The Prisoner's Vacation

Game Master Dragonborn3

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Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Rising back to the surface, (That's maybe more than a five foot step?), Selyne prepares to try and snare her prey once more, while keeping to the cover of the river.

Swim Check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

F Human Monk7

As Dao feels herself weaken, she sees her frinds set up and waits, allowing Reonyn a free shot before she dashes back in.

Reonnyn's javelin bites into her leg, the blighter redirects the fire at Dao while swinging a scythe around to slice at her. She misses completely, wincing from Reonnyn's attack.

"You're going to die, just like your friends when I find them..."

F Human Monk7

Dao returns the glare with an impassive look as she dashes forward, a lightning fast charge that brings the heel of her hand driving into the woman's mouth.
Stunning fist charge1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 = 6DC 16

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn silently cheers in his mind as he slinks back to hide Hide 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19. Yeah, right bioootch. Looks like yer gonna be doin' the dyin' 'round here, he he. Maybe if you surrender now, I'll let you be my personal servant, always wanted one of those, he he...nahh, yer goin' under.

Ready action to throw javelin at the blighter, once she breaks melee combat. Attack 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17, damage 1d6 ⇒ 2

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Selyne rises silently from the river and attacks.

Att Roll:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Grapple Roll:1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6(+2 due to assistance from animated whip)

As her whip lashes out to ensnare her prey yet again.

Screaming in rage as she ecomes entangled again, the woman can't move out of the way as Ayla appears out of nowhere and slices through a chink in her armor with her blade before disappearing into the grasses again.

I never would have guessed you would be so good at grappeling Selyne, Tarzan-ish background aside.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Bah, holding her is one thing. Keeping her and hurting her are the important things :P Besides, Selyne is good at swinging things. ;) :D

F Human Monk7


Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

{ooc]Reonnyn will maintain his readied action.[/ooc]

Shadow Lodge

Dao wrote:

At this point, I think I'm just posting what happens in the order people post it(or whichever way will give the coolest mental image!).

F Human Monk7

As Selyne again grapples the woman, Dao again leapstowards the woman her hands graspin the Blighter's hair for a oment as she brings first one then the other knee up at the grappled woman's face.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

She lands right next to her daring her to bring the flame again.

Hopefully those are both enough to hit a grappled, flanked opponent

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Selyne again hauls upon her whip, trying to drag the prey down as her companions worry at her.

Str Check:1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 2 = 16(Aided by whip etc, plus any bonuses for the target being distracted.)

F Human Monk7

She dead yet?

Not yet, but give it time. I'm planning...

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

To the local lizards is she's dead. I just want the bi-atch to at least get into the water and hence nave a bad hair day! :P

Being hit from all sides is the best way to fight, and being dragged to the river isn't any better. After being hit by Dao again, the blighter is unable to hold her ground, and Selyne finally manages to get her to the river's edge. Even Reonnyn's javelin finds purchase in the woman's body, though it falls out as she struggles to stay out of the water. All of this seems to be wearing her down...

She's taken 39 points of damage, and isn't looking good at all.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn scans for any other threats, but still not seeing anything, reaches for another javelin, then realizes he ran out of javelins. Gott get Selyn to get to work fer me ta make more, just hope I ain't gotta tie any knots ta git her to hook me up, he he. Ah well, I ain't completely defenseless, he he. Ready action to use Eldritch Blast at the blighter once she breaks melee combat, ranged touch 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25, damage 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

F Human Monk7

Dao charges forward with a flying kick to launche the woman into the water.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 = 6

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Under her companions assault Selyne pulls with all her might.

Str Roll:1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 2 = 18 (Assistance from Animated whip)

Plus anything from her being wounded/dazed etc under/from the assault by Dao and Reonnyn.

Shadow Lodge

Dao wrote:

Dao charges forward with a flying kick to launche the woman into the water.


That's a bull rush attempt.. which means I have to look it up.

Eep, stupid finals keeping me away..

