Quirel |
I'm not feeling like having this discussion in character at the moment.
First of all, I'd like a clarification on how close we are to Redstone. We've been travelling for four hours and are about halfway there, so we should arrive in another four hours. I'm just not sure why forced marching came up, unless the remaining distance is greater than I'm thinking?
Either way, Henry has a light source (Tons of them) and a decent Fortitude save. He can keep marching well after sundown.
Quick' |
Forced March is coming up, I think, because of long long we've been adventuring today. This is still the same day as the temple jump and the ghost fight.
I am fine to keep Marching too, but if we come upon anything nasty, I'm out of my best spells.
GM Netherfire |
Dammit, I made a mistake, sorry for the confusion. The disparity lies in your quarrys full move speed and the half speed required while tracking footprints. I didnt mean to get that mixed up.
At the end of 8 hours of travel, you guys will be about two thirds to Redstone (meaning traveling for a total of 12 hours will get you there, 4 of which would be a Forced March).
GM Netherfire |
All of you actually did really well resisting fatigue on your way up the mountains. I will need to brush up on the rules to see if curing the nonlethal damage from a forced march removes the fatigue once I get home.
Gorim Coppervein |
I'm happy to try and push it, but my vote goes toward finding a camp for the night and setting out early. Travelling by night with a light makes me think we'll potentially stand out a bit too much and lose any element of surprise we may have over the Drow.
...though of course it'd mean she could make more distance.
Quirel |
My understanding is that we're at a severe disadvantage in this pursuit.
The party needs over ten hours (Each person requires eight hours of sleep, and gets a two hour twenty minute watch) to rest, and we have to move at half our move speed to follow her tracks. She gets eight hours of sleep and eight hours of full movement unless she decides to press on.
So, our best hope is that something wanders into her while she's sleeping, or she spends more time than is necessary around Redstone.
GM Netherfire |
Those are good reasons to hurry, Quirel. Remember that you also have an advantage: the drow doesn't know she's being followed.
Also, in a metagamey sense, I am not going to make a foot race impossible. Just challenging enough to keep you on your toes (heh).
So, it looks like we have almost reached a consensus?
Nme'an |
"I for one am excited that you four will finally get to meet some of the Benevolent King's men. I pray that you are met with kindness and understanding even in these troubled times."
Ragashingo |
"I for one am excited that you four will finally get to meet some of the Benevolent King's men. I pray that you are met with kindness and understanding even in these troubled times."
Yeah... sorry about that. I often let Nme'an read your group's adventure and sometimes he tries to comment when my back is turned. Usually I stop him but it looks like he snuck one through. I guess he's not quite as dumb as his low intelligent score would imply, huh? I'd delete his post but I don't have his login password... :/
Nme'an |
"Seen? Yes, I beleve so. At The Pickled Boar you exchanged hard believed stories with two of my companions. One, a young rogue called Themp not so much more than a grown kid and the other a red haired half-elf lady a Ms. Sevenstone.
I myself was near the door enjoying a rare fine meal the night before the final of Court Wizard Mortimer Dacius' challenges. I expressed interest when that crossbow of yours came out during.
I am Nme'an, knight appreciate of the Order of the Dawnflower. And you?"
Henry Southgard |
"Hey, I remember that. Had three good drinks, stepped outside to take a piss, and found that someone had leashed a godsdamned tiger to the hitchpost. You don't see that every day."
"I am Henry Southgard, son of Micheal, son of Samuel. I am a devoted follower of Abadar and Gorum, and a former lieutenant of Shaleclast's Free Company. That was before I arrived in this kingdom."
"By the way, how did that tournament go? I had to leave on a caravan before the third day, and I've only heard rumors since."
Nme'an |
"Heh. I, in fact, do see that very tiger every day! Its name is 'Shark', a play on words referencing a large, sharped-toothed fish called a 'tiger shark' that swims in oceans. Its owner is Ms. Sevenstone if that can be believed. She raised it from... a cubling? From cubhood? (Forgive me, my common is passable but likely nowhere near as good as your own.) Anyway, the two have know each other for years and it is quite ferice but obeys her fairly well.
