The Valynce Group Adventures (Inactive)

Game Master Varrian Lunari

A group dedicated to finding adventure at every turn set in the Forgotten Realms setting.

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Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

We should rest if we can. We have a long journey ahead and we should not get low on sleep.

I don't want push anyone before we get to Waterdeep. Also, stopping might give me a chance to question Allystra or Kyranda.

Keleth gets off his horse and looks around.

How many people have we seen on this road?

Keleth looks into the woods for anything unusual near the clearing.

Perception Check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 +2 if vs. Humans

As Keleth is looking around he steps into the clearing and looks on the ground for tracks.

Track Check 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 +2 if vs. Humans

EDIT: Just posted second after the guidance spell. Will use it on the perception check if I can only get it once.(not already included in the roll)


Female Human 5th Cleric

yes you only get it on one roll so I think that your idea is a good one

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Keleth- On the road from Waterdeep you have seen merchants, other adventuring parties, and some farmers along the way. A group of guards passed once or twice but you haven't seen them in days now. You don't see anything unusual, it looks like it may be used by other travelers, a spot for a campfire sits in the center of the clearing. You see various human tracks, animals, and wildlife tracks. Nothing else seems out of place or strange.

Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

Looks clear, everyone set up camp. I am going to take a look around the forest see if there is anything about, just to be sure. Anyone who wants to can come with me. Also if anyone hears my whistle, come as fast as possible.

This is the perfect place for bandits. I don't want to be attacked in the middle of the night.

Keleth head off into the woods. He makes a circle around the campsite about 300 feet away. He looks around for any sighs of life.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 +2 vs. Humans

Track 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 +2 vs. Humans

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

I will keep watch on you while you investigate Keleth.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 - Following Keleth in Stealth just to protect his flank.

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

HA! Worst Rogue ever!


Female Human 5th Cleric

Starts putting up her tent and looks around after words

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Perception (just looking around at the tops of the trees)

After searching around I go over and start a small fire

really really looks like I am just looking at thesis with my eyes closed

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

Allystra happily goes about getting her bedroll out and putting it out under the stars, she looks for the best cover under a tree but with a nice view of the sky and close to wherever Dench sets up.

If she has time she'll eat some rations and even offers Shadowstride her leftovers.

She hums a tune to herself. but while she does so she waves her fingers around and tilts her head.

Allystra casts Detect Magic for 1 minute

Male Gnome Druid/1

Balugarom removes his birds nest hat and starts fiddling with the sticks a bit before laughing as Shadowstride greedily eats the leftovers that Allystra offered.

He takes a sip of water and eats some food as Kyranda starts a fire. Then he will move closer to some trees and sit happily adding more twigs and grass to his hat. Shadowstride quite happily goes to sleep as business in the camp continues.

Dench sets his bedroll up next to a sturdy looking tree. Sitting down against it he keeps his sword and shield within arms reach in case they are needed.

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

See discussion page please.

Keleth- You don't see anything unusual just more wildlife tracks. Some more human tracks. Looks like a well used campsite.

Kyranda- You see the tops of trees. ;-)


Female Human 5th Cleric

oh,darn Allystra I am sure that shadow stride will enjoy that I was going to fill my pot with some water and I was hoping that you would join me ma'am also I was going to make some stew. I am hoping that you might accompany me to the stream over there please.

Twiddle darling can you gather some herbs and some things for our stew?

well I hope that I can some More information of her I think that I can let her in on my secret if she tells me hers

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

Allystra smiles pleasantly and follows Kyranda to the stream. She says nothing as they walk, she is more distracted by the world around them, she looks at the ground and then at the sky and then at the trees, she seems to enjoy watching the little bugs crawl and fly.


Female Human 5th Cleric

so Alltstra, I have a story to tell you so I hope that you might be able to give me some answers to my questio s that my story has asked. My loyal friend of mine has been found sent to waterdeep from my temple and I have not heard from her now in about 2 ten days now and I heard from Valynace that she might have been in the under mountain she also said that you might have seen her in your dreams. Please tell me what you have seen so I can have some hope I finding her

I am not telling a lie I wanted to get some more I information

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

As Kyranda talks Allystra wanders over to the stream and looks in hoping to see some fish. If she sees one,

Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

She will laugh with delight and then take a swing at it with her morning star.

Morning star: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Whatever the case after a second or two, still starring in the water on her random fishing adventure she asks What did she look like, your friend? Was she short with blonde, almost white hair?

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Allystra- You see water...;-)

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Inquisitor/2 - | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 |SR 7| CMD 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +3 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +9 // Wand CLW - 44


Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

well then, Allystra thinks she sees a fish and attacks the water!! dealing 9 points of dmg to the stream, "take that stream" ;-)


Female Human 5th Cleric

you will have to wait till the GM get's back with me on that..


