DM The nines |

After a few moments waiting behind the closed doors, Jemar reemerges in the sitting room and ushers you into the office beyond. Auldon Bregingund is a heavy-set man in his mid thirties it looks like with thinning black hair and a patchy goatee. His clothing is richly appointed, but seems just a little too small and clings just a little to tightly to his slight paunch and thighs. He moves briskly forward to greet you shaking each of your hands earnestly before retaking his seat.
Once seated behind a massive wooden desk, Auldon glances about a bit nervously. The walls of the room are full of bookshelves, only half of which still contain books, and a picturesque fireplace with a bare mantle. The sun faded outlines of vases above the mantle show as almsot a light shadow against the wall, but there are no vases in sight. There are eight serviceable wooden chairs along the edges of the room Jemar moves to arrange enough seating before the desk. Auldon smiles a second time still a bit nervously as you all sit. "Thank you for coming this afternoon. I understand that you have some kind of business with me?"

Tush Piack |

Tush looks back and forth at the members of her team, and smiles brightly at the man behind the desk.
"We've come into some letters that I'm sure will be some interest to you and your business concerns." She leans back and waits for the others to speak up. I could really help with those clothes. Better not say anything just yet. We still need to get the job.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed speaks up in a practiced tone and introduces all the members of present Silver Shields, leaving himself for last.
In a deep bow, Amed adds, "Our representative, Ms. Nicenzia Immortuos, will explain in full."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia smiles just enough to not show her canines "Well yeah as my colleague said we have come into possession of some letters that seems to be addressed to you. Some poor fellow was bragging about them in the tavern the other night, but it seems someone had a grudge against him as we found him dead in the backalley as we left to go home. No need to say we looted the letters to figure out if there was anything to what he bragged about and so here we are."
Bluff: 10 + 13 = 23

Aurelain |

Aurelain offers Auldon his name and shakes the man's hand carefully, making sure his claws do no damage. After pleasantries are delivered and the others speak Aurelain adds We are representatives of the Silver Shield good sir and have also heard that you might be able to use our services on some task, perhaps related to these papers, where lesser agents have failed you in the recent past.

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Swen falls behind Nicenzia as they are ushered into the office. She shakes Auldon's hand with a single nod, and simply offers her name, "Swen."
Looking around the room, her impression is that Jemar spoke at least partially the truth, that this man, once wealthy, has been squandering away his family fortune. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
She declines a seat and instead stands quietly, arms crossed, behind Nicenzia as the others make introductions and get down to business, studying this nervous man seated before them, watching for tells as to the measure of his desperation.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

DM The nines |

"Strange.. I was just researching about a family mine near there last week, adn now these letters appear..."
He began for the moment sounding what appeared to be skeptical... but after a moment more reading his smile grew larger.
"I had been considering writing off the mine to the government... so I wouldnt have to pay the tax on it anymore... It had dried up years ago . . . or so I had been led to believe. My aunt's journal that I had been studying indicated that it was the resting place of a great family treasure... though if it was so great why was it hidden so far away."
He fanned through the letters again.
"Would.. you folk be interested in exploring the mine... You may keep anything you find there outside of the heirloom."
He offered.
sense motives everyone?

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Already rolled sense motive. It wasn't great. Swen pretty much doesn't trust anybody, though.
Swen nods in agreement with Aurelain.
"Considering how we came across these letters, it seems as if some one else is already looking for your birthright. You have any idea who it might be?"

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia smiles "Fate is a strange one indeed. But all good comes to those who deserve it."
Sense motives: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Clearly nothing is amiss here...

Tush Piack |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Tush sits quietly through the introductions and the discussion of the mines. It's clearly hard for her to stay still. She looks him up and down trying to tell where the catch is. She doesn't trust that smile.

DM The nines |

"It is some days travel south, but due to current... business dealings I dont have a lot of spare capital about."
He began his eyes darting about the room as if searching for soemthing for a moment.
"I can offer 20 gold to the lot of you for supplies for the journey, and I can write up a promisary note of future payment if... there is nothing of worth in the mines... though if there is your payment comes from the findings there."
He counter offered Aurelain. His smile now seemed forced.

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Her question having gone unanswered, Swen turns her head aside and begins to tune out the rest of the conversation.
Maybe there's a dragon's hoard down there this guy doesn't need to know about.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 So close.
Amed nods in acceptance, but holds judgment until the other voice their opinions.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"It seems fair enough. You fund the expedition, we do the manual labour in the mines and we share the spoils in a somewhat fitting manner at the end."

Aurelain |

** spoiler omitted **
"It is some days travel south, but due to current... business dealings I dont have a lot of spare capital about."
He began his eyes darting about the room as if searching for soemthing for a moment.
"I can offer 20 gold to the lot of you for supplies for the journey, and I can write up a promisary note of future payment if... there is nothing of worth in the mines... though if there is your payment comes from the findings there."
He counter offered Aurelain. His smile now seemed forced.
But buy the same token, if there is nothing of worth in the mines than you shall pay us a minimum of what?

Tush Piack |

Tush sits back and lets the negotiations bounce back and forth between the nobleman and the other members of her team.

