The Prisoner's Vacation

Game Master Dragonborn3

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Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:


For just a moment, you catch a glimpse of some one or something in the trees. What ever it is moves away quickly and without a sound, moving east.To your right since you are looking toward the part of the forest it/he/she was in.

Selyne simply motions for Tsu to be quiet as she rises and pads towards the jungle.

Survival check to track:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Pulling a javelin from the quiver upon her back she begins stalking and tracking whatever or whoever it was that is now moving away.

Stealth Check:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Something is running! Chase the mouse! ^_^

F Human Monk7


Dao had been amongst the last to leave the boat, heading towards to forest to avoid the chaos of the other prisoners. She’d walked for hours avoiding all manner of creatures, paying attention to signs and sounds in order to stay alive. Exhausted, she’d slept in the hollowed trunk of a fallen tree, covered by loose branches. It seemed her new life would either be one of solace and natural dangers, or interaction with criminals and chaos.

She awoke early finding a few berries to eat, hoping that they were not poisonous, and continued walking. She didn’t really know why she picked the direction she’d travelled in, it simply felt right, as if her destiny were calling.

Suddenly she heard sounds, the growl of some great beast, and what sounded like two women talking. As Dao crept closer quietly through the brush, they suddenly went silent.

Had they heard her, or was there something else?

Selyne wrote:
Db3's Narrator wrote:


For just a moment, you catch a glimpse of some one or something in the trees. What ever it is moves away quickly and without a sound, moving east.To your right since you are looking toward the part of the forest it/he/she was in.

Selyne simply motions for Tsu to be quiet as she rises and pads towards the jungle.

Survival check to track:1d20+7

Pulling a javelin from the quiver upon her back she begins stalking and tracking whatever or whoever it was that is now moving away.

Move Silently Check:1d20+5

Something is running! Chase the mouse! ^_^

I laughing as I imagine you tracking something in the trees from the ground!

As you follow whatever it was that moving away, you come upon a wide-open field. You can see something moving fast through the tall grass, and know it is still within range of you javelins.

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

Having spend less than 24 hours in the wild, the changes in Marco is evidently. He runs through the forrest, stopping once in a while to inspect a branch. After a while he find a suitable one and breaks it off and quickly cuts a crude spear. He runs through the forrest, dodging branches and jumping ravines, untill he gets to a little lake he spotted earlier.
He steps into the shallow water, and stands very still. Suddenly he staps in the water, but hit nothing. This happens the second, third and forth time. The fifth time he manages to impale a fish, but it slips back in the water when he tries to grab it.
Frustrated, he throws down his spear and runs to a nearby mudhole, dropping to his knees, and dip two fingers in the mud. With a defiant look he draw two lines on his chins and gets back up on his feets. He stretches his arms towards the heaven and cry on the top of his lungs

A sudden movement in some bushes makes him crouch and slowly walk towards them. Reaching the bush he cuts savagely into it, only to quickly step back as a little form bursts from the bush.

Marco never lowers his gaze as the little harmless bird fly away in panick.

This is really just some more description of Marco, and not something you need to react on.
And it's not necessarily happening right now.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:

For just a moment, you catch a glimpse of some one or something in the trees. What ever it is moves away quickly and without a sound, moving east.To your right since you are looking toward the part of the forest it/he/she was in.

I laughing as I imagine you tracking something in the trees from the ground!

As you follow whatever it was that moving away, you come upon a wide-open field. You can see something moving fast through the tall grass, and know it is still within range of you javelins.

Not to sound petulant, nor pedantic but including an "Up." would have helped place the action that was happening just a teensy bit better.

Selyne gauges the distance, reaches back and throws,

Attack Roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Once the javelin is released, Selyne spends the rest of the round unlimbering her short bow and preparing to shoot into the grass next round.

Perception check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

To maybe see what is bobbing around in the grass? Her eyes also take in the surrounding terrain, looking for a near by tree to climb to gain a better vantage point from.

Your little hike on this island does not reveal much for the first few hours. You do manage to find some edible berries, as well as succesfully capturing, cleaning, and cooking a strange bird. Not far from where you catch it, you find a mound that, on closer inspection, holds eggs and a shiny dagger.

A Listen check

1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 5 = 20

Your javelin strikes true, and you hear a screech of pain. The creature keeps moving, though slower now, and you lose site of it in the grass.

Tsu, are you with Selyne?

