Dalgar the Great |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello friends, I've decided to run a game of Kingmaker!
My build specifications are as follows:
20 point buy
Background skills
Fractional bonuses
Two traits, one of which is a campaign trait from Kingmaker.
200 gp (50 of which should be spent on non-alchemical, non-potion/scroll gear, preferably something for flavor purposes)
Core Races plus the four Elemental races, Nagaji, Changlings, Fetchlings, and Gripli
Classes from Core, APG, ACG, and the Ultimate lines are good except Summomer. Gonna have to say no to Occult because I haven't read it yet. If you have any special requests just ask. :)
For background I just want one or two paragraphs on your character and what motivated them to travel to the Stolen Lands. I'll leave this recruitment open for a few days until I make a decision.
Again, if you have any questions just ask :)

Evan Rivers |

Bah, I have a summoner that would be perfect for this (Evan Rivers), why do people hate the class so much? Multiple characters doesn't bog the game down at all in pbp since noone are sitting around a table waiting for you to roll/move your characters. Feel free to check him out if you are open to changing your mind. If not I may or may not submit something else.

Elek Kardforgató |
Dalgar the Great, since Korak; wizard (instructor type?, Kavalina: cleric, and Lekkric18, druid or ranger. were in the original interest check, will you guarantee them slots? Only seems fair. If so, how many more characters are you taking?
It appears that none the melee characters from the interest post made it to this group, May I reapply with Elek, he will be a Human Aldori Swordsman, using the extra human feat for the Aldori sword. Do we need a face character more or a skill character? If it is a face he will go Cavalier, if it is skill he will go Slayer.

Dalgar the Great |

Dalgar the Great wrote:Background Skills and Fractional Bonuses ARE from Unchained.The Godd*mn Avatar wrote:Just curious, Ultimate line? What about Unchained?I don't own Unchained so we're not gonna play with it this game. Ultimate line refers to Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat.
I shouldn't reply when I'm tired lol. Tbh I haven't read most of Unchained so I'm gonna have to hold back the Unchained varient classes for now.
Bah, I have a summoner that would be perfect for this (Evan Rivers), why do people hate the class so much? Multiple characters doesn't bog the game down at all in pbp since noone are sitting around a table waiting for you to roll/move your characters. Feel free to check him out if you are open to changing your mind. If not I may or may not submit something else.
Sorry, feel free to submit another character though. Your Eidalon is missing from your profile btw.
@Elek Kardforgató They have garunteed slots, yes.

Elek Kardforgató |
Sorry about asking so many questions, I know kingmaker is a sandbox, are most of the characters walking or using mounts? Elek was originally a bloodrager, they have spells and a good charisma, I will go back to that build. I will look at the AP guide to see what bloodlines are appropriate. I'm not trying to be presumptuous, but, have we started to look at kingdom building roles?

Lekkric18 |

Just so it's here, Brom Arrano is my druid. I'll make an alias for him tonight.
I don't think we really have a face character yet. Someone with those skills would likely come in handy if you're so inclined.
Haven't thought about kingdom roles at all, we could definitely take a look at whether we can fill the spots.
Edit: I get a horse with my campaign trait, so I'll have a mount. It will probably be mostly a pack animal until/unless others get a mount as well.

Elek Kardforgató |
Hey guys, is Brom the only player who is using a horse?
Hey Dalgar, since you cleared Suli's, and I have never had a chance to play one, I made Elek a Suli instead of human. It lets me make him a little closer to the aasimar build I was hoping for. Instead of his bloodline being "celestial" I am making it elemental, and Elek will focus on fire. His mother will be from Brevoy, from the city of Restov, turned adventurer. She will marry a Suli, also an adventurer. Elek will be enrolled in a military/swordsmanship school which he will graduate from. That's the rough idea. If your good with it I will do up his background, if not I will change him to human and work something similar.
Second question, if the group is using horses are you ok with using the 50 extra gold pieces as part of the money to purchase a horse, it would be a gift from his parents when he graduates. Let me know what you think, I will finish him tonight.
I'm just trying to save space feel free to read the spoiler.