A combination of Selyne's whip and Dao's kick sends the blighter into the(now much deeper) part of the river they were hoping for. Where she tries to swim. But fails, because she is wrapped up in a whip and wearing heavy armor. It would look sad if you didn't know she had just been trying to kill you...


Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:

A combination of Selyne's whip and Dao's kick sends the blighter into the(now much deeper) part of the river they were hoping for. Where she tries to swim. But fails, because she is wrapped up in a whip and wearing heavy armor. It would look sad if you didn't know she had just been trying to kill you...


Selyne watches the woman submerge. She watches dispassionately as the figure struggles.

Will Save:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

And something within Selynes' mind changes. As she watches the light dim within the other woman's eyes Selyne comes to a decision.

With a sigh, before the Elf takes her final gasp (As in she falls unconscious an but before she actually drowns.) Selyne pulls her to the river bank and pushes the Elfs' head above water, holding her there as Seylne deftly removes her netting and uses her animated whip to further entangle the Elf in said nets enfolds.

Skill Roll:Take ten;10+3+2=15 (No actual rope use skill, but Seamstress might help and the victim is helpless...)

Surfacing and taking the moment to 'catch' her breath, and allow the strange Elf to do the same now, Selyne calls out to her fellow adventures.

"Well, we have her..." Selyne pauses, "I suggest we question her and try and find out the why of her actions." At the looks of her other companions, Selyne shrugs.

"I was thinking, given the ease at which this woman was caught and ensnared, I wondered what you all would think of me later, given that she is helpless..." Selynes voice trails off, not sure exactly what emotions she is feeling, let alone how to express them.

Shifting closer to the Elf, Selyne looks to see just how conscious she is.

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Sense motive:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

If she has regained consciousness, Selyne growls threateningly, "I can always drag you under again."

Bluff Roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17(To intimidate)

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn utters a silent cheer as Selyne drags the blighter under the water. He thinks, Yeah! You go girl...8...9...10...DING...DING....DING, And yer done.

He watches Selyne dive into the water after her, and thinks, Man, I hope she ain't gonna do the cannibal thing on 'er....OK maybe she is gonna loot her....JUST WAIT ONE *[Redacted due to profanity usage]* MINUTE HERE, is she SAVING her LIFE???!!!

He exits his hiding place, a look of shock mixed with outrage on his youthful face. When he sees Selyne looking at him, his mouth drops open, and hangs there. On hearing her explanation, he just gives her a blank stare, his mind trying to process just what the hell happened here, and trying to figure out whether insanity was contagious.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn, as he waits for the blighter to regain consciousness, by some magical means BUMPS his head on the same branch, even though he has left the bushes confines.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Adding a post to show I'm still here and interested. *bows*

Sorry my little gamers, but my home connection has gone down temporarily, which means new posts are becoming a bit scarce... :( Not to worry though, everything should be back to normal by the end of the week or Monday.

It takes a few minutes for the blighter to regain consciousness, and it take a few more minutes of coughing up water before she can sit up and glare at you.

"So you decided to keep me alive, huh? What, you going to torture me before drowning me again, try to get some screams to remember as the night falls?"

By now Ayla has come out of hiding, though she keeps her sword out, and Bo has crossed the river to you after sending Tsu off to warn Seelie and the others living in the mountain of possible damage to the natural world above them. Bo stands a few feet away from everyone, his face blank of all emotion.

F Human Monk7

"Only if that proves necessary," the little monk replies, her face and tone devoid of expression.

"Who do you despoil this land?"

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn walks over to the blighter, and affixes her with a glare, "Yeah, what she said." indicating Dao. "And are you by yerself, or do you have friends?" His eyes burn with an unholy fire as his gaze pierces her own. Intimidate 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Selyne crouches in the shallows with their captive. She again tests the netting's binding around the Elf, fully aware that this is probably the most dangerous tiger she has ever had by the tail. At the Elfs' tone Selyne just frowns.