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1
Db3's Narrator wrote:


Your little hike on this island does not reveal much for the first few hours. You do manage to find some edible berries, as well as succesfully capturing, cleaning, and cooking a strange bird. Not far from where you catch it, you find a mound that, on closer inspection, holds eggs and a shiny dagger.

A Listen check

still eating a leg of the bird he cooked earlier he looks at the eggs and the shiny dagger. He holds out the bird leg in front of him and say

"Ah, so you was a little thief, eh? Well, you won't need this anymore."
He put the dagger in his bag, and gently raps the eggs in some fabric.
"A little omelet in the morning, wouldn't hurt."

listen1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:

1d20+12-5 Selyne

Your javelin strikes true, and you hear a screech of pain. The creature keeps moving, though slower now, and you lose site of it in the grass.

Tsu, are you with Selyne?

Oops! Sorry, forgot to roll damage. Am happy to leave the fine details up to the DM. ;)

Selyne glances to Tsu and her critter with a grin from ear to ear.

Knowledge nature Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
To try and figure out what she's hit. Selyne doesn't want to get into a tangle with something bigger than she can handle. ;)

"Come on!" Selyne calls, abandoning her idea of bow shooting as she pulls a spear free of it's scabbard and races off after the fleeing quarry.

Survival check to stay with the tracks of the animal:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Selyne is also only 'hustling', moving at x3 move speed (Total of 90' per round)so as to not be tired when she's run the quarry to ground.

With a happy laugh, Selyne scampers off in pursuit of her prey. Selyne also prepares a sorcery spell (Mage armor) in case something bigger is attracted to the kerfuffle.

Weee! Chasin' the rabbit!

"So, do you have a dance hall here? Cause I can dance! And I can make fireworks, too, big pretty ones and small flashy ones and ones that go HSSSSHHH! and explode all over the sky! Can I ride your big riding lizards, the ones with horns and wings and tails and teeth and claws and pretty pretty stripes?"

Jimpy and Company
Seelie laughs as he shows the group to their new rooms(given Barrack directions to the brewery from his room). "Luckily, none of the scalies we have here have wings and claws and can breathe fire. It might be a bit much for the little ones to handle when we let them see them for the first time."

"But yes, you may see them. Your companions may come along too, if the are so inclinded."

After making sure you are settled in, Seelie leads Jimpy down through the tunnels to a well lighted area. Lush grass grows underfoot, and tree limbs bend overhead with the weight of fruit. A suprisingly large amount of small creatures skitter about(Seelie explains they are meant as food for the meat-eaters they keep here), oblivious to you. A peircing whistle from the gnome brings a fast and graceful creature with long limbs running. Tossing a small mammal-like creature for it to snap up, Seelie nods his approval.

"Not the best fighters to be sure, but they are fast creatures, calm, and a favorite amoung the children."

"Ooo. I bet they're even better with a feathers and paint! I'll get some paint!"

Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:
"Ooo. I bet they're even better with a feathers and paint! I'll get some paint!"

Ayla cuts him him politely.

"I thought you came here to ride one of them, not use it as a canvas."

F Human Monk7

Dao hears the screech of an animal and as it crashes off through the brush, she hears the women speak again. It appears they are hunting.

After a moment's hesitation she decides to follow the sounds.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Marco Adante wrote:

Still eating a leg of the bird he cooked earlier he looks at the eggs and the shiny dagger. He holds out the bird leg in front of him and say
"Ah, so you was a little thief, eh? Well, you won't need this anymore."
He put the dagger in his bag, and gently raps the eggs in some fabric.
"A little omelet in the morning, wouldn't hurt."


I should have metioned the bird was as big as the eggs. Oops.

A loud squawk fills your ears as a bird almost twice your size runs quickly at you. With wings to small for flight, the bird has developed others means of defense. Long muscular legs end in large curved talons, and it's beak looks powerful and serrated. Surprised, you can't move out of it's way as it brings it's beak down against you.Surprise round.

Atk1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 2 = 13
Damage1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Trip Attack(touch)1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Str Check1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 5 = 30

Well that just sucks! Even charging someone flat-footed it couldn't land a bite. And you would have be prone if it had managed to bite you too... I am sure you are disappointed. Edit: Hm, my math was a bit off, that Str check should be 1d20+6+4.

Dao wrote:

Dao hears the screech of an animal and as it crashes off through the brush, she hears the women speak again. It appears they are hunting.

After a moment's hesitation she decides to follow the sounds.



You manage to find the pair just as one of them draws her spear and enter the grass at a run.

