Db3's Narrator |

Barrak looks at Jimpy with his riding lizard frowning. "Do you have another one of those lizard things for me to ride? And more importantly, do you think they are fast enough to outrun the predators and get that baby out of here?"
"Hm.. I don't think any of the struthies could carry you, most of their riders are gnomes, halflings, and small humans. Hm.. Ah, yes that should work." Putting two fingers to his lips, he whistles. A small, brightly colored bird flies down to land on his outstretched hand.
"Yes sir?"
"How far away are the carnivores?"
"About five minutes sir."
"Could you please tell Shara to ready Tri-Horn for a unexperienced rider?"
'yes sir, right away." The little bird flies up and away, ducking into a small hole in the wall.
At this point, Seelie is furious.
"Who are you to be giving orders? I don't even remember seeing you before!"

Db3's Narrator |

"Oh Seelie, you shouldn't worry so, it's bad for you. Go and help the stragglers get to the hide-aways." Those last words are spoken with such conviction that Seelie does what he is told. Ayla walks over and waits for an explanation, if there even is one.
Turning to look at you all, his eyes take in every detail.
"Hmmm. He has a struthie, you'll be riding Tri-Horn, and if my guess is right, this pretty lady here will not need a mount to keep up. Good."
At this point, the little bird returns.
"Sir, Shara and Tri-Horn are ready and waiting by the Hatcery's door to the jungle."
"Tell her we will be with her shortly, will you?"
"Yes sir." the little avian wonder flits off again, vanishing into a different hole in wall.
"Come on, we have to hurry to the Hatchery."

Barrak Foehammer |

Barrak hurries after the strange man. Glad to be able to do something even if it was a bit suicidal. His battlerager training and the alcohol in his veins though just made him laugh at the idea of him dying.
"Hahaha!!! Well, how much further to this hatchery? I'm anxious to see this crazy plan in action!"

Db3's Narrator |

Moving fast, you reach the Hatchery in what seems like seconds. The man stares down the guards, and walks right up to the caged infant tyrannosaur. It tries to bite him when he attempts to pick it up, but his hands close around it's jaws and it settles down. Picking it up, he places it in a sack and hands it to Barrack.
"I'll be too busy to hold it, and your halfling's runner would panic if this rex came to close. Don't worry, she understands whats happening now, and won't bite you."
Now that you have the infant predator, he leads you out a doorway hidden from veiw by one to the incubation shelves the eggs are keep in. Leaning against a great horned beast, a goblin waits for you.
"Took you long enough! Hurry up and get on dwarf, the big ones are close and we have to move fast!"

Selyne |

Hm... where's Barrack?
Selyne and Company
As you run away from the roars, you can see more and more predatory dinosaurs running towards them. They ignore you completely.. something they have never done before without being full from a fresh kill. Something very strange is going on...
Noting the direction and progress of the gathering of lizards, Selyne slows. She frowns as she explains what she can to her running mates,
"This is odd. Big lizards don't normaly do this and smaller lizards certainly don't do things like this." She keeps up a steady jog still, caution still the better part of valor.
I'd assume Selyne has never seen anything like this before, since it reads as if lifted straight out of a 'Dino-Topia' novel. :P

Barrak Foehammer |

Barrak holds the sack uneasily and eyes the goblin with suspicion. The three horned beast looked fast enough but he had never had any training in riding beasts. Finally shaking off his doubts he jumps onto the strange animal's back and looks to the others.
"Alright! Let's get this thing out of here!"

Selyne |

Um, just making a Perception Check to notice anything/anyone else about/around. Other than the Lizard parade, of course. ;) Sorry to read kind of 'snarky', I did truly mean the comment about Dinotopia more in jest. Have the first book, love the art/illustration. :)
Spot Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
"Hmmm, that is interesting." Selyne remarks to her companions as she slows her flight.
And awaits further wisdom from the DM. :)

Db3's Narrator |

Um, just making a Perception Check to notice anything/anyone else about/around. Other than the Lizard parade, of course. ;) Sorry to read kind of 'snarky', I did truly mean the comment about Dinotopia more in jest. Have the first book, love the art/illustration. :)
Don't worry, sometimes I say things to see people's reations. The Dinotopia novels(no-pictures) are good, but the have nothing on the originals.
Spot Check:1d20+4
"Hmmm, that is interesting." Selyne remarks to her companions as she slows her flight.
You see a man following the dinosaurs.

