The Worldwound Incursion (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc

The wardstone of Kenabres has been broken and the demons of the worlwound are loose! How will this crisis be contained?
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Casting: When casting a spell defensivly if you fail you do not automaticly lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell.

Many rolls will be handled by the GM in secret.(don't worry, I don't fudge.)
Any result that can influence the character behavior will not be rolled open.
Rolls that will be handled by the GM:
Sense Motive.

if you make the check I will send you a pm or make a post and put it in a spoiler depending on the situation.

Sometimes I will roll Initiative others I will ask you to roll depending on the situation. In some situation (rarely) I will bypass init entirely and have you all go first and enemies second or have enemies go first and you all go after.

Combat rules:
I'm a fair GM, I dont roll combat in secret, I don't change results, I don't ignore bad calls from the characters.
Sometimes, character dies, but I'm not a player killer, if I think that an encounter will be easy handled, when it should be more challenging, I will make it a more challenging, if the party it's not prepared to face something, I will drop hints, if they insist... well killing one or two players never made me lack sleep...

I'm a GM that do not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! If what you want to do is wicked cool, I can even bend the game mechanics to allow it! The most importat part is: You are villains. Villains are smart, resourceful and have style! Have you ever seen a memorable villain that could just swing his sword and do nothing more?

Posting Rate
If it could be done, I expect 1/day posting, if you can post more, it will really good.
During weekend, this rule does not apply. If you are able to post, great! But dont stress over this, everyone need some time to rest (In my case, I need time to play and DM :D on my tabletop games).

Level up
Aside from character creation, when you level up, if you want something not from core rulebook, you'll need to search it inside the game. basicly what you need to do is just show in game your character is searching for that knowledge. This rule is not meant to prohibit anything, I just don't like something like this: "Character always as a full caster, never picked up a sword in his entire life, and then he gain a new level and says: Master, I'll level up as a fighter now..."

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Crunch on Tessa is about finished - not really that much to ponder apart for a sad amount of skill points to distribute [as DireMerc ignored my attempt to reivindicate a reroll on her stats :D]

Here goes nothing for hp -> HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12


Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Add Rogue (Swashbuckler)

hp 1d8 ⇒ 1
I don't suppose we do mulligans here, do we?

+0 BaB
+0 Fort save
+2 Ref save
+0 Will save
Sneak Attack +1d6
Martial Training: Longsword
No trapfinding
+10 skill points
+1 Profession (Actor)
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Bluff
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Disguise
+1 Knowledge: History
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Perception
+1 Swim

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

A third member of the 1 hp brigade. Welcome.

Loot Tracker Human 4 Ranger | HP 38/38 | AC 18 | T 14 | FF 14 | CMD 21 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4 | Perc +10

Raven HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

+1 to BAB
+1 FORT and REF saves
Add Combat Style (Archery) and bonus feat (point-blank shot)
8 skill ranks: Survival, Stealth, Perception, Know Nature, Know Geo, Know dungeon, ride, sense motive.

Ready for action!

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10
DireMerc wrote:

You come to the realization that the altar and the temple have been desecrated. With some work and some prayers you believe that you could consecrate the temple once more but the process would take many hours.

8 hours to be precise, you could consecrate it to Torag once more or to another deity.

I'm going to make a post here not to clutter the gameplay thread.

So, Selka would probably want to consecrate the altar and the temple again (I'd say to Torag, since Selka wouldn't want to "steal" a temple rightfully belonging to a LG deity), and since the place looks defensible enough (only one entrance, and we could barricade it to an extent), we and the NPCs could make camp and rest/heal while the ritual is performed.

Of course, losing 8 hours might be bad in the long run, so let's vote!

Who wants to stay, who wants to leave now? ;)

Tessai will want to stay ;)

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Orlando is inclined to continue on for now; we can always come back as needed.

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

I am fine staying.

Aeron would want Selka to consecrate the temple to Torag and would gladly assist in any way.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10

So, 4 votes for staying (Selka, Tessai, Varn, Aeron), 1 for leaving (Orlando), 1 pending (Raven).