Elek Kardforgató |
All right, backstory, appearance and personality done, will finish possessions/gear once we decide if we are going to need horses to start.
As for leadership roles, anything keyed on charisma or strength.
Etilka Kardforgató left her home in Restov after graduating from the Aldori Academy of Restov for a life of adventure. Ten years later she returned to Restov, with husband and toddler in tow. Having married one of her adventuring partners, Ala’Ihys Amatullah al-Rashid, a Suli sorcerer. After Elek’s birth they decided the safest place for the child was with Etilka’s parents in Restov.
Elek lived with his maternal grandparents, Abos and Linka Kardforgató, they ran a small boardinghouse and sword-training school for boys. It would be a perfect spot for Elek to grow up, while Etilka and Ala’Ihys continued their mercenary lifestyle. Elek grew up happy with his grandparents, selecting his mother’s name, which seemed to be the traditions of his father’s Keleshite upbringing. His parents were able to visit regularly, bringing him exotic gifts from their adventurous lifestyle. Being trained by his grandfather was also the perfect preparation into the prestigious “Aldori Academy of Restov” which is widely considered to be northeastern Avistan's premier war college.
When Elek was sixteen he was accepted into the Academy, He spent five long years, struggling with academics but excelling at sword play. Learning as much as the school had to offer; honing his mental, physical and magical talents. When it was time for his graduation his parents were able to be there. Elek’s last year of school there had been representatives from the government at the academy, it seems that Rostland wanted to encourage new nations to grow in the Stolen Lands by sending out expeditions with such an intent. Elek had decided that joining such an expedition into the Stolen Lands seemed like the perfect way to improve his skills to begin a legend comparable to that of Baron Aldori, himself.
Elek, has many of his mother’s features; Straight dark hair, high cheek bones, thin lips and long fingers. Like her father he is slightly taller than average at six foot, wide shouldered, thick wristed and narrow waisted. The one physical feature he received from his father is his eyes; His yellow orange slit-pupiled eyes, suli eyes. Most people mistake them for cat eyes, but they’re not, they’re from his suli heritage. He also has his father’s elemental bloodline; which, like his father, manifests itself in fire. Whether the suli heritage causes the fire gift or the fire gift causes the suli heritage, no one knows. But both father and son have them, one manifesting itself in sorcery the other in his anger.
Elek still wears his uniform from the Aldori Academy under his armor; the double-breasted, silver buttoned, blue waist jacket with silver three-inch crossed aldori dueling swords on the right breast; the white leather-seated riding breaches; the knee-high tan riding boots; the matching tan leather sword belt carrying his most prized possession, his aldori dueling sword. Protecting both uniform and armor with a weather-treated, hooded, tan, leather great-cloak which is almost impervious to the ever-changing weather.
Elek is well educated, diplomatic and patient. Because of the physical manifestation of fire when he is angry he has learned to manage his rage, attempting every possible solution before he resorts to violence.
On the Myers-briggs scale his personality is: ENTJ - The Executive
Assertive and outspoken - they are driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, they usually excel at public speaking. They value knowledge and competence, and usually have little patience with inefficiency or disorganization.

The Indescribable |

My Wizard, to hedge my bets I'm applying to multiple games including some iron gods. So I need to finish it if I'm chosen.
The name will change depending on how many I get into if any. Harman is a wizard obsessed with learning, Harman spent years honing his magical powers but mostly kept his head in the books at his university eventually becoming a scholar there. As he got older he got more and more dissatisfied with his life and decided to leave the confines of his academy. Taking a student who'd been denied entrance based on money concerns he headed off for Brevoy looking for adventure. Instead he found the chance to build a new country.

Garbund |

@ Dalgar
Hi there!
It's a last minute submission, but I thought I'd try with this half-orc sorcerer I have here.
I've tweaked Garbund up for this game. Except I've not kitted him up with 200 GP of stuff yet. I'll do that later when I'm actually wide awake.
But if he makes the cut, it should be pretty easy to kit him up. Sorcerers don't usually need a lot of gear. Can't carry much either, of course.

Elek Kardforgató |
@Elek Kardforgató They have garunteed slots, yes.
the very bottom of his third post, I asked:
Dalgar the Great, since Korak; wizard (instructor type?, Kavalina: cleric, and Lekkric18, druid or ranger. were in the original interest check, will you guarantee them slots? Only seems fair. If so, how many more characters are you taking?
I'm hopping that congratulations is in order for all three of you and the rest of us are sweating out the last two slots :)
Edit: yep, I knew that half-orc sorcerer shtick, anywhere!"

Garbund |

The Crossblooded Sorcerer gimmick of two different bloodline arcana start straight off!
On the other Hand, so do the drawbacks of fewer spells and a -2 hit on WILL saves. But I like a challenge! And the alternate Half-Orc racial trait of sacred tattoo helps offset the WILL save penalty.
At least with a build like this, the two arcana give me a bit of a damage bonus on all fire spells and lets me change the elemental damage of most spells to fire damage on a whim.