Db3's Narrator wrote:
Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:
"Ooo. I bet they're even better with a feathers and paint! I'll get some paint!"

Ayla cuts him him politely.

"I thought you came here to ride one of them, not use it as a canvas."

"So I can have one? Really? Whoo hoo! I'm going to name it Tinderbox! Me and Tinder'll ride all over the island, meeting new people and solving crimes!"

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

"WHOA, big bird!" Marco exclaims.
With a flick of his wrist his swords appear in his hands, setting the bird out of balance. His right hand goes in a high circle to cut low at the birds lower body, while he stabs with his left hand.

Can you take as many free actions in a round as you like?
If you can Marco will draw both of his shortswords and make a full attack. His flick of the wrist makes the first of each hands attack a sneak attack, and make the bird flat footed.



Main hand attacks
off hand attacks

Main hand damage

Sneak attack

Off hand damage

Sneak attack

If you can only take one free action each round he will draw his main hand sword, hitting armor class 22 and 9 doing 7 damage for each attack. Plus 6 for sneak attack for a total of 20 damage, if both attacks hits, but that seems very unlikely.

Flick of the wrist
Benefit: If you draw a light weapon and make a melee
attack with it in the same round, you catch your opponent
fl at-footed (for the purpose of this attack only). You may use
this feat only once per round and once per opponent during
any single combat encounter.

Disappointed?? I don't think he wants to be laying down when that bird gets a full attack :D

Forgot initiative
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

EDIT: It seems like it's your decision about the free actions
Free Action (players handbook p. 139):


Free actions consume a very small amount of time
and effort, and over the span of the round, their impact is so minor
that they are considered free. You can perform one or more free
actions while taking another action normally. However, the DM
puts reasonable limits on what you can really do for free. For instance, calling out to your friends for help, dropping an object, and
ceasing to concentrate on a spell are all free actions.

F Human Monk7

As Dao emerges from the brush she is brought up short by the sight of the women she overheard. One was well equipped and well armored, standing next to a tiger. How did they even get that on the boat without it killing people?

The other woman was most likely a native? Statuesque and stunningly beautifl she was essentially naked, draped in.....a hunting net?? The quiver, weapons and pouches attached to the net as well as the flashing jewelry only served to enhance the wild almost feral looks of her powerful, tanned body.

Definitely not what she had expected, but then again very few things had been recently.

She approached, cautious of the big cat. Besides, afterthe battle she'd had, it wasn't as if she was wearing all that much more, not that such things mattered anyway.

Link to visual is in profile

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7

Barrak, after checking out his quarters, follows the directions to the brewery. After the boat ride and all the time spent out in the open, it felt good again to not be able to see the sky and be surrounded by stone. As he travels he takes careful note of his surroundings in case he needs to make a quick exit. His last encounter with a strange settlement had ended with him in chains after all and he wasn't planning on repeating that mistake. Still despite his caution he couldn't help but feel relaxed within the confines of the mountain.

Barrak Foehammer wrote:
Barrak, after checking out his quarters, follows the directions to the brewery. After the boat ride and all the time spent out in the open, it felt good again to not be able to see the sky and be surrounded by stone. As he travels he takes careful note of his surroundings in case he needs to make a quick exit. His last encounter with a strange settlement had ended with him in chains after all and he wasn't planning on repeating that mistake. Still despite his caution he couldn't help but feel relaxed within the confines of the mountain.

"Hey Barrak! Look, they gave me a lizard and his name is Tinderbox, but 'I am not supposed to set fire to him or anything in the city that is not already in a firepit or shortly scheduled to be in one upon penalty of death or prosecution or exile or marriage.' Least I think that's what they said. Did you find your beer? Is it good? Does it taste like sticks? Or does it taste like berries? I like berries! They pop when you squeeze them! Just like beetles! I like beetles too! Is that a hammer?"

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:
"Hey Barrak! Look, they gave me a lizard and his name is Tinderbox, but 'I am not supposed to set fire to him or anything in the city that is not already in a firepit or shortly scheduled to be in one upon penalty of death or prosecution or exile or marriage.' Least I think that's what they said. Did you find your beer? Is it good? Does it taste like sticks? Or does it taste like berries? I like berries! They pop when you squeeze them! Just like beetles! I like beetles too! Is that a hammer?"

"Jimpy! What the?! Watch where you're going with that lizard, you nearly ran me over! Don't touch that its not a hammer, its a pick. I was just on my way to see if the brewery was working yet. I was actually hoping for a good ale made with fermented mushrooms myself. Why don't you come along, maybe a drink will settle that daft mind of yours. Perhaps someone else is crazy and made a berry beer for you."