Staying to reconsecrate the altar it is then! ^_^

Tessai wrote:
Aeron, are you going to actually use that hammer? Do you have a shield?

If needed, Selka actually has a few spare weapons and pieces of equipment: a sling (with 10 bullets), a longsword, a heavy wooden shield, and a dagger.

If someone has a use for them feel free to ask! ;)

If someone else can use it, they can gladly have the hammer. Aeron is a two-handed archetype, so he will be more inclined to use two-handed weapons.

Well, Tessai can use it, and shift to Hammer+Shield - it would raise her AC to 20, and put her at 1d8+4 (5 to 12) damage instead of 1d8+6 (7 to 14).

Might be worth it - since she does not yet have Power Attack, her damage is not that hurt by not wielding a 2h weapon for the time being.

So if it is fine with Aeron, she would take it for now (and we can even roleplay it a tad for flavour).

Male Human 2nd Level Monk (Zen Archer)| HP 17/17 | AC 16 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | PS 2/2

That works for me, Tessai. I'll have a post up later tonight with Aeron offering the hammer to her.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10
Tessai wrote:
BOOM! Lets hear it for all the good guys and girls in the house, ladies and gentlemen :D

I guess we are all honorary dwarves now! xD

Male Human 2nd Level Monk (Zen Archer)| HP 17/17 | AC 16 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | PS 2/2

I'm going off the fact that Tessai having a 19 Cha that she would be undoubtedly attractive; perhaps in an unconventional way, but attractive nonetheless. Hope I didn't overstep my assumptions, Tessai.

Plus I find the concept of a massive, stupid fighter being smitten with a demon-spawn tiefling to be absolutely hilarious.

That is about the way I picture her Aeron - of course there is the whole righteous paladin thing to back her up, with words of courage and valour, but I envision the girl to be exotically attractive, with fine chiseled features, well contoured body, and a constantly waving tail, somewhat hypnotic in nature.

Much like the avatar ;)

Male Human 2nd Level Monk (Zen Archer)| HP 17/17 | AC 16 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | PS 2/2

I just woke up so I'll take a look at the map in a bit and post init and action shortly.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10
Tessai wrote:
We good to go then I guess, after the Spellcraft results. We all still here right?

I ain't going anywhere, I'm having too much fun. ;p

Loot Tracker Human 4 Ranger | HP 38/38 | AC 18 | T 14 | FF 14 | CMD 21 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4 | Perc +10

potion of invisibility
cloak of resistance
other potion
dagger unknown

Any idea how you want to split these kind of items? Raven would use either of the 2 identified, but is not pushy about grabbing anything.

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Orlando will look over the items with interest, then make a tentative claim of interest on the cloak.

Male Human 2nd Level Monk (Zen Archer)| HP 17/17 | AC 16 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | PS 2/2

Aeron wouldn't have much interest in the dagger or the pot of invis. The cloak on the other hand, he would be interested in (and me too as Aeron has the worst collective saves in the group). That being said Aeron is not covetous and is more likely to allow another PC to take something if they are very interested in a certain item.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10

Since the Cloak of Res. is something, I presume, everyone of us has at least a mild interest in, I'd propose to give it to the one of us that has the lowest saves.

Aeron - +5 +2 +0
Orlando - +2 +7 +3
Varn - +5 +3 +5
Tessai - +4 +4 +6
Selka - +6 +3 +6
Raven - +5 +6 +3

Sooo... Yes, if I had to vote, I'd give it to Aeron. :)

In any case, Selka would surely want someone else to have it. She wouldn't want any harm to come to any of her new friends (yes, she is overprotecting like that... Raven is right to call her Mother Cleric. Each of you, consider yourself adopted! xD).

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

Anything to stop him from being dominated and tearing off our faces.

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Agreed. Give the cloak to aeron.

Male Human 2nd Level Monk (Zen Archer)| HP 17/17 | AC 16 | T 16 | FF 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | PS 2/2

Lol!!! "Let the wookie win." Thanks guys. Aeron will pass on the next magical items so the others can get other items they would like.

