The Seven Prayers: Save the Princess! (Inactive)

Game Master Aebliss

It's time to escort a young noblewoman to her first meeting with her fiancé, all in the name of peace. And then it's time to save her life...!

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Female Human Wiz/9 | AC 18* T 17* FF 17* | HP 46/46 | F +5 R +5 W +8 | Init +7| Perc +1|Sense Motive +1

Actually, the Discussion thread is missing from both campaigns in Wayfinder. I'll see if it's still a problem after you take down Part 1.

ETA: On the boards, there's also no tab at the top with other campaign info.

The thread is dual linked at the moment.

I'll see if I can get a moment to make a Party Render with folks in fancy clothes.

Male DM DM 10

I've shut down 'Save the Princess!' ahead of schedule.
Does everything show up properly now...?

Female Human Wiz/9 | AC 18* T 17* FF 17* | HP 46/46 | F +5 R +5 W +8 | Init +7| Perc +1|Sense Motive +1

There's still no set of tabs at the top and the Wayfinder app doesn't show it, although there's a link in my Campaigns list.

Female Human Wiz/9 | AC 18* T 17* FF 17* | HP 46/46 | F +5 R +5 W +8 | Init +7| Perc +1|Sense Motive +1

OK, that was weird. I went to the Gameplay thread, and it had the tabs. I clicked on the Discussion tab and it brought me here, but now there's a tab set at the top. Wayfinder still hasn't figured it out yet, though.

ETA: Once I posted this, though, the tab set disappeared again.

Male DM DM 10

Hmmm... Oddities.
I suppose I'd better bring back 'Save the princess' for those players who haven't clocked in yet.

Male DM DM 10

In the end, I opted for opening up a new Discussion thread. *shrug*
Everyone please clock in!

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