Reonnyn |

Reonnyn wracks his brain, trying to determine the truth amidts all the sailors yarns he has heard. "Well, they can change to wolf shape, and they are hunters, kinda like yourself, he he. But they hunt humans and they can infecy you so you turn into one of them as well."
"They have a bad rep, so i could see one of 'em sent here, easily."

Reonnyn |

Too late Reonnyn realized he was alone with the 2 beautiful (and extremely dangerous) women. Fortunately, neither one of them minded his company, for now. He averts his eyes and announces, "Yeah, I'll just keep an eye out...over there, just to make sure the creature isn't out there."

![]() |

LINKsstart about 3/4 of the way down the page and read the next 2-3 pages. That's what happens in DM absence.

Db3's Narrator |

As you find yourselves clean and perhaps more than a little sleepy, Ayla has yet to return. Bo is sleeping, his back to the flames, when you return to the 'campsite'. The fire is low, but it looks like fresh wood was put on, so you should be fine until morning.
When morning has arrived, Ayla is sleeping soundly against a tree, looking happy and content. Bo, on the other hand, is awake and alert. He waits for everyone to wake up fully before asking last night's question.
"Will you go to kill the blighter?"

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn looks over at the peaceful look of the sleeping Ayla, and thinks, She looks way too happy for my tastes. She looks like that cat that just swallowed the canary. I know ALLL about that look, he he. She is gonna be nuttin' but trouble.
Turning his attention to the strange man Bo, he asks, "So, there ain't no way of coming to a peaceful resolution for this, am I right?"

Reonnyn |

"Yeah, and we need to do th' eliminating, he he." He turns to the monk, "So what's the plan?"

Dao |

Dao wrote:LINKsstart about 3/4 of the way down the page and read the next 2-3 pages. That's what happens in DM absence.I kept reading and found this one.
Yup that'd be it.

Reonnyn |

Dragonborn3 wrote:Yup that'd be it.Dao wrote:LINKsstart about 3/4 of the way down the page and read the next 2-3 pages. That's what happens in DM absence.I kept reading and found this one.
Counts the number of PbP games I am in with Sunset...Eeek.

Selyne |

Selyne yawns, stretches and rises from the branch she had climbed up into over looking the fire.
You expected her to sleep down in the dirt with every one else? ;P
Quickly she re-drapes her netting and gear about herself, then deftly flicking her whip around her perch, swings down to rejoin the others. Even as she flicks the whips free she spares barely a glance towards Ayla. At Bo's words she simply stands and regards the actions of Dao and Reonnyn.
*blinks at Reonnyn* "Whut?" ^_^

Reonnyn |

Why nothin', nothin at all, he he.
Reonnyn looks over at the group, trying to quell a 'bad feeling' that has taken residence in his throat. "OOoookay, since no one here has a plan, then its up to me, i guess. So does anyone know where to find this blighter chick?". He looks over a Bo, an unreadble look in his eyes.

Selyne |

"Ah, good morning Island Child, I hope you slept well in your tree?" Bo asks.
Ayla decides to speak up.
"Personally, given that we have to find a way off this island, I think it would be safer if we get rid of all the people trying to kill us."
Selyne does little more than glance at Bo though to Ayla she looks puzzled, "Is where the sky canoe comes from truly more wonderful that here?" Even as Reonnyn speaks out,
Reonnyn looks over at the group, trying to quell a 'bad feeling' that has taken residence in his throat. "OOoookay, since no one here has a plan, then its up to me, I guess. So does anyone know where to find this blighter chick?". He looks over a Bo, an unreadable look in his eyes.
'Um, shouldn't we just look or the death and destruction? This fell creature doesn't sound that clever to be dealing such damage to everything around them." Now she looks to Bo, since the man is the one that has brought the enemy to their attention.

Db3's Narrator |

Selyne does little more than glance at Bo though to Ayla she looks puzzled, "Is where the sky canoe comes from truly more wonderful that here?"
"I.. have family I need to get back to. A child that needs protection..."
'Um, shouldn't we just look or the death and destruction? This fell creature doesn't sound that clever to be dealing such damage to everything around them." Now she looks to Bo, since the man is the one that has brought the enemy to their attention.
"If she manages to get out og the mountains, she'll have her spells, and will be harder for you to kill."
Psst. Have any of you seen Dorkness Rising? Because this would be the scene where they say "My those mountains look quest worthy!"
This not so subtle hint was brought to you today by the DM: Dragonborn3.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn sighs. Well those mountains ain't gettin' any smaller. Guess we should be on our way, then."
I really don't like the looks of those mountains. Probably all sorts of nasties up there. Crap, what have I gotten my self into?