Loot Tracker Human 4 Ranger | HP 38/38 | AC 18 | T 14 | FF 14 | CMD 21 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4 | Perc +10

Seems fair to me. I claim it once Aeron dies...I mean, good luck Aeron! I suggest we let our mage hold the potion of invisibility. I may be the stealthiest, but that may not end up being the need to use it.

Once we know the properties of the dagger and other potion we'll divvy them up also.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10
DireMerc wrote:
You manage to lift the rock and move it aside so the trapped Crel can escape. He is wounded but not badly. (9/12 hp)

Just to be sure, how's the situation with the other NPCs? I mean, who still needs healing?

They are fine other than anivia's leg and Arashvial's eye who cannot be healed by regular healing magic and require something stronger like heal or regeneration.

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

Waiting for the healers to make sure there wasn't any injured Varn walks up to the deformed looking individuals.

Sooooo... Hey I am Varn these are my uhh.. associates do you know the way out of these caves we are kind of stuck here. A Baylor and some other massive creature attacked the town above. At least I think it is the town above.

I will be traveling all day Sunday in the car and prepping most of the day tomorrow. My ability to check in on the game will be limited (but perhaps not non-existent) this weekend. While I'll be away from home until after New Year's, I should be able to post semi-regularly except on travel days.

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

Did we have time to replenish our spells or is this still the first day I am still working off of my first day spells and abilities.

Currently still the first day. It has been a long day but a chance to rest will arrive when you get to the mongrelmen city.

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had a rather horrible shift last night and to top it off we were extremely busy with emergency calls. I've been working on my reports most of today to get caught up with arrest reports and whatnot. I will hopefully get a post in tonight.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10

Don't worry and take your time, we ain't goin' nowhere! ^_^

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Alright! Rolloff for the chain shirts! (And I'll throw in a Cleaning via Prestidigitation as well.)

My roll: 1d100 ⇒ 49

No need to roll for me, if Orlando wants it, Tessai will not take it. You can have it ;)

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10

Guys don't worry! As I said in the game thread, I'd take one only if nobody else was interested. So Orlando and Tessai can have them! ;)

Loot Tracker Human 4 Ranger | HP 38/38 | AC 18 | T 14 | FF 14 | CMD 21 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4 | Perc +10

Sorry, I was out traveling yesterday as noted before, and Comcast service was out the day before due to storms in my area.

Raven wouldn't mind a shot at one of the MW chain shirt, if she is going to scout ahead, she may need the extra protections, and the AC penalty is reduced. Rolling seems a good way to to handle dissemination when a clear choice isn't available.

Roll off: 1d100 ⇒ 62

Not sure if Selka and Tessai are rolling or giving them up to Orlando and I? Or if Aeren is interested?

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10
Raven Leafwalker wrote:
Not sure if Selka and Tessai are rolling or giving them up to Orlando and I? Or if Aeren is interested?

You can have the armor... But only if you convert to the worship of the Inheritor! Ah! Gotcha!

... What? Oh, alright, you don't have to change religion, and you can have the armor too. ^_^

As far as I am concerned, Raven and Orlando can take the MW chain shirts. No rolls involved ;)

Loot Tracker Human 4 Ranger | HP 38/38 | AC 18 | T 14 | FF 14 | CMD 21 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4 | Perc +10

Ok, by the time we're done underground, Raven will have a healthy respect for the Iheritor anyway. Her only exposure to gods was in nature hence her reverence for Gozreh. But if the healing and divine interventions keep coming, she may have a new second favorite!

I marked the new armor on my alias page, and fixed the AC on my tagline.

Female Human (Kellid) Cleric of Iomedae (War [Tactics], Glory [Heroism]) 3
Quick Stats:
Init +7 (6/day reroll, current 5) | AC 19, t 13, ff 16 | hp 31 / 34 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 | Perception +10

Merry Christmas! ^_^

I won't be making new posts for the day, see you tomorrow people!

Merry Christmas! ^_^

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

I won a Ps4 in a raffle tonight.