DM The nines |

"well now... if there is nothing there I suppose I could pay you a retainers fee of 5 gold a day. Its not much but then again most messengers get paid in silvers per day, I understand you are of a more stout lot, but if there is nothing but a trip there and a trip back I cant imagine paying you more."
He began with a wry smile. It was clear he was hoping for some value to be made out of this trip, he clearly didnt want to pay even that amount for no reason.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

"It all sounds very reasonable in my ears, it's more the fair and as you said we might only be going to travel to the mine and back shouldn't take very long if there is nothing there." Nicenzia says with a smile.
Sense motives: 1d20 ⇒ 6

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Swen simply nods her agreement. At this point, she's willing to take anything to leave this man and his house.
"Good. Can we get outta here and on our way, then?"

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Amed smiles. "Thank you for your time, sir. We hope to return with good tidings."

DM The nines |

"It may be some help... there in the hills is a tiny place, an inn, Its named The Last Chance inn... at least there are notes about it being built there, even if its not a place still open to travelers if its an abandoned inn it will still be as good as any for a base of operations." [/b]
Auldon offered, standing up and moving to one of the shelves and afetr a moment of rifling through some rolled up scrolls he unraveled one on his desk and taking a quill circled two area's on it.
He began pointing to one of the circles.
"Is where the old mine should be about, the other should be where the inn was or is."
He offered blowing on the ink for a moment until it dried before he carefully rolled it up and offered it to Swen whom had been doing most of the talking it seemed. he then offered his hand to you all in a firm clearly hopeful shake.

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Swen steps forward and takes the rolled up parchment and slips it into her satchel, then shakes Auldon's hand, ever thankful for her gloves. She also briefly looks Jemar's way and offers the slightest of nods before turning for the door and making her exit.
I was actually trying to keep Swen in the background of this conversation O.o

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Well we are both dark and beautiful, as long as he doesn't mistake us in combat :p"
Thank you sir we'll be on our way and hope to bring back good news, and that we find some good treasures to share." Nicenzia says shaking his hand one time before letting go again and begins to walk towards the door.

Tush Piack |

"See you soon. With lots of treasures." Tush rushes up to shake his and before follow the rest of the group out the door. She gives a wink to Jemar on the way out.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Other than refilling his waterskin, Amed is ready to leave.

Tush Piack |

Tush is ready to go. "Let's see what we can find." She falls in line somewhere in the middle of the group.

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Getting out of site of the town walls, Swen pulls out the map handed to her and takes a look at it. Feeling almost immediately frustrated by it, she hands it over to the person closest to her, who happens to be Aurelain, and falls in behind him. When he asks for her opinion on how to read the map compared to the landscape, she quickly points out a direction, seemingly sure of herself.
Aid Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
She's not really paying attention though.

DM The nines |

Clearly Aurelain has handled a map and traveled the lands before, following his lead you find yourself after a long few days of travel reaching a point along the road where it forks and a smaller road...well trail really runs eastwards torwards the hills. Down between a few rolling hills you see a handful of wooden buildings, the largest among them seems to be a two story inn. Perhaps its the glare from the slowly setting sun or the shadow from the hill you are on but "last chance" may refer to the inn's chances of standing upright through the night and not just its name. As you draw closer you see a scholerly looking man and a gnome enter the structure, which does appear more sound now that you are closer to it, but it still doesnt look like the most well made building you have ever seen.
The grey wooden door smells vaguely of dry rot but its solid enough as you open it up and peer inside and look in on a unremarkable common room. There are five medium sized tables wurrounded by chairs, a large fireplace with meat cooking on a spit along the back wall, a lower than normal bar with a bench and a staircase leading upstairs, a door into a backroom, and hell there are even a few patrons at one table furthest from the entrance nursing drinks. "Hail travelers!" The gnome with wild purple hair calls from behind the bar as you enter.
"How can I be of service name's Krink." He began setting down the glass mug he was polishing with a rag.

Aurelain |

Ale for a start and perhaps a room for later. Aurelian responds for himself. And some news of this place, if you are willing to share such. He looks about, trying to get a feel for the other patrons.

Nicenzia Immortuos |

Nicenzia stands next to Swen enjoying the darkness setting "This is really my favourit time of the day. I can stop hiding from the sun and let myself go a little not many can see my fangs in the twillight hour." she says with a bigger smile then anytime she has smiled in the daylight hours.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed |

Ale for a start and perhaps a room for later. Aurelian responds for himself. And some news of this place, if you are willing to share such. He looks about, trying to get a feel for the other patrons.
"Make that two, Alhan."
Amed sits down next to Aurelain and scopes the room for anything of interest.Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

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Swen peers a little closer to get a better glimpse if Nicenzia's fangs and returns a smaller smile. As the sun sets, her eyes glow a bit brighter.
"I'm glad for you. I hate feeling I have to hide who I am. At least we don't stand out much in our group, huh. This is the time of day I feel most alive. Back home, the sun never really rises or sets, its always twilight. Maybe I can take you there someday."

Tush Piack |

Tush heads into the bar. She grins when she sees the gnome behind the bar. "Hiya my name is Tush. Pleasure to meet you." She climbs up on a chair at the bar.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Does this look like the same gnome we watched enter the building?