Db3's Narrator |

Barrak holds the sack uneasily and eyes the goblin with suspicion. The three horned beast looked fast enough but he had never had any training in riding beasts. Finally shaking off his doubts he jumps onto the strange animal's back and looks to the others.
"Alright! Let's get this thing out of here!"
"That's the spirit! Tri-Horn, gu-thak!"
Moving slowly at first, the large creature pciks up speed and is soon thundering through the forest/jungle. Ayla, amazingly enough, is easily keeping pace, as is Jimpy's 'runner.'
Leading the way, the strange man seems to be taking you straight for the furious carnivores. Roars once faint now ring in your ears. You burst out from the trees onto a path and stop. Lurching into view are two large creatures, and they look like older versions of the infant Barrack is carrying. Startled by you, the stop just long enough for the baby rex to poke it's head out of the sack make a sound similar to a bark.

Db3's Narrator |

The man steps between the infant and it's parents.
"Shara? Go. Now."
Without waiting for him to say anything else, Shara pats Tri-Horn on his frill and you lurch off into the forest. Just before you lose sight of him, you see the man run straight for the big lizards.
This is not the same man Selyne sees. Just to clarify.

Selyne |

You see a man following the dinosaurs.
Selyne points towards the figure scooting along behind the beasts.
"I wonder if they, um, him, are answering the call, or are simply following this event out of curiosity." She looks to Tsu and Dao,
"Should we circle the 'herd'," Selyne frowns as she tries to fond words to describe what she is seeing, "And meet up with the stranger? Do you recognize him from your canoe?"
Um, are there any other Spot checks that are needed?

Barrak Foehammer |

The man steps between the infant and it's parents.
"Shara? Go. Now."
Without waiting for him to say anything else, Shara pats Tri-Horn on his frill and you lurch off into the forest. Just before you lose sight of him, you see the man run straight for the big lizards.
This is not the same man Selyne sees. Just to clarify.
Barrak looks back shaking his head. "I think that man's crazier than you Jimpy!"
Looking at Shara and the others he holds up the sack with the infant, "How far do you suppose we have to run before we can dump this sack off?"

Tsu Kaori |

Tsu stops for a moment to think.
"No I dont recognise him, but it might be an idea to 'circle around the herd' as you put it, what do you think Dao?"
Tsu readies anything needed, such as her wand of healing and her scimitar, and get ready for the jouney.
"I think I may be able to help, I've been known to be able to track things in the wild, helps with hunting."
survival check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Jimpy Ashetongue |

Jimpy looks at the small mewling lizard that periodically peeks out from Barrak's bag. "Crazy? Me? I don't know what you're talking about! Now let's ride our lizards while holding the baby of the really angry and deadly lizards who will chase us while taunting them with the cries of their baby! WHEEEEEEE!"

Selyne |

Tsu stops for a moment to think.
"No I dont recognise him, but it might be an idea to 'circle around the herd' as you put it, what do you think Dao?"
Tsu readies anything needed, such as her wand of healing and her scimitar, and get ready for the jouney.
"I think I may be able to help, I've been known to be able to track things in the wild, helps with hunting."
survival check: 1d20 + 11
"Being behind them would definitely be etter than being in front of them."
Selyne nods to Tsu's words and follows the other two women as Tsu and her large companion Kiara lead the way back towards the fellow who appears to be chasing the lizards.

![]() |

Tsu looks at Seylene and ponders a few things on their way to their final destination, eventually voicing her questions at Seylene.
"So, Seylene, I have a few questions for you," Tsu says with a quizzical look on her face "if you are native to this island, then I wonder how you have survived for so long, and also, are there others, do you have a tribe?"
"I understand about Dao and myself, we were abandoned here, but you are a bit of a mystery to me."