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Selyne barely glances at the other figure as it emerges for the trees and grass as she speeds off in pursuit of whatever her javelin has hit.

Tau can either make a new companion of them if friendly, or use them as critter chow if not friendly.

With the grass whispering past her ears, bare feet padding swiftly along the ground. Selyne shifts the grip on her short spear as she races after the...?

So, what is Selyne chasing? Will Selyne abruptly meet some one else in the long grass?

Survival Skill (to track the running prey):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Spot Skill (To catch glimpses of what's ahead):1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Reflex Save (To avoid running over anyone/thing else):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Attack Roll (To kill anything edible that gets in her way. :P):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Shadow Lodge

Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:
"Hey Barrak! Look, they gave me a lizard and his name is Tinderbox, but 'I am not supposed to set fire to him or anything in the city that is not already in a firepit or shortly scheduled to be in one upon penalty of death or prosecution or exile or marriage."

You, Jimpy, should be glad I was not drinking something when I read that. You would have owed me a new laptop.

Your first attacks* strike easily, piercing the bird's hide and feathers. It seems you managed to hit something vital, because the bird lets out a screech of pain and falls to the ground. It flops around for a minute, then grows still.

*When I imagine TWF I see main hand, off hand, main hand, and so on.

200xp gained

Shadow Lodge

Selyne wrote:

Selyne barely glances at the other figure as it emerges for the trees and grass as she speeds off in pursuit of whatever her javelin has hit.

With the grass whispering past her ears, bare feet padding swiftly along the ground. Selyne shifts the grip on her short spear as she races after the...?

Survival Skill (to track the running prey):1d20+7
Spot Skill (To catch glimpses of what's ahead):1d20+4
Reflex Save (To avoid running over anyone/thing else):1d20+8
Attack Roll (To kill anything edible that gets in her way. :P):1d20+6

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Those are your rolls. You forgot to put them in 100d6 - 100d1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 1, 6, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 3, 1, 5, 6, 1, 6, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 6, 3, 5, 5, 1, 2, 1, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1, 6, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1) - (5, 15, 5, 7, 5, 20, 3, 3, 2, 19, 14, 8, 7, 9, 15, 11, 18, 15, 8, 17, 3, 10, 16, 5, 8, 4, 10, 7, 7, 4, 20, 6, 20, 10, 16, 14, 15, 17, 3, 19, 18, 13, 2, 11, 4, 9, 12, 12, 20, 2, 14, 15, 13, 18, 6, 18, 8, 17, 9, 19, 20, 2, 11, 18, 19, 14, 10, 11, 1, 5, 7, 18, 2, 1, 18, 18, 17, 5, 2, 8, 8, 12, 8, 18, 17, 11, 9, 18, 14, 5, 2, 9, 20, 18, 1, 15, 5, 18, 6, 4) + 12 = -745

Selyne wrote:

Selyne barely glances at the other figure as it emerges for the trees and grass as she speeds off in pursuit of whatever her javelin has hit.

With the grass whispering past her ears, bare feet padding swiftly along the ground. Selyne shifts the grip on her short spear as she races after the...?

Survival Skill (to track the running prey):1d20+7
Spot Skill (To catch glimpses of what's ahead):1d20+4
Reflex Save (To avoid running over anyone/thing else):1d20+8
Attack Roll (To kill anything edible that gets in her way. :P):1d20+6

Following a trail of blood left on the grass your prey's passing, you realize you seem to be going in circle. Soon you start seeing something running around you in the grass, circling. There seem to be about three. None of them are close enough for you to try and spear them, and then they dissappear. You can't see them moving, can't hear them running, it is just as if they were never there...

A Spot check to see if you can spot them again. You may also call out to Tsu and/or Dao for help, and if they 'hustle', they will be there before the end of the round. Should battle start that is.

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

"Phew. Glad i didn't get hit by that nasty beak."
Marco pulls out some feathers and set them in his hair, indian style.
'I wonder if you can eat this' he thinks to himself.

can i? Survival 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
If he think he can eat it, he will cut off some meat and take it with him.

Shadow Lodge

Yes you can, it appears to be a bigger version of the one you caught earlier.

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

He takes out a knife and cut off a big piece of meat and try to find some big leafs to wrap it in.
i assume that since the creatures of this island seems to be big, so is the plants

'Allright.. Dinner for tonight is secured. And it allmost served itself on a plate. Still need to find a suitable place to stay. If that bird is an indication of the islands monster, it need to be defenceable.'

