Reonnyn |

in case you hadn't noticed, Reonnyn is arrogant, c*cky, and a little blind, he he.

Db3's Narrator |

For a tense few moments, it seems Seelie is about to dismiss you.. or worse. But memory of the last time Alya was here with a group prevails, and he waves for them to follow. As he approaches the mountain side, he raises his arm and waves again,. With a deep rumble, the rock moves aside to form a doorway of sorts, connecting the rest of the island to Agartha, the hidden city.
Quick for one his size, Seelie leads you quickly down a set of stairs, his guards staying behind, and you have to jog to keep up. Minutes pass and it does not seem like the gnome is slowing or even planning too. He turns a corner and in your haste to keep up, you almost run right over him as he knocks twice on a door you might have missed.
"Council Members, there are four here who wish an audience. They say they have information that concerns the entire city."
As he finishes speaking, the door creaks open. He ushers you in and before he closes the door and leaves, he whispers, "Do not lie, for they will know."
The people he speaks off sit at a simple stone table, facing you. Each one's features are hidden behind robes and blank white masks.
"Why are you here?" Three bland voices ring out in unison.

Reonnyn |

Do we still have the prisoner Calista with us?
Reonnyn never considered himself out of shape before, but after that jog, he spent the next few moments catching his breath. That was one of the things he hated about gnomes, they were always in such a damn hurry!
He bows low for the benefit of the unseen rulers, and responds, "Yeah, name is Reonnyn. We ran into this one here," indicating Calista, "and she implied a volcano was active and threatening this fine city here. Of course, she didn't feel like sharing any additional information with us, so we decided to see if one of you fine rulers were interested in this tale."

Selyne |

*Waves* Sorry for not posting/ipdating. I've lost my internet access and it's taken me this long to get anywhere near the boards. Will try and do better at 'keeping my end up'. (^_^) Much cheers to all.
Selyne Str Chck:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Selyne Com Chck:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
While the added wieght if her captive does slow Selynes lythe, predatory figure down. She seems none the worse for wear after the hustle through the Gnome city.
"Is there a place to drop this?" She asks, indicating the still trussed and gagged figure drapped over her slim, tanned shoulders.
"Also, be careful with it. It has a nasty gite." She adds.

![]() |

He bows low for the benefit of the unseen rulers, and responds, "Yeah, name is Reonnyn. We ran into this one here," indicating Calista, "and she implied a volcano was active and threatening this fine city here. Of course, she didn't feel like sharing any additional information with us, so we decided to see if one of you fine rulers were interested in this tale."
The council member in the middle looks left, then right, before the triad of voices ring out again.
"We are interested.. Start your tale, Reonnyn."
*Waves* Sorry for not posting/ipdating. I've lost my internet access and it's taken me this long to get anywhere near the boards. Will try and do better at 'keeping my end up'. (^_^) Much cheers to all.
No worries, the lag gave me time to set up another PbP. As long as you guys want to continue, I will too!
"Is there a place to drop this?" She asks, indicating the still trussed and gagged figure drapped over her slim, tanned shoulders.
"Also, be careful with it. It has a nasty gite." She adds.
"You may place her where you wish, she will be taken care off."

Reonnyn |

"Ok so we was down there kinda minding our business 'ere, 'n we got accosted that that one there, and she is babbling about a volcano that is about to erupt, thus killin' everyone here on this island. Of course, she wanted to help us by trying to kill us first. So we captured her and decided to bring her here, to se if she can be persuaded to tell us more. Now Selyne here thinks highly of this place, though I have not been here before. So we wanted to do the neighborly thing and let you know about the threat to you and your fine citizenry."

Reonnyn |

Accidentally 'bumps' said prisoner with bare foot. ;)
I believe our illusrious DM is at GenCon, lucky man he he.

Db3's Narrator |

None of the three seem to be the leader, and they look to each other in turn, always looking back at you to speak. How they speak in unison, in the deep reverberating voice no less, remains a mystery...
To all.
After a moment of silent consideration, they turn back to you.
"We thank you for this warning. The information is interesting, for we hadn't known any volcano was active on this island. Is there some one who could verify this, since the one you've brought is unconscious?"
And we're back! ;) Apologies for not posting sooner.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn pipes up, "Yeah, we kinda figgered you would want some evidence, so we sent another of our group ta track down the location of the volcano. We asked him to meet us here once he found out where it is located. Once he shows up, we will certainly let you know."