"You act strangely for one who would other wise be prey."

Selyne does yank the Elf closer to the water before sitting her upright again. "You answer to us." Selyne says firmly and matter-of-factly, there is no threat in her voice. Just a calm, certain inevitability in her tone.

"Why do you behave the way you do?" Selyne asks

"No small one, I am not here with friends. Much the opposite considering my current acquaintances, wouldn't you say?" She says as she stares back at Reonnyn, still smiling, before turning to Dao and Sylene.

"You ask why I despoil the land, why I am not afraid. I shall answer the dry one first if you don't mind."

"I did not turn my back on Nature, Nature turned on me. My brother was gutted by a bear, I was haunted by wolves as I tried to get him to the nearby Temple of Obad-Hai, and they wouldn't save him because I couldn't pay for it. If Nature's children and preists wouldn't help me, I would make them pay. Two nights after my brother died of blood-loss and shock, that Temple burned to the ground by my hand. It was a fitting funeral pyre for my brother..." She trails off as a wistful look crosses her face.

"As for my apparents lack of fear.. why should I be afraid? I have no friends, but I'm not alone."

As if to prove her point, a blast of fire erupts next to her, catching Ayla in it's burst and burning away the binding ropes. With a quick laugh and a malicious grin, she dashes off, heading for the forest you left on the way here. The one with the large lizards. Ayla, holding a badly burned arm, spits out a curse that is almost a snarl in a language that doesn't make any sense to you before changing to Common. "If I ever find her again, she had better like funerals pyres for herself as much as she did for her brother..." She winces as she tears of the burnt cloth still clinging to her arm, frowning. "Go get her while I work on fixing my arm. I won't do any good without my fighting arm to hold the blade.."

Despite her obvious need to get away from you, her amror is slowing her down. Selyne and Reonnyn can catch up with her as she reaches the tree-line, and Dao can catch her halfway there if she acts now.

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn watches the blghter's trick and gives an exaggerated sigh, reaching his hands to the heavens, "Ahh, Great One! We show mercy to our foes and this is how you repay us? With vile treachery? I wouldn't have it any other way, he he."

He motions to Selyn, and says, "Ladies first, ya know. He pulls her down so he can whisper in her ear, We need ta do somethin' about this 'mercy' thing, he he

He will wait for Selyne to take the lead and follow behind her, if he can get a shot at her with Eldritch Blast, he will take it. Ranged touch 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22, damage 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7

F Human Monk7

Dao dashes after the woman at top speed.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1


Okay....I really do want to call a time out here.

1 ) The bad guy was being held by being entangled in a large fishing net plus a magical whip of about 15 feet plus any rope others might have used.

2 ) The bad guy was sitting in the shallow part of the river, her head being held above water by Selyne.

So, while the bad guy can cast spells with the appropriate feats, Selynes' reaction to simply 'duck' her should be taken into account, as well as just how deep and 'sitting' the bad guy was. A lot more than just flat footed.

Even assuming she gets out of the net, the whip and the possible rope and starts running. After casting a spell (Okay, colour me stunned and surprised) How is she going to out run an animated whips reach of 15 feet?

Sorry, I'm just very confused at the moment. There seem to be a lot of issues to resolve. *bows*

F Human Monk7

Aside from starting a fire while underwater without anyone getting a sense motive check at her escape attempt.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Ah, magical fire is okay. T'is a spell you see. As for the casting? Meta-magic feats 'Still Spell' and 'Silent Spell' are all she'd need. Of course both push the effective spell level waaay up soooo....It's just the amount of damage to get out of the net, the whip and the rope....

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Selyne wrote:


Okay....I really do want to call a time out here.

1 ) The bad guy was being held by being entangled in a large fishing net plus a magical whip of about 15 feet plus any rope others might have used.

2 ) The bad guy was sitting in the shallow part of the river, her head being held above water by Selyne.