Selyne |

Tsu looks at Selyne on their way towards the followed stranger, speaking to Selyne as they travel,
"So, Seylene, I have a few questions for you," Tsu says with a quizzical look on her face "if you are native to this island, then I wonder how you have survived for so long, and also, are there others, do you have a tribe?"
"I understand about Dao and myself, we were abandoned here, but you are a bit of a mystery to me."
Selyne's brow furrows at Tsu's words. It is one thing to have a giant furry animal as a companion, it is quite another to strike up a conversation from its back while everyone is running through a jungle, chasing some one and following giant lizards. Selyne's reply is punctuated by her panting breath as she answers shortly,
"I survive by focusing on what is trying to kill me at any given moment."
Ref Roll to run and avoid obstacles while having a conversation:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 As Selyns struggles a little to keep up with the Dao's (A Monk) and Kiara's (A Tiger) pace through the light grass and bushes.
"When man is caught and lizards gone, then we talk." Selyne finishes quickly.
Sorry to sound gruff and curt, but we are running through jungle, trying to chase some one as well as avoiding (kind of) a mob of large, angry and probably carnivorous lizards. If there was a country called Guilder that we had to plan to invade? I don't think our time could be any more taken up. :P Um, your Avatar changed a little there, Tsu. ;)

Barrak Foehammer |

Barrak nods his head in silent agreement of Jimpy for a moment. "Right... well, we all are a bit daft at the moment! At least you were smart enough to not hold on to this ugly little thing!" Barrak holds up the bag with the baby rex in it and points his finger by its head. Out of instinct, the crying rex extends its head and snaps at Barrak's finger. Barely pulling it back in time he contemplates seeing if the little brat could survive being trampled by the lizard he was riding. A sudden ear shattering roar from the baby's parents quickly puts that idea out of his mind. Glaring at the goblin he shouts out. "Is there anyway to make this thing move faster? I don't think we should delay this family reunion any longer than necessary!"

Db3's Narrator |

Barrack and Jimpy.
Shara hears the roar too, and smiles.
"We have a little more time, he's slowing them down."
The next few minutes seem like hours as Tri-Horn continues to charge through the trees and undergrowth. Finally, your group runs out into an open clearing. Slowing Tri-Horn down, Shara hops off in the middle of the area.
"We'll leave her here and you will take Tri-Horn and move to the other side of this clearing. I have to stay close to make sure any of your fellow convicts don't happen upon the egg and decide to eat it."

Selyne |

Bounding along through the light scrub and trees, the great rippling shape of Kiara on one side and the fleet fomr of Dao weaving along slightly ahead, Selyne grins.
She hasn't had this much fun in ages! Not since her attempt at trying to drag one of the larger meat eaters into the upper lake, the better to try and drown the thing, store up a descent amount of meat for the rainy season and clear away one of the more worrying higher predators.
"The beasts slow!" She calls, noting the 'heard' they follow does indeed look to be relaxing its pace. She looks about for the man they have been following,
Perception Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Are folks still about?

Tsu Kaori |

I'm still around, just a tad busy, oh and sorry about the avatar change there, I was informed by Selyne's player about 12 hours after I posted, and I couldn't edit it :(
Tsu stops at Selyne's side, glancing around for the unidentified man who was chasing the large reptiles.
"Hmm...where is that man who was running, a friend of yours, Selyne?"
Spot check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Selyne |

Tsu stops at Selyne's side, glancing around for the unidentified man who was chasing the large reptiles.
"Hmm...where is that man who was running, a friend of yours, Selyne?"
Spot check:1d20 + 9
Selyne glances at Tsu, she moves to the opposite side of Kiara (Tiger)from Dao and warily keeps an eye on the foliage beside her.
spot Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
"The man is no one I know." She thinks while still watching the groups flank, "The only reason I talk to you is your animal is so amazing." She glances towards Kiara, still standing a good couple of arms length from the large tiger.
Of course, soon we are going to have lizard problems again as the beasts finish with Barak and Shara. :P

Tsu Kaori |

"hmm...yes, she is amazing, she will not attack anyone who is not threatening to us, though, you are safe to come closer."
Tsu decides it is about time to get the attention of the male running after the large reptiles, she cups her hands while riding Kiara, and yells.
oops, I forgot to post that I was riding Kiara on her exotic saddle that she has on, sorry, I will make ride checks accordingly
ride check to chase:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
ride check to let go of the reigns:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
"You there, human male, if you are friend, then please slow down, those lizards look hungry!"
Tsu hopes that she can get the mans (Marco's) attention.