As for the tournament, it went well for many, myself including, though not so well for others. The challenges early in the week were doled out by lottery and I was fortunate to have... tasks... that favored my set of skills. The others in my group also did well with Mot Casns, our tall strength-y highlander becoming the talk of the town on the first or second day for his taking on a large wild animal of some kind with only his hands.
The final day saw two groups of four compete in two challenges. My own group moved a goat to safety against a pack of wolves. The second group did not fare nearly so well. I later learned that either two or three of their four had been badly wounded or killed by the boars as part of their challenge.
Shaleclast's Free Company? I am not familiar with. And why come to Vyren?"
Henry Southgard |
"I believe that "infancy" is the word you're looking for. "Fierce" as well. But if you prefer, tunaweza kuzungumza katika Sellador. Mimi kujifunza kwa kusoma kutoka katika vitabu na kujifunza kuongea ni kutoka walezi na ambapo wafanyakazi wa bandarini, lakini nina amri bora ya ni kuliko mimi kufanya juu, kusema, Krhuesh.
"Dhana nzima ya mashindano ilikuwa ajabu kwangu. Hatima ya ufalme wako unabakia katika mikono ya mabingwa, lakini kwa nini kuteka wagombea uwezo kutoka jeshi la Mfalme wamesimama? Kulikuwa na wafanyabiashara na mafundi kuhusu na mapanga, hata kama wangeweza kupita kesi ya kila siku kwa bahati au kidogo ujuzi, wao kwenda nyumbani kulala katika vitanda laini. Je, wanajua uwanjahila? Na ndiyo, nikaona kitu Mot alivyofanya bor, lakini mimi asingekuwa waliochaguliwa naye kwa ajili ya ujumbe. Wakatili kama yeye si wa kuaminika, na wao hawana upendo kwa ustaarabu. Ni si kwa ajili ya afya ya mfalme wenu au usalama wa ufalme wako kwamba yeye mapamban, tu hisia kidunia ya steisto."
"Ah, Shaleclast ya Ficama? Sisi ndio ili kuzuia vita vya wenyewe katika Utawala wa Mĭysk na kuwakamata mkuu tapeli. Sisi brich kuta impesta ya Dwellish na kuweka Weisen tawala kwa upanga. Sisi kuharibiwa Westenhale Pila hivyo kabisa, Uteaha Niho ya Yallo Dola hataona matumizi yake kwa vizazi vitatu. Wewe uwezekano si habari wetu kwa sababu Shaleclast tu katika biashara ya kujenga utajiri wa familia yake, na kukoma yetu wakati yeye da kukulia mtaji kununua... duchy heshima katika nchi ya mbali. Kamwe walituambia just ambapo, kwa sababu fulani."
"Ni huruma, katika mwanga wa matukio ya hivi karibuni. Sisi alikuwa na mengi ya uzoefu katika kuzuia Urk uvamizi. Kwa kweli, habari za shida pombe katika mipaka yako ni nini akauchomoa mimi kwa Vyren katika nafasi ya kwanza. Wafalme ail kufanya kwa ajili ya beshi mamluki."
"The whole concept of the tournament was strange to me. The fate of your kingdom rests in the hands of the champions, but why not draw capable contestants from the King's standing army? There were merchants and carpenters fooling about with swords; even if they could pass a daily trial by luck or paltry skill, they go home to sleep in soft beds. What do they know of fieldcraft? And yes, I saw what Mot did to the boar, but I would not have chosen him for the mission. Savages like him are not reliable, and they have no love for civilization. It is not for the health of your king or the safety of your kingdom that he fights, only a fleeting sense of adventure."
"Ah, Shaleclast's Free Company? We were the ones that averted a civil war in the kingdom of Mĭysk by apprehending a rogue prince. We breached the impregnable walls of Dwellish and put the ruling warlock to the sword. We destroyed Westenhale Port so thoroughly, the Gilded Navy of the Sepia Empire shall not see its use for three generations. You likely haven't heard of us because Shaleclast was only in the business to rebuild his family's wealth, and disbanded us when he'd raised the capital to buy a respectable duchy in a distant land. Never told us precisely where, for some reason."
"It's a pity, in light of recent events. We had plenty of experience in stemming Orc invasions. In fact, news of the trouble brewing at your borders is what drew me to Vyren in the first place. Ill kings make for busy mercenaries."