Merry Christmas everyone! Holidays are still running strong for me, as my girls now need the time to play through all of their gifts ;) I'll update as soon as possible.

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

That is the second speech in a row I rolled a 1 or a 2.

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

Tessai is right here is the stuff we found so far.

six scales Magic
a masterwork backpack that contains
10 trail rations
flint and steel
set of caltrops
2 flasks of oil
12 arrows
3 potions of cure light wounds
1 potion of invisibility
2 potion(?) one from bag one from dwarf
a breastplate with the symbol of the golden eagle
copper brooch depicting a bat perched on a mushroom- both of the bat's eyes are tiny amethysts
two potions of cure light wounds
a knotted gold ring(not magic).
masterwork Warhammer
dried meat
some water-skins
spare arcane components
two arcane scrolls(?),
one divine (?)
a jeweled dagger(magic?),
a spellbook (can’t believe I forgot this)
light crossbow and had 7 remaining bolts.
2 masterwork chain shirt.
2 glaives
2 spiked gauntlet.
small symbol of a brass bull’s head with tiny red gemstone eyes.
17 gold and 8 platinum.
129 gp.

Elf Wizard 2 | AC14 (T13F11) CMD15 | HP 13/13 | Saves F+5 R+3 W+6 | Per+6 I Int +3

I have the the 2 arcane scrolls, spellbook and spare spell component pouch along with 3 of the 12 arrows and my scale.

Don't know about everyone else.

Where it says Tessai has this, is simply dotting down a placeholder for the items so that nothing gets lost - correct my assumptions below if necessary, and take your pick for whatever items you think you need.

Varn Sophas wrote:

Tessai is right here is the stuff we found so far.

six scales Magic
I believe these have been assigned

a masterwork backpack that contains
10 trail rations
flint and steel
set of caltrops
2 flasks of oil
Raven has this

9 arrows
I think Raven should carry these

a breastplate with the symbol of the golden eagle
Tessai is carrying this since she cannot bear to just leave it in the cave

copper brooch depicting a bat perched on a mushroom- both of the bat's eyes are tiny amethysts
Tessai has this

a knotted gold ring(not magic).
Stayed with the dwarf I believe

masterwork Warhammer

dried meat
some water-skins

spare arcane components
two arcane scrolls(?),
a spellbook (can’t believe I forgot this)
3 Arrows
Varn has these

one divine (?)
I think Selka should carry these

a jeweled dagger(magic?),
To be identified?

light crossbow and had 7 remaining bolts.
No takers so far - to be sold?

2 masterwork chain shirt.
Orlando and Raven I believe

2 glaives
Tessai has both

2 spiked gauntlet.
Tessai has both - one is to be sold along with her longspear (replaced by a glaive)

small symbol of a brass bull’s head with tiny red gemstone eyes.
I believe no one picked up this CURSED FOUL object :D

17 gold and 8 platinum.
129 gp.
Tessai can carry these

3 potions of cure light wounds
1 potion of invisibility
2 potion(?) one from bag one from dwarf
two potions of cure light wounds
Left these for last - Tessai will not claim any of these. If they have been claimed, please marked them as so.

After we've ran through the list, we'll check what needs to be sold, and if it is at all possible to sell anything in this settlement.

NOTE: Tessai's movement with all the loot she is carrying is 20' - she will leave whatever cannot be sold back at the resting place where they are at the moment, so she can stay mobile, at least for the time being.

Male Human Bard1/Swash(Insp Blade)9/Myth Trick 3 AC27(31) (T21F17) CMD33 | HP97/97 | Saves F7R21W9 | Perc +7 | Init:+12 | Panache: 4/4 | MythPower: 8/9 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status: OK

Orlando will also pick up the 7 light crossbow bolts, one of the enemy uniforms and pack away the brass bull's head with gem eyes. Just in case.

ok dagger is +1 dagger

-lesser restoration
-potion mage armor

-shocking grasp
-resist energy
-cause fear (divine)


-magic missile
-shocking grasp
-mage armor
-color spray
-ray of enfeeblement
-chill touch
-cause fear


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