness, they're as viable as any other class in an evil campaign. Depends on how well you write it up, I guess.
The Pale King inquired as to multiple applications, and in response, I'd say that I typically feel about multiple applications with my hands, but... sorry, used that one. I'd prefer your best effort. It always sucks to pare down great ideas, but I'm certain that if you've got enough creative juice to come up with multiple characters, you can concentrate it into one awesome one. I believe in you!
DoubleGold wanted to know what I thought of psychopathy, but not how I felt, which is good, because I don't typically feel up psychopaths. Can the character function within a party without too much internecine strife or having the trail of bodies lead back to them in too circumspect a fashion? This is an evil game, after all so some level of psychopathy almost seems to be expected.
Perish Song's question related to Hellknights and Red Mantis Assassins, well, that's a sad one. I don't have the book yet, but I do plan on getting it around September (when I can also pick up the start of Iron Gods). You could always have them as an aspirant to such, but not full-fledged members, especially if those are prestige classes (I'm not sure I'll be honest).
To answer a question that hasn't been asked, and to re-state something, I can't emphasize how important character concepts are to me as far as determining who gets selected. If I read your character sheet and can remember it out of the rest of the applications immediately, you're in like Flynn. As far as an all-Asmodean party, as some have mentioned, that'd have to be a fine patch of Asmodean applicants. Lay out what you want to play and make the argument for it in the background and we'll see how this puppy turns out. Sure seems like a fun one, though, donnit?
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Irnk, Dead Eye's Prodigal asked about races, and I'm answering. I typically feel about anti-paladins with my hands, but I always ask first. In seriousness, they're as viable as any other class in an evil campaign. Depends on how well you write it up, I guess.
I'll take that as a yes, only those races listed initially, then. Good to know. I will try & get my Calistrian Anti-Paladin character idea in before the deadline then.
madeoin |
Not a particularly strong reason, to be honest. I just arbitrarily picked a couple evil races off of the top of my head so it wouldn't just be limited to Core. It was a pretty bad oversight, so we can actually tack Kobold on as an official selection. I'm not going to keep adding them, though, so it'll be the only alteration to the aforementioned races. I don't want to take away too much, so to speak, from the Core races either, because they're great as-is.
Perish Song |
Perish Song's question related to Hellknights and Red Mantis Assassins, well, that's a sad one. I don't have the book yet, but I do plan on getting it around September (when I can also pick up the start of Iron Gods). You could always have them as an aspirant to such, but not full-fledged members, especially if those are prestige classes (I'm not sure I'll be honest).
Both are indeed prestige classes, so I wouldn't be able to take them until at least level 6. My character would likely start as more of an initiate than an "insider" in the organization, but both organizations would definitely have ample reason to send a member - even one so unproven - to the River Kingdoms to assist in the founding of a new kingdom. I've posted links to the classes below, but the choice is up to you if they're useable for this PbP.
Hell Knight
Red Mantis Assassin
If not, I've got other ideas I can dig through.
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Given the proximity to Daggermark, I'm not certain I agree that the Red Mantis would be interested in sending anybody to the River Kingdoms. that sounds like a good way to start a turf war. And turf wars between Assassin organizations tend to get...
As in spilled blood drying & sticking to everything nearby.
Stalwart |
I've been itching to play a Red Mantis Assassin. Obviously, it'll take a while before I can qualify for the prestige class, but that'll be a long-range goal. I'd probably start with Archaeologist Bard or some flavor of Ranger to lead into the prestige class, if you'd allow it.
Astrid is a Tith'kali -- a child favored by those who worship Achaekek the Mantis God. Emulating the mantis, one of the most sacred forms of assassination is one committed during, ahem, an "act of passion." A child conceived during the act is known as a Tith'kali and is trained from birth to be an assassin on the island of Mediogalti.
After her formative years in training, she was given her first assignment, to travel with a true Red Mantis Assassin across the Inner Sea and up the Sellen River to the city-state of Daggermark. The business the assassin had with the poisonmakers in the River Kingdoms was almost insultingly brief. Though Astrid wondered why they had to travel so far for so little business, she would not ask. She obeyed.