*turns to Quick*
"Sorry, kid, but helping people in their time of need is basically all this Elf does."
I think you meant "recursing". And no, we aren't doing that either. We're just establishing that the Discussion threads share the same continuity, and possibly share continuity one-directionally with the gameplay threads. =P
Nme'an |
Yeah, I don't know exactly when this conversation would be set... if at any time. We might just be bouncing two characters off each other to see what happens. My only rule so far for Nme'an is this version of him only knows about events up to my party's departure from the last small Human town. Which would rule out things like the Owlbear incident or the battles with the various Kobold. Well, that, and I'm not letting him know about the invasion of Port Elam...
"Pamoja na kwamba ni mshangao! Mama yangu aliongea lugha kadhaa, kuona kama yeye alikuwa mwanadiplomasia kwa ajili ya watu wangu, lakini yeye alikuwa haruhusiwi kufundisha mimi kitu chochote lakini Elven yetu ya asili. Nina bahati ya kwamba yeye wamemasi wazee wetu, na imeweza kuwafundisha yangu juu ya msingi sana ya kawaida kwa siri. Nina hakika yeye ingekuwa alinifundisha Dwarven na Goblin pia kama yeye alikuwa na uwezo, lakini tofauti na ndugu zangu sikuwa na knack kwa lugha. Mimi kamwe kupata kichwa yangu karibu sheria zote na kauli na kadhalika. Hata leo Common yangu ni tu hivyo-hivyo.
Kama kwa ajili ya mashindano na Mtu Mkubwa: I hawajakata ama juu wingi wa mawazo. Hakika, kumi na mbili kusindikizwa mkuu walikuwa baadhi ya watu bora na wanawake ufalme wetu alikuwa na kutoa. Kwa nini michezo ilifanyika badala ya baadhi ya njia nyingine ya uteuzi? Sijui. Wito wa watu ulipoondolewa kwa wote ambao wangeweza kumsaidia mfalme na ufalme na mimi kupitiwa mbele. Je, mimi badala iambatane na wataalamu wa mafunzo ambao wanajua thamani katika utaratibu na nidhamu? Bila shaka. Mimi naweza shaka kufanya bila matusi highlander na kupuuza yake ya mara kwa mara kwa ajili ya kukamilisha usalama au commonsense. Lakini ... yeye umeonyesha uwezo. Tayari mji mmoja ni uwezekano kuandika hadithi na nyimbo juu yake na matendo yake. Labda hisia ya adventure, hata duniani, inaweza kuwa na manufaa kama ni vizuri ilivyoagizwa? Bila kujali, Mimi kukwama pamoja naye kwa muda mrefu ujao hivyo mimi lazima kupata baadhi ya njia ya kubeba juu ya licha nongwa.
Sidhani ningeweza milele kuwa mercenary. Nini kama hakuna kazi ya kufanywa? Au mbaya zaidi, kama ajira tu kwa kuwa alikuwa ni kinyume cha maadili? Kama mwanachama wa Mpango wa Dawnflower mimi huenda daima kuwa zinahitajika kwa ajili ya kazi lakini kuna siku zote aina fulani ya mzuri, uaminifu kazi ya kufanywa hata kama ni kunoa panga au doria mitaani. Na ni vizuri kujua kwamba wale ninamtumikia ambao ni daima katika haki."
As for the tournament and the big man: I have not given either an over abundance of thought. Certainly, the prince's twelve escorts were some of the best men and women our kingdom had to offer. Why games were held instead of some other method of selection? I do not know. A call was put forth for all who would help the king and the kingdom and I stepped forward. Would I rather be accompanied by trained professionals who know the value in order and discipline? Of course. I could certainly do without the highlander's insults and his occasional complete disregard for safety or commonsense. But... he has proven capable. Already one town is likely crafting stories and songs about him and his deeds. Perhaps a sense of adventure, even fleeting, can be useful if it is properly directed? Regardless, I am stuck with him for the foreseeable future so I must find some way to carry on despite the unpleasantness.