So, while the bad guy can cast spells with the appropriate feats, Selynes' reaction to simply 'duck' her should be taken into account, as well as just how deep and 'sitting' the bad guy was. A lot more than just flat footed.

Even assuming she gets out of the net, the whip and the possible rope and starts running. After casting a spell (Okay, colour me stunned and surprised) How is she going to out run an animated whips reach of 15 feet?

Sorry, I'm just very confused at the moment. There seem to be a lot of issues to resolve. *bows*

I thought it was a feat called DM Fiat, he he.

Aah, I forgot about the whips. That does present a problem, as does Selyne's holding her head above the water...

It was not my intention to DM Fiat her escape, because I do not like tryin to use them, and players can get confused(like now) or angry that they're plan didn't work. It's just so rare to see some one with a whip... We can start this over, with checks to get out of the whips, unless you would like to say Selyne was surprised by the fire and her control of the whips slacked?

She didn't cast a spell, just so you know. I did roll damage, and it was enough to burn away the ropes and the net, but the whips get a Reflex save for half-damage(I believe they use your saving throw bonus, and get a +1 from their +1 bonus).

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Okay, no worries. Yes the whip not getting damaged is definately in Selynes' interest as it is a very rare and special magical item. :)

Plus, do I also get a potential trip attack as the baddie runs for the forest? Cheers!

Okay, so my undestanding is this: You're willing to let her go in order to keep your whips safe, and want to trip her as she tries to run away. Is this correct?

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

*winces* I'd rather not let her go at all.....but...that being said, yeah saving the whip trumps all other concerns. As for the Attack of opportunity, I was kind of thinking that might be a given. :) *bows*

The chance of losing your whips are nearly nonexistent. They get to use your saving throw and get a bonus equal to the number of pluses(ie +1,+2, etc) they have. Then we take hardness into account, and the damage is reduced even farther.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Good to hear.

Att Opportunity:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Dam Att:1d6 ⇒ 3

Str Check:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 (To Entangle)

Looks like she's going t fall down again. =)

It does indeed... stupid 13 on the check...

The woman only gets a few feet before Dao ges infront of her and Selyne wraps her whip around her again, causing her to fall face down.

"Well that didn't work." She says as she tries to roll over.

F Human Monk7

Dao's face is expressionless as she devivers a kick to the woman's head.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 Stunning fist DC 16

2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 1 = 9

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn walks over to the ladies, after they have beaten her down into submission again, looking over her unconscious body, he turns to Dao, and Selyne, and says, "You done with her yet, or do you two need some quality time still? I can come back later, if you like, he he."

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

While the woman reels from Daos' fist to the head Selyne takes the opportunity to wrap more whip about her victim, even as she strides from the water and closes upon the target.

"Once a prey is caught, there is no escape!" She snarl's, getting ready to help continue the pounding of the Elf into submission.

Not sure what skill, other than perhaps Use Rope that will keep the bee-atch down...

She's human... if you're picking a fight with Ayla, things are about to get fun! :D

"You are fools! Kill me, it doesn't matter. This island isn't going to last much longer, if what I've seen in the mountains is tr-" She's cut off by another kick, this time from Ayla. "Heh, not one for talking, are you ya elven bi-" She's cut off again.

Before another attack happens, Bo pulls her away and kneels before the trapped blighter.

"What did you see in the mountains?"

She curls split lips into a sneer as she looks at him.
"A volcano."

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

Reonnyn turns and stares at the blighter with a very unpleasant grin on his face. "So, a volcano, eh. And you say ya saw one up close, really?" He leans back and strokes his cheek thoughtfully. "Very interesting, and uhh when were you gonna tell yer good friends her 'bout it? Ohh wait, let me guess, you wanted it ta be a surprise, right. How neighborly of ye."

He turns to the ladies, and comments, "Ya know, legend has it sacrificing a virgin maiden to the volcano gods will appease them, 'n keep it from erupting." He looks over at the blighter, and says, "But you'll do in a pinch. So ready to play tour guide?"

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