The Walking Dead


Overnight, the city of Magnimar has turned from a lawful city to an undead wasteland. A small group of survivors have managed to hang on...for now

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You wake up, staring at the rafters of the attic from your makeshift bed. Your back hurts, your joints stiff, your mouth dry. A grumble and groan announces your new."friends" are awake as well. Shaking your head, your thoughs lead you back to the night before, where you watched the town go from normal to insane flesh craving undead.

You manage to duck into an inn for shelter, and at first you were safe. But then they pushed through the baricades on the front door and windows. You rush upstairs and hold them off, but they keep coming. A bellow from above, a hand to grasp, and suddenly you are pulled up into the attic. The things, once friends, now flesh eaters, groan and moan, awaiting your flesh to fall to them.

So I spent four days sitting in a tree stand hoping to bag a deer. During that time, I let my mind wander. And it has lead me to an adaptation of "the walking dead" .

Simple pc creation rules
25pt buy
1st level
Max hps
Any class
Any race from pathinder.
Starting equipment: you may purchase, but it is on the first floor of the inn. You have to go get it.
More equipment can be found throughout the town.

The goal: survive

Dark Archive

Dotting for interest.

How long do you think the game would go? Because I have a Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian I'd love to play, but if he never gets to level 2, it'd probably be better for me to pick something else.

How do you intend to deal with Clerics and the like being able to turn the undead?

Dotting for interest, but I'm curious about Kastarr's question as well.

dotting for interest

Love it. Turning Undead is a feat, maybe something is wrong and it doesn't work.

Also it eventually runs out. Undead might not.

How would you feel about a Dhampir Gunslinger? ^^

Thought about kastarrs' question.

Using the channel energy will be like a gun shot in the walking dead. While it will still damage and destory the undead, the release of positive energy will be like a beacon to them, drawing the undead to the clerics position.

Right... Loud noise brings them the way blood brings mosquitoes... or sharks.

That's fair enough. I'm still going to put forward a Cleric but it won't be optimised for killing the Undead. Given the intro, I'm thinking a Cleric of Cayden Cailean.

Sovereign Court

Is this in Golarion? Like, some kind of "Geb Gone Wild" thing? Also, dotting for interest.

It is in golarion.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds very promising..will dot for interest and look over options....

any alignment restriction?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very interested. Thinking about some type of summoner.

Im glad u asked, raizen.

No chaotic evil. A CE pc wouldnt work well in a party setting where everyone needs each other for survival. A CE pc would enjoy bringing down the group and delight in the misery of death...up to their own moment of death .

Any other alignment will work because even LE & NE pcs know they need people to help them survive

Would you be ok with a character that manipulates and uses the undead?

I was thinking about making a Gravewalker Witch. Basic idea would be that (s)he'd been attracted to the area because of all the zombies but ended up with more than he/she had bargained for.

By the way, it wouldn't be a backstabber or something, just a different approach and goal. Where most want to destroy the undead he/she wants to take control.

As for length of campaign... That is up to the players. The storyline in my head can take from beyond its current location and beyond.

I see the campaign as a three part act.
Act 1: survive
Act 2: find safe haven
Act 3: identify cause and solution

I would like to submit Marcus for this. Sounds cool. I like killing zombies

Cuan, the story line starts off the next morning when the populace is suddenly turned undead. a tweak to your story would have to be done

remind me to get expeditious retreat ready for this game LOL

are you looking for us to wright up a backstory? I will just created Marcus. Let me know thanks.

Lets keep backstory a little loose, just a reason why you came to town.
As we progress in the game, ill allow pcs to add to their backstory.

Very much interested!

Creating a Rogue (Roof Runner) for the game now. Max gold for class or roll for it? And I'm assuming by going without starting equipment, it means we only have our clothes/outfit upstairs and armor/weapons are downstairs?

lets have everyone roll for starting gold. As i said, there is more equipment available throughout town, you just have to locate it.

Same thing with food. You have to find it.

I'm building my Dhampir Gunslinger right now.
As you can see, I've swapped out Manipulative and Light sensitivity, sacrificing the Dhampir's Spell-like ability for the new traits of Dayborn and Vampiric Empathy.

What about traits? Can we have them, and if so, how many?

Starting gold: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 5, 4) = 19 x 10.

I want to introduce Teodor Skov, a Dwarf Ranger (Guide), I need to modify him given the new character creation guidelines (25 PB), but I think he can do well.