Reonnyn |

Sorry for the railroad in the middle of the island, but it is something I've been working on. If you went in a different direction, I'd just be making stuff up on the fly again.
In my RL group, we called this the 5:15
(with bonus video, he he)
Selyne |

Selyne nods in agreement with Dao and Reonnyn, "In truth I have mainly stayed along the coast and the rivers. Seeing wha lives in these hills will be interesting."
As long as it's not like the 3:10 to Yuma. :P Are we down to just three players? That is slightly sad, as well as cause for a little apprehension.

Reonnyn |

As long as it's not like the 3:10 to Yuma. :P
For you Selyne, he he

Db3's Narrator |

Bo stretches as he stands. He kicks dirt on the fire(after and food has been removed) as he speaks.
"Well, the creatures in the hills shouldn't give us any trouble, most of them eats plants. I'll go on ahead to make sure there aren't any big meat eaters in out way, leaving a trail that should be easy to follow. Give me about a two minute head start, and then start walking after me."
He walks into the forest, and before he leaves your field of vision, he smears some kind of red paint on a tree, making an arrow that points in the direction he's going.
As promised, the trail of red arrows is easy to follow, and you make great time. By the time you stop for the night, you can see the base of the mountains in the distance, even through the mist that has descended uppon the island. The night is uneventful, but after a great sleep, you are awakened by Bo.
"We have to move now. They're too far to have caught our scent yet, but they aren't so far away as to not be a danger. Here, I can show you."
He leads you into a dense patch of trees, and when you reach the other side you can see large creatures. They seem groggy in the morning light, and the fog probably isn't helping matters. "Amazing," Bo says.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn volunteers to take the rear of the group, making sure no one snuck up on them. Wonder what happened to the other halfling here, musta scared 'im off.. Easily keeping up with the group, thanks to his boots, he looks around at the scenery (including the 2 lovely ladies travelling with him). If only they was shorter, he he.. Other than that, he enjoys the first day of travel.
When he sees the big creatures, he hopes there is a way around them...

Selyne |

"I can see why one would want to preserve this place."
Selyne glances at Dao, "Is the world beyond, where the sky canoe's come from, truly so different from here?" She whispers, not wishing to draw the attention of the carnivores to the group.
Know Nature:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
To figure out the best way around the critters.
Stealth:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
To begin quietly doing so.

Reonnyn |

What the hell is a sky canoe? Is that a canoe that flies?
Reonnyn says nothing, just prepares to follow along quietly. Move Silently 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Dao |

Dao wrote:"I can see why one would want to preserve this place."Selyne glances at Dao, "Is the world beyond, where the sky canoe's come from, truly so different from here?" She whispers, not wishing to draw the attention of the carnivores to the group.
Know Nature:1d20+4
To figure out the best way around the critters.
To begin quietly doing so.
"Sadly yes it is. Greed and the value of coin often dominates the minds of people, and there are precious few who respect the natural world. At least here, most of the threats are only that because their survival depends upon it."
The young monk seems sad, perhaps remembering something that has heavily affected her view of the world.

Reonnyn |

Ack, be still my beating heart! what a bunch of claptrap. Sure I respect nature, when it ain't trying to eat me, just I also enjoy the finer things in life, like a hot bath, good food, and ALE! ALE!! I can't remember the last time I got a nice dwarf ale.
Ahh, crap. she's make me think of my little sister. Kilia. Crap, i was gonna show her the world, when she gots old enough.
Reonnyn, stealthily wipes a tear from his eye, hoping no one saw that.

Selyne |

"Sadly yes it is. Greed and the value of coin often dominates the minds of people, and there are precious few who respect the natural world. At least here, most of the threats are only that because their survival depends upon it."
The young monk seems sad, perhaps remembering something that has heavily affected her view of the world.
As they group makes its quiet way around the carnivores, Selyne's sun-bronzed limbs moving lithely, bare feet stalking softly through the long grass she at fist just nods at Dao's words...but after a while she frowns,
"What is this greed of which you speak." She blinks. "Also, what is money?" Selyne truly sounds puzzled by these new words.
*cough* If people don't re-join, can we have their stuff? (^_~)

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn is amazed at this amazon, who does not know what money is, still he felt it his responsibility to try to explain it, so he whispers, to keep from having the carnivores hear him, "Well, with money, people will give you...stuff, and will also do things for you. The more money, the more stuff."

