GM Valynce Sharae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alright this page is going to start out as character creation and pbp rules. Please do not post here until I tell you. We will begin with character creation.
Character Creation:
All characters will be made out of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook (PFCRB).
All classes and races in the PFCRB are available.
All rules apply for making characters from the PFCRB.
Character stat rolling: (Please use the dice roller available here on the site, you can do this by looking at the format text below and can be done by typing [.d.i.c.e.].1d20.[./.d.i.c.e.] I put periods in so it wouldn't actually come up.) Player's will roll 4d6 and then drop the lowest one, repeating this six times. For example: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 2) = 14 So this stat would end up being 12
Please roll these stats in one post by repeating the dice format six times in the post.
I will be using a modifiable .pdf to keep track of your characters. I would like everyone if possible to also list your character and stats under the alias option in "My Account". Please see mine under Gozer "Bone Splitter" as an example.
That should do it for the character section. If you have any questions about creation please post them here after we start.

GM Valynce Sharae |

You may now start creating your characters. Since this weekend is a holiday I will be on and off this post as much as possible.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Please feel free to talk among yourselves and decide what everyone would like to be.

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Here goes my stats..
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 1) = 14 so a 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 5) = 19 so a 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 2) = 14 so a 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 5) = 17 so a 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 2) = 15 so a 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 6) = 15 so a 13
Pretty even across the board. I was thinking of being the party meat shield. If no one has any objections that is. It'll be a half-orc fighter by the name of Dench.

TheHairyAvenger |

My stats:
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 6) = 21: 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 2) = 8: 7
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 6) = 17: 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 4) = 12: 10
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 2) = 13: 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1) = 15: 14
I'm thinking of being a Gnome Druid with a Eagle companion but unsure atm.
I won't be able to post much tonight but should be able to get a character done over the weekend if that's alright.

Faol Mhor |

Oh just got in as the 7th man. Thanks for the invite and I'm looking forward to playing
Well her go the stats.
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 1) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 4) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 6) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 6) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 1) = 10
Very new to this PBP thing but looking forward to it.

Faol Mhor |

8, 14, 16, 14, 9, 9
Ouch, three under 10 but that shouldn't be to bad. I'll be able to get 2 of those 9's to 11s and maybe drop a 14 to 12 after racial bonus if I play an Elf.
I was thinking an elf cleric of some kind. Maybe a CG cleric of Calistra if that meets with other's approval.
GM a few questions,
Any preferred Group Alignment restrictions?
Trait selections restrictions if any?
Are we able to use information from the Advanced player's guide?
I know you indicated you would start of with a D&D modules but is the campaign set primarily in the world of Golarion?
Thanks again for taking the time to set up a game.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Thanks for the questions!
#1 Per alignment-I am the type of person that believes variety is the spice of life... or whatever, I want everyone to be able to, for the most part, within the restrictions for characters I have set down, play any alignment they choose. From Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. But you have to make it feasible for your character. Coming in and slaughtering the group won’t be allowed. Having a thief that perhaps steals from his group or a fighter who just happens to torture the truth out of some kobold children, :shrug:. That is completely up to you. But I will use your alignment in the game. Making tough decisions is going to be a part of your choices. So choose carefully.
On a side note about character background: Please be as informative as possible. I will also use your background in the campaign if possible. You are free to use any Forgotten Realms 3.5 and before source material for background information.
#2 Traits- You are allowed two traits. However they need to be approved by me first. To start off with, Rich Parents is not allowed.
#3 APG-Right now I am only allowing Core Rulebook information. As the game progresses and I get more comfortable with this I will open up additional PF resources for use.
#4 I have decided I will be running a Forgotten Realms game. All of my modules and source material for the most are D&D. We will be playing a module that will take your characters from level 1 to 10. Expedition to Undermountain.
I hope that has answered some of your questions! I know it is going to be alittle strange using PF characters in D&D but I like the rule set better for now in PF. I may as a bonus depending on how long this goes open up D&D source material for use and just modify it via PF.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Another note on alignment: Do not tell the other player's, this will help with metagaming, you know "the paladin accidentally trips and activates detect evil." lol I will want everyone to PM there alignment and backstory when they figure it out. Backstorys can be put on your alias page but not your alignment. Thanks.

