The Valynce Group Adventures (Inactive)

Game Master Varrian Lunari

A group dedicated to finding adventure at every turn set in the Forgotten Realms setting.

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Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Just waiting on everyone to give me what they are doing and there location. :-)

Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

were just waiting on one at this point right?

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Yes , Dench I believe. But I wasn't everyone to go ahead and post where they are in the gameplay thread. If you are asleep, who is on watch if anyone, and if you have taken off armor and so forth.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I will assume dench is no longer with us.


Female Human 5th Cleric

well, what is going on GM

Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

so we post in the other thread? Also will we be getting a replacement?

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Yes other thread, no we will continue without him. His spot will remain his if he decides to come back.


Female Human 5th Cleric


Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

Are we still playing?


Female Human 5th Cleric

That is what I was pondering

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

Well we seem to all be here except for the GM.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

I am very sorry for not being around but unfortunatly I am unable to continue gming. I have had some really bad family problems come up. Sorry again. If anyone would like to take over and gm this a different way please feel free.

Male Gnome Druid/1

No problem GM its understandable. I hope that you are alright.

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

I hope everything works out for you.

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