Reonnyn |

"Hey I like that answer! What she said, he he."

Selyne |

Selyne still frowns at Reonyn's and Dao's answers, still clearly having trouble working the concepts through in her mind.
"Clearly there is much about the realm of the sky canoes which is...different too here." She replies quietly.
"But you cannot eat money? but people will give you food for money?" Her mind working through things out loud as she ponders softly, padding along barefoot through the grass.

Db3's Narrator |

So tempted to re-join, nobody is looting my characters! hehe, if i can rejoin, then i would be more than happy to, i just have to ask a friend if i can borrow a PHB.
You can use this site if you can't borrow the book. But it would so hard for you to rejoin, what with the arrows to lead the way to the group and a tiger that can follow scent. It would be nearly impossible for that to happen.[/sarcasm]
"Yes, that is how it works off of the island. It's sad the world beyond this one makes less sense, for all it is civilized."
This time, with the mountains in view, the arrows aren't needed. The trees thin out to reveal a sea off tall grasses covering rolling hills. The knee high grass(higher for Reonnyn) sways as you travel through it, a faint breeze swirling the last traces of mist around you as the sun rises higher. About halfway across the field you stumble upon a small creek, and take a break to refill your waterskins and cool off, before moving on again. The rest of the day is uneventful, though you do notice small animals are going in the opposite direction you are.
You reach the base of the mountain just before day gives way to twilight. Bo turns to you, a serious look on his face.
“You have two choices, going up into the mountains to face her there or resting here and waiting for her to show up. Decide as a group, because you only have a chance as a group.”

Selyne |

Selynes answer is quick in its reply.
"We wait here, prepare ourselves, learn the terrain and attack from ambush!" She simply nods, as if this is all there is in life.
"Can we lure her to the river? An ambush from water works even better. Old Bobo has done well for itself all these years." She adds.

Reonnyn |

His opinion of Selyne rising by the second, Reonnyn nods in agreement, "Yeah, never give an enemy an even break. She don't know we're here, so lets take advantage of that, he he."

Tsu Kaori |

I will post more once i have had the time to re-read the thread again, refresh my memory and brush up on past events. but for now...
"All this talk is getting us nowhere fast, I say that we have numbers on our side if anything happens. Let's go up into the mountains, i can navigate, as I have an accord with nature, and may be able to get us out of hot water if we encounter anything not that hungry."
With that, Tsu reaches down and scratches Kiara behind the ears and awaits her companion's thoughts and decisions.
have we had time to rest yet? I would really like to know if i can prepare my spells.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn gives a most un halfling like yelp, as he notices the tiger shambling into view, he very nearly pulled his rapier and plunged it into its side (while simultaneously wetting himself, no small feat.) After being reassured by the ladies that the druidess was a friend and meant no harm (he decided to reserve judgment on the friend part).
On hearing her comments, he replies sarcastically, "I can see how you have led your vaunted army into battle and emerged victorious then before. I say we follow Selynes advice and set a trap for her at the river."
Giant lizards...getting eaten...doesn't sound much different than running an army, he he. Not that reonnyn is a tactical genius here, either, I mean, he is stuck here...he he...;P (womder if i fails internet slang 101)

Db3's Narrator |

Bo looks between all the people arguing.
"All the ideas hold merit. Can you think of any way to combine them?"
He then walks over to Kiara and stretches out his hand so she can sniff it. Once that is done, he scratches her under the chin. Kiara doesn't seem to mind the attention at all.
"A wonderful creature you have befriended, I haven't seen one like her in years."

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn gives the tiger a wide berth, especially after it flattened its ears, and bared its teeth at him. A feline greeting, he supposed. No thank you.
"Hey, why don't we send a scout up into the mountains, and then she can lure the blighter chick back to the river, where we take her down"

Selyne |

Selyne simly nods at Reonnyn's suggestion,
"This is true. Predators rarely look for ambushes when they are busy chasing prey." She blinks and looks back blankly at the stares Tsu, Bo and perhaps Dao give her.
"What? isn't that what Reonnyn is suggesting? We bait this woman predator into a trap?" Selyne gives a simple, languid shrug of sun-bronzed shoulders and turns to go and check out the river for a good site to lurk in ambush.
"Come, we find the ambush site first, then Tsu can bait the trap."
Remember, 'simple' Amazon native.