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No worries, he fled away, so we can pursue!!
Since we are still in initiative, I will wait here until our favorite monkey prompts us again.

The Ogon Fox |

Oops forgot about SR. I believe that the Vrock must remain within 20 feet of Quinlan due to the spell.
[dice=CL VS. SR]1d20+8
Quinlan's arcane might is powerful enough breach the demon's defense.two more rounds of haste for everyone
Round 2 of limp lash
[dice=Str damage]1d6 for a total of 4
[dice=Dex damage]1d6 for a total of 11
[dice=Con damage]1d6 for a total of 8
Unfortunately, that's not the case. If the target moves beyond the 20ft range, the spell ends, and the spell does nothing to hinder the Target's movement until the point when one of the ability scores has been reduced to 1 and the target becomes paralyzed. The d20pfsrd page for the spell quotes the FAQ.

The Ogon Fox |

Boga moves adjacent to Zagathoth and casts Align Weapon on Doomcrescent
That's so clutch.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:Unfortunately, that's not the case. If the target moves beyond the 20ft range, the spell ends, and the spell does nothing to hinder the Target's movement until the point when one of the ability scores has been reduced to 1 and the target becomes paralyzed. The d20pfsrd page for the spell quotes the FAQ.Oops forgot about SR. I believe that the Vrock must remain within 20 feet of Quinlan due to the spell.
[dice=CL VS. SR]1d20+8
Quinlan's arcane might is powerful enough breach the demon's defense.two more rounds of haste for everyone
Round 2 of limp lash
[dice=Str damage]1d6 for a total of 4
[dice=Dex damage]1d6 for a total of 11
[dice=Con damage]1d6 for a total of 8
In this case, the crock would have flown away to area 5 in round 1, escaping the 2nd round of ability damage...
Editing gameplay...

Michael Johnson 66 |

uhh... that'll effect my gameplay post too, I guess... unless it takes the vrock a second to realize it can still move?
LOL, sorry, he's cunning enough to try to escape ASAP...
But, see my gameplay edit. You can chase him down in a single move since you are hasted at least this round (may be the last) and take one attack, and I will even allow you to keep that first attack roll and damage... At -2 to his usual AC of 22, he is currently AC 20...

Boga |

Boga wrote:Boga moves adjacent to Zagathoth and casts Align Weapon on DoomcrescentThat's so clutch.
I should point out that being able to cast that was because of the Ecclesitheurge archetype having a bonded holy symbol. Boga gets a single spell per day that he did not prepare. This seemed like a good time for Align Weapon !

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Ogon Fox wrote:I should point out that being able to cast that was because of the Ecclesitheurge archetype having a bonded holy symbol. Boga gets a single spell per day that he did not prepare. This seemed like a good time for Align Weapon !Boga wrote:Boga moves adjacent to Zagathoth and casts Align Weapon on DoomcrescentThat's so clutch.
An excellent time, totally! :-)

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Good job, Boga. I think creative spellcasting is one of the best parts of Pathfinder (& similar rpgs)

The Ogon Fox |

I'm just noticing that my bluff modifier is damn good for only having one rank in it (I add both my charisma and intelligence modifiers now that I have that level in kitsune trickster rogue). I might give it a go with my +10.
The Fox doesn't understand Abyssal, but I'm guessing that "Lucky Fools," as a proper noun, would be said in Common and untranslated.
MJ, would you like me to roll a Sense Motive or something to be able to infer the gist of what Maggotwing is saying about the Lucky Fools? I mean, he could be saying that Faithcarcass interrupted him as he was torturing one of the Lucky Fools in Hell, for all the Fox knows. But maybe body language would make it fairly obvious. Let me know.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm just noticing that my bluff modifier is damn good for only having one rank in it (I add both my charisma and intelligence modifiers now that I have that level in kitsune trickster rogue). I might give it a go with my +10.
The Fox doesn't understand Abyssal, but I'm guessing that "Lucky Fools," as a proper noun, would be said in Common and untranslated.
MJ, would you like me to roll a Sense Motive or something to be able to infer the gist of what Maggotwing is saying about the Lucky Fools? I mean, he could be saying that Faithcarcass interrupted him as he was torturing one of the Lucky Fools in Hell, for all the Fox knows. But maybe body language would make it fairly obvious. Let me know.
Sure, roll a Sense Motive check against a DC 20.

Michael Johnson 66 |

“Lucky Fools” is not translated to Abyssal, as Fox correctly guessed. For that matter, a DC 15 Knowledge (planes) check is enough to recognize the proper names Mephistopheles and Pazuzu as the names of an archdevil of the Nine Circles of Hell, and a demon lord of the Abyss, respectively...

