
Ken 418's page

Organized Play Member. 73 posts (88 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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The Exchange

Hi there! I would be interested in Tears of the Bitter Mannor.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Probably has been said before but... Evil PC's.

The Exchange


The Exchange

I guess I can get Power Attack at 2nd level.... this might be fun :)

The Exchange

Thanks! The Dervish Dancer Bard from Ultimate Combat.

The Exchange

Inspired by the Dawnflower, I’m creating this character for flavor and role-playing after reading about Sarenrae in Inner Sea Gods. I would also like to play this character in PFS so I’d like to make it helpful to a PFS party. I see many builds of this type go for dex rather than str. Does a strength build even make sense? Does a melee Bard make sense for that matter?

The Exchange

Ascalaphus wrote:
Ken 418 wrote:
May a character level up while in the tapestry between parts 1 and 2 of this scenario?
Why not? You don't have to return anywhere to level up, so you can stay inside if you like.

Thanks. That makes sense to me.... although if a caster leveled and got new spells, I guess she would need to find the components for her new spells somehow.

The Exchange

May a character level up while in the tapestry between parts 1 and 2 of this scenario?

The Exchange

Riddleport! I'll never forget the first time I saw the Cyphergate.

The Exchange

My cackle lasts a few rounds before it becomes tiresome... Cackle sound files from my phone can be fun... when not over done.

The Exchange

Yes! I can work on my anti-spider climb build!

The Exchange

Nice! Thank-you for getting those long high level combats under control! :)

The Exchange

Too Bad... sample page looks great though!

The Exchange

Thank-you for mentioning the Investigator... That class along with the History of the Ancients trait can really make a serious history buff. And it seems to me that History of the Ancients would really be useful in this AP

The Exchange

I finally have the opportunity to play RotRL starting tomorrow night and had a questions for those players and game master who have played through this AP. You may have played this Adventure Path before the Advanced Class Guide was released. If you were playing this AP today, are there any classes from the ACG that you think would be good for Rise of the Runelords?

The Exchange

Dot... interested.

The Exchange

I've been playing Pathfinder for only a short time... was there a similar companion released when the Advanced Player's Guide came out?

The Exchange

I've been looking forward to this Companion!

The Exchange

Paizo could create a bookmark for each of the iconic characters..!

The Exchange

There are plenty of pre-gens available for new players but I'm always interested in what a 1st level character looks like from Paizos point of view... I also still like to play pre-gens :)

The Exchange


The Exchange

I'm looking for information on the barbarians of Numeria. I know many books have come out recently about Numaria and I'm trying to create characters who might be from that tech heavy land.

I played Trail by Machine a few weekends ago and while I liked it, I found having my Varisian gypsy swordsmen around all of that tech disorienting.

I thought if I created characters that had more of an ingame reason to interact with the technology, that would help.

The Exchange

I'm also hoping!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sandpoint Box; Still a great idea!

The Exchange

DaveMage wrote:
Maybe Obsidian can help....


The Exchange

I was at my FLGS last night and didn't see this product on the shelf.

The Exchange

Congrats to those who got in! Have a great game!

The Exchange

claudekennilol wrote:
Good? Looks to me like they're running out of fantasy stuff.

You can never run out of fantasy material… I’m looking forward to giving something a little new a chance.

The Exchange

Agreed, Inner Sea World Guide is a gem for Society play.

The Exchange

I've just started playing PFS in the last few months myself. Along with the Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide I like to bring a few characters and even be ready to play a pre-gen if needed. I play with several different groups around town and one never knows how many tables will be running.

Having said that and looking back on it, I wish I had started with a Rogue. It was suggested to me the other day that the Rogue class may be a good way to learn the Pathfinder system. I'm new to the Pathfinder incarnation of the d20 rules and will be taking that advice.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Finally watched John Carter of Mars last night. Good flick. Not quite how I remember the book. Very entertaining nonetheless.

I've been thinking of trying to watch that again in honor of Iron Gods... We'll see...

The Exchange

What time of day will you stop taking submissions on the 12th of August?

The Exchange

Oh, thank-you for that and thanks for mentioning the pdf... I'm kind of a hardcopy kind of guy but will definitely pick up this pdf!

The Exchange

Is there another Cheliax sourcebook that has replaced this one and is in print?

The Exchange

Interested...! Is the player's guide pdf also being released on the 14th?

The Exchange

Well done, Paizo!

The Exchange

Hi Liz, I guess I knew that but I'm starting to get antsy :)

The Exchange

What is the ETA for the shelf at my FLGS?

The Exchange

Grats to those selected and and have fun!

The Exchange

Is there a specific time today that character submissions are due by?

The Exchange

Yes, thanks for that, I see that now. My imagination has run wild in the evil character creation department :)

The Exchange

Ah, thank-you!

The Exchange

Is Aasimar an allowed race?

The Exchange

So would an evil Emberkin be an angel that was fallen, been redeemed and then fallen again?

The Exchange

I'm thinking about creating a Lawful Evil Samurai who is a Peri-Blooded (Emberkin) Aasimar who worships Asmodeus.

This character will be involved in moderate to heavy RP in a Kingmaker style game.

First off; Can Aasimars be Evil?

The Exchange

Don't forget me! :)

Sebastian Vorius

Human (Medvyed) Sorcerer (Infernal) Level 1
Lawful Evil - Medium humanoid (human)
Deity: Asmodeus

The Exchange

Deliverance wrote:
Madeoin wrote:
Ninja and Samurai, for example, would need a really awesome backstory giving them an excellent reason for being in the particular area.

I dont intend to make either class, but cant one simply refluff them? I mean does a "Ninja" necessarily have to be associated with the eastern influences the class is based on? Same for the Samurai. I mean noone ever bans the Magus archetype Kensai, even though that word and the idea behind it is every bit as rooted in that culture. Just a thought.

I could see why a disgraced Samurai might want to hit the road and might be travelling through Brevoy...

The Exchange

Working on crunch and backstory for...

Sebastian Vorius

Human (Medvyed) Sorcerer (Infernal) Level 1
Lawful Evil - Medium humanoid (human)
Deity: Asmodeus

The Exchange

I'm interested!