The Prisoner's Vacation

Game Master Dragonborn3

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Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Well, since it just seems to be down to we two at the moment.

Skill Check:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

"I'm reasonably sure." Selyne responds, though Dao can hear some uncertainty in the woman's voice. "I normally stay in the trees or rivers, crawling into a hole never seemed to be the best idea to me." Selyne adds as way of explanation.

Shadow Lodge

The entrancee to the cave is small, so anything that gets in will be able to be handled easily. If either of you would like to start the search for new players, please do, my connection is going to be a bit spotty for a while.

Huh, just noticed this, but Sylene is a half-elf that doesn't know Elven. Which fits if she grew up on the island without any help. But, since I was only looking at what languages she knew, I forgot to mention that some of the runes are in elven. I had to double check Dao to make sure she didn't understand it too. Sorry!

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Selyne looks to the other woman,

"So, do the rock scratchings make any sense to you?" She moves back over to the markings and wipes away more dust of ages.

"Perhaps it's a picture...?" She muses softly to herself.

Perhaps a words or two from the DM that puts the 'new' NPC's some where out of harms way, as well ? (^_~)

Still posting and still keeping the thread going.

F Human Monk7

Dao studies the markings, noting the elven script interwoven with other symbols.

The scripts are ancient, flowing across the walls with an elegance you are not sure elves today possess. As you start to read the runes, you feel calmer, more at ease.

Nothing magical about it, the runes are just written in such a way that anyone reading starts out calm.

Though some of the runes have become faded or worn away, the majority are still very clear.
"It has been fortold, that this island, which has escaped the ravages of Time itself, shall one day be no more than a prison for the wretched and depraved. To the person who reads this, if it has happened, I charge you and yours with the mission of getting this island to it's true home, The Beastlands. Despite the enormity of the mission, we have made it easy. On this island, deep within the ... is a ... able to send the island to the Beastlands, and any innocents to the place they wish to go, to be determined before the it is used. To you, I wish the most luck I can, because the way home is guarded by ..." Singed, Haida-bo, one of the ...

Curse the island and the blasted fools who put you here! Since your arrival, this island has been nothing but a pox on you, for it is filled with strange beast the likes of which you have never seen! Huge two-legged lizard that seem intent on eating you, birds to big to fly, and giant lizards that look more like mountains of flesh than anything else, and aren't careful where they step.


Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Foul language escapes my mouth when I think about what I am gonna do to those bastards who left me here. My stomach growling at me again, I tell it to shut up. So far, eating most of the green plants and roots hasn't killed me yet, but I knew it was only a matter of time. If this is a prisoners Island, then where are the other prisoners? But other than the strange creatures he has been avoiding, no other rescuers have swooped in to save his life...yet.

Finished buying equipment.

F Human Monk7

Dao's eyes widen as she reads the words and her breath catches.

"Seline, this was left by somebody a long time ago. It says that this island will be destined to become a place for prisoners, and asks anyone reading this to send the whole island back to the Beastlands. There's supposed to be a way to do it but some of the details are missing."

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Dao wrote:

Dao's eyes widen as she reads the words and her breath catches.

"Seline, this was left by somebody a long time ago. It says that this island will be destined to become a place for prisoners, and asks anyone reading this to send the whole island back to the Beastlands. There's supposed to be a way to do it but some of the details are missing."

Selyne listens as Dao explains what the scratches mean, though her brow furrows in though as the tale unfolds.

"Send the island to some where?" There is a good amount of skepticism in Seylnes voice, "Have you any idea what the beast lands might be?" Selyne moves over and runs a hand across the stone,

"Do the scratches say what will happen to any people on the island?" She looks to Dao, though it is evident that Selyne is thoroughly puzzled by the riddle that Dao has explained.

Jimpy stands on his tiptoes to look at the runes, "Ooo! This island can move? And to the Beastlands? I went to the Beastlands once, or was that the Fruitlands? Everything was made of fruit and the fruit talked and the fruit was so mad when I ate their fruit babies and then I set fire to the fruit church and the fruit orphanage and the fruit monastery and the fruit poorhouse and the fruit zoo and the fruit cementary. Undead fruit is cool! They run around and growl and go RRRRRR and eat fruit children and knock over fruit carts and fruit horses and fruit unicorns and fruit harpies and fruit yrthaks and fruit kobolds and fruit dragons. Wait! Those weren't fruit! Those were people!" Forehead slap, "I always get that wrong!"

F Human Monk7

Dao looks at Jimpy and blinks almost audibly.

