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+1 Dexterity would put me up to an even number and help for all the things that Dex does. I would be happy with that and pass on all the other things.

Zagathoth |

Hmm... if I were to put my stats in order of importance it would probably go: Str>Dex>Con>Wis>Int=Cha
So, that's more or less my order of preference for elixirs (assuming we plan to take 1 each with Boga and Quinlan both getting one). Wis is my only cresting stat (iirc) which makes that more tempting, but I wouldn't ask any of our more Wis dependent characters to give it up for the little I would gain.

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Crabpincer is pretty awesome. If we have any kind of underwater combat, that weapon would rule the day. I think someone (not Johann) should take it and have it as a backup weapon. (The cobra shape has a swim speed so I would be okay in water too!)

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So Johann calls Dex - seems fair. It's also worth remembering we're not far from 8 so a point now could be bumped again in two levels for the full bonus.
Str - Zag
Dex - Johann
Con - Fox?
Int - Quinn (only Int monkey)
Wis - Lucius
Cha - Boga
Con - Lucius
Wis - Boga
Cha - Fox?
Seem like the most logical choices to me. Lucius would be happy with all of them apart from Cha so I'm not too fussy but Wis>Str>Con would be his preference.

The Ogon Fox |

I think for some time now I've been thinking I was only proficient in simple weapons plus a couple others (per the rogue), but I just realized vigilantes are proficient in all martial weapons and my warlock archetype didn't take that away (it did take away medium armor proficiency). So that's cool. I'd like to take Crabpincer. As for which ability to bump, I'm cool with whatever.

Zagathoth |

I think Fox's spellcasting is Int based... I know that Quinlan is more reliant on his casting but since we don't know when (or even if) he'll be back it might be worth considering giving Int to Fox?
I kind of feel similarly about the Wis one... Boga is probably more dependent on Wis than Lucius, but since he's awol right now I'd rather give it to the Cardinal (plus, its not like he doesn't use Cha- it'll help his channeling).
So my vote would be:
Str- Zag
Dex- Bear
Con- Quin
Int- Fox
Wis- Lucius
Cha- Boga

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I'll second that. I use Wis for casting and a bunch of other stuff anyways so I think I actually run more from Wis than Boga does!
Any objections before we drink up?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Regarding this next challenge (puzzle in room 12)... Hopedully at least one of you enjoys and is decent at dungeon puzzles lol... Otherwise, getting past this room could be painful and even deadly... If no one likes solving puzzles, we can resolve this with Intelligence checks. But I thought at least one of you might like to try to solve the puzzle first. If you all hate this kind of thing, I’d be a bad GM to force it on you, so let me know... As a GM, I love designing intellectual challenges for my players, but as a player, I have been frustrated in the past by really tricky ones lol...

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Anyone got a 10 foot pole? That's the usual adventuring solution!
Problem with puzzles like these is that there's no clues, and no wya of checking without being punished. I have a couple of theories, but no way of knowing.

Zagathoth |

I haven’t had a chance to look at the puzzle yet. Ooc, I’m usually ok at that sort of thing but if there’s no overt clues and it’s in a dungeon like this where we have zero context (no idea where we are, who built it, when, etc) then they tend to be much more difficult usually much more difficult than the GM thinks they are because even if someone has a decent theory we wouldn’t know if that was a red herring or a trap. Plus, it wouldn’t make any sense at all for Zagathoth to be the one to figure it out (unless it’s one of those rare puzzles where the solution is too simple and it relies on people overthinking).

Michael Johnson 66 |

Yeah, it’s a nasty little puzzle, I’ll admit lol... Forces you to take scary risks to figure it out and possibly expend resources like spells and healing. I’m half leaning toward giving you the details on it if you make Intelligence checks, and half leaning toward letting you figure it out, especially as Johann is more than halfway there...

Michael Johnson 66 |

And you did it! Congratulations!
Now I’ll describe the way this devious and lethal puzzle trap works:
Crossing the proper sequence of tiles on foot, as you did, is the only safe route to the archway in the south wall. Attempting to fly through the room triggers a chain lightning spell (CL 11) targeting the flyer and allies within 30 feet, as does climbing along the walls.
Stepping on the wrong tile triggers a bad effect that is thematically tied to the symbol... Except for one tile, which grants a permanent boon lol...

Zagathoth |

... Except for one tile, which grants a permanent boon lol...
Lol- now you’re just trying to goad us into trying random tiles! Once again, this is where knowing who built the place would come in super handy... if it was built by satanist (or some pagans, iirc) the pentagram would be a good guess, but if it was Christians the cross is the obvious choice (and both of those connect with the right path). Of course, the cup could also be a holy grail reference and the fact that the path snakes around it would prevent anyone from gaining it on accident...
Also- should we level before fighting the vampires?

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Wow, sorry you put all this work into the puzzle and we beat it without getting hurt. If you want, make Boga walk through it.

