Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
I'm all leveled up.
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
The wakizashi is actually super important and Weill determine what happens next. Not that you have to keep it, cause you totally don't
I really wish I was proficient, but I cannot see taking a ninja level for level 2.
Thribden Malkut Diniya |
Sorry about the wait. My phone was having major issues and my internet was out. I tried half a dozen times to post before trying a half dozen more to get that post up about not being able to post. But it's all fixed now. Will post in gameplay within an hour.
Level 2: Cleric
HP: 5 (d8=5-1 con+1 favored class)
BAB: +1
Fort: +1; Ref:+0; Will: +1;
0-level: +1
+ 3 Skill points
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![Darius Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7.-DariusFinch.jpg)
Selling the following items (and adding the 1/2 gp value to the gp tally):
22 small dogslicers
22 small leather armors
8 small shortswords
4 small shortbows
1 small spear
8 small bucklers
1 small masterwork composite longbow
6 masterwork shuriken
5 +1 animal bane arrows
1 fancy steel scabbard
9 Sky Rocket fireworks (Darinius, did you want to keep some of those? If so, you can keep up to 9 for 25 gp each)
1 Masterwork Cold Iron Wakizashi
11 Desnan Candles
(I think those were the safe ones to sell, but will sell more if no one notes further things they wanted to keep. I have kept the healing consumables for the moment.)
(With the above sales, we can already each receive 600gp, not counting the bounty for the goblin ears and the goblin chief.)
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![Darius Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7.-DariusFinch.jpg)
Ok, I've re-added 5 fireworks to the list and marked them as taken by Darinius.
Have also sold the 10 shiny crystals (did not notice them earlier).
It looks like Koytine already has gear for a level 2 character, so I'll be dividing the current treasure 4 ways?
MiniGM |
ok so I FINALLY got to get back to my books
regarding the raising relationship scores
Companionship: Every time you gain an experience
level, you may increase your Relationship Score with one
significant NPC still active in the campaign by 1 point.
The Wakizashi,
Whispering Shrike
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 5,940 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Whispering Shrike is a +1 wakizashi (Ultimate Combat 134) of
incredibly beautiful design. The sword is etched with images of
seven shrikes perched on a coiling branch that runs the length
of the blade. Once per day, Whispering Shrike can be used to
cast shield other on any creature touched by the blade while you
wield it. The blade’s tsuka (hilt) has not weathered the passage of
time as well as the blade itself, and until the pommel is repaired
(a process requiring 600 gp, a day’s work, and a DC 20 Craft
[weapons] check), attacks with the weapon take a –2 penalty
due to the loose grip.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield other;
Cost 3,140 gp
Koytine Pfanak |
Moving this over here as it really does not belong in the IC:
You can increase your Relationship Score with an NPC in the following five ways.
1) Charisma: Since your base Relationship Score with any NPC is equal to your Charisma modifier, when your Charisma score changes permanently, your total Relationship Score with NPCs changes as appropriate. Short-term changes, such as from ability damage, ability drain, or bonuses from spells like eagle’s splendor, do not alter Relationship Scores.
2) Campaign Trait: You gain a one-time +4 bonus to your Relationship Score with the NPC associated with your Campaign Trait.
3) Companionship: Every time you gain an experience level, you may increase your Relationship Score with one significant NPC still active in the campaign by 1 point.
4) Gifts and Insults: A special gift can increase a friendly Relationship Score with an NPC, while a perfectly crafted insult can increase a competitive Relationship Score. Gifts and insults can’t be just anything—each significant NPC has three categories of gifts and three categories of insults that work particularly well with that NPC. You’ll need to learn what most of these are by
your Campaign Trait once the campaign begins. You can give a gift or an insult to an NPC once per character level— when you think that you have the right kind of gift (be it an item you found, built, or purchased; in most cases, the cost of the item is irrelevant as long as it’s an honest gift) or have composed the right insult, simply inform the GM of what you intend to do, then make a Diplomacy check (for gifts) or an Intimidate check (for insults). If you roleplay the gift or insult’s delivery particularly well, the GM might award you a +4 bonus on this check, at his discretion. Likewise, if you roleplay the interaction poorly, or if you time things badly enough (attempting to give a gift in the middle of combat, for example), the GM could inflict a –4 penalty on the check. The DC for this check is equal to your current Relationship Score with the NPC. If you succeed at the check, your Relationship Score with that NPC increases by 1 point. If you exceed the DC by 10 or more, your Relationship Score increases by 2 points instead.
Giving a gift to a competitor actually reduces your Relationship Score, as does insulting a friend. You must still make the appropriate skill check (Diplomacy or Intimidate); a success reduces your Relationship Score by 1 or 2 points, as above.
5) Special Events: Certain events in the Jade Regent Adventure Path can alter your Relationship Score with some NPCs—the GM will inform you of these adjustments if and when they occur.
Thus, as the rules are written, we all start with a certain Relationship Score with each NPC. In Koytine's case it would be:
Amieko Kaijitsu - 4 (+4 Cha)
Koya Mvashti - 9 (+4 Cha, +4 Campaign Trait, +1 Level)
Sandru Vhiski - 4 (+4 Cha)
Shalelu Andosana - 4 (+4 Cha)
Each time we gain a level, we can increase the relationship score by 1 for a single NPC (and apparently from the Player's Guide there will be other NPCs that will show up in the AP.)