Selyne |

At Tsu's shout Selyne crouches in the grass, drawing one of her spears from her magical quiver and holding it ready in case the man is something like 'Chomper'.
Though certain Kiara would be more than a match for such a beast, still Selyne knows that taking chances is a quick way to drop to the bottom of the food chain.
Hide Skill:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Tsu Kaori |

Kiara growls at the show of defence, but Tsu stops Kiara with a scratch behind the ears.
"Easy now, I was the one who yelled, I'm not going to harm you, nor is Kiara here, I only wanted to stop you because those reptiles look hungry and angry for some reason. Running off alone after them is probably not a good idea."
"Kiara. Stay!
Tsu dismounts Kiara and walks closer to the man, arms held out, showing no hostility at all.

Selyne |

Selyne nods at the words of Dao. The other woman is wise to be cautious. As Tsu slips from Kiara's back and approaches the stranger she notices his actions.
Selyne nods from where she crouches in the grass/foliage, the stranger is also either being cautious or perhaps preparing an attack. Either way, Selyn's grip tightens upon her spear as her other hand adjust its grip upon the whip entwined about her right arm.
Spot Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
"There are still lizards about." She cautions her companions, raising her voice so that the man might also possibly hear her words.

Marco Adante |

Marco lowes his guard when he suddenly realizes that he had just been following a pack of angry lizzards.
"I.. I thought i would see what all the commotion was about." he says smiling sheepishly.
He then looks to each of the three women and his face erupt in a huge smile.
"Well, well, well. And they told me this was to be my punishment. Ladies, Marco is the name. Marco Adante." He sweeps into a low bow.

Selyne |

Selyne watches as the man lowers his guard, a look of surprise spreading across his face. "I.. I thought i would see what all the commotion was about." he says smiling sheepishly.
He then looks to each of the three women and his face erupt in a huge smile. "Well, well, well. And they told me this was to be my punishment. Ladies, Marco is the name. Marco Adante." He sweeps into a low bow.
Selyne frowns, glancing from this Marco to Dao and Tsu. She stands, still keeping an eye on the surrounding forest, and walks slowly towards the other two women.
Spot Check Take Ten: 10+4=14
Feeling relatively safe for the moment she continues to watch Marco, though her words are directed to Dao and Tsu,
"When you both spoke before, what did you mean by 'abandoned'? Why did Marco mention 'punishment'? I have questions about things as much a you." She continues to glance about.
"Though, I do think we would all be safer talking some place away from here. Perhaps higher up in some of the larger trees?" Selyne shifts from foot to foot, her body still tense, seeming poised and ready for flight.
I just realized this group is made up of 1 cityslicker, 1 druid, 1 monk, and 1 'feral' child.
This is one of my best games ever!
*bows*Thank you for the compliment. I am glad my character is adding nicely to the adventure ^_^

Db3's Narrator |

Barrak happily hands the baby over to Shara. "Great, here you go! Now how do I make this dumb animal move?" Barrak grabs the reins and trys kicking the Tri-Horn in the ribs to make it move. "Hey Jimpy, I'll race you back!"
Despite Barrack's best efforts, Tri-Horn only goes to the edge of the clearing and waits.
Moments later, the tyrannosaurs burst through the trees, roaring. The other, smaller dinosaurs no longer seem to be following them as closely as before, and there seems to be less than what Barrack and Jimpy saw earlier. The parents move slowly into the middle of the clearing, and carefully rip the bag away from their infant, not more than ten feet away from Shara. They turn and roar at the smaller reptiles, which scatter quickly. One of them picks up the infant in it's jaws and they walk back into the forest.
Shara stands an moves over to where Tri-Horn is waiting.
"So dwarf, how do you like life on the island? Not too boring is it?"

Barrak Foehammer |

Despite Barrack's best efforts, Tri-Horn only goes to the edge of the clearing and waits.
Moments later, the tyrannosaurs burst through the trees, roaring. The other, smaller dinosaurs no longer seem to be following them as closely as before, and there seems to be less than what Barrack and Jimpy saw earlier. The parents move slowly into the middle of the clearing, and carefully rip the bag away from their infant, not more than ten feet away from Shara. They turn and roar at the smaller reptiles, which scatter quickly. One of them picks up the infant in it's jaws and they walk back into the forest.
Shara stands an moves over to where Tri-Horn is waiting.
"So dwarf, how do you like life on the island? Not too boring is it?"
Barrak mumbles in dwarven to himself as Shara takes control of the Tri-Horn.
Switching to common and speaking more clearly he looks around.
"Jimpy, you still with us buddy?"