"Seelie, do you really think it was a good idea to give him that lizard?"


"I'll take that as a no."

She runs off, trying to keep Jimpy from running over the smaller lizards.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:

Following a trail of blood left on the grass your prey's passing, you realize you seem to be going in circle. Soon you start seeing something running around you in the grass, circling. There seem to be about three. None of them are close enough for you to try and spear them, and then they dissappear. You can't see them moving, can't hear them running, it is just as if they were never there...

A Spot check to see if you can spot them again. You may also call out to Tsu and/or Dao for help, and if they 'hustle', they will be there before the end of the round. Should battle start that is.

(O.o) Um, I'm being 'encircled' by what I think is my prey? Expletive!

Selyne hisses in frustration and worse, the tide has turned and she's been the one caught out. She turns and runs!

Selyne isn't going to waste time looking for them. She's going to focus on running from them
Not sure which it should be, so I'll include both
Str Check:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Fort Save:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

No longer worried about subtly, nor stealth, Selyne runs! For she is quite sure her life does depend on speed.

Survival Check (To know which way is Tsu, Kia and the latest stranger are. Also where the nearest trees or low (ten feet minimum) branches are:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Spotting a likely branch, she angles her path of flight and begins to unlimber her favorite whip.

Okay, this rabbit is running!. Oh and DM? That link wouldn't let me see the terrors that await the character. :(

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

Just to let people know, the player of Tsu Kaori is having problems getting onto the net, hence has not been able to post for a while. Thanks.

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

I'm going away for the weekend, but will be back sunday night.

F Human Monk7

Hearing the sudden crashing of foliage, Dao glances at the woman with the tiger. "I think your friend is in trouble."

She takes off at a run in the direction of the noise. run speed 160, hustle 120

Female Human Druid 7

Sorry for not posting, but as mentioned, my router all but died, I am currently leeching off of Selyne's internet.

Also this may be a little abbreviated, I'm trying to catch up on posts. sorry.

Tsu, is a little taken aback by the native being able to speak a common tongue with her.

"Yes, i am following...wait,a halfling, i thought it was a child..."

Noting that the entity now known as Selyne cut her off and has told her to be quiet, she does so, giving Kiara the command "Heel" and "Defend" and staying a distance away from her, but not so far as to lose the native, as she would obviously know the lay of the land better than Tsu does.

Move Silently 1d20 ⇒ 7

Survival(Track) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Tsu not very stealthily,manages to keep up with the amazonian native. Still staying 80 feet away from Selyne, Tsu watches for any other incoming danger.

Spot 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Tsu notices the human female emerge from the brush, a little wary of Tsu, Kiara and her new aquaintance.

Taking note of the woman's garb, she definately see that this person is out of place on this island, if Selyne is anything to go by, noting her mundane robe, Tsu assumes that this person is probably some kind of preist or acolyte.

Dao wrote:

"I think your friend is in trouble."

She takes off at a run in the direction of the noise.

"Well, I assumed is was to happen at least once. Kiara, Heel, Defend!"

Tsu runs off after the woman in the direction of the noise, careful to prepare the spell entangle on the way.

F Human Monk7

What mundane robe? This is how Dao looks when you first see her

Female Human Druid 7

Sorry Dao, I was still in Pathfinder mode, I was getting ready for my CotCT game and I thought it was still Monks Robe not Monks Belt. My bad.

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

First Dao and then Tsu are surprised when Selyne comes racing back towards them,

"Run! Climb!" are the simple instructions she yells, even as the tall woman deftly uncoils the whip from about her self. Selyne's path of flight veering towards one of the large trees at the edge of the tall grass.

I assume running is faster than simply 'hustling'? So at a leisurely 90' per round out, I'd be making better time coming back at 120'?

Again, it would seem that Tsu's player still does not have internet. If 'immediate' issues need to be resolved, I can contact them and post 'for' them? Thank you.

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

I know i said sunday night, but i got home to a broken internet connection. While it's down i can only post from work, so my future posts will be a bit shorter. I will get fully back to you asap :)

Shadow Lodge

Nothing truly imporatant is happening right now. I am actually trying to determine if I should give these creatures a climb speed...

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

okay i think i made my connection work again.
Marco is still searching for a place to stay and cook his food. Since he took plenty of meat from the big bird, he is no longer looking for food.