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Johann gains shifter's fury at shifter level 6. It basically gives a shifter iterative attacks if they don't wish to use their many natural weapon attacks. It doesn't help for bear who gets three attacks on a full round attack (claw-claw-bite), but it does help for snake, who only has a single bite. So now snakey gets a second bite at -5 to hit during a full attack (bite-bite)

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"Michael Johnson 66” wrote:... Except for one tile, which grants a permanent boon lol...Lol- now you’re just trying to goad us into trying random tiles! Once again, this is where knowing who built the place would come in super handy... if it was built by satanist (or some pagans, iirc) the pentagram would be a good guess, but if it was Christians the cross is the obvious choice (and both of those connect with the right path). Of course, the cup could also be a holy grail reference and the fact that the path snakes around it would prevent anyone from gaining it on accident...
He torments us the tricksy one!
I was thinking that it was a satanist puzzle and we'd need to step on thematic ones - the pentagram, goat etc to cross. Vaguely close...
For Lucius the path of an inquisitor from here on out is just more of the same - so, if we've lost Boga, should I start taking Cleric levels instead? It works fine thematically, and I could still hit Cleric 14 if we went all the way to the top.
(If I do multiclass like that, what will happen to my spell progression oh mighty GM?)

Zagathoth |

If you multiclass your inquisitor casting freezes where it is and you start over as a 1st level cleric caster. And at 14th level you’d be up to 7th level cleric spells, which is only 1 spell level higher than if you stuck with inquisitor (and none of your judgements or bane would advance)...
If you really want to multiclass you’d be better off getting into a prestige class that raises your caster level. Unless you’re trying to switch spell lists, in which case you could look into the retraining rules to trade out inquisitor levels for cleric or warpriest levels? There’s probably a way you could stack the classes effectively but I suspect it would be a melee build not a caster (especially since casters are really hurt by lost caster levels)

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Johann also took improved natural attack-bite. Puts his cobra bite up to a base 3d6. His bite is brutal, expecially now that I get iterative attacks on it. We'll see how it can handle these vampires!
We are only level 7 and it is getting really hard to level up my 3 profiles. It makes me tempted to buy Hero Lab rather than doing all of this by hand. (but not tempted enough, not yet)

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Its mostly that, without Boga, I can't cover the full divine range - therefore debating whether I should retrain into cleric a bit. Hence why I asked. The question is whether the GM would let me trade up to cleric casting - sacrificing a use of judgements or some such.
If you guys don't think its a problem then I'll stick to the school of 'if we kill it first'. :)

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We'll be okay with an inquisitor only. You can't channel, but you can still pick healing spells. We have a ton of consumables.

Michael Johnson 66 |

When we combine with table 2, we will be gaining:
Norse knight of Rhodes Aasimar bloodrager 7
Noble Italian aasimar swashbuckler 7
Irish Sprite psychic investigator 7
African changeling tatterdemalion witch 7
The sprite, Lord Perpireen, has a wand of cure moderate wounds he’s UMD’d, and the witch has minor healing abilities as well....

Zagathoth |

Or, I could toss them into the air and see if vampires are resistant to electricity?
Although, I haven't actually had time to level up yet, so I'm not going to pick a fight until I do, lol.

Michael Johnson 66 |

When we combine with table 2, we will be gaining:
Norse knight of Rhodes Aasimar bloodrager 7
Noble Italian aasimar swashbuckler 7
Irish Sprite psychic investigator 7
African changeling tatterdemalion witch 7The sprite, Lord Perpireen, has a wand of cure moderate wounds he’s UMD’d, and the witch has minor healing abilities as well....
Their party name for now is the Desert Jackals lol

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Or, I could toss them into the air and see if vampires are resistant to electricity?
Although, I haven't actually had time to level up yet, so I'm not going to pick a fight until I do, lol.
We could use them to find out which tile gives the boon!

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Lucius is done barring a feat, any suggestions?
I'm currently debating taking Golden Angelic Flesh and then picking up Heavenly Radiance again at 9th to get Sunlight!
@GM - would I be allowed to take any of the monster feats pertaining to spell-like abilities? Empower and Quicken being the most likely ones...

Zagathoth |

I should be leveled now. Heading over to gameplay to fight.
Remember- my armor (made with the finger bone of some saint) grants an extra +2 AC and DR 2/- vs undead.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lucius is done barring a feat, any suggestions?
I'm currently debating taking Golden Angelic Flesh and then picking up Heavenly Radiance again at 9th to get Sunlight!
@GM - would I be allowed to take any of the monster feats pertaining to spell-like abilities? Empower and Quicken being the most likely ones...
Yes, as long as you meet any requirements for a monster feat, you may take the feat.

Zagathoth |

We need to get back to the palazzo before the dragon's heart is out of my system... if I'm going to sire a half-orc bastard he should definitely have a little dragon in him! PS- if I ever play in another one of your games, MJ, there's a pretty high chance I'll be a half-orc bloodrager with the blue dragon bloodline...

Boga |

Do we know in character that one tile is a boon? I have a guess, so if so, Boga might just take Johann up on his generous offer to stride across the tiles... lol
EDIT: Having read Zagathoth's comments now, I see that my guess is in line with his. And for the same reasons: 1) The safe path leads right to it. 2) The theme of the campaign. 3) The tile does something good. So my guess is the cross over the pentagram.

Boga |

I went through the dragon and vampire battles to tally Boga's HP damage. As far as I can tell, Boga was only hit once by the chain lightning. Between that and the subsequent channeled healing, he is only down 11 HP. I'm going with that, unless something else is pointed out.

Michael Johnson 66 |

It has been a couple months I think since St Cecilia granted her boon... If no one can recall the exact specifics (I admit to having forgotten myself, and it would be a nightmare going back to search through all the posts for it lol), we can just assume that it saves Fox from domination and then expires for him...