Faol Mhor |

More Questions for you Valynce,
1) What would you like us to do for starting gold? Average or roll?
2) And for trait approval should we just PM you or just ask for approval on this page?
I'm full of questions.
One more thing, I have very little experience with the forgotten realms setting, more knowledge about Golarion, but I'm more than happy to give this campaign setting a try.

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4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 3) = 13 so 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 5) = 15 so 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 3) = 14 so 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 2) = 14 so 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 1) = 16 so 15
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 3) = 19 so 16
If it is okay with the rest of the party I will wait till everyone has choosen and then I will fill in the left over spot that is needed by everyone.
If that is not okay with the GM or the party please let me know and I will start asap.

GM Valynce Sharae |

@ Krumthi: I have no problem with it. Thank you for checking with both me and the party.
@ Faol Mhor: For starting gold please roll on this page. Everyone knows the gold for their class, but I will check or if you have questions I will answer them for what class.
I guess I never asked, does everyone have the CRB or know how to access the free core rules on paizo?
Trait approval can be asked here unless you feel it is something you want to keep hidden from the other players. Feel free to PM me.
One of the great things about not knowing the setting is learning new things about the world.
Also would anyone like a copy of the modifiable .pdf I will be using? There is a slight problem with some skills not adding correctly but once you know the system its fine.

Faol Mhor |

Here is my roll for my wealth. I've decided to go with an elven Sorceress so a massive 2d6. Common double 6's!!!
2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6 hmm, so close...60 Gp for me.
Yes I do have access to the CRB.
For anyone interested http://www.d20pfsrd.com is also my favourite way to access information about classes and anything pathfinder quickly. It has almost everything on there.

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So let me Recap here
1. Half-orc Fighter
2. Gnome Druid
3. Elven Sorceress.
4. waiting on
5. waiting on
6. waiting on
7. Me waiting on the party
I promise when everyone get's their stuff in I will be quick about making a char with a backstory, FR is a good spot for me, I have a lot knowledge about the relams, please tell me we are not playing in 4th ed FR though, I would like to play before the spell plauge if possible.

GM Valynce Sharae |

@ Faol Mhor- Thank you for posting that link for everyone.
@ Krumthi- I believe the only confirmed characters are the half-orc fighter and the Elven sorceress. Hairy was leaning towards a gnome druid. As for the Edition of FR's I am asking for back story purposes and what not to use any resources you like from 3.5 back. I do not like 4e in either game play (unless it is the board games) or story line too much. I hope that answered some of your questions.
I still haven't heard from jtfoto or meibolite. If I don't hear from them by the end of tomorrow I will try to fill one spot and close the other. But it is a holiday weekend in the US and some people have plans. So we will see.

Faol Mhor |

I will warn everyone that I am very new to the CRB and will probably make a few mistakes in this character creation so apologies in advance.
In that link I put up on this page that site has a page Character Creation which lists the process in an easy to follow way. Just remember it also has more info than just the core rules so need to check back with the CRB so you don't grab something from another source. But usually they mark where the data comes from at the bottom.
The tricky part of creating a druid, I find, is the Animal companion but if you have any questions I might be able to help.