Also, a player can attempt to give a gift/insult to "an NPC once per character level". I interpret this as you can choose a single NPC each level and decide to gift/insult the NPC. If they wanted us to be able to influence every NPC every level, I would think that the editors would have used "each" instead of "an".
Per the rules, if you beat your current Relationship Score with a diplomacy (for gifting) or Intimidate (for insulting) check, then this increases the RS by +1. Beating it by 10 or more increases it by +2. Note, the gift has to be something significant and meaningful to the NPC - a necklace of goblin ears for Shalelu, perhaps Harrow cards for Koya, or something similar. I really do not know as I have not really interacted with the NPCs yet.
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
The fact that #3 and #4 are different categories is why I believe that we get +1 to a single NPC just for leveling up.
Additionally, if I wanted to pursue any sort of relationship with any of the NPCs aside from Ameiko, I already started at 1 since my charisma is rather low, how long would it take to get from 1 to 30+ if I can only gain at max 2 per level, 15 levels minimum, which would likely put us in the last book. If I could instead possibly gain 3 it could reduce it to level 10 or so, giving us more time to enjoy a high relationship.
MiniGM |
I simply do not think that is what it says. And I do not like the idea that just because you got stronger your score goes up. It makes no sense and if it doesn't make sense I don't like it. There will be plenty opp to get your score high with everyone.
Not sure how to type this without sounding curt, not my intent, but discussion over on this one.
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
So we're eliminating #3, but #5 is going to happen more often, is that basically what you are saying?
MiniGM |
no what i am saying is that I do not think that it is automatic. I am saying that I am a fair GM and I understand that you all want to get your scores high. I get it. I also understand that it is unfairly weighted towards diplomacy and that you will have plenty of opportunity to get your score high.
You have to trust me that I am not trying to F you over here. If you RP with your NPC's then you won't have a problem. For example, lets say there was an NPC that was a guardsman and you looked up to him. If during the traveling he was wounded and while he slept yo took the time to make a craft check to repair and sharpen his weapons. POW your relationship would go up, or if you wanted rivalry and you took the time to razz him for it POW it goes the other way. I can see once we are traveling that the score could go up 3 to 4 per level, though it is likely 3.
anyhow letter is up
Narissth |
Not sure why, but I did a search on Nari and on Narissth in your posts MiniGM, but did not get that one. I wonder whether the search engine does not see the titles of spoilers.
Anyway, I found it and posted in the IC.
Thribden Malkut Diniya |
I am sorry. Work is crazy busy right now. School is worse and my family has gone crazy. I thought I could keep up and I tried very hard, but I cannot do it. I regret to say that I must withdraw from this campaign, though I have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you all for the fun game. And I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
Power is out, has been for the last nearly 8 hours, I likely won't be posting until it's back because of the difficulty of posting from my phone.
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![Darius Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7.-DariusFinch.jpg)
Hey MiniGM, I was wondering if you'd allow Exiel to change his paladin archetype. There's a new archetype in inner sea combat that I'd like to try out. I may come to regret it since it swaps out smite evil (gasp!) in favour of a significantly weaker ability, but I also like the idea of a kung-fu paladin!
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
I was going to suggest retraining into the archetype, but the Iroran Paladin gives so much at first level that it would take a month for you to retrain into as a standard paladin. Since you already have an archetype, it would take 35 days by my count to retrain. It would also cost 700 gp to retrain.
Although I must say, if you like the Iroran Paladin, why didn't you start as a Champion of Irori?
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
I worry about unbeugsman, he built a cleric sorcerer rather then mystic theurge, and if you look further he listed inquisitor as his favored class, I am unsure what he plans to do or hopes to accomplish.
Mary seems to have a competent healer build as a life oracle thusfar, and she already has a background.
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![Darius Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7.-DariusFinch.jpg)
I may look into retraining then. MiniGM, will you allow Exiel to retrain himself whilst travelling with the caravan? Alternatively, will you allow him to freeze his retraining cost as it is provided he does it as soon as he can and does not take levels in paladin in the meantime?
I'm in favour of Mary as well for much the same reasons as Shiori stated.
MiniGM |
yes on while traveling, no on the freezing the cost. That is part of it you gotta pay to get the supplies. If you would like I will allow you to make it in 4 installments, to be paid each time you earn it, it is immediately paid to Sandru who is holding your supplies
So 175 now, then 175 or more after Brinewall, 175 after the next etc.
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![Darius Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7.-DariusFinch.jpg)
What, you're complaining that it will be easier to kill the party in the future? ;)
TBH, the loss of smite evil hurts, but giving Exiel martial arts is too enticing. Also, it'll be something a little different to try. =)
I've taken off 500gp to pay in favour of the training, and will deduct the balance when I get it. Do let me know how much time passes so I can keep track. =)
Shiori Kaijitsu |
![Death Initiate](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-DeathInitiate_90.jpeg)
Remember that after the first 5 days of retraining that you would become a standard Paladin.