I am a huge fan of the walking dead, and I am really looking forward to this game!

As for starting gold: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 1, 4) = 18

OOH! Interesting!!!

I"m thinking I want to go with a basic sort of everyman, who has been tossed into this... and he ain't happy! Either that or a crossbow-user. Probably going the everyman route though... Feat-wise, is anything non-3rd party from the PFSRD available? Also, traits...?

Dark Archive

is this a chance to play a CG goblin barbarian :D
i just love the idea of this game, very excited

Starting gold: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) = 170.

El Baron, checking in with character. Wanderer monk, from the Advanced Race Guide (on PRD.) Getting him into the story should be easy as pie; he's a wanderer. He wandered there. Now there's zombos.

1d6 ⇒ 10 gp

2 traits

Also, what's the starting region? I need to pick a language for my 1st-level ability. :D

Dark Archive

Yeah, I'm gonna go with my Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian then. Let's give this a whirl.

Fighter starting gold: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5, 2) = 23 x 10 = 230g. Wow, that's a good start.

Do we start off with anything at all, or just the gold and clothes on our backs?

Khron Stonearm, Dwarven Mercenary:
Male Dwarven Fighter (Unbreakable) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision, Perception +3


AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10. . (+1 Dex)
HP 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3 (+2 vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities)


Speed 20 ft. (No Armor)
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d4+4/20/x2)
. . Unarmed Strike +4 (1d4+6/20/x2)
Special Abilities Diehard


Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack (-1/+2), Endurance, Diehard
Traits Defender of the Society (+1 AC in Medium or Heavy armor), Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)
Skills Perception 1 rank (+3), Intimidate 1 rank (+2), Use Magic Device 1 rank (-1)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant
Combat Gear ; Other Gear 230gp, traveler's outfit


Favored Class: Barbarian (+1 Rage round)
Dwarven Racial Traits (Rock Stepper alternate racial trait)
Tough as Nails



Khron is from a long line of Dwarven merchants... a long line that has now been exiled from under the mountain. His parents, Alexander and Agna, settled down in the Rostland area of Brevoy, using their experience as merchants to set up a general store for the surrounding areas. Born into such an area, Khron grew up hearty and strong, a hard worker that would even impress the dwarves that had shunned his clan. Alexander and Agna were so proud of their son, already expecting him to take over the Stonearm General Store. His childhood was unremarkable, and it wasn't until he reached adulthood that he began to show dissatisfaction with his lot.

Finding the merchant's life too droll for him, the dwarven man began to train with his home's wood-chopping axe. Every day, he would sneak off to go practice his swing, his ability to run, lift and various other martial tasks. He eventually managed to convince the Rostland Militia to let him enlist, despite his size and race. His parents were not pleased at him going to join quot;them tallfolk muscleheads, quot; but all the young dwarven man wanted to do was train his body and his spirit. Though initially not trusting of the humans that made up the militia , Khron eventually won the respect of the men with his strength, fortitude and loyalty. Earning a reputation as a walking wall, he would practically absorb punishment while advancing without any fear, guarding the other men as they charged behind him. And once the battle was won, young Stonearm would drink any man under the table with a smile on his face.

Now Khron is relaxing and enjoying some free time, but things are about to get dangerous...

Physical Description:
Broad and heavily-muscled, Khron appears to be very much Urist Everydwarf. He's reasonably tall for a dwarf, standing roughly 4'7" and weighing about 225 pounds. His well-kept red hair and beard are his pride and joy, and his sharp gray eyes are said to keep those who would disagree with him in their place.

He tends to dress very conservatively when not in his armor, favoring light clothing and his adventurer's outfit.

Picture of Khron in full Militia gear.

Khron defines "gruff and unpersonable." He is a crafty, wise and loyal comrade, but his interactions with others leave much to be desired. If one can endear themselves to him, he will defend them to the death without question, but he is loathe to even speak with people he does not trust or respect, at least if the money isn't right. He is aware of his inability to interact well with others, but he couldn't care less that such a flaw might be a problem. If the coin is good, or the cause noble enough, Khron will gladly risk his life to get it done. He also has a tendency to charge into situations recklessly, a trait he picked up from the humans he trained and fought amongst.

O-kay! Crunch and fluff completed! Please let me know what you think. ^^ I hope to keep this guy alive long enough to multiclass into Master of Many Styles, by the way.