Their business concluded, they were about to depart when someone contacted the assassin for a job: to kill the Surtovan regent. While the assassination of monarchs is forbidden to a Red Mantis, the Surtovans are mere regents. The assassin accepted, and traveled with Astrid to Restov to begin the hunt.
However, tragedy struck. Somehow Surtovan agents had learned of the plot to kill the regent, and there in Restov a contingent of guards attacked and slew the assassin. Astrid, who had been sent on a small shopping expedition to purchase supplies, spotted the carnage from afar and was able to slip away, despite wishing desperately to help her master. She wouldn't have made a difference, and would have died as well.
Alone in the city of Restov, she begged and stole where she could, but that would not do for a Tith'kali. She had to hide what she was, but she would never forget.
Then, fortunately, she came upon some folks looking to explore and tame the Stolen Lands. It at first seemed like a useless distraction, something that would take her away from her eventual goal of returning to Mediogalti. But as she studied the parchment describing the task, a preying mantis landed upon it and immediately snatched a fly out of the air. She blinked, and in that instant, it appeared blood-red to her. Then she blinked again and the mantis flew away.
She nodded, resolved. This was her mission. Grow strong by taming the Stolen Lands. And when the time came, she would fulfill her master's contract, and assassinate the regent of Brevoy.
Hope you like it. It doesn't really fit the character traits as presented, so I was hoping you would see fit to re-skin the "Sword Scion" from the Aldori Dueling school to the Sawtooth Saber/Red Mantis fighting style. So instead of beginning with an Aldori sword, I'd start with a sawtooth saber and get a +1 on attacks with it.
Perish Song |
@Irnk: Fair enough, but the fact that Daggermark is so prominent in the River Kingdoms could also be a motivation. Sending an unknown initiate would be a good way to get a potential foothold. Who knows, maybe they could even work together (unlikely).
I really want to see a full-blown turf war between the two assassin's guilds, now. This needs to be a module or PFS scenario or something.
madeoin |
here is my subission GM, if you like what I have down I'll expand backstory and provide a statblock...
First dibs on Spymaster!
I don't mean to single you out, but if you're going to put in a submission, expand the backstory and include a statblock anyhow. I can't say whether or not I like character concept x or y out of hand because it'd do the game a disservice by having a preconceived notion of what I want, as well as potentially quashing certain creative avenues others could take. I really don't have any preferences, other than the aforementioned and/or clarified bits preceding what I said here. I want to see what people come up with.
madeoin |
Very intrigued.
Question regarding the Campaign:
Is it rebuilt to be an Evil Campaign aka Way of the Wicked or is it Kingmaker with a party that just happens to be evil?
Thinking about a follower of Dispater for this one.
It's a Kingmaker AP game with a party that just happens to be evil, but I'll be modifying the storyline according to the party's actions, which I'm sure will be different than the typical Kingmaker experience.
Rysky |
Rysky wrote:It's a Kingmaker AP game with a party that just happens to be evil, but I'll be modifying the storyline according to the party's actions, which I'm sure will be different than the typical Kingmaker experience.Very intrigued.
Question regarding the Campaign:
Is it rebuilt to be an Evil Campaign aka Way of the Wicked or is it Kingmaker with a party that just happens to be evil?
Thinking about a follower of Dispater for this one.
Gotcha, thinkering on Character now.
joerice |
And so he did. For a time. Some sort of incident ended with his prompt departure from organized education. The old fools in charge were scared and delusional. Sombral decided independent study was more for him. He traveled, learning what he could, but the blasted fools in charge of all these so called countries and empires either did not understand his work, or wanted it for themselves. Clearly, more independence was necessary. Perhaps an uncharted land with no clear system of government ...shapeable by more enlightened minds ...abundant space but plenty of chances for ...research ...
Got the crunch on paper, will make an avatar ASAP ...this takes longer on my phone ...
Malak Niitei |
Still working on crunch.
