The Will of Achaekek

Game Master GM-Gathrix

Maps of Golarion
Red Mantis Wiki

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Female Human Ninja / Level 2 / Hp - 20 [20] / AC - 18 / T - 14 / FF - 14 / Fort +1 - Ref +7 - Will +0 / Initiative +5 / Perception +5

I'm enjoying this but sure, Hells Vengeance sounds good. I'm in.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

I am definitely enjoying this, I like the other players and the game concept id great.

I know nothing about Hell's Vengance. probably the only way I would start that would be if I played Kayla, and we all could keep the characters we have now. (I am enjoying this group too much)


I'm enjoying this game. Had sick toddlers for the last week (and adults). Hopefully life will be back to "normal" soon.

Ok I am glad to hear it (well the part about wanting to continue, not sick people) I will post a recap of sorts

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Rakus has pretty much gone to sleep so he can regain his spells come morning. For 8 hours he is out of action, that's the reason I have not posted as we have not reached morning officially.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Rakus stated basically why I haven't posted. Nothing really to respond to since Zaphani's last comment seemed to just hang there.

As far as the larger campaign, while I expected/hoped for more intrigue, RP, and playing of politics in between stabbing sessions, I'm still enjoying myself.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

I tried to get something going again... lets hope others follow suit?

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Someone has to stand guard over those sleeping I would hope. Sense you waited a few hours sense we set up camp, Rakus is fast asleep at the moment. Don't expect him doing anything unless trouble comes to the camp and wakes him. Not a good idea. ;)

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Well the scouting mission does not have to be drawn out, a few simple checks and a quick post on what we find.

Then we report back and make a plan.

The site has been buggy since the Humble Bundle thing. I will give you a report on what your scouting mission produced later tonight/early tomorrow.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27
GM-Gathrix wrote:
The site has been buggy since the Humble Bundle thing. I will give you a report on what your scouting mission produced later tonight/early tomorrow.

Buggy? Are you saying the Red Mantis are behind it? Why would do such a thing?!?

(Sorry, that was riiiight there)


Ugh. Still feeling pretty lousy. But I think I'm coherent enough to get some posts together. Been taking care of sick toddlers while sick doesn't leave much energy (physical or mental) to catch up on PbP. I've fallen asleep while crafting posts several times, only to have the situations change by the time I wake. Hope to have something up soon.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

knock knock, anyone still wanna play this game? I was really enjoying it. Please don't leave....

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

I don't have the skills to make those rolls. Otherwise I am still here, just waiting.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

I want to play, I just haven't had anything to add.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla does not have any of the required skills. but posting at least shows some interest.

even if it is simple conversation or offering some ideas.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Anyone mind a roll call? Wondering how many of us are still playing.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Here, though I have a busy weekend that will curtail my posting

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

I am still here, trying to keep this game going...

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

OK all, if you post for a roll call then post in game... the game will not move forward if nobody actually does something in character.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

So is this game dead?

Work and holidays have been keeping me busy lately and if I don't see a new post it sort of slips my mind, sorry. x(

Yeah I think there was a lot with conflicts outside of the Game. I had told Kayla I would let it die.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

I've just been working really hard (I'm a tax preparer, do the math :)) and haven't had the energy. I'm still interested in the concept but I just haven't had the energy

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Yeah busy season for me too. Also liked the concept, guess things just sort of crumbled. >.<

I have chosen the path of "He Who Walks in Blood" as one of his Clerics. Question: Can one such as me become a member of the Red Mantis Society without being or trained as an assassin? Would I be venerated or just tolerated?


I am _so_ sorry for disappearing. I had a series of life implosion and am just now getting everything stable again.

I am not going to go into detail, suffice to say that I dropped a bunch of balls and these boards were one of them.

I hope you all can forgive me. I hope to return to PbP games in the future and would love to do so here. I don't think my life is together enough yet, but I look forward to the time when it is.

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