@ jarred: its a stretch, since most of the world despises goblins...

the list so far:
zavran shellos: el baron a monk
Jarred H: a CG goblin barbarian.
teodor Skov: dwarf ranger
gareth strike: dhampir gunslinger
rashly5: rogue type
marcus: something...
cuan: gravewalker witch
kastarr: cleric

Starting point:

The city you are all in, and the start of this campaign is Magnimar.

Silver Crusade

I wish to take part in this. What classes and races do we have so far?

Since im getting alot of interest in this, and have 8 people asking for a spot, ill put forth my criteria for choosing PCs.

while i said im not looking for a backstory, i would like to know what brought your PC to town. Are you there to look for work? were you guarding a caravan? Perhaps to do some trade? Just there because you live there?

also, the PC design. I will pick the PC's that look like they were pulled from a daily routine and thrown into a "ah, end of the world, how will i survive" situation. While i understand you may have that kick ass pc that can destroy undead, i may choose that druid who was in town to visit family because the druid fits in to the "oh crap the end of the world" scenario.

Okay, added my traits: Reactionary and Skeptic.

Dark Archive

Hmmmmm. May have to alter the background a bit, then.

I've gotta go to class, though, so it'll be a few hours before I can get everything set up right.

Scarab Sages

Right, i believe Teodor fits that bill, he' doesnt even have favored enemy, since he has the Guide Archetype.

He is there because he brought some people to town, assuming the town is in a somewhat isolated location. If the town is easily accessible, then Teodor stopped here to rest after guiding some folks to some other remote location in the vicinity.

I have adjusted him to a 25pb build.


PS, I need to repurchase gear, using the starting gold i rolled

Silver Crusade

I have Josef an Aasimar Paladin of Yaheine who was on a pilgrimage and stopped in town to pray at the local church.


I have Shallowsoul, a young elven Wizard who has an infatuation with undead. He is from this town and liked to frequent the cemetery at night.

That latter trait might make you a wee bit suspicious once people have enough time to draw a breath and ask who's responsible for the zombie apocalypse. :p

Silver Crusade

Gareth Shrike wrote:
That latter trait might make you a wee bit suspicious once people have enough time to draw a breath and ask who's responsible for the zombie apocalypse. :p

I think it would be cool though.

Scarab Sages

I just realized we're in is the City of Magnimar, which is huge, so we'll go with option B, I just came back to Magnimar from a job to Windsong Abbey. And even though Teodor is familiar with the city, I spent most of my time taking people out of Magnimar and doesn't have a permanent residence there.

I submit Kjell for your consideration. Male, Two-handed Fighter from the rugged north.

Background done, and tweaks finished. Here's a copy of the backstory, but it'll also be in my profile if needed.

Zavran Shellos:
Zavran was raised in Tien-Min as a good Iroran, and joined a monastery later in life. The nations problems were far too much of a disruption on the monastery, which caused the order to slowly scatter. As one of the last few to remain, Zavran had a vision. He saw the a man, standing in front of Zavran on a path on which he currently stood. Zavran kindly told the man, "Please move, you are in my way." The man responded, "Am I? How can a path be yours if you do not know it?" Zavran remembers nothing more of the vision (if there even was any), and took the message to heart. He decided he must set out to find his path and make it his own. He parted ways with the last remaining monks, and had his farewells with his family.

During his journey over the crown of the world, Zavran saw many interesting things. As he traveled, he met a Halfling, who described to him their traditions. One of which intrigued him the most; the adoption of last names, based on locale. Zavran decided that this is a practice he liked, which he thought tied him further to the land and the people surrounding him. Every nation he would enter, he would take a new surname. However, not all things Zavran would experience would be kind. These things Zavran did not find him, but instead would find him.

He currently finds himself in Varisia, thinking his path may be there. He has not yet found it, but something else finds him instead.

Dark Archive

That’s fine; I can prep something else if you like.

This goblin was found as a baby by a gnome. Said gnome was struck with the question "are goblins born hating us or is that taught to them?" He was in town to celebrate his father’s birthday and in true goblin spirit can’t remember what happens after that.

shallowsoul wrote:
Gareth Shrike wrote:
That latter trait might make you a wee bit suspicious once people have enough time to draw a breath and ask who's responsible for the zombie apocalypse. :p
I think it would be cool though.

You may well be right. ^^

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