Selyne |

Selyne looks from their captive to the trio as she listens to Reonyn's response to ther question. She tries not to show her nervousness about the three's odd behaviour.
"As for this one's state? Why not just make sure she's properly restrained and then give her a potion? I'm sure there are things you could coax out of her?" Selyne emphasizes just how hard they could do their coaxing with another nudge of her foot to the bound victims head.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn sidles close to Selyne, and whispers in her ear, "Not sure wakin' 'er is a good idea, at least not yet. I get the impression we is on thin ice 'ere so lets wait for a bit, shall we. We don't have any proof she is tellin' th' truth to begin with."

Reonnyn |

Ehhh, I don't think it works like that. If these people say its our problem, then guess whose problem it is now?"
Dang, I really need to get some glasses for him, he he

Selyne |

Ehhh, I don't think it works like that. If these people say its our problem, then guess whose problem it is now?"
At Reonnyn's whispered words Selyne sighs. Looking to the trio she asks,
"This one seems to be...damaged." She again dismisivly nudges the woman with a foot.
"Would you perhaps have some power or magic that might..fix it?" She asks.
"As for going looking for this volcano...didn't you say that was a bad thing?" She asks Reonnyn softly.

Reonnyn |

"As for going looking for this volcano...didn't you say that was a bad thing?" She asks Reonnyn softly.
"Yeah, it would, but we gotta know where it is right? Kinda like knowin' where the dragon is, so you know where NOT to be. Well, I'm sure Bo will return soon." I hope.

Selyne |

At Reonnyn's words Selyne frowns, then again sighs and simply sits down (In a very un-lady like fashion)
"But. This 'Volcano' thing. Is it a part of the land? Or is it something new?" Selyne asks. Then she actually blushes, the colour adding to the tanned skin of her cheeks.
"I must admit to simply living my life aroud the area where the trees meet the sea. It was an easy place to live." She sighs.
"After all this time of simply living here. I find myself realizing how much I haven't actually experienced anything much."
Oh, and by the way. Another game in which I play has lost its DM. Any chance of this game picking up some extra players to make up for the current slow speed of posting? (^_^)
EDIT: Oh, I just realized the level difference between the games. Most of those players are only second level....hmmm. Not sure how 'boosting' them up to seventh might go. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained. (^_^) Cheers!

Selyne |

Selyne looks to Dao.
"Living here is the only life I've known." Selyne shrugs her tanned shoulders.
"Now, about fixing this one?" She asks and indicated the 'despoiler', "I may not know much of the world, but I do know that taming something wild and using it is a good thing." She says matter of factually.

Reonnyn |

"Ehh, do we really have time ta figger out which one she is? Just cut off various body parts until she talks, or dies."

Selyne |

Okay, so was the question about "taming the despoiler" asked to the 3 or Dao and Reonnyn?
Well, to every one actually.
Selyne frowns, though initially whether at Doa's words or Reonnyns' none can tell. Softly, she speaks.
"I have lived my entire life in this place." She looks at both Reonnyn and Dao, "A place that both of you have said is untamed...," She sighs, "What does that make me?" She again looks at the 'Despoiler'.
"This one claimed to be doing nothing mor than avenging loss. It claims that it's anger and hatred are what drive it." Selyne shrugs. "Things that I truly care nothing about." Her voice rises back to normal, "However, wild as I am," She grins at her companions, though in jest or not they aren't sure, "What i do understand is POWER and this one has it." She indicates the fallen woman.
"Perhaps this volcano thing is powerful as well? Should we not use every thing we have to fix the problem?" She looks at the three, "Besides, we have to wait for...um....the other one..." She finishes lamely, realizing she has forgotten the name of the man who's run off to look at the 'Volcano'.

Reonnyn |

Checks visual images of Selyne... O_o, he he
Reonnyn looks at Selyne, she gets the impression as if the halfling is trying to figure out her true motivations, or maybe he is just admiring her physique.
"Well, you look untamed to me...ahem...so yeah, that one has power, so what? We all gots power here. Problem here is she uses her power against us, so we's gotta stop that first. Then we can convince her to help us." He is clearly unconvinced this one will do anything to help the group.
Reonnyn shrugs, "As for our guide, I think he called himself Bo, but if that was his real name, then I'm Cap'n Jack Sparrow!"