He eventually wandered over to the forest on the border of Numeria and the River Kingdoms before being picked up and "conscripted" by a mercenary group that dragged him back to their base of operations in Brevoy. His skills and physique were good fits for the mercenary life and though he was taken against his will and much of his money was taken from him as "repayment" for bringing him out of his previous savage existence, he didn't resist much, mostly because he was unsure of what was going on. He was illiterate and strong, making him the perfect grunt.
Eventually he learned to read and learning how much he was being taken advantage of, left the company, much like he left his tribe before. He ran to Brevoy and found occasional freelance work as an enforcer or a bouncer.
He is cynical, pragmatic and cold, the way one with a background of abduction, abuse and solitary survival would have to be. He doesn't break contracts because that would threaten his next contract. He doesn't generally break his word because nobody will pay a mercenary who doesn't do what he says he will do. Because of his background and the fact that he only learned to read recently he has never really put much thought into morality or other higher things. Religion, philosophy, literature, these aren't important to him. He believes in gods when they heal him or when they hurt him. He thinks about Mathematics when he is calculating his pay. Everything is measured in either benefiting or impeding him, and his reactions are in accordance with those measurements.
Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining backstories a bit. His mercenary background would make him tie well with people who need a bodyguard or guide and he wouldn't really have problems getting along with anyone.
Cuàn |
I'd be very interested in this as well
Working on a Human Dirge Bard devotee of the Infernal Duke Ruzel, duke of blasphemy, humor and undeath. Basic idea for the guy is that he is a royal bastard in both the literal and the figurative sense who hates the fact that he is denied what he believes is his birthright.
He is in fact not interested in ruling but in the power and luxury that comes with it.
He also has a sick, bitter sense of humor and sees undeath as the ultimate joke, a mockery of life.
Ashlyn Farwynd |
Here is my submission, the future Red Mantis Assassin. I'm going first with Ranger for at least a couple levels. We'll see where she goes from there, but the plan, if allowed, would be to get into the RMA prestige class as soon as possible. I still have some things to work out, like equipment and the like. I'd like to see if I can afford a second sawtooth sabre as well. They might be hard to come by in the River Kingdoms!
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Well Madeoin, Here is my submission. All her info should be there. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Lavinia Batharoy |
Here is the background that I am working on for my Dharmpir Oracle:
At age 24, Lavinia was forced to flee her families ancestral home by a large mob of villages who were angered once they had found out the truth about the disappearances of over a dozen young men over a seven year period of time. A poorly timed visit by her handmaiden had resulted in a very shocked and revolted young lady seeing her mistress in the embrace of the animated corpse of the latest young man who had vanished. Sadly, Lavinia's mother suffered a fatal heart attack at the shock of the villagers mobbing her home and the accusations heaped upon her beloved daughter.
Not having the ability or men needed to defend her modest little castle, Lavinia took what wealth she could and fled for her life. She wandered the road for a couple years, taking the occasional young man's life as well as whatever wealth he possessed. She has only recently arrived in Brevoy.
And will you allow the varient dhampir heritage of
Moroi-Born (Svetocher)?
Brought forth by the haughty and brutal moroi, svetochers are renowned and feared for their silver tongues and deadly strength.
Ancestry Moroi
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Con
Alternate Skill Modifiers: Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability: Svetochers gain obscuring mist as a spell-like ability.
Alternate Weakness: Svetochers take a -1 penalty on saves against effects that deal positive energy damage.
Dhampirs who can trace their heritage to moroi are known as svetochers, and they inherit much of the unnatural charm and beauty exhibited by their vampiric forebears. Svetochers tend to have an easier time than other dhampirs when associating with mortals, though they must be careful That their relatively wanton social interactions do not breed jealousy, resentment, or disdain. They are more often hunted out of covetousness or spite than outright prejudice, so they typically develop social skills that allow them to soothe wounds caused by accidental slights or careless acts.