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How long does sickness from the ghasts last?
Also, are we waiting on someone before round 3 starts?

The Ogon Fox |

The Ogon Fox wrote:Except for “Lucky Fools”, it’s all evil-sounding clicks and whirs to Fox...[dice=Sense Motive DC 20]1d20+9
[dice=Knowledge (Planes)]1d20+5
Sorry, Johann...

The Ogon Fox |

I want to take advantage of Faithcarcass's grappled condition and move around to flank him while he is prevented from making attacks of opportunity. But what is that object directly behind him on the map? Can I stand there to flank with Johann?

Michael Johnson 66 |

I want to take advantage of Faithcarcass's grappled condition and move around to flank him while he is prevented from making attacks of opportunity. But what is that object directly behind him on the map? Can I stand there to flank with Johann?
That is the Nativity scene, a 10-ft-wide by 5-ft-deep by 10-ft-high stable, with manger containing statues of an infant Messiah, Virgin Mother, shepherds, magi, animals, and atop it, an angel points by to a golden star suspended from the 20-ft-high ceiling by a thin adamantine chain... Fox could stand inside it and flank with Johann...

Michael Johnson 66 |

It has always been my understanding that spells cast continue through there duration regardless of caster dying, including summons. This FAQ thread seems to support this.

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I've never seen the summons disappearing in pathfinder. That is sort of a general computer rpg function that summons disappear.

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God |

These demons have been talking a lot of s@~$ about me, right, guys? Pointing out the fact that my life story follows a pattern that was laid out centuries before I was ever born, as if History repeating itself and foreshadowing weren’t things that happen all the time...
Hang in there fellas...
Your good GM went through an agnostic phase, and will likely RP his intelligent demons and devils as faith-withering atheist college professors trying to spook you with natural selection and historical evidence out of believing that when the s*+% hits the fan, there’s a God you can call on to pull your fat out of the fire.
Believe me, as corny as it may sometimes seem, I Am What I Am, and I’m here for you, no matter what happens. I got your backs, Crusaders!

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It has always been my understanding that spells cast continue through there duration regardless of caster dying, including summons. This FAQ thread seems to support this.
Cool - I've never played much with people who used summoned creatures IRL so I'm not well up on the rules.
Just get back everyone and let Lucius deal with this - since it can't actually hit him... ! :D

The Ogon Fox |

Well, there's this from Protection from Evil:
Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Summoned creatures that are not evil are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell Resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Well, there's this from Protection from Evil:
Quote:Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Summoned creatures that are not evil are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell Resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.
Yes. As long as Cardinal Lucius is just taking, the summoned demon cannot touch a hair on his head...

Boga |

Btw, I love the tag line "Hand of Jan Hus!" I smile to myself every time I see it.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Initiative Monkey wrote:Btw, I love the tag line "Hand of Jan Hus!" I smile to myself every time I see it.CRUSADERS VS THE VROCK DEMON!! ROUND 4!! FIGHT!! EEEEKK!!
Hehe! I thought you might like it lol

Michael Johnson 66 |

Kicking demon as s, Zag! :-)
I'd say it's safe to assume we've lost Arc :-(
A shame, he was a great RPer and fun character.
I will bot him until a natural opportunity for him to depart (perhaps the ghost convinces him to give Du Berry's bones a Christian burial in Provence before Arc gets himself killed... Perhaps he will get himself killed--a heroic death).

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It does make sense that he would leave us now, given his new calling in france.

The Ogon Fox |

Good grief, I didn't realize you had been botting him for 3 weeks!
It doesn't look like he has posted any more recently under any of his other aliases, either.

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Isn't it crazy when that happens? Just happened in other Of my games, person just disappears after months of consistency. Abandoned his GMing too.

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It does make you wonder when that happens! The drawback with playing with strangers. Would be fun to meet some of you at some point in life. :)

The Ogon Fox |

Man, I wish we had someone with the Tactician ability who could give Zag and me Outflank. If we got Precise Strike on top of that, it would be so awesome!

The Ogon Fox |

Zagathoth just hit on a natural 2. If I ever worried that Aid Another is a wasted move, this campaign has assured me otherwise.

Quinlan Ifrean |

Shame to see Arc go but that is the nature of PbP. As MJ can attest I have had times when the boards have just fallen through the cracks because real life is kicking my ass. It is possible is unlikely that he will return.
A heads up for all my games. I work as a wilderness educator and through the summer their are a few weeks when I will be out in the forest for a week with little access to the internet. I will post letting you know before hand but the next one will be the week of june 25th-29th.