"I have no idea where the beastlands are, but it says that somewhere on this island that will make this happen. It also says that innocents will go where they desire but there something about choosing before we move it."

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonynn munches on the last of the fruit and berry roots he was able to scrounge up, and watches the sun set off in the distance, sees it is setting on his dreams. Now stuck here in this gods forsaken hellhole. Just waiting to die. Looking around him from his cubby hole inside one of the towering trees, he saw all sorts of life around him, just the 4 legged and stupid, and big. Very Big. He has only been here a few days, but it seems like it has been years.

He wracked his brains trying to remember any tidbits about this island, but he knew little. All the pirates he knew of avoided this place like the plague.

Man staying here just waiting to die is not gonna work, he mutters to himself. Wasn't he once one of the greatest pirates this world has ever known? If he was going out, it would be in a blaze of glory.

First things first, gotta find someone here. Realizing a lot of these creatures moved at night, he had to alter his sleep cycle to match them. So now its time to move on.

He gets out of his hiding place, scans the area thoroughly, and slips quietly into the evening shadows. Looking for signs of food, shelter, or even a comely halfling lass...

Hey a guy can dream, can't he?

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Dao wrote:

Dao looks at Jimpy and blinks almost audibly.

"I have no idea where the beastlands are, but it says that somewhere on this island that will make this happen. It also says that innocents will go where they desire but there something about choosing before we move it."

Selyne actually tunes out to the small fellows words, more intent on watching his actions for his intentions than the ramblings of jis seemingly open mind. (^_~)

At Dao's words, however, Selyne frowns. "Some one has created something that will move home?" She notices Dao and Jimpy glance at her words, to which she shrugs,

"I have lived here all my life, this place is where I live. For some one to feel that it's not right is....bad..." Seylne's voice fades off as she searches for words to describe how she feels.

"Still, this 'beastlands' sounds like the right place for all the animals that currently live here. Perhaps it was this place that was taken from said lands?" She muses. Looking to Dao, and Jimpy, she asks,

"So, what do you think? You were thrown here, this is not your 'home'. Are there any more clues in the scratches about where to possibly start looking for this 'moving' place?"

Hopefully Reonnyn will stumble upon our cave soon? {^_~}

Another halfling for Jimpy to play with? Mwahahaha...

Night has fallen, but not before you were able to find what looked like tracks. You've been doing your best to follow them, but it's harder to follow the tracks made by people at night. Especially when you keep hearing a strange chittering sound...

I need Spot and/or Listen check.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonynn feels a surge of excitement, as he has discovered the tracks, and one of the tracks was halfling sized! Gods, he hoped it was a female! There were other bigger tracks, but he scarcely paid attention to them. Imagining what the lass would do to thank him for rescuing her, his senses just screamed a warning...

Spot 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Listen 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

It is a good thing your senses were aware when your mind was not, because you can hear at least six creatures moving about you. You cannot see them, but you know they are there...

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Crap! They're all around me! Reonynn sees his life flash before his eyes, then starts looking for a tree to climb up, or a cave to duck into, if no tree presents itself. Hopefully if he could find the tracks and follow them, he could lead the critters to them, figuring more targets for the critters, is better for me.

Try to locate the tracks and follow them Survival (untrained) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Edit: He he he he. How amusing.

Selyne, Jimpy, Dao
Having been silent for a long time, Ayla steps forward.
"The Beastlands? That explains why I have no idea what the animals on this are! The beastlands are on an entirely different plane of existance, a place where Nature grows unhindered, where every animal is an ancient version of the ones in this world!"

A familiar voice comes from the cave's entrance, accompanied by torchlight.
"It's nice to see people on this island who can use their brains." It's the strange man from before, holding a torch high. Looking past him, you see night has fallen, the moon shining bright. "So, what have you learned?"

Two figures, both about your size, leap from the foliage in front of you and snap at your face. Though you weren't expecting an attack, only one manages to bite, and even that didn't get through your skin..
Your DR1/cold iron saved you from taking a point of damage. Initiative.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Initative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Have I seen these creature types before?

It's hard to tell at night, but you have. It's the little one on the right.
They win Initiative.

Two more of the creatures dart out of the bushes behind you, and they all snap at you again, growing eager at the thought of a meal...

