The Prisoner's Vacation

Game Master Dragonborn3

Current Characters

Red Dragon
Shadow Lodge Dragonborn3

(9,923 posts)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #105: The Inferno Gate (Hell's Vengeance 3 of 6) (PFRPG)
Eric Swanson

(2,542 posts)
Crystal Figurine
Liberty's Edge Peebo

(44 posts)


played by Sunset (1,793 posts)
Hellwasp Host
Barrak Foehammer

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7

played by mordulin (40 posts)
Krun Thuul
Chops the Defender Dworg

played by eakratz (924 posts)
Ekujae Warrior

F Human Monk7

played by Mark Thomas 66 (93 posts)
Db3's Narrator

played by Dragonborn3 (499 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Heydar bin Asad

played by eakratz (49 posts)
Alika Epakena
Jimpy Ashetongue

played by James Martin (68 posts)
Marco Adante

Male Human Rogue3/ Swashbuckler3/ fighter1

played by Ravn (35 posts)
Ectoplasm Master

Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)

played by Eric Swanson (613 posts)

Elf, Ranger: 4, Sorceres: 1

played by Sunset (193 posts)
Tsu Kaori

Female Human Druid 7

played by Peebo (41 posts)