Since their undead progenitors often deal with royalty, svetochers have a fair chance of being born into nobility. Though some aristocrats are content to raise their moroi-born children in the shadowy corners of high society, less scrupulous nobles have few qualms about leaving their disgraceful offspring on the doorsteps of unfortunate commoners. Moroi rarely care for their half-breed progeny any more than the nobles forced to bear them, but those who do feel a sense of possession over misbegotten children might seek them out in the village they were abandoned in.
Redelf |
An evil Half-Elven Summoner (Master Summoner Archtype).
Having a natural knack for the arcane arts he was very excited when the Black Book was given to him as a present one year. A book about the dead, devils, demons and other denizens of the lower planes. The ability to raise the dead and summon beings from the planes of Hell more than intrigued Sevelis, it quickly consumed him. Spending many sleepless nights to read the Black Book and practice the spells and rituals it contains.
After only a month Sevelis decided he was ready to give an actual summoning a try. Bringing an Imp into this world may give him exactly the distraction he needs to escape this orphanage and get out on his own to begin his rise to power. His plan worked for the most part, although the Imp caused more damage and death than he had anticipated, it allowed him to leave without being noticed.
After leaving the orphanage it doesn't take long for him to hear about the Stolen Lands. To help claim the land would allow him the freedom to create his own undead army. Summoned devils leading soldiers who don't need to eat or sleep. That don't feel pain or become exhausted. No one could stop him and the allies he makes along the way. Sevelis doesn't wish to rule alone, he wants respect from his peers and obedience from the population of the kingdom. While he may never be a king; being the Archmage and advisor will suffice, as long as he's granted the freedom he needs to accomplish his goals and tinker with the Arcane as he sees fit.
Sevelis is a quiet, cold and calculating person. He observes people and situations before giving an opinion or making a decision. He keeps himself at a distance and doesn't allow most people to really get to know him. He hides his emotions, keeping them out of the way when it comes to business or his plans. His ambitions are not as simple as "Take over the Lands". Sevelis honestly doesn't care who is in charge of anywhere, as long as he's given the equipment and freedom he needs to pursue his demented research. More than happy to provide Arcane assistance to the King/ Ruler when needed. He also knows he cannot do this alone, teaming up with others who are attempting to take over these Lands is the perfect opportunity to befriend the right people who may need his assistance and provide him with what he needs in return.
Sevelis isn't hell bent on death or suffering, but he doesn't shy from it if it's needed. Outright killing someone who doesn't share his views seems counter productive to him, instead, Sevelis finds alternate ways to get people onboard with his plans. He is quick to manipulate anyone who could possibly stand in his way or disagree with him, whether by spells or persuasive discussion. But, if all else fails, he has no problem turning them into a brainwashed Zombie or having them burned or eaten alive by his minions.
Sevelis Half-Elf Summoner
Str: 8 (-2) {+2pts}
Dex: 15(+2) {-7pts}
Con: 14(+2) {-5pts}
Int: 14(+2) {-5pts}
Wis: 13(+1) {-3pts}
Cha: 16(+3) {-5pts; +2 Race}
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC 15 (+4 nat armor, +1 Dex); Saves Fort: (+3) Ref (+1), Will (+2); Attack 2 claws (1d4);
Ability Scores
Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 13 (+1), Int 7 (-2), Wis 10, Cha 11
Free Evolutions
claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).
Evolution Points: 3
Improved Damage (Ex)(Claws): 1pt
One of the eidolon’s natural attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and increase the damage die type by one step. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different natural attack.
Improved Natural Armor (Ex): 1pt
An eidolon’s hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to its natural armor.
Bite (Ex): 1pt
An eidolon’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge).
Attacks: max 3 as full attack
2Claws: +4 atk; D6+3 dam;
Bite: +4 atk; D6+3 dam;
Jon 164 |
@Madeoin I have two questions:
1. Do we get one or two traits? I can read your original post both ways.
2. How do you feel about the original version of the Heirloom Weapon trait?
I'm thinking of making a competent version of Viserys from GOT. Probably a Cavalier, with an ancestral blade that reminds him of the glory his family once had.