I do not think I could ever be a mercenary. What if there is no work to be done? Or worse, if the only jobs to be had are immoral? As a member of the Order of the Dawnflower I may not always be needed for a mission but there is always some kind of good, honest work to be done even if it is sharpening swords or patrolling streets. And it is good to know that those who I serve are always in the right."
Henry Southgard |
Sorry for the delay, work is sandbagging me.
Hila na ustol ya Kawaida ni kwa asome mashairi Archist mpaka kuanza inaelekea katika... Trochaic Heptameter. Amini mimi, kuna njia bora ya kutumia utoto wako. Kama kwa ajili ya Krhuesh, Sellador, na Krirkrauh, familia yangu alikuja kutoka nasaba ya askari wa kulinda amani katika mji aliyekuwa ameketi juu ya makutano ya njia za biashara kadhaa. Kujifunza lugha nne alikuwa tu njia ya vitendo kwa kutumikia uadilifu kwa wasafiri ambao hawazungumzi kawaida. Alikuwa na mimi ikifuatiwa baba yangu katika viongozi wa dini, napenda uwezekano wamejifunza Auran au Cestin.
Bila shaka, kukodisha wapya na mazungumzo mikataba haikuwa jinsi wakufunzi wangu nilifikiri d kutumia vipawa vyao, lakini naendelea ujuzi wangu lugha mkali. Kama kitu, mimi nina sorry mimi kamwe kujifunza Gobbledegook. Sisi kamwe walikosa kwa askari Hugobbl.
Napenda kuwa na mawazo kwamba kutuma timu ndogo baada ya timu kubwa ya askari wasomi ingekuwa kesi kwa siri, ambayo itakuwa kuzuia Ausjuu. Kisha tena, mages ile ile, katika kuwa uko na kujua zaidi kuliko wao basi juu, hivyo mimi kudhani kwamba mahakama mchawi anajua anachokifanya. Labda yeye hata anajua nini kilichotokea kwa Knir Mfalme?
Kuna siku zote kazi ya kufanya kama mamluk. Silaha ina kuwa umeandaliwa, askari kuwa doorooku, milo kuwa kupikwa. Matatizo halisi ilikuwa kutafuta kulipa kazi, lakini kampuni ya mamluki ni kama mfuko wa fedha kamili ya mabadiliko huru; daima unaweza kupata matumizi kwa moja wakati inaonyesha juu sesho yako mbele. Na katika nyakati konda, tulikuwa kada ya wahandisi na wakuu wa dini wachache. Kujenga madaraja na kupunguza milipuko pigo si vigumu sana kuliko kuwekewa kuzingirwa wa majumba, lakini inalipa mengi kidogo.
Uadilifu? Mimi si kujifanya kwamba dhamiri yangu ni safi, lakini sahihi mamluk kampuni ni nguvu kwa wema tu kwa zilizopo. Sisi kuchukua dao-un, waaminifu, na makosa ya jinai kutoka mitaa ya miji kubwa na kuwapa sababu ya kupigana. Ni umri wa alchemical hila ya slag katika dhahabu, tu sisi kugeuka dao-uln katika uzalishaji katika jamii. Aidha, na wewe milele habari za Wenyeji kukodisha mamluki kuleta chini miji mikubwa? Daima ni kinyume; watawala kistaarabu kuajiri mamluki kuilinda dhidi ya uvamizi msomi au kufungua mashamba mapya kwa ajili ya kilimo. Ni kwamba si sababu nzuri?
Of course, hiring new recruits and negotiating contracts wasn't how my tutors thought I'd be using their gifts, but it's kept my language skills sharp. If anything, I'm sorry I never learned Goblin. We never lacked for Hobgoblin soldiers.
I would have thought that sending a smaller team after a larger team of elite soldiers would have been a case for stealth, which would preclude the Highlander. Then again, mages revel in being cryptic and knowing more than they let on, so I assume that the court wizard knows what he's doing. Perhaps he even knows what happened to the King's knights?
There's always work to do as a mercenary. Armor has to be repaired, troops have to be drilled, meals have to be cooked. The real trouble was finding paying work, but a company of mercenaries is like a purse full of loose change; you can always find a use for one when it shows up on your front doorstep. And in lean times, we had a cadre of engineers and a few clerics. Building bridges and stemming plague outbreaks isn't much harder than laying siege to castles, but it pays a lot less.