Selyne |

Reonnyn looks at Selyne, she gets the impression as if the halfling is trying to figure out her true motivations, or maybe he is just admiring her physique.
"Well, you look untamed to me...ahem...so yeah, that one has power, so what? We all gots power here. Problem here is she uses her power against us, so we's gotta stop that first. Then we can convince her to help us." He is clearly unconvinced this one will do anything to help the group.
Reonnyn shrugs, "As for our guide, I think he called himself Bo, but if that was his real name, then I'm Cap'n Jack Sparrow!"
Selyne initially looks as if she doesn't really understand what Reonnyn actually is talking about. However at his last comment she frowns,
"But, didn't you call yourself Reonnyn? Or is that some sort of joke and your name really is jack?" She frowns, obviously puzzled.
So sorry, but I couldn't resist. :3

Reonnyn |

Selyne initially looks as if she doesn't really understand what Reonnyn actually is talking about. However at his last comment she frowns,
"But, didn't you call yourself Reonnyn? Or is that some sort of joke and your name really is jack?" She frowns, obviously puzzled.
So sorry, but I couldn't resist. :3
Reonnyn whirls on her, a burning look in his eyes, and says, "Hey, that captain ain't half th' man I am!" He pauses, and after a moment, calms down. He he he, that was a joke, right? Not bad there, Selyne!" He leers at her, You keep that up 'n mebbe I'll teach you some other things I learned while sailin' the open seas!"
Yeah color me surprised, he he.

Selyne |

Reonnyn whirls on her, a burning look in his eyes, and says, "Hey, that captain ain't half th' man I am!" He pauses, and after a moment, calms down. He he he, that was a joke, right? Not bad there, Selyne!" He leers at her, You keep that up 'n mebbe I'll teach you some other things I learned while sailin' the open seas!"
Yeah color me surprised, he he.
Selynes' instinct to Reonnyn's reaction is to coil, ready to counter attack. As he calms and smiles again at her, she is left puzzled and confused. Emotions she does not even try to hide as she keeps frowning at Reonnyn. She twists into a crouch.
"Clearly there is much about 'civilized' I do not know..." She replies. Then to the trio,
"Can this one be of use to you?" She again indicates the Despoiler. "How long should it take Bo to scout out this Volcano?" She adds.

Selyne |

"The Despoiler is.. interesting to us. Because of the wards we have up, she should not even be here, unable to pass them. We will see what we can do, if anything, to put her back on Nature's side."
"Who is this 'Bo' you speak of?"
Selyne nods at the three people's words as she stands absently brushing her self down.
"I think Bo is like Dao and Reonnyn, some one who has come here on one of the great sky canoes." She responds simply.
Edit: To fix description. ;)

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn responds, "Well, he seems capable of doin' this, but just in case, we may wanna check on his progress, if he doesn't come back in a while."

Db3's Narrator |

Augh, keep getting distracted...
"If who doesn't come back in a while?" A familiar voice calls out. Before you can turn around, Bo walks in front of you to address the Council. "I assume they've filled you in on everything so far? Good. The volcano is real and it is close. In fact, it's the mountain closest to us right now. I'm really surprised we haven't felt any of the usual volcanic warnings."
As if taunting him, the room itself begins to shake, and the sounds of things crashing echoes through all the caverns.
"Ah, it seems I spoke too soon. Please think of an evacuation plan."
"You will tell us who you ar-" The Three begin before Bo cuts them off.
"I'm Bo, nice to meet you." He then turns to the group. "So did you have a pleasant trip here?"

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn gives Bo an irritated look, completely ignoring the question posed. "Yeah, you are just full of good news there, aren't you?" Not bothering to wait for a response, he continues, "So, did you figure out what is behind this, like our good friend here?"
Kinda hard to hide from the DM for me, he he...., right Naomi?"

Db3's Narrator |

Db3's Narrator |

Anyone else realize we've been playing this game for a year? And I was worried about ending it too soon...
"Well Reonnyn, it looks like the volcano just decided it wanted to go *boom* soon. I didn't notice anything that would suggest someone had anything to do with it." He turns back to the Council. "If you don't mind, I', going to go back and look again. If you do mind, Seelie can tell you how little I care. Especially right now, when you should be evacuating."

Selyne |

Selyne simply looks at Bo, her face seemingly expressionless. She stands gracefully, her eyes not leaving him.
"And where, exactly, do you suggest people run away too?" She asks.
"I do know there is nothing but ocean all about the land. Or is this just a small volcano? Something that can be run away from?" Though her voice is mind, there is some scorn in its tone.

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn puts his characteristic smirk on his face, he wears it very well, others have noticed.
"Hey, Selyne, I think the question is 'where do they swim to, he he." He turns to Bo, still smirking, "Now, you did mention, another way off this rock right? A portal of some kind?"

Reonnyn |

Reonnyn turns to Bo, "Good questions there, I think. Care to enlighten us further?"

Db3's Narrator |

"As vast as the island is, there are places they can get to that are safe. Or at least safer. If I knew about any portal that could get me off of this island, I'd have gone though it already. The volcano is big enough that as close as we are we're in danger. Like I said, as far as I know, it's natural."
Bo never said anything about a portal, but the runes Dao read in the cave did mention something to that effect.