Female Human 5th Cleric

She has long silver hair, about 5'9", green eyes. she is also an elven like yourself. I have been friends with her since I was put into the Temples. She was a very good friend to me and I need to know if she is okay. any information that you can give me will be very helpful

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

hmm... Allystra continues to look at the water No, I don't think I've seen her in my dreams...but dreams are a funny thing you know. Their like stories with no ending and no beginning and often the middle is all muddled... Allystra pauses and turns to Kyranda, unless of course you mean in a vision? Did you mean in a vision?

well if thats the case I still don't know what happend with your friend.

Allystra turns back to the water I hope she's alright! She says with genuine concern in her voice.


Female Human 5th Cleric

What have you seen in your visions? Anything that might help us on our journey together? U am hoping by the end of this that everyone here will be really good friends and trust everyone like they should! I hope that we all can make this trip the first of many gathers the water into her pot and smiles if your done trying to beat fish I think that we should get back before they come looking for us


Female Human 5th Cleric

What have you seen in your visions? Anything that might help us on our journey together? U am hoping by the end of this that everyone here will be really good friends and trust everyone like they should! I hope that we all can make this trip the first of many gathers the water into her pot and smiles if your done trying to beat fish I think that we should get back before they come looking for us

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

Trust is an even funnier thing than dreams She looks at the distant horizon It can have many beginnings, a muddled middle and even an odd and sometimes painful end.

She seems to get distracted after she says that and her usual friendly and happy smile is replaced by an angry frown as she glares at the horizon.

Allystra turns to walk back to camp. In any case I've told you everything I know about my vision already.

We should look for the ring at the top of the stairs, I guess I didn't mention it was a horned ring, but how many rings are there in the undermountain? Well maybe eight, probably eight. It's probably Halaster's ring. As to what it really does or works who knows? As to where it is that's the adventure isn't it? She says loudly with a laugh and a skip.


Female Human 5th Cleric

Well, I understand where you are coming from there Allstra

Looks around the camp and sees Dench.

Dench, I have question for you sir, Do you happen to have a whetstone on you? My dagger is in need of sharpening. I have not had a chance to get it sharpened before we left.

sits down next to Dench,handing him her dagger.
Well, if you could do it for me I would be happy, the last time I did that, I got my finger cut and I did not like it.

takes off her chainmail shirt and lays flat on the ground where she was sitting looking up at the sky and sighs

mind wonders a little bit
a bit of a smirk crosses her face

You know Dench, you might be better off if you relax a little bit, I understand your angst and your tenseness towards me, I am not out to harm anyone at all, expect whomever crosses our path not anyone in our group, nor am I wanting to make enemy's with anyone here. My divine power hopefully will keep us strong and you alive. I am going to need your trust as much as you need mine. So I am offering right now a friendship between us, so that we will survive down there. I am sure once we get to Waterdeep that I will be able to talk with my temple to get us some potions and some scrolls for us, you should come to the temple and relax while your there maybe pick up a new religion.

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

Dryten continues to shadow Keleth around the perimitter of the camp. Keeping a watch on the activities of the other party members to ensure their safety.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

The day starts to turn to night, your time has been restful To say the least and you have seen hide nor hair of anyone else since setting up camp. Everyone please continue where you left off and I will follow up

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Please tell me what everyone is doing, it is about 5 hours after you set up camp. Who is a sleeping who is on guard duty if anyone and whatever else.


Female Human 5th Cleric

I will take the First watch and I will take the time to make sure that the fire is still going and watching and listening carefully out there to hear what is going on if anything is happening..

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 for watch.

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

I will take 2nd watch. Kyranda, if you don't mind please wake me for it.

Female Elven Sorceress (1), HP 8/8, AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10, Init +7, Perc +1

Allysta happily tucks herself into her blanket as the sun goes down. If need be she'll take a watch but other than that she's happy to rest.

Male Gnome Druid/1

Balugarom curls down with Shadowstride cuddled next to him, he sleeps by the trees slightly away from the fire. His Birds nest hat is placed by his side, along with his weapons. However he has left his armour on.


Female Human 5th Cleric

once my watch is over I go and wake up Dryten. Hey, Dryten time to take watch sir. nothing has happened as far as I can see. I haven't heard anything at all either.

goes over and cuddles into twiddlestick and rubs herelf on to him and whispers in his ear want to join me in my tent sweetie?
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Diplomacy check

Female Human Archmage / Rogue / Druid

Balugarom please make a Sense Motive Check

Kyranda and Dryten make a perception check.

Male Half-Elf Ranger/1

Keleth leaves his armor on and offers to take over watch if someone gets tiered. He gets in his sleeping bag but takes a long time to go to sleep. Often his hand goes to his bow by his side.


Female Human 5th Cleric

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 perception check

Male Gnome Druid/1

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

"I am happy here Kyranda, but thankyou for asking." He is blissfully unaware of what would have happened if he had went into the tent. "Although you are welcome to join me and Shadowstride here if you like!!!"


Female Human 5th Cleric

well maybe tomorrow night we might share my tent it Looks around again and the slowly gets up and goes to her tent but before she goes in to it she sits outside the entrance and prays for a couple of minutes and then goes inside

Male Half-Elf Rogue/1

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Thank you for waking me Kyranda, get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us.

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