Morality? I won't pretend that my conscience is clean, but a proper mercenary company is a force for good simply by existing. We take the disaffected, the disloyal, and the criminal from the streets of great cities and give them a reason to fight. It's the old alchemical trick of slag into gold, only we turn ruffians into productive members of society. Furthermore, have you ever heard of barbarians hiring mercenaries to bring down great cities? It is always the reverse; civilized rulers hire mercenaries to defend against barbarian invasions or to open up new lands for cultivation. Is that not a good cause?
Nme'an |
"Kwa bahati mbaya, mapendano yako kwa Goblins ni kitu mimi hawashiriki katika angalau. Mungu wangu kuwafundisha msamaha, lakini kuwasamehe ni kitu mimi bado kukamilika.
Wangapi katika hii Free Kampuni ya yako? Zaidi ya majukumu yaliyotajwa inaweza kuwa walifanya kwa idadi ndogo, lakini ujenzi wa daraja? Mimi sina binafsi kuona moja kujengwa, lakini siwezi kufikiria inachukua kiasi cha kutosha wa kazi na kiasi sawa ya haki ya wafanyakazi ngumu.
Ni kweli, nimeona madhara chanya ya kuwapa watu kusudi. Katika baadhi ya njia nadhani inaweza kuwa alisema kwamba mimi mfano. Nilipokuwa kamwe shida maker sikuwa kuruhusiwa kufanya vizuri sana ama. Sasa, baada ya miaka ya huduma kwa wengine, ambayo kuhakikisha kwamba hata juu yangu mwenyewe sikuwa na muda kwa ajili ya taabu, mimi pia juu ya njia yangu ya kuwa mmoja wa Knights mfalme.
Kwa nini wewe kugeuka kutoka viongozi wa dini? Na kwa nini kujiunga na jeshi au kulinda amani utaratibu sahihi? Naweza kusema kutokana na uzoefu kwamba kufanya matendo mema ni mbali rahisi wakati una uzito na mamlaka ya sheria ufalme upande wako badala ya tu upanga yako mwenyewe."
How many were in this Free Company of yours? Most of the tasks you mentioned can be performed by a limited number, but building a bridge? I have not personally seen one built, but I can imagine it takes a fair amount of work and an equally fair amount of hard workers.
It is true, I have seen the positive effects of giving the aimless a purpose. In some ways I suppose it could be argued that I am an example. While I was never a trouble maker I was not allowed to do much good either. Now, after years of service to others, which ensured that even on my own I had no time for trouble, I am well on my way to becoming one of the king's knights.
Why did you turn from the clergy? And why not join a proper military or peace keeping order? I can say from experience that doing good works is far easier when you have the weight and authority of a kingdom's laws at your side rather than merely your own sword."
Henry Southgard |
Sina mapendano kwa Koger. Msingi Koger ni udhalili malodo, na kabisa uwezekano repezant hai wa machafuko. Hubankoger ni nafuu kwa sababu wanaweza kuunda baadhi ya aina ya jamii imara, hata kama ni msingi rena karibu kupiga vita. Na kisha kuna Nactzal, ambayo ... vizuri, chini alisema kuhusu mambo hayo ghastly, bora.
Nguvu zetu wanategemea mafanikio yetu, asili, lakini pia juu ya matarajio yetu. Wakati wa kusafiri kutoka ufalme mmoja hadi mwingine, sisi kwa kawaida alikuwa nane alama ya wapiganaji na robo kwamba wafuasi wengi kambini, lakini kushindwa inaweza kushuka idadi yetu kwa chini kama sabini. Kulikuwa na hata ajira ambapo sisi wafanyakazi mara mbili ya idadi yetu ya kawaida katika wapya, lakini kwamba alikuwa na ufahamu kwamba ajira yao ilikuwa ya muda mfupi. Msimu ambapo sisi sabini alikuwa mmoja ambapo sisi kujengwa madaraja ... Mimi kusahau kile miji mitaa waliitwa. Lakini ilikuwa kazi njema. Ilinikumbusha biashara ujenzi wa meli kurudi nyumbani, jinsi magogo haya makubwa itakuwa virke na kukatwa katika sura, na kisha hii mbao mnyama kubwa itakuwa wamekusanyika. Mchawi yetu hata utafiti sror jiwe-kuchagiza kuweka pylit katika mto.