TheHairyAvenger |

Thanks just having a quick glance that seems to be really helpful and simple to follow, wish I had used it earlier !!!
Thanks for the offer of help I think I will probably need it it's been a steep learning curve so far. I think I should be able to get the final bits finished by tomorrow :)

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So it looks like at this point in time it would be a cleric that I would be playing. I am more then willin to do it I have one rolled up with some stats so I will just change the stats and skill s to suit the ones that I rolled and we can go for there it will be late tonight and I will post the char for everyone or early tomorrow depending on when I get home from my normal Campigan tonight
This is my krumthi but I will be postin in here as kyranda if the cleric is what we are going with

GM Valynce Sharae |

@ Nathan- You will be underground most of your levels through 10. However you could encounter anything from humans to orcs to beholders, and oozes. So I really can't say any one favored enemy is going to help.
@ Hairy- If you need help with anything feel free to ask me. That goes for anyone. I know the rules pretty well. I have my normal biweekly PFS meeting tonight so I wont be on until either after 12 or tomorrow morning.
Starting HP is your max hit die, so if it is a d8 you would be able to start with 8 plus con modifier, and plus 1 if you decide to use your favored class HP bonus instead of extra skill point.
So right now we are looking at:
Cleric ?
Unknown -
Unknown -
Unknown -

jtfoto |

First off, thank you, I appreciate the opportunity.
I would be happy to fill in whatever role we need as well. So I'll role and then determine class and race.
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 2) = 12 - 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 2) = 10 - 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1) = 8 - 7
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 1) = 10 - 9
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 2) = 16 - 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 4) = 17 - 15

jtfoto |

Just for reference. I play in a weekly Pathfinder campaign on Thursday's and am quite familiar with Pathfinder.
It has been years since I have played in a true D&D campaign, so I am very excited.
I will begin rolling up a character now to compliment the party. With those poor stats I may have to be "unique". I think my rolls may have you beat Faol.

Faol Mhor |

I think my rolls may have you beat Faol.
Oh Ouch!! Yeah.
It's fun sometimes to have a character who has handicaps and isn't to powerful. Makes the RP more interesting.
Anyway, I have a rough draft of my background done but should have it up tonight, I also have a rough draft picture of my character.
Let me know what you think. I'm going to add a goblin into the picture at her feat having met my morningstar head on. Should make for a funny picture when I'm done. I'm assuming that's pretty much all the's going to be able to kill with her morningstar hehe.
Yeah the morningstar looks more like a mace but whatever :)

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Alright, I have been thinking and I have decided I will still play a ranger. Most likely I will go with human. The other option would be for you to open up the trade where I would drop Favored Enemy and Quarry/Improved Quarry and only take Ranger's Focus and Inspired Moment from the guide archetype in the advanced players guide. I know we aren't using stuff from other books but it is just an option. I got the idea from this thread.

GM Valynce Sharae |

@ jtfoto- for fairness jtfoto please re-roll your 7 and one of your 9's. Those two stats will need to be 10 or above. One poor stat is okay not most. Keep re-rolling until you get above the 9 mark for those two stats.
@ NathanM- Sorry nathan but I want everyone to follow the core rules only.
Okay the only person who has not PM'ed me back is meibolite and if he doesn't answer we will have six.

GM Valynce Sharae |

So lets see if I got this straight for now.
1. TheHairyAvenger- Gnome Druid
2. NathanM- Human Ranger
3. jtfoto- Half-Elf Rogue
4. Valkyn Highwind- Half-Orc Fighter
5. Krumthi- Human Cleric
6. Faol Mhor- Elven Sorceress (Nice picture did you draw it?)
Good combo of races and classes. Good job guys. I will be spending the next couple of days entering your info into my .pdf program as your information comes in, to check and make sure everyone is up to par. I am really looking forward to this.
On a side note: What time zone is everyone in? Just so I can try and figure out when to expect posts. I am in US Eastern and right now it is 12:13am.

Faol Mhor |

So lets see if I got this straight for now.
1. TheHairyAvenger- Gnome Druid
2. NathanM- Human Ranger
3. jtfoto- Half-Elf Rogue
4. Valkyn Highwind- Half-Orc Fighter
5. Krumthi- Race? Cleric
6. Faol Mhor- Elven Sorceress (Nice picture did you draw it?)Good combo of races and classes. Good job guys. I will be spending the next couple of days entering your info into my .pdf program as your information comes in, to check and make sure everyone is up to par. I am really looking forward to this.
On a side note: What time zone is everyone in? Just so I can try and figure out when to expect posts. I am in US Eastern and right now it is 12:13am.
I am in Pacific time zone. Canada west coast.
Yes I drew the picture. It is not done yet, needs to be cleaned up and the dead goblin added. I enjoy drawing a concept of my characters.