F Human Monk7

Seeing the stunning amazon fleeing in terror has an intesting effect on Dao. Here again was a woman in peril. She might not survive long on this insane island she'd been dumped on, but she would live true to herself.

Stepping forward, she takes up a fighting stance, fists presented forward her body balances on the balls of her feet weight shifting with anticipation as she prepared to defend these women from danger.

"You should listen to your friend and run. I will try to ensure your safe escape."

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Dao wrote:

Seeing the new comer stepping forward, taking up a fighting stance with her fists presented forward her body balances on the balls of her feet weight shifting with anticipation as she prepared to defend these women from danger.

"You should listen to your friend and run. I will try to ensure your safe escape."

Selyne almost stumbles in her flight at hearing this, pausing long enough to call,

"No! Many lizards come! fight from the trees!" Selyne points to the one she's running towards, "You stand in the grass, you die!" Selyne continues to run, hoping her distraction hasn't cost her precious momentum. If this new canoe woman wants to die stupidly, that's her step along the food chain.

Sorry, seems the internet troubles are spreading. :( Been off line for two days here. Tsu is still having problems. Any info I should relay? Um, what rolls are required?

Hmm, becoming Dino-chow is "Nothing important".......Right, gonna get me a safe perch and then make me some hand-bags!

F Human Monk7

A small smile creeps across Dao's face at the Amazon's hurried command.

"In order to fight I must be close. You will find I am not quite so fragile"

Barrack, you are pleseantly surprised to find the brewery just finished. Of course, you have Jimpy stay far away while you get a dwarven drink(and berry beer for Jimpy).

Jimpy, while you wait for your drink, you learn that the lizard can jump over most objects in its way. It seems to bee able to jump over anything of Barrack's height...

Marco, you find a nice cave with a high ledge in the back perfect for sleeping without worry of something sneaking up on you.

"Barrack! Watch this!" Jimpy folds himself over the back of his lizardy mount, gives the lizard a good running start and vaults it over Barrack's head. Or at least that's the idea...


As Selyne runs for a tree, three bipedal lizard-like creatures stalk out of the grass. They hiss and growl, heads held low. They ignore Selyne now, for easier prey seems to be right in front of them, seemingly paralyzed by fear at their sudden appearance. The two smaller ones circle around to attack Dao from either side, while the large one runs straight at her.Since you knew they were coming, you are not flat-footed.


Talons1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
2 Foreclaws1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 = 81d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 211d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 31d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Bite1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 2 = 162d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7

It lashes out with it's talons, it's jaws snapping closed just inches from her abdomen. One of it's foreclaws leaves a decent scatche on her arm.
Two attacks hit you for a total of 15 points of damage.

Probably should have asked for it earlier, but roll for initiative.

Deinonychus Init:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1
Db3's Narrator wrote:
As Selyne runs towards a tree, three bipedal lizard-like creatures stalk out of the grass. They hiss and growl, heads held low. They ignore Selyne now, for easier prey seems to be right in front of them, seemingly paralyzed by fear at their sudden appearance. The two smaller ones circle around to attack Dao from either side, while the large one runs straight at her.Since you knew they were coming, you are not flat-footed.

Selyene almost stumbles as she sees this other canoe woman not running

Um, if the lizards are flanking Dao, does that meant Selyne and Tsu are flanking the lizards?

Db3's Narrator wrote:

It lashes out with it's talons, it's jaws snapping closed just inches from her abdomen. One of it's fore-claws leaves a decent scratch on her arm.

Two attacks hit you for a total of 15 points of damage.

Probably should have asked for it earlier, but roll for initiative.

Deinonychus Init:1d20+2

Selyne's Init1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

"Pesht-esten!" Selyne swears vehemently, even as her whip unfurls from around her slender waist. Attack with a 'ranged' weapon.

Att Roll:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Damage Roll:1d6 ⇒ 4

Selyne knows her weapon isn't going hurt the lizards much, but perhaps she can distract one long enough to give 'Bait' an opening and for Tsu and Kiara a chance to join the battle in whatever style they normally eat lizzards in.

Will be trying to get Tsu's player on line asap!

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:

"Barrack! Watch this!" Jimpy folds himself over the back of his lizardy mount, gives the lizard a good running start and vaults it over Barrack's head. Or at least that's the idea...


"Jimpy watch it! You almost made me spill my beer! Never waste good alcohol! Now here is a berry beer for you. Drink up, and lets see if there are any women or work to do. After filling my belly with ale I like to work up a good sweat! HAHAHA!!!"

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