Mahusiano walikuwa uliopo tulipofika katika jumuiya hiyo, kwa sababu tulikuwa watu sabini na wanawake short juu ya chakula na tabia. Lakini karibu kivuko ilikuwa maili ishirini mto, hivyo daraja sturdy inaweza kuwa iliyopita njia ya trafiki wakiongozwa kupitia eneo hilo na kuweka mji kwenye ramani, hivyo kusema. Kwamba kununuliwa us chumba na bodi na mengi ya ukarimu.
Mama yako alikuwa mwanadiplomasia. Je, unaweza kuwa si evegwa kwamba katika kazi? Walikuwa wewe kweli anatarajiwa kufanya kitu?
Sikuweza kugeuka kutoka viongozi wa dini, Ningependa kuwa na kurejea kwa mara ya kwanza. Mimi nilikuwa mwanafunzi katika Judicant Marine, ambayo ilikuwa utaratibu sahihi ya kulinda amani ya Lucien. Sababu yangu na kuacha mji wangu ni hadithi ya muda mrefu, Nadhani Ningependa kuwa na kuanza tena vizazi tatu au nne katika familia yangu.
Our strength depended on our success, naturally, but also on our prospects. When traveling from one kingdom to the next, we usually had eight score of fighters and a quarter that many camp followers, but a defeat could drop our numbers to as low as seventy. There were even jobs where we hired twice our usual number in new recruits, but that was on the understanding that their employment was temporary. The season where we numbered seventy was the one where we built the bridges... I forget what the local towns were called. But it was good work. Reminded me of the shipbuilding business back home, how these great logs would be sawn and cut into shape, and then this great wooden beast would be assembled. Our wizard even researched a stone-shaping spell to set the pylons in the riverbed.
Relations were tense when we arrived in that community, because we were seventy men and women short on food and manners. But the nearest ford was twenty miles upstream, so a sturdy bridge could have changed the way traffic moved through the area and put the town on the map, so to speak. That bought us room and board and plenty of goodwill.
Your mother was a diplomat. Could you have not leveraged that into a career? Were you really expected to do nothing with your life?
I didn't turn from the clergy, I'd have had to turn to it first. I was a trainee in the Judicant Marine, which was the proper peacekeeping order of Lucien. The reasons for my leaving my hometown are a long story; I think I'd have to start back three or four generations in my family.
Nme'an |
"Je, nimekuwa mwanadiplomasia? No. Angalau si kwa ajili ya mji wangu au watu. Kama nusu elf kuzaliwa nje ya jambo mimi lilikataliwa jina familia yangu na zaidi ya kile ingekuwa kuja nayo. Urithi, kimo, heshima. Hata mama yangu, kama kuheshimiwa kama yeye alikuwa, mateso madhara yake mabaya kwa matendo yake. Kuangalia nyuma juu yake, nadhani ilitarajiwa kwamba napenda kufanya kitu na maisha yangu ... mahali pengine. Mama yangu ulinzi mimi kama bora alivyoweza na alihakikisha kwamba nilikuwa tuliyopewa kitu yanafanana sahihi elimu, lakini hatimaye sikuwa na kuondoka kutafuta maisha yangu mwenyewe.
Na wewe? Ni wapi wengine wa kampuni yako sasa?"
And you? Where is the rest of your company now?"