TheHairyAvenger |

I am in the UK time zone so GMT :)
@Faol Mhor awesome picture.
I have the character almost done now just need the animal companion and spells, if we are underground a lot I don't think I will be having an eagle :)
Couple of questions:
How do you find out about the favoured class stuff I can't seem to spot it anywhere.
and would it be a wise option to get improved initiative feat or should I go with something that improves my spells like, Extend Spells.

jtfoto |

Thanks for giving me the re-rolls. It was tough seeing all the -1 and -2 "bonuses" on my sheet.
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 3) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 3) = 13
I am in the Eastern Time Zone - Florida.
I'll re-adjust my character and post it under my aliases.
I have a pretty open schedule, so I may be more flexible than others as far as a good time to post.

GM Valynce Sharae |

@NathanM- No problem Half-Elf is fine.
@ Hairy- Favored class can be found on page 31 of the Core rule book right above the listing for Barbarian. As for the feats that is completely up to you. Think of this adventure like a dungeon crawl with role playing throughout. You will have chance to go back and forth from town to underground.
@ jtfoto- No problem everyone else had only one stat low so I wanted the party to be even.
This is also a warning to all players. I will not pull punches like most d&d games do. Your character has a very good chance to die if everyone is not careful. So don't just build a "one-trick pony" you will need to use your heads and not depend on one stat ability or power.
I have already put Dench Bloodchylde onto my .pdf. It has worked out pretty well. There were a few tweaks I had to make with gold. I am going to go over my calculations just to make sure I am correct. When I am done I will e-mail you the .pdf if you like. It is update-able. So you can keep track right along with me.

GM Valynce Sharae |

@ Hairy- Just so you know extend spell will not help for a while as a feat. It uses a spell slot one level higher, which means that if you use it on a 0 level spell it will take the 1 first level spell slot you have besides the bonus one you get for your high wisdom mod. Just a heads up. You also wont be able to use it on your first level spell since you do not have a 2 level spell slot.

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I have already put Dench Bloodchylde onto my .pdf. It has worked out pretty well. There were a few tweaks I had to make with gold. I am going to go over my calculations just to make sure I am correct. When I am done I will e-mail you the .pdf if you like. It is update-able. So you can keep track right along with me.
That would be nice to see your sheet. What tweaks for the gold did you have to make for it to work? The sheet I used to make him on was one that I put together myself. It's not terribly complex in what it can do but it helps get the job done. As for what timezone I'm in it's Eastern.

Balugarom Twiddlestick |

This is Hairy.
@Valynce: Oki thanks I might aswell wait till I am a bit stronger before taking that one on board then. I think that the number crunchy stuff for the character is finished now but I'm not sure if anything is wrong with it. My animal Companion is there aswell :) I was unsure what traits to use so I just put some in ready for you to decide on.
I'm just finishing up the backstory then I will send that in a PM for approval.
Just a couple of questions about the animal tho:
Unless I have taught the animal a trick does that mean I have to perform a check every time I want it to do a particular thing such as attack or defend etc.
How do the skills work for the companion. Can the animal, until it reaches above 3 intelligence, only take ranks in the ones that it is trained in and is it skilled at anything other than the ones ranks have been put into.
Oh and thankyou Faol for that link it's been really useful.

Allystra |

This is Faol, and this is my character Allystra, her stats and such are up on her profile. I just need to choose traits.
@Valynce I know my rolls weren't' as bad as jtfoto but I did have three under 10, I was wondering if I can get a re-roll on my 8?