The two new arrivals manage to bite down on your flesh, but only one draws blood. Outnumbered though you may be, it seems the lizard creatures have underestimated your strength...
2 points of damage

I don't know if I am approved yet, but I am ready if I am. Also, just in case: Initiative 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

[i]Hmmm, this could end badly for me, gotta be careful.[i/] Sizing up his opponents, he decides to play it cautiously for the first round, at least. Fight defensively, AC 24 vs all of them, -4 to hit this round. Declare dodge against the one who bit me (AC 25)

Attack the one who bit me:
First attack:1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 12 - 4 = 27, damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Confirm Crit:1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 12 - 4 = 26, damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Second attack :1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 7 - 4 = 8, damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Confirm Crit:1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 7 - 4 = 18, damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:

Selyne, Jimpy, Dao

Having been silent for a long time, Ayla steps forward.
"The Beastlands? That explains why I have no idea what the animals on this are! The beastlands are on an entirely different plane of existance, a place where Nature grows unhindered, where every animal is an ancient version of the ones in this world!"

A familiar voice comes from the cave's entrance, accompanied by torchlight.
"It's nice to see people on this island who can use their brains." It's the strange man from before, holding a torch high. Looking past him, you see night has fallen, the moon shining bright. "So, what have you learned?"

Selyne blinks, her lack of education meaning that the people's words around her mean very little. When the stranger steps ito the cave entrance Selyne simply crouches, one hand rising to reach for the javelins that poke from her handy haversack, even as she ignores this familiar strangers quip.

Spot Roll:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Too hear the possible commotion out in the jungle.

Can't let our new members get eaten before they've joined the group. (^_~)

Shadow Lodge

Selyne wrote:
Can't let our new members get eaten before they've joined the group. (^_~)

Of course you can! There is bound to be at least one necromancer on the island... In fact, I know of at least three!

Selyne wrote:
Selyne blinks, her lack of education meaning that the people's words around her mean very little. When the stranger steps ito the cave entrance Selyne simply crouches, one hand rising to reach for the javelins that poke from her handy haversack, even as she ignores this familiar strangers quip.

The man holds up his hand to show he has no intention of fighting.

"Now don't be to hasty, I'm no threat to you."

As you look past him, your elven heritage makes the night outside seem like a cloudy day. You can see far, and just on the edge of your vision, there is a commotion of sorts.

This island is different form your home, in so many ways you have lost count. Your magic and fighting skills have kept you alive and fed since you've got here, and fended off attacks from the other convicts. Today has been a good day, and now the night is looking to be the same. Not a convict or giant lizard has been seen, and you found fruit that was not only safe to eat, but delicious as well!
You are fully rested and have all your spell slots. Listen or Spot check.


Listen: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Spot: 1d20 ⇒ 5

An dark-skinned, hawk-nosed man traipses through the foliage, satiated, but not full from a meal of fruit and lizard meat. Despite his lack of survival skills for spending the last decade living in opulence, he has managed to stay alive off the land, stealing food from other convicts that he has killed, or even the flesh of creatures that have attacked him at various times. He is wearing colorful, flowing robes over the top of a darkly stained breastplate. He pauses to have a look and a listen, thinking that he has heard something.

F Human Monk7
Db3's Narrator wrote:
Selyne wrote:
Selyne blinks, her lack of education meaning that the people's words around her mean very little. When the stranger steps ito the cave entrance Selyne simply crouches, one hand rising to reach for the javelins that poke from her handy haversack, even as she ignores this familiar strangers quip.

The man holds up his hand to show he has no intention of fighting.

"Now don't be to hasty, I'm no threat to you."

As you look past him, your elven heritage makes the night outside seem like a cloudy day. You can see far, and just on the edge of your vision, there is a commotion of sorts.

"Who are you? What is it Selyne? What do you see?"

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Dao wrote:
"Who are you? What is it Selyne? What do you see?"

Selyne points with her drawn spear and answers Dao quickly,

"Out in the trees, there is something happening. Lizards don't normaly take a long time to eat other lizards. Usually it is Cloud-boat people being made a meal of that seems to take the lizards some time." The tanned half Elf explains, though her gaze never strays far from watching the an at the entrance, to his words she states,

"Anything unknown is a threat, any threat is dangerous. Anything that might be dangerous might try and eat you." She explains, her world view being summed up pretty much as well.

"And anything dangerous is interesting! Let's go see!" Jimpy dashes into the forest to see what new and interesting things are happening.

Dao wrote:
"Who are you?"

"Is that really so important right now, with your friends running blindly into the night towards a fight?"

Jimpy has a head start, but he ca't move as fast as you two. Everyoe will be able to reach Reonnyn in 3 rounds, unless discussion continues. Reonnyn may be out numbered, but the dinos aren't much of threat right now.