Henry Southgard |
"Labda watu wako hawaendi kwa ajili yake, lakini wewe d kushangazwa jinsi mahakama wengi nimeona matumizi postings kidiplomasia kufagia aibu chini ya rug. Bila kujali, nini nilikuwa kufikiri ilikuwa ni kawaida (Tena, labda si miongoni mwa watu wako) ya wanadiplomasia kusaidia biashara familia upande. ni rahisi kukata njia yako katika biashara mfanyabiashara kama unajua nini mji mbali ni nia ya biashara kwa ajili ya na wewe utakuwa ambao wana kuzungumza. "
"Je, wewe daima hii wazi juu ya masuala... er, kashfa? Au ni uwazi tu sehemu ya kiapo kwa Dawnflower? Back nyumbani, tunataka kujadili hoja kati ya baba na mwana nje ya nyumba, au labda kati ya karibu washirika wa biashara. "
"Shaleclast ya bure kampuni amekufa Sisi alijua kwamba Krues zamani ilikuwa kustaafu, lakini tulidhani apate jina mrithi Alikuwa kiongozi mkubwa kwa kila hatua. Hivyo ilionekana salama kudhani kwamba yeye anaweza kuwa aina ya baba uaminifu. kwa Kampuni. Badala yake, yeye kuweka sisi katika mji wa bandari mbali na matarajio yoyote ya biashara, walituambia na takwimu ni nje juu yetu wenyewe, na wafanyakazi mbali wafanyakazi muhimu. Bila wahandisi wetu, kulipa yetu bwana, au hata uchawi yoyote, tulikuwa tu rundo la majambazi. "
"Wengi wetu tu akaenda njia zetu tofauti. Napenda kuwa angalau kidogo kushangaa kukimbia katika wengi wa wandugu wangu wa zamani katika miezi ijayo."
"Are you always this open about family affairs... er, scandals? Or is openness just a part of your oath to the Dawnflower? Back home, we wouldn't discuss an argument between father and son outside the home, or maybe among close business associates."
"Shaleclast's Free Company is dead. We knew that the old Dwarf was retiring, but we thought that he might name a successor. He was a great leader by every measure, so it seemed safe to assume that he might have a sort of paternal loyalty to the Company. Instead, he set us up in a port town far from any business prospects, told us to figure it out on our lonesome, and hired off key personnel. Without our engineers, our paymaster, or even a spellslinger of any stripe, we were just a bunch of thugs."
"Most of us just went our separate ways. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to run into many of my former comrades in the months ahead."
Nme'an |
"Nimeona kwamba ni nadra kwamba kweli haja ya kuwa siri au dhahiri. Na kwamba kitu fulani ni tu aibu kama wewe kuruhusu kuwa hivyo. Mama yangu kukulia mimi defiantly na bila aibu, hivyo hakuna sababu ya kuficha ukweli kutoka wewe. Hasa si wakati bora majibu swali lako kuhusu njia ya maisha yangu.
Kama kwa ajili ya merchantry, mama yangu ilikuwa haki mjuzi katika mambo wewe kusema lakini mimi kamwe mara. Mimi kwa urahisi sana kuwachanganya miji ndogo na jamii. Desturi zao na biashara na anapenda na dislikes. Wakati mimi mara nyingi na uwezo wa kuzungumza na kuwa na wengine kusikiliza, wanafanya hivyo si kutokana na ujanja fulani kwa upande wangu lakini kwa sababu mimi ni mkweli na kwa sababu mimi kuwa na uzito wa sheria upande wangu. Labda mimi kuonekana rahisi au mwanga mdogo na wewe, lakini mimi hawana hofu ya kuzungumza mwenyewe katika kona au kusema uongo ambayo kununuliwa.
Je, matumaini ya kuwa mrithi mteule wa Shaleclast ya Free Company? Na alifanya wewe huna marafiki tayari kusafiri na wewe mara moja mwisho wake alikuja?"
As for merchantry, my mother was fairly well versed in the things you speak of but I never was. I too easily confuse the smaller towns and communities. Their customs and trades and likes and dislikes. While I am often able to talk and have others listen, they do so not due to any particular shrewdness on my part but because I am honest and because I have the weight of law on my side. Perhaps I seem simple or dull to you, but I have no fear of talking myself into a corner or telling a lie that will not be bought.
Did you hope to be that chosen successor of Shaleclast's Free Company? And did you have no friends willing to travel with you once its end came?"
Henry Southgard |
"Wewe si rahisi au mwanga mdogo Inachukua mtu jasiri sana kutekeleza ukweli wakati wote Ni pia mabadiliko kuogea ya kasi.. Kuna watu wengi mno ambao nitakuambia baldface uongo juu ya rahisi ya maelezo au, mbaya, kukata slivers nje kidogo ya ukweli wote kwa sasa wenyewe katika mwanga bora. "
"Mimi ... mrithi wa Shaleclast? Siwezi kusema kwamba sikuwa kuwakaribisha kuwa ndoto, lakini sikuweza kuhisi kwamba nilikuwa mgombea bora. Najua mapungufu yangu, na wakati nina platoons kiongozi wa hamsini wanaume katika vita na kupangwa vifaa ya chakula na makao mia tatu katika uwanja wa wazi, sikuweza kuwa kuongoza Kampuni nzima. mimi nina uhakika hata jinsi Shaleclast alifanya hivyo. "
"Mimi alisafiri na Vyren na wenzake ishirini, kwa kweli. Tulikuwa farasi, mikokoteni, mengi ya chakula kusafiri juu, na kitu kama tani mbili za silaha, silaha, na uwanja kit. Sisi walidhani kungekuwa soko kwa baadhi ya hayo, na wengine ilikuwa ni aina ya ubora chuma nzuri tunatarajia kusikia kwamba Kitil auk ilikuwa fupi juu. Uuzaji hiyo vigumu kufunikwa gharama za usafiri, hivyo baadhi walitaka kufanya kazi katika mji, sisi wengine fasta juu mikokoteni na kujaribu kuendesha umeongezeka kati ya Thaleniel miezi na makazi katika Greysight Vale. sita baadaye, mimi nina kulinda wafanyabiashara kutoka majambazi juu ya one yangu na kila mtu mwingine tanga mbali kuangalia kwa kulipa kazi. "
"Mamaluka mwisho nilisikia kutoka mara Cagt Batha, Pherdsho yetu Gnugamo. Mwisho ningependa kusikia, yeye d kuanzisha imara katika Thaleniel, ambayo inafanya mimi nadhani mimi lazima wameanza mgahawa."
"You're not simple or dull. It takes a very brave man to uphold the truth at all times. It's also a refreshing change of pace; there's far too many people who will tell baldface lies over the simplest of details or, worse, cut little slivers out of the whole truth to present themselves in a better light."
"I... the successor to Shaleclast? I can't say that I didn't entertain that dream, but I didn't feel that I was the best candidate. I know my limitations, and while I have lead platoons of fifty men into battle and organized the logistics of feeding and sheltering three hundred in an open field, I could not have lead the whole Company. I'm not even sure how Shaleclast did it."
"I traveled to Vyren with twenty companions, actually. We had horses, carts, plenty of food to travel on, and something like two tons of arms, armor, and field kit. We thought there would be a market for some of it, and the rest was the sort of good quality steel we'd heard that the Kingdom was short on. That sale barely covered travel expenses, so some sought work in the city, the rest of us fixed up the carts and tried running shipments between Thaleniel and settlements in the Greysight Vale. Six months later, I'm guarding merchants from bandits on my lonesome and everyone else has wandered off looking for paying work."
"The last mercenary I heard from was Cagt Batha, our Gnomish farrier. Last I'd heard, he'd set up a stable in Thaleniel, which makes me think I should have started a restaurant."
Chewbaccawakka |
Hey guys, just wanted to drop in and extend an offer to y'all. I've recently decided I'd like to give GMing another shot. I've got an idea for a short campaign and I'd like to try it out. I've got 3 spots filled already, but that leaves one or maybe two slots open if anybody here would like to play. It'll be a similar world to Thalenial/SilverScale. But not the same one. We'll be starting at level 2, using the CRB only.
Anyway, if you'd like to add another Play-by-Post to your repertoire please let me know! It'll be a few weeks until I've got something up (New computer is in the mail now) but go ahead and start thinking/building your characters for when everything's ready to go.
Thanks for your time!
Chewbaccawakka |
Hey cool! I know Raga will be excited to play alongside ya. Sweet, that's four chars. I just got my new computer, so I play on starting work on the campaign this week. Depending on my schedule I might be able to get the game going within a week or so.
So fingers crossed and welcome to the team, Quirel!
Quirel |
Correct. Quirel, if Silver Scale wants to do something like that, and accomplish in hours what might take a week or two in "board-time", I'd be open to it. We can talk about that more in TSS Discussion.
I'd be happy to. Next month, my work schedule is changing to a 12-hour shift where I work three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off. If everyone else is up for it, and the schedule hasn't driven me stark slavering buggo, I'd like to try that.