Heydar, you don't manage to hear/see anything unusual. Whait to what happens.

Reonnyn, I forget to mention that you have almost killed the one that bit you.
Hissing in pain, the lizard you stabbed backs away, and the ones behind you move alonside the two on your sides. The wounded lizard opens it's mouth and something sprays out on to you.
I need Fort Save before you take any actions.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Grrr, why didn't I become a baker like momma wanted me to be?

Fort save 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Whatever that thing spit on you, it doesn't seem to have any effects. You may continue.

Db3's Narrator wrote:
Heydar, you don't manage to hear/see anything unusual. Whait to what happens.

The hawk-nosed man looks around for a second, then shrugs his shoulders sensing nothing. "Hmm, must be the wind," he mumbles to himself. He thinks, For a second there, I thought something serious was happening. Ooh, another fruit! He grabs a piece of sweet fruit and takes a bite out of it, juices popping as his teeth sink into the flesh, then run down his chin.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Fight defensively, AC 24 vs all of them, -4 to hit this round. Declare dodge against the one who bit me (AC 25)

Hah! didn't like that, heh? Betcha ya won't like this, he he.

Attack the wounded one.

Attack First attack:1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 12 - 4 = 14, damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Attack Second attack:1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 4 = 17 , damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

F Human Monk7

Dao dashes past the man after Jimpy, racing towards the location indicated by Selyne.

"Come on Selyne!"

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Dao wrote:

Dao dashes past the man after Jimpy, racing towards the location indicated by Selyne.

"Come on Selyne!"

Selyne grins, possibly showing more teeth than is want, as she races after the other woman. Shifting her grip upon her spear as she races off into the jungle.

"Mmmm, lizard for dinner..." Are the thoughts that fill Selyne's mind even as she begins to think of the various ways to clean and prepare the various Dinosaurs that roam the land.


Don't worry Reonnyn, we'll save you. Oh about dessert. ^_~

If the lizard could smile it would be as it dodges your attacks. The others follow it's example, and back off far enough to spit up all over you. Your pretty much covered from head to toe in clear green... goo. The one that basically threw up on you last time though, ducks in to bite at you again.

Because they moved away, you can get an AoO against one of them. Oh, and since five threw up on you, I need five fort saves. But since there is so much of the stuff on you, I'll give you a +2 to each of the saves.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Yearrgghhh! Oh that is it they are gonna die, die ,die!!

AoO against the wounded one if possible 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17, Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Fort save 1 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 = 26

Fort save 2 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 = 26

Fort save 3 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 2 = 15

Fort save 4 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 = 26

Fort save 5 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 = 27

The wounded one didn't provoke, but you still managed to get one of the little wretches.

Selyne, Dao, Jimpy are going to be 2 rounds away after Reonnyn ends his turn(Ayla is staying behind to make sure the man doesn't vanish).

Shadow Lodge

Ack, forgot something. Reonnyn, you made all your saves so you can continue.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Ok I was waiting for Heydar actions, but here are my actions

Fight defensively, AC 24 vs all of them, -4 to hit this round. Declare dodge against the one who provoked the AoO (AC 25)

Attack against the wounded one, First attack:1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 12 - 4 = 14 , damage1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Attack Second attack:1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 7 - 4 = 15, damage1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Shadow Lodge

Oh yeah.. Heydar? You can make another Listen check, at a +2 bonus, since a bunch of lizards pretty much puked all over Reonnyn.

Listen: 1d20 ⇒ 5 I forgot to add 2 so: 7

Heydar takes another bite of the succulent fruit, moaning on how delicious this fruit is and munching on the crunchy pulp. "Ooh. So good. I wish I didn't have to be marooned on this gods-forsaken island to get some. I wish there was someone around I could talk to that wasn't trying to kill me."

Okay, timeline is all fixed now. So that means the Dinos spit, Reonnyn hurt one(killed it in fact), Heydar failed his Listen check and keeps eating, and the others are now two rounds away from helping Reonnyn. Which means it's time for the dinos to go again...

After seeing one of their own fall(the first one you hurt), the lizards start to swarm, all of them attacking at once instead of pecking and nipping. Despite thier obvious fury, only one of the three that managed to bite you does any harm. 3 out of 5 bite you, but only one could do anything... 2 points of damage.

Should I 'indoctrinate' Heydar and give him something to fight? >:)

Db3's Narrator wrote:
Should I 'indoctrinate' Heydar and give him something to fight? >:)

Sure, I'm game.

Crunch, crunch.

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